Maximum till end of december
Our keys will work for both WoT and WoWS warpack right?
I don't really see how it's funny to add services to an existing subscription. All I've got to say is that if they're going to charge extra for the WoWs warpack, it had better kick serious ass. Because every single mod for WoWs so far has sucked, and none of them are anywhere near good enough to be charging money for.
I don't really see how it's funny to add services to an existing subscription. All I've got to say is that if they're going to charge extra for the WoWs warpack, it had better kick serious ass. Because every single mod for WoWs so far has sucked, and none of them are anywhere near good enough to be charging money for.
Well their is option #2, Just go away! I'm sure there is plenty of work involved in doing these and for the most part they are safe to use in the game if you follow the rules. I think it's worth it!!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExePath value="D:\Games\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/>
<LicenseKey value="EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExePath value="F:\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/>
<LicenseKey value="EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F"/>
не удлиняются линии направления торпедточно. там константа стояла. сегодня обновлю с взятием из настроек
I have noticed the guns will auto track a target. How do you switch targets. Have gotten killed a few times because I couldn't get the guns to release so I could shoot another can lock and unlock targets with right mouse button (if i't not used by game keymapping)
Okay, only tested this own on a training room to understand a few things.Don't scare this messages in chat. Only you see it
1. I don't understand what the values mean in the settings.xml. I don't know what Key is equal to what number so I can't reassign the keys yet.
2. Each time we press 'O' or 'P' to turn on the autoaim, there is a notification, DOES THIS SHOW UP IN CHAT??? Because it would be stupid if it did.
не удлиняются линии направления торпедточно. там константа стояла. сегодня обновлю с взятием из настроек
Для более удобной оценки траектории движения вражеских торпед - теперь они дополняются желтыми линиями идущими от торпед вперед по их траектории на заданное в файле settings.xml в параметре torpedo_lines_length в поле value расстояние. Серая линия, идущая от носа вашего корабля вперед - дополнительно сигнализирует о торпедах находящихся поблизости и показывает курс вашего корабля для уточнения маневров от торпед.Уже поправили , можете пробовать .
Cool. Is there anything in particular you want us to look for, or are you just looking for general feedback?test summoned for a users feedback.
Is it possible add a reduction in the dispersion of the bullets?no way. this calculations produced on server side
и не будет. я же писал что при каждой, даже маленькой обнове - варпак будет отключаться. а когда включать - нам решать. это и считайте за отмашку. Всё это я уже писал.
так что ждите поста о включении
и не будет. я же писал что при каждой, даже маленькой обнове - варпак будет отключаться. а когда включать - нам решать. это и считайте за отмашку. Всё это я уже писал.
так что ждите поста о включении
warpack China region do not want to shut down! 5.2.4 is still in use, there is no update game! Thank you! :DIf you are well know Russian language, we may contact you to discuss this issue.
The 0.5.3 is live on NA server. I don't think Warpack is working anymore. Just reporting.
Все сделал по инструкции. Указал путь к игре и ввел ключ запускаю, появляется полоса загрузки с кораблем а потом вылетает. Клиент чистый без модов. Помогите разобраться в чем дело!Если вы русскоязычный то вам сюда (
The 0.5.3 is live on NA server. I don't think Warpack is working anymore. Just reporting.
To participate in the test on 0.5.3, you must:
- Download launcher Warpack WoWs (this link (
- Run the file warpack_wows.exe
- Insert the key EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F
- Specify the path to WorldOfWarships.exe
i can use aim bot with torpedos?no. cause torpedoes has in-game aiming system
wondering if I can remove the lines that mark torpedo trajectories enemies and enemy projectiles, then you will be able to always use this bot, or I'll have to buy or subscribe?read under spoiler in header. parameters torpedo_lines_length and show_rainbow and show_gun_direction_line_in_arcade_mode
thanks for the information
Game crashed after lauching warpackevery time? in harbor? are you disable antivirus and remove all mods? (if you not install game at 0.5.3 update)
Hi !
I just download this mod today at the morning. This morning, it was working very well ! Congrats for your work !
But... this afternoom, i begin to have freezeS on my screen during 3 seconds +/- and ping up to +150 with 'icon"lag..
And now when i run wows by Warpack, i begin battle, freezes start again, and the reds letters "WARPACK" at the left corner disappears with all fonctionnalities (P, O, ...)
Can you help me please ?
now WoWS crash in battle, and a window openning with "critical error" :'()
i think before you make it a payed version you should upgrade your servers.
+1 for the mod from me , the aim is a bit to low for me but i aim a bit over the prediction .
thx so far
i saw this situation on my game. but i saw it about 1 second. after that - all ppoints normalized
so it will not work that aim assist after 2 hours? and will by awailable to buy or?now you sell it? we can buy?
i just buy key but not working.? need other cheat loader or same just change key? i changed key and cheat not working?try again. server restarted. if not loaded - write your key to me (last 4 letters)
User just buy a Tanks key (not WOWS). Therefore - not workingi just buy key but not working.? need other cheat loader or same just change key? i changed key and cheat not working?try again. server restarted. if not loaded - write your key to me (last 4 letters)
Same as hags, 12$ per month ... shamewhen i say distance scalew i mean the aim prediction line..i want to make it longer as the shots go too short!
@ smokescreen......Can I pay in rubles via PayPal?No. Rubles - only for Russian users.
4 to 24 hours delay via PAYEER.... abusing :'(sorry. but we can't affect on payeer
soon. all manuals in progress
OK, thanks a lot...
OK, thanks a lot...
use bitcoin pay
but Verification counts Maintained 0
OK Great It's working and I got key for 31 days.
How do I turn on tracers for incoming? And auto shot?
test is over. now only buy
yes. just change a key
How soon can we change the hotkeys and calibrations like in the WoT version? Or is there a hidden ini file somewhere? I liked having extra long torpedo week
Also, all chat notifications for changes in status have disappeared.WARPACK notifications in chat are disabled yet
I press a hotkey and no WarPack notifications comes up telling me what I pressed.
Also, all chat notifications for changes in status have disappeared.WARPACK notifications in chat are disabled yet
I press a hotkey and no WarPack notifications comes up telling me what I pressed.
hicheck that you are buy. you are buy WOT key (not WOWS). i give to you WOWS key. check it in your keys section on site
bougt 7days for trial but dont work :(
hicheck that you are buy. you are buy WOT key (not WOWS). i give to you WOWS key. check it in your keys section on site
bougt 7days for trial but dont work :(
I have paid for this but it Still needs work! to start with the height of the target will need to be adjusted it aims to low and not quite far enough in front maybe 1/2 degree to 1 degree. Not sure how to do that part. The target also disappears completely at times and switches player on it own when 2 targets cross close together. Keys have to be remapped which i have changed in the settings file key 257 to 6 and p25 to 7. so i use key 5 and 6 to switch player and auto. I just don't think it worth as much as i paid. Also if the game is patched would we get a refund if it no longer works?
but they did disable the chat message for the adjustment . you can also change the settings to a higher value . standart it should be at 1 . between 3 and 5 works perfect for me
Hello,Refresh page (F5)
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it? It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Is it possible you could put a menu like the one in WarPack? When in the port you can set things up there by just clicking on a menu item? That would be nice... :)soon. about one week
can hotkey together shot or one by one shot setting?
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it? It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions
Hello,Refresh page (F5)
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, I forgot to enter a new file in the visible.
may be hi can help you. or find another Chinese dealers (if they exists)
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it? It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it? It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions
Hello I am a Chinese player would you help me buy it ? I will pay taobao
Smokescreen I went to log on this morning but there was an update on wows. I did the update and then tried to launch from my warpack icon on desktop but the Start World of Warships but is NOT highlighted in yellow. And therefore not launching. So my question is when WOWS does an update is there anything I need to change in order to make warpack work after an update or could this be something else?please setup teamviewer and send me teamviewer id and password. i can connect and see - wats wrong. Wtat version of WOWS?
buying more monthly license keys, the key validity starts from the time of purchase or the actual use of a single key in warpack and then for 31 days?possible use of 6 keys next by next. key activated after you log onto it on game. but i am not sure that Wargaming let us to release mods a half year. all may be
I want to buy 6 keys license to use them for the next six months is that possible?
sorry for my english (google translate)
I tryied DEMO just now...Outstanding work!!! Better then any was released...Maybe you will reduce the price, otherwise it's great!
you can use the UP/DOWN buttons now to adjust the aiming point .
status - is the red number under "autopilot" if you press up and down - you will see it
Im still getting that frozen camera and red lines OFF screen. Not complaining, only reporting errors. Server must be overloaded or something.are you can make a screenshot and send it to me?
Mod is working with the new micropatch?yes ...wows... 2 errors respectively 10 USD for 7 days and 31 days
if you can't pay - setup teamviewer. run it and send me ID and pasword from it. i can connect and try to help.
P.S. use chrome browser for example (not IE)
Im still getting that frozen camera and red lines OFF screen. Not complaining, only reporting errors. Server must be overloaded or something.are you can make a screenshot and send it to me?
may me your antivirus block itThe mod is good but it could take a version with only aim assist and with a much lower price ?? please let it would be really nice for people who only likes to use aim assist
Have noticed that the rounds fall way to the aft of a ship. Also what is the difference between "aim_point_vertical_offset_ap" and "aim_point_vertical_offset"
demo worked 2 hours. if you want a new demo - login to game on new account
demo worked 2 hours. if you want a new demo - login to game on new accountHello, closed the trial? 2 hours
an option to show the speed of enemy ships would be nice to have. otherwise good job so farshow place on warpack ship marker or elsewere where i can put this speed marker (draw on screenshot)
Hi smokescreen, can you please check the code t oaddress the FPS drop issue? I am having massive FPS drop during games with warpack on. I have no other mod installed.try to set settings.xml parameter show_common_interface to False and test. this settings remove all warpack draw operations except drawing all prediction points
Hi all, just wondering if anybody else is having a problem starting warpack. It was all running great and I closed out of WOWS, then went to play later on but the start button would not turn yellow to start the game. I closed out of warpack and tried again, same thing. So I deleted the settings file etc and reopened warpack, entered my Key and path to game then it all started fine.
Thought I would try shutting it down and restart it, same thing happened again.
I am not running any other mods etc just warpack.
Hi smokescreen, can you please check the code t oaddress the FPS drop issue? I am having massive FPS drop during games with warpack on. I have no other mod installed.try to set settings.xml parameter show_common_interface to False and test. this settings remove all warpack draw operations except drawing all prediction points
height? may be aimpoint vertical offset? by arrows up and downarrow up and down doesn't work, how do i set up in setting
change aim_point_up_hotkey and aim_point_down_hotkey to apropriate keysit's not in my settings,should i add it up
strange. try to move warpack contents to english path on disk (c:\wows_wp for example)I only have aim_point_z_offset,
restart from there and close game after warpack loaded. then - this settings must be appeared
i have this contentsi will paste it and try again
<mod enabled="True" unique_name="prediction_point">
<param name="shot_with_salvo" value="False"/>
<param name="show_small_markers" value="True"/>
<param name="show_torpedo_helpers" value="2"/>
<param name="salvo_toggle_hotkey" value="27"/>
<param name="fix_target_hotkey" value="257"/>
<param name="show_rest_distance_on_marker" value="True"/>
<param name="artillery_mode_hotkey" value="258"/>
<param name="show_all_ppoints" value="True"/>
<param name="show_gun_direction_line_in_arcade_mode" value="True"/>
<param name="use_weapon_calibration" value="True"/>
<param name="torpedo_lines_length" value="2000"/>
<param name="rainbow_toggle_hotkey" value="26"/>
<param name="auto_shot_toggle_hotkey" value="25"/>
<param name="aim_point_down_hotkey" value="208"/>
<param name="show_laser_lines" value="True"/>
<param name="show_common_interface" value="True"/>
<param name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap" value="-1"/>
<param name="aim_point_up_hotkey" value="200"/>
<param name="invert_target_ready_colors" value="True"/>
<param name="show_smokescreens_helpers" value="True"/>
<param name="min_art_mode_height" value="70"/>
<param name="prediction_toggle_hotkey" value="24"/>
<param name="lock_only_prediction_point" value="False"/>
<param name="show_rainbow" value="True"/>
<param name="show_distance_on_small_markers" value="True"/>
<param name="max_art_mode_height" value="500"/>
<param name="aim_point_vertical_offset" value="2"/>
<param name="use_only_linear_prediction" value="True"/>
Maximum till end of decemberI have a question,
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping and press enter
what about IP address of
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping and press enter
what about IP address of
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping and press enter
what about IP address of
can you help me???
what do the three arrows under AUTO and what is the number under the arrows?
can you help me???
what do the three arrows under AUTO and what is the number under the arrows?
I think the three arrows under auto are barrage fire (fire all guns at once) when auto fire is turned on.
The number is the aim height - positive means it aims above the water line, negative below
Im having issue after issue... i have already done a clean install of game and WP. Now aim assist has gone in battle. it shows warpack at port top right but no lines or targets. This is just a beta version (work in Progress) and its not worth paying for with all the problems it has had so far.totaly true man its no work best!
it's contains your ships settings (like a prediction point vertical offset.....) for every ship in harbor
just update the drivers for your graphics cardHello, China, to upgrade the 5.3.1 version, but warpack did not work.
just update the drivers for your graphics cardI have updated my graph card and restart my computer,but there is no red words in game,maybe something changed in CN server?
i have quoted the same problems many times still no answer!..they have to fix this shell fall behind not in the center!
i have quoted the same problems many times still no answer!..they have to fix this shell fall behind not in the center!
calibration needed now only one time on each ship (not every battle). after calibration, this parameter stored in mod settings
not working AGAINis warpack GUI (indicators near the autopilot) are visible at this time?
lockin target dont work, no green alining gun mark, no mark where will drop enemy shells ....
change "show_common_interface" value to "False" in settings.xml
<param name="show_common_interface" value="True"/>
torpedoes ray helper appeared now if you can launch torpedoes to locked target (distance and reloaded torpedoes count > 0).=73
you can rotate own ship and switch to torpedoes (after green and white ray are equal) and launch it. until this time (switch to torpedoes) - let autoshot artillery shot the target
may be your demo time (2 hours after first start demo version) is over?
may be your demo time (2 hours after first start demo version) is over?
Warpack is no longer with me ??
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys
Thats right.
Aimpoint is set to short,mostly for destroyers & cruisers but also at battleships.
Can i tweak and find out best value by my own in the settings.xml or is that hidden in the exe or dll and only you can fix that?
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys
Hi smokescreen,
After many tests, I think I might have found one problem of the prediction system
When the marked enemy is turning/maneuvering, the linear/combined mode prediction does somehow try to predict the location by its steering/speed, however the aim mod does not consider the fact that when a ship turns, it will lose speed. Thus the prediction is almost always off, or in a better term, with too much pre-emption, and as a result more often than not the salvo would land at the front of the ship, but not in the middle.
Does this observation make sense?
first and second things. my english is not good for a talking and i have not a more time to answer for all messages. i read it
yes - i am use one formula with rotation speed. but if ship not rotated to one side (turn own rotation left and right) - very problem to shot it
aim point calculations not use ship acceleration. its use only pure ship speedcan you figure out a way to use the acceleration?
its impossible. ship acceleration is unpredictableaim point calculations not use ship acceleration. its use only pure ship speedcan you figure out a way to use the acceleration?
Just wondering how much longer for the in game menu? Please!What you mean ?
Just wondering how much longer for the in game menu? Please!today
warpack button appears in dock near dock type button?hello, i get the message that warpack waiting to enter the game,and when i press connect i get the message"failed to connect to server"pls advise
are you restart warpack?
are you see "warpack loading" in game login window and other warpack messages in dock (on the right down corner)?
wait untill first warpack message appears in login window. then - login onto game
what game server you use?
Game Version is screensot part with needed region (in MSPAINT for axample and save it on disk) - then attach this cutted parts
I can try to make a screenshot but they dont stay up for long where do I send them
pls advise i can not start warpack..when push the connect button i reecive this message "network error,server is not available"pls adviseGame Version is screensot part with needed region (in MSPAINT for axample and save it on disk) - then attach this cutted parts
I can try to make a screenshot but they dont stay up for long where do I send them
try to remove old mods in game
Now I am getting a crash to desktop it was working before the last Warpack update.setup teamvier and send to me its ID and password
Tried starting Warpack after entering dock but nothing is showing.
"start warpack after you enter to dock" does not work :-\
105 252 34
tried several times to start the game and only after entering the port to start warpack but nothing happens .... but not on the main account for obvious reasons
I still get the "warpack - waiting to enter..." message at login, and starting warpack after entering the dock does not work, the dll is injected but nothing changes. Any news about this?wait a minute or two in dock. if not worked - setup teamviewer and run it. send me teamviewer ID and password
Warpack will not load. I have 2 licenses, 1 works correctly but the other does not connect. I have unbound the key that is not working. When i try to load the key it does not bind again or load with WOWs.i unbind all your keys. try it again
This key has not loaded for about a week. It used to work fine. please help.
Yes mod not working please update or fix itlet me connect with TEAMVIEWER and try to help
Yes mod not working please update or fix it
At the moment it works again......Server Problems @Warpack?
My problem is "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "You can't use it on non russian servers
But i need use it on Asia sever , please help .
OH! I forgot to tell you .My problem is "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "You can't use it on non russian servers
But i need use it on Asia sever , please help .
I buy this key is work well on asia sever before 3/25 , before 3/25 is old version .You buy a russian key for RUB (key that you buy has words ONLY FOR RUSSIAN). You are russian? If no - warpack work correctly now. Before 3/25 its not use this condition. Now - use. If you want to play not russian server - buy not russian key. Your key is work on russian server. therefore - play on russian server with russian key. You see that you buy
After main Program update , it always show "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "
And my key period is 1 month . Now just one Week past .
please fix it . thx .
since the new version, everytime I start a battle, when the mm came out it just doesn't work anymore, and when I tried to close the game, there was a system error notice came out. please fix that ASAP
Hi,you can download it at warpack main page => my keys.
why is the download link gone?
Hi,you can download it at warpack main page => my keys.
why is the download link gone?
Also I don't have paypal for the english client, do you offer the payeer multi-payment options for english client?payeer still not respond for this querstion
mod updated:
added prediction point manual horizontal offset.
"prediction point forward hotkey" - move prediction point forward from ship center
"prediction point backward hotkey" - move prediction point backward from ship center
these parameters control "prediction point horizontal offset type" parameter value:
"in percents of enemy ship length" from -200% to +200%
"in meters" - from -30 meters to +30 meters
added parameter
"show mini-markers on enemy ships" - takes a three choses:
"not shown"
"show distance" - show distance to shot range to enemy
"show speed" - show enemy speed
if you press ALT key in battle - second choise appeared on marker or minimarker.
if you show distance on marker by default - ALT mode shows speed and so on
Now warpack button in Dock Shown/Hided by (F12). but warpack game interface in battle not hided yet :)
New indicators.
1 - show vertical prediction point (PP) offset (for automatic and manual modes - is the point number on ship hull. total 11 points)
2 - shows manual additional PP offset
3 - automatic or manual PP vertical point on ships hull
4 - shell falling angle. if it greater than 20 degrees - you may try to up PP vertical offet to maximum
for ship indicator (3,4) shown - chose automatic or manual mode from:
"prediction point height offset type":
"old prediction point height offset type" - old vertical PP offset mode.
"automatic PP height offset type" - automatic regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull. you can change its value by hotkeys (up and down by default) till next target lock
"manual PP height offset type" - you can regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull by hotkeys (up and down by default).
automatic mode not use bullet speed. why use it? horizontal offset worked only with linear prediction or in combined prediction in linear mode
what ship are you use?
now working again on 5.4.1Mine
Asisa servernow working again on 5.4.1Mine
WOWs client version
Warpack version
Warpack can not work
I can confirm on Asia server warpack is not working get a short message "warpack mods not available in this version of game client"
warpack update will be available after a few hourshello smokescreen,any news for the update my friend?
Jesus Christ, you ungrateful pricks really cant wait few hours or what?!?! Warpack will be ready when it will be ready, until then play DD or train your skills or hit your head in the wall, whatever you prefer.Why u are not nice?
Jesus Christ, you ungrateful pricks really cant wait few hours or what?!?! Warpack will be ready when it will be ready, until then play DD or train your skills or hit your head in the wall, whatever you prefer.
No. i must be shown in DockI can see the blue WARPACK in dock but nothing happens when i press it. Not so i complained about this , just want to be sure everything is working well for me :)
are you remove other mods?No. i must be shown in DockI can see the blue WARPACK in dock but nothing happens when i press it. Not so i complained about this , just want to be sure everything is working well for me :)
Och...thx for the ansver. Allready remove all mods and the menu start works again. I will try to find what mods make crash.Maybe u have any idea which one make me this shit? :)are you remove other mods?No. i must be shown in DockI can see the blue WARPACK in dock but nothing happens when i press it. Not so i complained about this , just want to be sure everything is working well for me :)
is it appear at the same time when torpedo markers shown on water?
And since you are online,in linear prediction mode you are add a manual distance, cause linear prediction calculated by linear speed (meters per second). but circular prediction calculated by tangent speed (degrees per second). therefore it is impossible add a distance to degrees
can you make the horizontal offset to also work on the combined mode, or will you fix the combined mode, because currently it is clearly leading too much and bullets often land at the front of the target, or miss.
Someone who uses Ubuntu Linux knows how to run this mod?
hi,what you mean? try to remove other mods
the warpack is not runing for me on eu server, is it normal ?
Will we be able to use Warpack on the public Test Server?no. it will be available only on 5.5 release
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since
On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since
On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since
On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.
Does warpack work on world of warships? Every time i try and load it , it says does not work with current version.Your game version?
What am I doing wrong I have current version of WOWS and Warpack for WOWS
I am receiving the same message that it is incompatible. I am running no mods and this was a fresh install today.setup teamviewer and send me personal message with it's Id and password tomorrow.
...Download archive at the end of the post...
Yes, confirm, no aimpoint showing...
Are you can to show a screenshot part?
sooncool :)
I unchecked Wing Commander..made no differenceset default warpack settings in all warpack mods. if not worked - setup teamviewer and run it. then - send me personal message with teamviewer's ID and password
show screenshot part.
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....
The accuracy is not determined by warpack. its is determined by the RNG in the actual game. So the dispersion of the shells and how many hits you get are all beyond warpacks control.
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....
The accuracy is not determined by warpack. its is determined by the RNG in the actual game. So the dispersion of the shells and how many hits you get are all beyond warpacks control.
He's not talking about shell dispersion, he's talking about general warpack inaccuracy. Shells tend to drop in front of ship.
There are mods that interfere with warpack if you have any mods installed try removing them to start with anything to do with the smoke circle, flags or camera zoom are some
if you start game to harbor and then run warpack and no admin messages shown on screen (demo or real key - no matter) - disable antivirus.
But if admin messages shown - send me private message with your key
Used this few days, last night autoshot did not work anymore. I'm pressing P and auto icon appear but clicking rmb not enable auto shot anymore only auto aim. Any idea what going wrong, maybe i hit some button and don't know how restore auto shot.
Used this few days, last night autoshot did not work anymore. I'm pressing P and auto icon appear but clicking rmb not enable auto shot anymore only auto aim. Any idea what going wrong, maybe i hit some button and don't know how restore auto shot.
works again :)
check distance from enemy ship center to prediction point (in mod art. mode - middle button? but before reassign original middle button or mod button to another)
if it's more than 3-4 ship hulls - autoshot will not work with this prediction
if distance is so far - nothing to change. it's happened with some ships on far distance
We saw the same message on our game forum. But we cant make protection from it till this event appeared
Do they notify you via email or ingame ?
yes. cause it's potentialy way to get ban (we think)
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all users
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all users
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all usersTo detect users WarPack we use the mechanism contained just in it. Thats what i have fund on forum. Maybe it will help u guys with a find the problem, but its a unconfirmed information.
if you want refund - make it via paypal (if you buy with paypal).
or we can add extra days to banned users (who don't scare to catch permanent ban). ask me to personal messages
at this time we not found spy mechanism in client
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly
ok im testing it right now to see with a test account and using the old penotration point no automatic stuff on... done 2 battles and testing ... ill post here if the test will get banned
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly
If anyone had been banned using WP this forum would be filled with people shouting. Injection type mods are very difficult to detect. Those who were banned were using mods that are applied directly to the game folders.
if detection worked by sending screenshots - we can turn off own GUI. and you can play with autoshot. but if no - we can't predict developers algorithms
Well, I have no idea about the RU community, but I am happy to keep using Warpack if the developers manage to find a way to bypass the detection.
Refund? I don't really care.
Honestly, as long as it is safe to use, I am even willing to pay more.
But first, could you guys please at least set up the forum so that only subscribers can see the contents? Right now the website is a joke (as a hacking site) because anybody can come in and figure out what is going on.
i also think that they will not ban you right away . i think they will do ban waves . every monday or once every month ?
did someone get banned on another day then monday ?
blocked since Monday for seven days, and I did not use autoshot and wingcommander and I was stuck.
Now use warpack of the second account to see if and when it will be found ... but I think it is due to the weeping of children fucking using the report function for each sinking that undergo
blocked since Monday for seven days, and I did not use autoshot and wingcommander and I was stuck.
Now use warpack of the second account to see if and when it will be found ... but I think it is due to the weeping of children fucking using the report function for each sinking that undergo
I think to do the same thing use, WP on a second account to see what's happening....
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server. Also you can stream with it .Nobody got ban you for using HAGS because WG first want to destroy the WARPCK, because it is BEST MODE. Believe me, as they will want to ban HAGS users, they can do it very easily. Let's wait until Monday. 8)
Any News on the detection Problem yet ?
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server. Also you can stream with it .
Any News on the detection Problem yet ?
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server. Also you can stream with it .
Any News on the detection Problem yet ?
The fact that you can stream with Hags means that their interface/drawing can also block screenshots, which is a very much standard feature for all of the mainstream FPS game hacks.
Warpack needs to adapt as well.
@pankystuM8 i am sure they have a lot of the way to find all about users of warpack. But my question its : if the rly want that? I play on the same pc and i dont give a shit about ban this acc :)
I presume you use your fake account on a different PC or Mac, in the python log it shows all the accounts you use on one PC, so if your using the same system, they will know, and also by IP address, I am sure they can also block your IP address, I do on my websites with annoying or non paying subscribers.
Gl fo r WG then :) As I said, they can block this account today :)
Yes ofc, they will block both my acc, acc of my brother , sister and all my friends . I am so scarry.
only 1 accound will get banned . you can make a new one with a different email adress . so if you play with multible accounds on 1 pc only 1 will get perma bannedI think the same,but some ppl knows everythings better:) Maybe they are working for WG ? :P
i cant play with warpack since the authserver from warpack was stopped,when i start the game with warpack my game keeps crashing after the loading screen,also no matter what i have set in the settings.xml.Try to run the game from launcher and WP after u will get in dock
every gui is set to false but warpack dont seems to work anymore for me.
And i cant risc my account,have nearly 30000games made in wot and nearly 5000 in wows,so i play without wp and wait for a solution.
wat the name from the other aimmod ?
But its not the same like this i prefere this.wat the name from the other aimmod ?
The Hags aim is way off and they dont have a target lock feature. The only accurate aim assist is warpack.I have a try Hags aim and I can say it sucks. This its like the first aim assist from Johhans. So better to wait until guys from here find the solution and make WP more safety fou us ;)
We just need a more robust protection.
play wows with warpack now can only users who not scare to get ban
if detection mechanism not found in future - we must support warpack infinitely?
The Warpack for WoWs used to work on NA Server, now it did not work any more. Do you know why? Please advise.
I re-downloaded and re-installed the Warpack but it did not help.
We don't know real count. Game developers says -800. But it is fake cout i thinkAny one on EU , NA or ASIA _
hi guysWarpack is dead & killed by wg.
warpack not working in game.
it says warpack waiting to enter game. later warpack waiting to autorization.. and when in game screen no warpack. before was sign of warpack on left side screen. now nothing and no warpack in game.
what i could do? i downloaded again warpack luncher and still same result
Any update on when Wing Commander will be working correctly? (DB incorrect drop prediction)OMG ! Let them find a solution for detecting ! Only crying here ! WAIT !!!!!!!
How do they know your cheating from a screenshot? did you have your GUI on full display in games? I tested it out of curiosity, and i can tell you it still works even though i do not use it anymore.If you have any GUI enabled in your mod,hack,cheat,whatever,...,you can easy see that in a screenshot which are hidden send to wg,you can not block or bypass this new mechanism which was implemented with game update,and after this update warpack team disabled warpack by disabling the warpack authservers i guess.
I am running WOWS 5.6.1 and running Warpack version (5.6.1) but the message when loading states the mods can not load on this client version.
Why is this, it was working fine a day ago?
Please reply to this comment so we can know if you are still running Warpack for WOWs or do we go to PayPal fro refunds on time not used.
Is WarPack safe now?
Thanks for your technical knowledge, and you know all this by which source, please send a link on how you came to this conclusion.
wth is this ?
Use this:
WarPack - much better, but it's free! Please distribute to the maximum on your servers !
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.
What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.
I did try this , u are? if u are not pls dont talk a shit,let ppl try this. thxchange the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.
What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.
It does nothing, No aim assist, NOTHING, so don't try it.
I did try this , u are? if u are not pls dont talk a shit,let ppl try this. thxchange the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.
What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.
It does nothing, No aim assist, NOTHING, so don't try it.
Smokescreen - Have you worked out why they can detect WarPack user in WoWs? Do we have any anti-detection features yet?at this moment we can't find detection system. cause distance between ban wawes very long
Will the Wing Commander mod be updated when 5.7 comes? I am willing to renew my subscription just for that awesome mod.That means you are still playing with warpack,seriously?
I am just wondering who still playing with WarPack? :)
as soon as possible
as soon as possible
Official software detects ??
Please hurry enhanced anti-detection
The same to you, now i have the time to play overwatch. :Pas soon as possible
Official software detects ??
Please hurry enhanced anti-detection
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?
Hello Admiral,
We regret to inform you that during our regular log check for irregularities, your account has been found using illegal game modifications that we explicitly do not allow the use of. Let this serve as your first and final warning regarding the usage of illegal game modifications. Your account will now be suspended until June 28, 2016 for using such illegal game modifications. If you will not adhere to our rules the next time, your account will receive sanctioned permanently.
WoWS-ASIA Game Master Lead
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?
which server? Asia, EU, NA?
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?Warpack dont have any anticheat protection,why do you think there were any :D
Working now eu ?
must work. of not - send me personal message. if you run TEAMVIEWER i can connect and try to resolve the problem
Hello Admiral,
We regret to inform you that during our regular log check for irregularities, your account has been found using illegal game modifications that we explicitly do not allow the use of. Let this serve as your first and final warning regarding the usage of illegal game modifications. Your account will now be suspended until June 28, 2016 for using such illegal game modifications. If you will not adhere to our rules the next time, your account will receive sanctioned permanently.
WoWS-ASIA Game Master Lead
Is this you QuickyBaby?
after i login this version of the game is not supported ???!!!
p.s: could you please enable edit to the user in the forum to avoid 3 replays
Has anyone had any issues, warnings or...has anyone been banned on the NA server for using Warpack with WOWS? And...I mean...has anyone had any of these issues without streaming or posting any vids to the net - just by simply playing the game with Warpack? I've used Warpack with WOT for several years and have NEVER had any long as you don't post any pics, etc. Just wondering what everyone else's experience has been. Also, I've known people who have gotten busted using Warpack (because they stupidly sent in a ticket and made a screenshot without turning Warpack off)...all they got was a warning...they didn't get auto banned.
warpack antidetect works from 25 june. till the next patch warpack is safe.What have you changed smoke to can say Warpack is save from now on untill next game update?
who play with warpack before 25 june - theoretically may receive a ban (for previous achievements)
restore game initial setup <---- how is this done ? thanks PipI had this problem with wrong version and found the problem that some of Aslains mods were causing this, just take all aslians mods out and try again then add each one until you find the culprit.
restore game initial setup <---- how is this done ? thanks PipI had this problem with wrong version and found the problem that some of Aslains mods were causing this, just take all aslians mods out and try again then add each one until you find the culprit.
Since the accuracy is extreme decreased
Why dont you know i used wp?I think you will find that most WP users have moved on and saved money since that version. Try it, It takes about 30 games to adjust but you will be as good as you are when using WP, and you save money each month.
Everybody knows that,just look at the vids its damn easy to see.
btw i cant use wp since,because its not save anymore.
warpack for 5.8.0 ready. But now we not found additional detection system in game since 5.7 version
Hallo, ist jemand deutsches hier?
It make me feel as soon as I use the CV module, I got banned.I disable the cv module, and only use the auto-aim only, and just get banned for 1 week. Maybe WG update the detection system.
These week I use CV auto deploy pretty frequently, any idea to prove me wrong?
BANNED For ever :(
Beware just got a 7 Day Ban. Only mod i used was Warpack.I already told you guys that long time ago.
Maybe you should look into this
New platform is full native. Without scripts. And remotely call any code. Therefore - it can't detected by game process. Only by antivirusMaybe WG manually check the guys who are reported by other players. Is there anyone using WP in NA not banned yet?
Everyone knows the WarPack is Hack & illegal but no one expects it to be fully detectable by WG at any time. If your taking money from people for the HACK/Illegal mod then be up front and tell customers that WarPack is fully detectable by WG at any time for both World of Tanks and World of Warships and your account will be banned.
Dude,Thats a good point and i fully agree with you!
released. but without wing commander yet. it will be released after 1-2 days or earler
Since a bunch of us got banned, was there precaution taken with this release? Are they taking screenshots or actually detecting the .exe..Simple answer is: BOTH (and a lot more)
Correction:it is available now
when will the warpack be available for this version of WOWS?
I really miss your warpack, I hope you'll find a way to make it usable again one day.same here,
Never had such fun in Atlanta then with your autofire. :)
Still waiting for the bypass
Write personal message to admin Unknown
Could we use it safety now? I don't want to lose my account
Hello everybody
I have the same problem
Game is up to date
But I can not warpack boot always error message
В поле где вводится ключ надо ввести DEMO вместо ключа и все заработает.
Nope. My key. Just wouldn't load in game.
OMG, it probably is not a WarPack faultОк
Only player complaints for offensive and racist
Please erase my posts to avoid confusion
so sorry
i creat a new account in NA server, but warpack still can work.Read this topic
Perhaps they have a watch list
warpack for WOWS will not load after a battle startedwell I kinda figured that. I try to load warpack before anything. tried loading it when already in game and starting game thru launcher and nothing.
it must be started before battle. if game with warpack crushed - run only game and after battle ends - run warpack
in warpack folder. just setup warpack to another folder and run it
am on EU server and i do not see war pack showing up
С варпаком жутко лагает,сторонних модов нет,лагает как и на топовом,так и на средних настройках,без варпака всё отлично,что за проблемы?В личных сообщениях вы у меня спрашивали , как приобрести варпак , по поводу ваших лагов , я вам давал рекомендации в личных сообщениях , все копии сообщений у меня остались .
Описывал проблему сволоте,пишет мне в ответ,приобретите ключ,причем тут говорю ключ,я в демо режиме пробую.
start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
Got it thanks, cleared out the DLL/Settings and it fixed itself. Thanks for the help.
disabled till new detect is disabledstill working on it?
start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
Not working with loads to port but no warpack. Maybe an update is needed?enabled back
Hi,Me too since 15 days.
Over the last two days, wp loads into the port without problem, but very often disappears when the battle starts or a few seconds after the battle starts, normally the first time I right click to target a ship.
Hi,Me too since 15 days.
Over the last two days, wp loads into the port without problem, but very often disappears when the battle starts or a few seconds after the battle starts, normally the first time I right click to target a ship.
WP disappear after 1 or 2 battles.
it is ready now. but still detected
Is it possible to safely enable the warpack or do I have to do something?
Another ban wave comes. Is WP still safe now?
what does it mean?Sure? In case Wargaming detects a software to cheat, your account maybe banned for life time. It is mentioned in this forum. It only will happen while publishing videos or photos, with the warpack logo displayed....
Just go mouseover to adjust the time no need to click or anything, when u are mousover u can adjust the time the ship commands are disabled.
Also you can change the key's
sorry, but it will be updated after 7.2.2 released on RU server (after a 12 hours)12 hours after release on NA?
What tragic events are these?yes
Is it possible to release update for NA/EU version now?
(RU version will be delayed 1 day due to the tragic events ), so we have to wait 2 days?
Kemerovo fireWhat tragic events are these?yes
Is it possible to release update for NA/EU version now?
(RU version will be delayed 1 day due to the tragic events ), so we have to wait 2 days?
So I can't use Warpack, but I notice my subscription timer is still ticking down... Second time this month I've ended up paying for nothing.
So what about the na server? we gotta wait to i guess. I just bought an extension as well, so maybe just ask for a few extra days on our keys.Yeah agreed.
So what about the na server? we gotta wait to i guess. I just bought an extension as well, so maybe just ask for a few extra days on our keys.
If you need any testers I volunteer.Its not working on ships atm.
I have been having an issue where warpack disappears during game. Its happening everyday several times. And when i am back in port and try to relaunch WP it does not come back up. no errors or messages. I have to quit out of game and restart WP. Does anyone else get this or know a fix?
it's a mysterious bug. to fix it - i must make some tests with test key on your computer. tomorrow - i send you this key
I use WP for 0.7.5 and it's really laggy / stuttering. Stock WOWS is fine. Is there a solution? I set already everything to low, nothing helps.Please tell me a detailed info about this lags:
I use WP for 0.7.5 and it's really laggy / stuttering. Stock WOWS is fine. Is there a solution? I set already everything to low, nothing helps.
since we can not use warpak can you block it? Did I pay you unnecessarily? >:( >:( >:( >:(i can see days left on your key (if you send me a personal message with your key) and i will add this days after you need to resume
I also got detected and also just bought 30 days key. Is this mode safe to use any more since we are getting banned left and right?
if you were a serious person you should repay everyone you said it was impossible to find out,
Guys which servers do you play?
All US or do we also have EU and RU?
Guys which servers do you play?
All US or do we also have EU and RU?
I play US and EU Servers - got blocked on US and also on EU Server (that hurts) - anyway we all know that it can happen.
i got the same message 10 Days ago, didnt play WoWs since then.
Today i played again and got told by my teammates that i am spamming tons of numbers in the chat. So its not difficult to detect if something is happening!
After deactivating WP there wasnt any problem any more!
Updated the pack for ships.
All ship keys will be added 1 day of compensation.
if it's equal to RU server update - immediately
can we move now the interface ? :)
not yet. i'm still working on it
Game Client version
Warpack Version
Warpack WoWs Launcher #
Read this message;topicseen#msg41743
And this
It starts working with level 6 .
When I run warpack I get a "critical error" message. I've tried using the warpack program to open WOWs and also opened WOWS first and then run warpack but same issue.
what antivirus has found this trojan?
it's just common antivirus reaction on warpack injection system to game.
just add DLL file to antivirus exclusions list
file is not infected
some antiviruses in this list detect virus in warpack DLL file not valid
windows defender is not a better antivirus. therefore - its algorithms can see viruses in simple programs that use some techniques used in viruses.
windows defender in WOT warpack dll after repack and update - not see any viruses. but after a few time later (some weeks) - its foun a virus in warpack and we must repack DLL file again.
in WOWS - repacking not help now. And in WOWS (and WOT) you can add warpack full folder to defender exclusions list.
nobody not run real trojan when used warpack. its just a windows defender detects
Read this message;topicseen#msg41743
And this
It starts working with level 6 .
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
WarPack for ships works again .
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Warpack is not even checking if my key is active.....i can start the warpack.exe with any key and warships is starting but no injection....
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Done....not Firewall, Antivirus and warpack.exe running as Admin
Create a separate folder and from there run the warpack.exe file .
Start the game, enter the port, then run the warpack .
Any tutorial how to use air commander? When i press planes calibration hotkey my planes just fly randomly and going away from messages in game chat about calibration process after start calibration. planes must calibrated once far from target
Warpack icon not show or maybe not work in steam version ( asia server ). I try CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+W dont show icon..
No im using war gaming to launch , or wp launcher but both doesnt work, im not steam warpack launcher from site again
hi - I just downloaded the different launcher but it is password protected. Any help please and thank you for your hard work on this. -try it
WARPACK redirects to old x34 WOWS!yes - now it is redirected. soon will be available for x64
OFFICIAL from launcher uses x64 WOWS!
hello my game start crash when i open it by warpack it work fine with out it any solutionis warpack launcher version (in windows title) - and warpack version
sorry i don no speak english .the key does not work.are you use latest warpack launcher from site and warpack version in launcher ends with .218?
canyou tell me when it will work.
hello bb.
i will add the gun aim line is very jerky nowWhat do you mean ?
try to change server in warpack settings to euro and show screenshot of launcherscreenshot added. I have turned off the antivirus software
try to change server in warpack settings to euro and show screenshot of launcherscreenshot added. I have turned off the antivirus software
Put the server China in the launcher warpack and restart it.I still get the same warning messages"unable to get information about the lastest version"
Add warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions .
add warpack launcher folder to windows defender (or antivirus) exclusions listI have the folder added to the exclusion list already, but still it return this error
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problemsure let me set it up. do you want me also change the system language to russian or english?
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problemive send you the password and id. thanks a lot
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problemI had a try connecting to the hotspot on my phone. it worked. Looks like the admin of my network provider might have blocked the version server. Will warpack work if I switch between two network after the version check?
you can ignore version check message if warpack really loaded into does load if I use my own network to trick the version alert. Thanks for your help
Sales work . What exactly is your problem ?
wait till we update warpack launcher to fix steam problem. currently warpack only executes only 32 bit version of gameStart the game through the launcher of warpack .
try to reload warpack from site.
and if you use steam game version - wait till we update launcher to steam version
For the steam version of the game client warpack is not ready .
just bought a one month subscription. Downloaded the program. Inputted the code and launched. Nothing. Why not working?can you show screenshot with warpack launcher?
you can download this launcher
and use it, if this launcher work on your computer
try to delete DLL file from warpack folder and restart warpack
Auth Server down
Change the server in the warpack launcher.
Chinese server tried?
If you have a VPN program connect through it , select the Holland server. Now engaged in the elimination of the problem.I dont have VPN, do you know any good free vpn i can use ?
Perhaps this will not help and you need to wait for the completion of the work , but try it.Ill try it out and if it does not work then I will have to wait. Anyway thanks for your help, keep up the great work guys and thanks for everything. (Also fast reply)
I try to do that but it keeps showing me a window saying ([wgc]Client already running...)
I closed all. These are my steps.
1.- Delete .ddl File from warpack.
2.-Open warpack File again and Double click on the warpack.exe file. (The game loads)
3.-The game asks me for my Password I type it in and then Waprack should work ?
add warpack folder to windows defender/antivirus exclusions listTurned off app & browser control in windows defender and still will not load into game. Game just starts normally, no warpack.
well. let me check it via Teamviewer
check personal messages
check personal messages
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port is for WoT. I cannot run WoWs THEN run WP after I am already in, will get the 'Client already running' message.
Sorry...but NO WP Menü in game!start game and login into port
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port
1 - run game
2 - open "task manager" and find WorldOfWarships.exe in processes tab
3 - click right mouse button on WorldOfWarships.exe and choose "open contained folder"
4 - after you open WorldOfWarships.exe folder - go 1 level back (up) in directory tree
5 - you can see some folders including "bin32" and "bin64" names
6 - rename "bin64" folder to "bin641" for example
7 - run game in steam (in this case WorldOfWarships 32 bit version is executed. you can check it in "task manager" by name WorldOfWarships.exe*32)
8 - after you login to game (port) - run warpack
repeat 7-8 steps to play game with warpack till next game patch. after game updated - repeat 1-6 steps once
Here is a photo of what is happening.+1
Follow the instructionsReinstall the game
Run the Warpack and game. Do not turn off the game. Run again Warpack.
Did it already and eveything above , not working...
Everything. first time I re-install wows, is not working (Idk why is not working)
but I re-install wows, WGC, warpack, and paste new dll which uploaded here,
now working.
In the warpack launcher this is the path specified to the exe file of the game ?yes.
Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\World of Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe
Install the warpack according to the instructionsI followed it step by step ,is still doesn't work.I also have alread renamed the 64folder,run wows32bit now.
Now you don't need to rename the folder . Return it as it was . Try running it again . What server are you playing on ?Asia.ok,I rename it back.
In the warpack launcher, select server China, close it, and start it again .Thanks.I have already sent a mail to smokescreen
Hello vavata I can not play I always crash I tried everything please help meSame here...
Have you solved it? I nothingyep, i removed all the previous mods, and volla...!! its work again without crash...!!!
Yes .my game also crashed after sometime,
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port, then launch the warpack.(click to show/hide)
Module inject error #33
using WGC
Warpack version:
after I click "start the game" in Warpack, the game will start and "Module inject error #33" will pop up ;w;(click to show/hide)
Module inject error #33
using WGC
Warpack version:
after I click "start the game" in Warpack, the game will start and "Module inject error #33" will pop up ;w;(click to show/hide)
Fixed in .186 release.
You do not need to change the path to the 32-bit game file , specify the path as written in the warpack launcher and add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions.
My path is like thisMine is same
Do you have a version of the warpack launcher like this ?Yes, the version is
Try installing it according to the instructionsI'm so sorry to bother you again and again..
Did you run warpack as an administrator ?Yes I am. ;w;
Did you run warpack as an administrator ?I was able to use warpack when I was playing the WOWS on steam(same pc). However, since I unlinked my WG account with my Steam, I can only use the WGC or Windows Store to start the game.
Run the 32-bit version of the game, in WGC you can choose , earlier today I showed a screenshot, log in to the port, then run the warpack.Run the 32-bit version, login the port, start the Warpark, click the "Start WOWS"
Previously, when running the standard client of the game, not Steam, such a problem was ?
Download here
Try to do so :
- run the 32-bit version of the game via WGC, log in to the port, temporarily collapse the game- run Extreme Injector, specify the path to the dll file from the warpack folder, select the game process worldofwarships.exe(click to show/hide)
- then click " inject"- after you have clicked "inject" , launch the warpack launcher and there click "start game"(click to show/hide)
Previously, when running the standard client of the game, not Steam, such a problem was ?
Add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions or restore the file warpack_wows.exe from quarantine .I uninstalled all antivirus software. ;w;
You have on the screenshot, there is a notification from warpack, where it is written that you need to add this file to the antivirus exceptions, so you have not completely deleted the antivirus . Turn it back on and add the warpack folder to the exceptions .
Try enabling all the antivirus protection settings that you have disabled , then check the launch of warpack .
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .thank u ;w;
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .I reinstalled steam version, and still have the same problem (error #33)
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .I reinstalled steam version, and still have the same problem (error #33)
Can you use the World of warship Matchmaking monitor and still use warpack?
auto-fire works onl< on cruiser and destroyerReset the default settings , in the settings window of the lead point, there is a button at the very bottom, click "save", with this configuration, auto-shooting will work again .
Temporarily not working.
Launch the 32-bit version of the game , you can select this option in the game launcher , log in to the port , then launch the warpack.
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port , then launch the warpack .(click to show/hide)
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port , then launch the warpack .(click to show/hide)
check it now
thanks working now had to release my game keyi meant resize sorry
Also is there any way or reaixing the in game ui for playing in 4k
Hello, select the euro server in the warpack launcher, close it , and run it again.
Do you have the last two letters of the key RU or EU ?
No, you don't need to change the letters. Install according to the instructionsYes, i already did it. Still doesn't work for me.
Try selecting a Chinese server in the warpack launcher.
Perhaps you copied the key incorrectly ? Put the euro server in the warpack launcher and run the game through it .I checked everything once again and i think im doing everything by instructions and still doesn't work :/ I deleted than installed again warpack, also deleted dll file than started over again and still same problem.
Show me a screenshot of the warpack launcher window, send it in a personal message .
I passed your message to the administrator .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually
Bomb attack often lands at end or just behind the ship. The options in the menu Left Arrow and Right Arrow both say "Increase additional torpoedoes/bombs prediction hotkey". It does not seem like anything happens when I click left or right button. Also, no chat message is sent when enable or disable air defence radius and prediction point camera snap. There is also no indicator or chat message for increase prediction or add and subtract additional time.
I passed your video to the admin . It is not recommended to post videos on the forum .
i see your video and fixed this bug. but you need to make a calibration again
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
How to force run 32-bit on steam?
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
just rename C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin64 to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin64_1 for example end run game normally in steam. it will run 32 bit game versionWarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
How to force run 32-bit on steam?
I figured out. Go to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin32 and start WorldOfWarships32.exe
Do you have the steam launcher running at this moment, do you have an icon on the taskbar ?
Warpack updated, you can start the game as usual .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
Hello, this error should disappear if you run it this way .Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
Hello, after a 7-day ban - it is not recommended to use the warpack on this game account.
I use steam client, can I play with 64bit version now? I'll prolong the key if yes (crash a lot with 32 version you setup for me). Thank you.Hello, unfortunately, only the 32-bit version of the game is supported.
Hello, this error should disappear if you run it this way .Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
At the moment, paypal is not available .
Is server down for world of warships? I keep getting network error when loading warpack
Hello, I would like to try the Warpack for Wows but the trial version does not work, there is a message that the key is blocked or has expired ... And the Warpack cannot be bought at the moment ... is that normal?Hello, if you have previously used the trial version on this account, it will not work .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
Warpack for WOWS dont work second day :( HELP
Try to select the China server in the warpack launcher.
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .(click to show/hide)
Do I increase the "Perdiction Point Calculate Accuracy" or decrease to become more accurate?
What is the best settings to hit the most shots whether a ship is turning as well?
See the screenshot with the settings , you can assign your own hotkeys .(click to show/hide)
after end testing on WoT 64 bit warpack. i think - about 2 weeks try this launcher. put it to current warpack folder and run (without administrative rights). but google chrome can block downloading. to download - use microsoft edge for exampleafter end testing on WoT 64 bit warpack. i think - about 2 weeks
We need 64bit wows warpack
Hey, I just got the warpack for WoWS working but its in Russian even though on the launcher it says english. How do I change that ?same for me
what game type are you using? 32 or 64 bit WGC launcher or 32 or 64 bit steam launcher?64 bit Wargaming launcher
fixed. restart warpackWorking thx alot
if I delete the file, the game will not start, unfortunately, this does not workWorks fine for me when i do it make sure the launcher is already up before you delete it
How to stop wargamingerrormonnitor application?
If I delete it the game will not start.
I stop it while running and it starts again.
Is there any software to stop it all the time?
Thank you for your help.
Select in WGC the settings - log out of WGC after starting the game.
Select in WGC the settings - log out of WGC after starting the game.
The F12 key hides the entire warpack interface , while the automatic shot and target capture continue to work .
We will check it and if this interface is not hidden, we will fix it.
At the moment , you can move this interface to the place you need on the screen , to do this , hover the mouse cursor over it , wait a couple of seconds and move it to the place you need .
I personally wrote a program that changes the name of the WargamingErrorMonitor.exe file after it starts the wgc. This way it stops the executable from being started again. However, since WeeGee hodes that exe fucking EVERYWHERE, I also wrote a Windows service that checks every 100 milliseconds for the WargamingErrorMonitor process and kills it if it finds an instance running.
Svolota, he is referring to a debug option for recording something (looks like it's logging some sort of calculation) but it's showing up whenever you type a capital E. Is there any way this keybind can be moved to Alt+E instead? I can verify, this IS an actual issue as of the latest iteration of warpack.
These are some interesting suggestions that I don't need, but might help some.
Much, much more important, however, would be if finally the prediction point for bombs and jump bombs of the CV would be implemented.
Good Morning,Do you mean the sight for torpedoes , when playing on destroyers ? In this case , capture the target in gun firing mode , then switch to torpedoes , that is , the target must be captured , then an additional exercise for torpedoes should appear .
in Wows the Torpedos for Destroyers or other Ships, i know the Prediction is alrdy imlented by wows itself. But is anything way to make this Prediction much more better? Bzw What is the Torpedo helper? it is Set on 2, but i dont see any different.
Combined preemption additionally takes into account the speed of the ship when it turns . If the preemption point does not work correctly, when using the combined type of preemption, use linear preemption.Which prediction type do you and others use around here? Is one better than the other?
Do you mean ships or aircraft carriers ?
without ship for test - no
try to replace it by renamed notepad.exe from windows folderHow do i do that?
As far as I remember, the red line means that it is possible to hit the enemy ship, the green line means that it is impossible to hit.
we try to make something of it
When starting warpack today i had the issue that the mod was loading but not showing in game. Meaning that warpack despite beeing active didnt show the mods in coop or random battles. I didnt have warpack hidden or something. Any advice?
i have been using the mod for a long time and never had the issue in two months.
Ty for your help
The warpack has been updated .
The warpack has been updated .
Have you tried running it ? The warpack version doesn 't have to change .
The height of the lead point can be changed in combat, using the up/down keys by default, but you can assign your own keys in the settings .
but he means a bug, the line is not straight but at an angle of 45 degrees
most often it is on the ship ST VINCENT and submarines
fix this please
we have not this ship. that is why - we can't make it support now
issue with warpack loading in the top corner after the latest patch. Not down at the bottom like it normally is. Is there a way to move and drag it where it needs to go ?
strange. i checked asia region on steam client and it is worked. try to check game consistency
strange. i checked asia region on steam client and it is worked. try to check game consistencyHi, I'm new on this forum. Is there any instruction on how to use it? And also, I'm registered on it looks only available for EU and RU region only how can I play for Asia region?
Warpack not ready for current game version. WOWS ASIA (Steam)
NA server says it has version problems. Very strange since it was working yesterday.