
Обсуждение Warpack => English subforum => Тема начата: uncertain3931 от 26.11.2015 23:14:08

Название: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: uncertain3931 от 26.11.2015 23:14:08
Note to moderator.

Added support for the Steam version of the game

squadron commander
(click to show/hide)
current changes
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Interface mod in action :
1. Lead point height
2. Type of auto-shot (in turn\of all guns)
3. Type lead straight\combo
4. Auto-shot on indicator
5. The indicator of the offset point lead horizontally
6. Indicator of the height of the lead point on the captured ship and the angle of incidence of shells into the water

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.11.2015 11:36:27
Maximum till end of december
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 28.11.2015 14:09:17
Maximum till end of december

Thanks. I've tried the CheatAutomation for a month and it's rarely works right. Too much work on the user end for it to be a paid service. I hope what you're doing will be better.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 13.12.2015 04:27:49
any news?
take my money ASAP PLZ!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 14.12.2015 16:50:01
What ever they do, the coders will have to be on their toes with this one as WG is constantly updating the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.12.2015 18:52:29
Warpack for ships works fine with previews wg updates
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 16.12.2015 09:38:18
If you need any testers I volunteer.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.12.2015 14:00:18
Soon. Two weeks maximum
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cconn81 от 18.12.2015 16:13:40
Our keys will work for both WoT and WoWS warpack right?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.12.2015 17:55:49
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 19.12.2015 03:16:47
Our keys will work for both WoT and WoWS warpack right?

This guy is so funny!  LMFAO   I thought I would lol for you...  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cconn81 от 19.12.2015 23:54:23
I don't really see how it's funny to add services to an existing subscription. All I've got to say is that if they're going to charge extra for the WoWs warpack, it had better kick serious ass. Because every single mod for WoWs so far has sucked, and none of them are anywhere near good enough to be charging money for.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 20.12.2015 06:52:40
I don't really see how it's funny to add services to an existing subscription. All I've got to say is that if they're going to charge extra for the WoWs warpack, it had better kick serious ass. Because every single mod for WoWs so far has sucked, and none of them are anywhere near good enough to be charging money for.

Well their is option #2,  Just go away!  I'm sure there is plenty of work involved in doing these and for the most part they are safe to use in the game if you follow the rules.   I think it's worth it!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cconn81 от 20.12.2015 09:20:09
I don't really see how it's funny to add services to an existing subscription. All I've got to say is that if they're going to charge extra for the WoWs warpack, it had better kick serious ass. Because every single mod for WoWs so far has sucked, and none of them are anywhere near good enough to be charging money for.

Well their is option #2,  Just go away!  I'm sure there is plenty of work involved in doing these and for the most part they are safe to use in the game if you follow the rules.   I think it's worth it!!

I know exactly how much work goes into making these. I also know the difference between quality scripts / hacks / mods, and low quality ones that shouldn't be purchased for money. You're not familiar with who I am because I'm not known in WoT but I am in other games. I'll just leave it at I know what I'm talking about. Everything that I post on these forums is for the benefit of subscribers, so please troll someone else.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 21.12.2015 03:31:51
No one is trolling you dick head.   Just go somewhere else or write your own.   Keep you unwanted bull shit out of these forums
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.01.2016 03:03:52
Note to moderator.

And now Pro-how to play with the MOD: first-go to game settings and clear the shot with the display of projectile with the middle mouse button.
TRANSITION IN ART MODE AND BACK-MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON. IF you do not TURN on or OFF ART mode-CLEAR capture with purpose (EVEN IF SHE LEFT ZASVETA) then start a fight and you have two game modes.
Or the old fashioned way in sniper mode (but in the game it is called like artillery) shoot at the Red sphere showing the point lead (TU), either in my ART shoot mode at the end of the blue line lead (in the picture designated red arrow).
Mark on fashion: green line displays the direction the gun your ship at the point of sight (to art mode was roughly seen where now there is aiming). At the end of the green line is drawn by Blue Cross. This is to ensure that the height was more visible place of sight.
-Purple appears old trajectory of the target vessel. It may be needed to evaluate the manoeuvre enemy.
Blue displays the trajectory of pre-emption.
-Your ship is indicated by a green circle with an arrow in the middle. From a great height to better recognize the direction of its movement.
-The enemy Ship is indicated by a red circle with an arrow in the middle. From a great height to better recognize the direction of the enemy.
-Red lines coming from the ships enemies toward your ship represent something like a laser pointer. In order to make it clear that the enemy ship to hit you.

Now about the avtopricel: If you want to shoot yourself, then you have to shoot the Red sphere pre-emption pronghorn mode either by blue line art mode.
If you want to hold down fire to shoot not aiming your hands and take a particular enemy ship in grab do the following: move to the correct ship enemy sight in the game (the center of the screen) to the desired handle enemy ship appeared white circle, indicating that the game will now follow this ship. Once on the enemy ship token appears sighting mark, and my ART at the same time mode displays pink old enemy ship and blue path-path and lead in pronghorn mode, you will see a red sphere of pre-emption.
If after these steps, click the right mouse button (by the way the keys until you cannot change fashion)-will capture the target vessel. This animation will testify about the White arrows on the marker vessel captured enemy.
You can now hold down fire and watch where the flying projectiles.
Removed the seizure is also a right-click. What way is written in the chat. Just don't be alarmed-nobody but you do not see.

And most of what you want to say about the sight. This is what the "U" key-changing lead calculation type. Linear pre-emption-good for the purposes of moving in a straight line. But if the goal when such collapse begins pre-emption shells may lie behind the stern of the ship. So I did a combo of pre-emption, which takes account of this point. But at the moment I noticed it glitches when driving goal reverse at very slow motion with rotation. Define this glitch is simple: If the blue line (curve) will be drawn too far away from the enemy ship (in a couple of shells from it sideways, rather than in the nose of the ship). In such a case, remove the grip and aim with your hands.

Unpack in a convenient place.
Editor open settings.xml ExePath section enter your way to WorldOfWarships.exe

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 08.01.2016 05:49:34
This program caused my virus program to go nuts and tells me it's a Trojan virus.  Can you say why?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.01.2016 09:22:58
it's happened - cause warpack use injection technique that antivirus program determine like a virus signature. just add WoWS_Warpack.exe to antivirus exclusions list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: paralias от 08.01.2016 17:47:36
Hello, where are we able to download the WoW's Warpack from?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.01.2016 17:50:11
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 14:34:54
Down load this and I cant even open it. Tell me, What am I supposed to do with this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.01.2016 15:18:01
are you add WoWS_Warpack.exe to antivirus exclusions list? after harbor loaded - stay on it 1 minute. in battle press middle mouse button to test warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 19:15:00
it wont even open and i don't have an anti virus program running. is it a loader? what is it?
This is what i get
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 19:20:27
an explination of what to do or how to install would help out here
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 09.01.2016 19:28:25
-Download file (bottom of page) Release_RU_WoWs_Warpack.zip-unzip this archive to any location-open any text editor (Notepad is possible), settings.xml file-ExePath line write your way to WorldOfWarships.exe

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <ExePath value="D:\Games\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/>
   <LicenseKey value="EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <ExePath value="F:\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/>
   <LicenseKey value="EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F"/>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 20:12:54
Still cant get it to work, do you use the old loader that came with the game, or it there a loader that is supposed to inject the cheat?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 20:26:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- ExePath value="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/ -->

<LicenseKey value="EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F"/>

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 09.01.2016 20:52:12
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <ExePath value="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/>
   <LicenseKey value="EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F"/>

Here is the right option for you. Copy and paste it into the file settings.xml.
use the  loader that is supposed to inject the cheat
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 22:12:22
thank you, that worked out great.
Question though, are there settings? and does warpack only shot or work with the middle mouse button?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.01.2016 22:22:44
warpack keymapping are static yet. soon - it's can be reassigned
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 09.01.2016 22:36:23
sp currently the only aiming asist is through middle mouse button and sniper?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 11.01.2016 12:29:46
I've done what is asked, but nothing is activated when I run the launcher. I see nothing! I'm not running any Anti-virus.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: yohudood от 13.01.2016 21:41:37
nothing is activated when I run the launcher and just add WoWS_Warpack.exe to antivirus exclusions list but still noting
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.01.2016 21:47:34
wait a one-two days. after update you can see warpack loading event
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: paps от 16.01.2016 03:58:15
When will warpack be available for wows.  Thank you sir.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 16.01.2016 17:24:12
ok, Warpack was working for WoW, and now it isn't, What has changed? there has been no updates to the game. Why isn't the mod working anymore?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 16.01.2016 17:37:02
ya, it is definitely NOT working, WHY? launcher works fine,,,NOTHING! in game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.01.2016 17:56:41
Testing suspended.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 16.01.2016 18:06:58
Suspended? Could have you not posted something in regaurds to this? Or is it just up to us to find out? Any Idea on when "Testing" wil resume? And how could it be testing if we were never asked for imput on the mod?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Op от 19.01.2016 16:47:55
do you have an estimated time on when this mod will return?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.01.2016 16:51:50
Coming soon.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.01.2016 20:41:14
Test started.
The details in the topic header.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mcperapong от 19.01.2016 20:43:51
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dp-juza@ya.ru от 20.01.2016 04:10:39
не удлиняются линии направления торпед
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 20.01.2016 05:41:41
so far it works great! any plans for a torp aimbot that works better than the one built into WoWs
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 20.01.2016 08:02:28
I have noticed the guns will auto track a target.  How do you switch targets.  Have gotten killed a few times because I couldn't get the guns to release so I could shoot another target.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.01.2016 08:06:14
не удлиняются линии направления торпед
точно. там константа стояла. сегодня обновлю с взятием из настроек
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.01.2016 08:08:32
I have noticed the guns will auto track a target.  How do you switch targets.  Have gotten killed a few times because I couldn't get the guns to release so I could shoot another target.
you can lock and unlock targets with right mouse button (if i't not used by game keymapping)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 20.01.2016 08:12:54
was in a situation where had targeted a ship on my left,  2 dds popped up in front of me I kept clicking the right mouse button but it wouldn't switch..almost like it became confused
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 20.01.2016 09:22:14
Okay, only tested this own on a training room to understand a few things.

1. I don't understand what the values mean in the settings.xml. I don't know what Key is equal to what number so I can't reassign the keys yet.
2. Each time we press 'O' or 'P' to turn on the autoaim, there is a notification, DOES THIS SHOW UP IN CHAT??? Because it would be stupid if it did.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 20.01.2016 09:23:56
I've also been using the Cheatautomation hack and Warpack interferes with it. It won't load.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.01.2016 09:45:11
Okay, only tested this own on a training room to understand a few things.

1. I don't understand what the values mean in the settings.xml. I don't know what Key is equal to what number so I can't reassign the keys yet.
2. Each time we press 'O' or 'P' to turn on the autoaim, there is a notification, DOES THIS SHOW UP IN CHAT??? Because it would be stupid if it did.
Don't scare this messages in chat. Only you see it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dp-juza@ya.ru от 24.01.2016 20:14:39
не удлиняются линии направления торпед
точно. там константа стояла. сегодня обновлю с взятием из настроек

где взять обновленные настройки
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2016 20:41:56
Для более удобной оценки траектории движения вражеских торпед - теперь они дополняются желтыми линиями идущими от торпед вперед по их траектории на заданное в файле settings.xml в параметре torpedo_lines_length в поле value расстояние. Серая линия, идущая от носа вашего корабля вперед - дополнительно сигнализирует о торпедах находящихся поблизости и показывает курс вашего корабля для уточнения маневров от торпед.
Уже поправили , можете пробовать .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dnp от 25.01.2016 15:48:06
ход торпед не удлиняется
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnaught1906 от 26.01.2016 14:27:26
I downloaded the ZIP file in the opening post, but when I extracted the contents, my Antivirus flags went up.

Theat: Trojan Horse Generic14_c.AVWD
Object: WoWS_Warpack.exe

Anyone else get something similar?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.01.2016 15:07:39
Don't worry.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 26.01.2016 15:33:09
 Dreadnaught1906 just add an exclusion in your antivirus for the file
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sdimeyahl от 29.01.2016 02:20:43
this is working well, only major thing i have noticed is that it is not leading ships enough, my shots more often then not hit the stern of the ship rather than center mass, this is more evident when dealing with dd on dd battles where most shots miss when i can aim better than that, but have seen it with cruisers as well as bb. noticing that linear prediction is having more success than combined. Also not a huge deal but noticed that when turning and zig zagging, guns wont fire until all guns are lined up, say for instance a bb or cruiser when turning around if the front guns are lined up ready to shoot it wont till the rear are lined up as well. keep up the good work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sdimeyahl от 29.01.2016 02:22:21
idk if it is possible either but if it was possible to auto launch torps when in range that would be epic
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 30.01.2016 05:10:59
I think it works very well.  I would also have to agree with sdimeyahl on everything they said.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 01.02.2016 17:10:11
I noticed that there are new icons with the program. What do they all mean?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.02.2016 18:54:58
Distance between target and your gun max distance. Blue - only you can shot enemy. Yellow - you and enemy can shot. Pink - only enemy can shot you. Red - enemy far away
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sdimeyahl от 02.02.2016 03:08:11
also the shots falling to stern is due to not shooting at max distance at start of battle to calibrate guns, had to read that on the russian side, having many more cits now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 05.02.2016 14:33:38
Over all it works very well.  The problem I have been having is when there are multiple targets close together it has difficulty locking to a specific target.  It will lock and I am about to shoot and it will switch to another and to another.  Bouncing back and forth.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 07.02.2016 02:40:16
Is the testing over? It's not loading.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.02.2016 08:37:55
not over. prolongated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 07.02.2016 10:53:58
Cool.  Is there anything in particular you want us to look for, or are you just looking for general feedback?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.02.2016 10:59:29
Cool.  Is there anything in particular you want us to look for, or are you just looking for general feedback?
test summoned for a users feedback.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 13.02.2016 07:14:14
Have to say again overall it works well.  Very accurate, lots of good hits.  Still have trouble locking on to a specific target when there are multiple targets close together.  It won't lock on one.  Also noticed when very close to a target about 2 km or less it has difficulty hitting, shoots over the top, I have to aim manually.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.02.2016 08:46:58
Soon we have all details about ships dimensions. After that -mod must shot on hull center
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: TannicArturo98 от 14.02.2016 22:55:14
Is it possible add a reduction in the dispersion of the bullets?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.02.2016 23:03:25
Is it possible add a reduction in the dispersion of the bullets?
no way. this calculations produced on server side
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: IcepickT от 14.02.2016 23:50:56
I want it can someone please help me get this mod?  I love and support warpack!
    I need it to install same as WP does now for WOT.
Thanks for any advise.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.02.2016 23:53:42
read head post
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 17.02.2016 17:03:02
New patch 0.5.3 coming 18 February on EU server.Warpack work with new patch?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.02.2016 20:07:38
you will see after update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 18.02.2016 03:03:07
The 0.5.3 is live on NA server. I don't think Warpack is working anymore. Just reporting.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 779150281@qq.com от 18.02.2016 09:23:00
и не будет. я же писал что при каждой, даже маленькой обнове - варпак будет отключаться. а когда включать - нам решать. это и считайте за отмашку. Всё это я уже писал.
так что ждите поста о включении

I am a Chinese user. warpack still normal use!
I would like to ask, need China's agent?
Can you do your agent?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 779150281@qq.com от 18.02.2016 09:25:49
warpack China region do not want to shut down! 5.2.4 is still in use, there is no update game! Thank you! :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 779150281@qq.com от 18.02.2016 09:27:50
и не будет. я же писал что при каждой, даже маленькой обнове - варпак будет отключаться. а когда включать - нам решать. это и считайте за отмашку. Всё это я уже писал.
так что ждите поста о включении

After charges have considered it, recruit agents in China do?
Can we do it? ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: leungchito1234 от 18.02.2016 13:17:23
Will the update is complete now? Because I did not respond
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sherman от 18.02.2016 13:52:26
warpack China region do not want to shut down! 5.2.4 is still in use, there is no update game! Thank you! :D
If you are well know Russian language, we may contact you to discuss this issue.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sherman от 18.02.2016 13:56:46
The 0.5.3 is live on NA server. I don't think Warpack is working anymore. Just reporting.

To participate in the test on 0.5.3, you must:
- Download launcher Warpack WoWs (this link (https://clck.ru/9jLpb))
- Run the file warpack_wows.exe
- Insert the key EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F
- Specify the path to WorldOfWarships.exe

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 18.02.2016 14:34:56
Thanks you for the opportunity to test the new version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: TannicArturo98 от 18.02.2016 19:38:39
It doesn't work!!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 19.02.2016 01:08:53
It works check you install mod.Are you all well configured ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Zergvan от 19.02.2016 04:11:01
Все сделал по инструкции. Указал путь к игре и ввел ключ запускаю, появляется полоса загрузки с кораблем а потом вылетает. Клиент чистый без модов. Помогите разобраться в чем дело!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sherman от 19.02.2016 04:53:34
Все сделал по инструкции. Указал путь к игре и ввел ключ запускаю, появляется полоса загрузки с кораблем а потом вылетает. Клиент чистый без модов. Помогите разобраться в чем дело!
Если вы русскоязычный то вам сюда (http://forum.warpack.net/index.php?topic=2693.msg32763#new)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nashmack от 19.02.2016 06:30:03
Works great, thanks for your work!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 19.02.2016 14:05:48
The 0.5.3 is live on NA server. I don't think Warpack is working anymore. Just reporting.

To participate in the test on 0.5.3, you must:
- Download launcher Warpack WoWs (this link (https://clck.ru/9jLpb))
- Run the file warpack_wows.exe
- Insert the key EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F
- Specify the path to WorldOfWarships.exe

hi guys this work realy well , but can ask if i can remove all this line?? i no like see all this line in game , i can donate for use it forever or later we need buy this program?? sry for bad engl ;)
take care man.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.02.2016 14:41:30
what are you talking about? what line? if you want to remove target line in game - read posts heder.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 19.02.2016 16:29:56
wondering if I can remove the lines that mark torpedo trajectories enemies and enemy projectiles, then you will be able to always use this bot, or I'll have to buy or subscribe?
thanks for the information
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 19.02.2016 16:41:48
i can use aim bot with torpedos?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.02.2016 17:00:23
i can use aim bot with torpedos?
no. cause torpedoes has in-game aiming system
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.02.2016 17:02:03
wondering if I can remove the lines that mark torpedo trajectories enemies and enemy projectiles, then you will be able to always use this bot, or I'll have to buy or subscribe?
thanks for the information
read under spoiler in header. parameters torpedo_lines_length and show_rainbow and show_gun_direction_line_in_arcade_mode
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 19.02.2016 17:56:04
k tnx
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 19.02.2016 18:47:51
Hello, I am a Chinese user, on China's WOWS upgrade to 5.2.5 problem
5.2.5 and 5.2.4 is no different, just modify the version number, you can fix this problem?
5.2.4 warpack not be used in 5.2.5

Also, I tried your 5.3 in Asia, stable functional improvement (5.3 and 5.2.4 Comparison)

by the way, I have a suggestion, if you can manually adjust the height of the sighting, which will help us use HE or AP (fire or deck)

If you can, I would be happy to pay, but I have some friends are willing to buy, and today they ask me how to buy. (Some people sell your test version)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 19.02.2016 21:55:02
Love the tool very handy.
I would suggest switch players button changed from right click to 4 . Right click is used for seeing what is around you.
Also p for auto is used to turn aa off and on . So maybe change to 5. Other than that i would give it an 8/10 thanks
Now back to testing... hope that helps
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wishicouldtellyou от 20.02.2016 04:55:43
Tested and it's great. I would love to be able to continue testing and using your software.

I only ask that the instructions on how to change the default keys, especially the right mouse button key, I am not sure exactly how to change it yet.  But better instructions on how to map the keys would be helpful.  I've also noticed that the aiming sight disappear on some ships.  They are showing up at farther distances, but then as the ship gets closer the aim indicator vanishes.  I will make not of what ships they are, I play a tone of warships would like to help if I can, contact me on here.

Испытано и это здорово. Я хотел бы иметь возможность продолжать тестирование и с помощью программных средств.

Я только прошу, что инструкции о том, как изменить ключи по умолчанию, особенно правую клавишу кнопка мыши, я не знаю точно, как изменить его еще. Но лучше инструкции по карте ключи были бы полезны. Я также заметил, что с целью зрение исчезает на некоторых судах. Они обнаруживаются в более далеких расстояниях, но потом, когда корабль становится ближе индикатор цель исчезает. Я сделаю не о том, что корабли они, я играю тон кораблей хотели бы помочь, если я могу, свяжитесь со мной здесь.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 20.02.2016 10:09:14
To change activation key functions Warpack settings.xml file, you need to open any text editor, Notepad is quite suitable.
Key codes (under spoiler)
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 20.02.2016 19:05:14
Game crashed after lauching warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.02.2016 19:25:20
Game crashed after lauching warpack
every time? in harbor? are you disable antivirus and remove all mods? (if you not install game at 0.5.3 update)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ZipZap от 20.02.2016 21:18:30
Here we go. Been playing for couple hours. Then @bang@ freez for 3-5 sec and I was "wut".. ah.. okay. happens. And right now got two in-game crashes. Game freezes and crashes. From now on cant stat client with Warpack.
Gotta be a bug or minor server patch ? dunno. But WArpack.exe doesnt want to start client at all. U just click it and nothing happen. So ? 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 20.02.2016 21:19:45
there was a small wows patch like 30 minutes ago . 20mb of data updated since then warpack crashes after 1 minute
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NixGibts от 20.02.2016 21:25:57
become the warpack not downloaded says have not rights who is the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 20.02.2016 21:32:43
problem is that to many people using it at the moment and its to much for the servers . my guess is that they will stop the mod and make it a "pay to play" version like the one from "hags club" .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.02.2016 21:33:47
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 20.02.2016 21:36:17
johans mod doesnt work anymore thats why all the people now coming to here and hags
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 20.02.2016 21:50:00
Game starts to load then crash (and message with Check online for a solution...etc etc ( I cannor post prtscr - don't know why)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 20.02.2016 21:59:02
i hope you guys will accept paysafecard as an option to pay . otherwide i cant use it anymore in the future
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 21.02.2016 01:21:59
could you translate me this . when i use up / down nothing changes or do i need to press another button to apply the changes .

я тут немного обновил мод. по многочисленным просьбам ТУшканчиков :) добавил отображение ТУ от всех противников. параметр отвечающий за это отображение в файле настроек называется как show_all_ppoints и если кому не нужно это отображение - ставьте этот параметр в False (он появится в файле настроек после перезапуска варпака).
Еще добавил параметр invert_target_ready_colors который отвечает за инверсию раскраски красных и зеленых указателей (линии орудий, маркера ТУ и т.п). правда не проверял его.
А для любителей чистой ТУ добавил параметр show_common_interface который отвечает за отключение всего GUI от мода за исключением отображения ТУ. ставьте его в True и игра будет выглядеть почти как ваша старая любимая ТУ. Только при этом и все функции мода (захват целей, отображение торпед, дымов и т.п.) отключатся. Наслаждайтесь ручным наведением.
Также добавил параметр aim_point_vertical_offset который меняет высоту ТУ в бою. по умолчанию он равен -1 (в условных единицах. которая равна 0.75 метра игрового), чтобы целить чуть ниже ватерлинии. Но клавишами стрелок вверх и вниз на клавиатуре её можно менять. при этом текущее значение должно отображаться сообщениями в чате. только не пугайтесь - никто кроме вас их не видит.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 21.02.2016 01:23:29
This is fantastic and works great!  Where do I pay?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2016 09:15:50
on paypal soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 21.02.2016 09:45:09
Is that why it's not working now.  Testing over?  I'll be watching for the release. I already use wp for tanks, looking forward to wp for ships.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2016 09:47:34
it's still working. https://clck.ru/9jLpb reload and run (if you use old version)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 21.02.2016 10:17:36
You are correct, it is still working.  It was the latest aslain mod that was interfering.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 21.02.2016 12:00:50
So, mod is working or not? I cannot manage to start game...:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 21.02.2016 12:04:25

Is it OK?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 21.02.2016 12:04:48
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 21.02.2016 13:32:54
It's working.  If you run any other mods check them.  That gave me trouble earlier.  With Aslains v the wp didn't work.  Installed v5.5.0.02 of the mod and no problems.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 21.02.2016 13:33:13
I can ask how much we have to pay? and you can only pay once and have it always? I hope this is not, as a subscription.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: checotah от 21.02.2016 15:34:14
I just downloaded yesterday and my husband loves your mod and we would like to purchase also.   I showed the mod to about 5 of my buddies and they want it as well! I went to play the game this morning and mod was not there.  So I went to re-download it and the warpack for wows box appears already filled in but it will not let me press the Start World of Warships button.  Thanks for your help!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2016 15:39:59
try to delete all files in warpack folder (except exe file)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 21.02.2016 17:38:27
seems not to work enymore its like having a large lag...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sefer от 21.02.2016 17:57:22
Would like to try it... but would you mind explaining these results, please?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: checotah от 21.02.2016 18:33:01
Just wanted to let you know that fixed it, no problems now, thanks!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 21.02.2016 18:58:15
I have to install something before I run warpack.exe?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2016 19:32:13
just put exe in separate folder and run it. nothing to install
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Northstar54 от 21.02.2016 20:45:22
Hi !
I just download this mod today at the morning. This morning, it was working very well ! Congrats for your work !
But... this afternoom, i begin to have freezeS on my screen during 3 seconds +/- and ping up to  +150 with 'icon"lag..
And now when i run wows by Warpack, i begin battle, freezes start again, and the reds letters "WARPACK" at the left corner disappears with all fonctionnalities (P, O, ...)

Can you help me please ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: unknownplayer от 21.02.2016 21:04:38
Hi !
I just download this mod today at the morning. This morning, it was working very well ! Congrats for your work !
But... this afternoom, i begin to have freezeS on my screen during 3 seconds +/- and ping up to  +150 with 'icon"lag..
And now when i run wows by Warpack, i begin battle, freezes start again, and the reds letters "WARPACK" at the left corner disappears with all fonctionnalities (P, O, ...)

Can you help me please ?

i actually have same problem, seems like its loosing connection or something.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Northstar54 от 21.02.2016 21:15:09
now WoWS crash in battle, and a window openning with "critical error"  :'()
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 21.02.2016 21:18:33
now WoWS crash in battle, and a window openning with "critical error"  :'()

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2016 21:20:14
heavy load on server. therefore
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 21.02.2016 21:42:51
game freezing sometimes for 3-4 sec and again working good. random freezing times from 2 sec to 10 sec.  can i do anything about it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 21.02.2016 21:51:04
i think before you make it a payed version you should upgrade your servers.
+1 for the mod from me , the aim is a bit to low for me but i aim a bit over the prediction .

thx so far
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 21.02.2016 23:08:53
i think before you make it a payed version you should upgrade your servers.
+1 for the mod from me , the aim is a bit to low for me but i aim a bit over the prediction .

thx so far

I think the servers are getting overloaded because it's free ATM so will probably calm down when they start making you pay to use it.

There is a parameter in the config file for aim height which by default is set to -1 which is meant to target the waterline of the target, I assume changing this value to 0 or 1 etc will adjust it's aim up a bit to achieve the effect you are looking for.

P.S. loving it so far, definitely more feature rich than what I have used so far, keep up the good work, with stable servers I'd definitely consider using it long term.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 21.02.2016 23:29:38
Possible account ban ? Looks like the programs has stopped working for me. It has been working fine up untill now. When i start game it goes through the game loading screen and comes to exit game yes or no screen with yes or no confirmation. I click no and connect to sign it but it will not sign in and comes back to the connect screen. Anyone else having the same issue or knows of a fix?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 22.02.2016 01:58:58
I just had this happen to me. All the aimpoints went off screen, and I lost control of my camera. My ship kept going but I could not follow it. I had to exit the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 02:09:22
i saw this situation on my game. but i saw it about 1 second. after that - all ppoints normalized
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 22.02.2016 02:19:52
i saw this situation on my game. but i saw it about 1 second. after that - all ppoints normalized

I tried it with another account, it happened for a moment but went back to normal.. but that 1st time the camera froze.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 22.02.2016 03:48:50
Strange but I have no problems with this.  It's working great and I love it.  Easy install and works great, no having to adjust anything.  Great right out of the Box....Good Work...


I'm ready to purchase it

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 22.02.2016 13:58:11
hey guys.
anyone maybe have problems with screen freezing when playing with mod? sometimes screen just freez for 3-4 sec sometimes more  and again fine.sometimes game crashing.maybe anyone have same problems?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 22.02.2016 14:21:23
Hi same problem tah combatsoul. I ve a big red dot now as preemption point, no more green/red reticle and a lot of 4-10 seconds freeze with or without mods.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 15:56:17
Testing stopped after 2 hours
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 22.02.2016 17:19:39
so it will not work that aim assist after 2 hours? and will by awailable to buy or?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 22.02.2016 17:28:08
so it will not work that aim assist after 2 hours? and will by awailable to buy or?
now you sell it? we can buy?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 17:35:41
yes. you can. find needed method on http://warpack.net/en/payment
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 22.02.2016 17:57:05
I can buy and have for unlimited time bro?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 22.02.2016 18:07:41
can somebody tell me how i can increase the distance scale in this bot?..the aim is too short!thanks in advance
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 18:11:59
what scale distance? show on screenshot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sefer от 22.02.2016 18:12:43
Same as hags, 12$ per month ... shame
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 22.02.2016 19:15:27
yes 12 usd is much at month plz re see the prince tnx ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 22.02.2016 19:18:05
i just buy key but not working.? need other cheat loader or same just change key? i changed key and cheat not working?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 19:28:58
i just buy key but not working.? need other cheat loader or same just change key? i changed key and cheat not working?
try again. server restarted. if not loaded - write your key to me (last 4 letters)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 22.02.2016 19:42:14
i tryed download again cheat loader i put key in done like always done before and not red color writing warpack on left top corner looks like cheat not loaded
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 22.02.2016 19:44:18
thanks working :) quick sorted. good work guys. thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 19:45:20
i just buy key but not working.? need other cheat loader or same just change key? i changed key and cheat not working?
try again. server restarted. if not loaded - write your key to me (last 4 letters)
User just buy a Tanks key (not WOWS). Therefore - not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 22.02.2016 19:53:40
Same as hags, 12$ per month ... shame
when i say distance scalew i mean the aim prediction line..i want to make it longer as the shots go too short!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 19:58:50
i don't understand you. what are you talking about? prediction line (started at ship hull and ended with red circle and red line between thise circles) can't be a longer.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 22.02.2016 20:01:45
@ smokescreen......Can I pay in rubles via PayPal?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 20:05:57
@ smokescreen......Can I pay in rubles via PayPal?
No. Rubles - only for Russian users.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 22.02.2016 20:12:46
i see..it cant be longer..but the shots go too short..anyway pls inform where do i buy a key pls!thanks in advance!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 22.02.2016 20:13:53
this key is still working??EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: boxz0r от 22.02.2016 20:14:53
So, I tried the warpack earlier today and it was working fine. I then figured i would do a clean install with win10 (I was on win7 earlier) And now Warpack does not seem to work.
I enter the game but I get no overlay.  I did notice the launcher did a tiny update, but it says its still patch 5.3
So anyways, my question is: Is there any dependencies for warpack to work? or did they just patch the game?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 22.02.2016 20:17:31
If I buy the Key I get to my mail?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mami от 22.02.2016 20:24:45
yes!this code we can use it .

but why we have to buy key?its already for free!
if we buy this key we can get another function?or ist( upon free kode) test version?

now i report problem.
to day i play teambattle in ver5.3.0 but this application not loaded.its mean we can use only  in randam baattle...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 20:27:38
cause this key no longer exist.
testing period - ended
demo warpack coming soon (for 2 hours play after first start with demo warpack)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 22.02.2016 20:29:14
ok where do i buy a key ?pls?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Northstar54 от 22.02.2016 20:30:13
4 to 24 hours delay via PAYEER.... abusing  :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 20:30:16
http://warpack.net/en/payment - scroll down and choose your key time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 20:31:53
4 to 24 hours delay via PAYEER.... abusing  :'(
sorry. but we can't affect on payeer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Balu2801 от 22.02.2016 21:36:05
Delivery time for the key?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.02.2016 21:44:34
through paypal - may be a minute
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 22.02.2016 23:42:05
ok thanks . best aiming programm so far . i did just pay for 1 month . keep up the great work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bewing77 от 23.02.2016 00:20:08
Hey, one question. So I bought the cheat for a month and notice there's a nice looking manual.. in Russian. Any kind of manual or instructions in English?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 00:37:29
soon. all manuals in progress
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 23.02.2016 01:37:08
hi all

had a short test period and liked warpack very much!

is warpack  foe wows also restricted 1key=1account as on wot? ( dont see that notification on purchuse site as is written foe wot)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 23.02.2016 02:32:53
soon. all manuals in progress

Why use paypal month required 12 USD
using the BTC pay converted to USD only 6USD
Such a big difference?

Other payment methods are not more than 12 USD, Why PAYPAL more expensive
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Diver101 от 23.02.2016 04:39:46
I cannot use WP I purchased a new key but when I try to load the game crashes
Any ideas
Need help here pls
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 23.02.2016 04:44:15
Tried to purchase a key but no luck....nothing there to pay just a registration screen and for what?  Nothing works there
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Diver101 от 23.02.2016 06:02:13
When I try to download WOW  Warpack from the link under the Key I don't get all the files and the system does not work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 23.02.2016 07:32:27
OK Great  It's working and I got key for 31 days.

How do I turn on tracers for incoming?   And auto shot?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 23.02.2016 07:59:12
My paypal email ID is different to the email I used to register here will that cause any problems if I pay for a key using paypal ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 08:55:30
You can use any email
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.02.2016 11:10:18
Can I test it if it works now? I didn't manage to load game a few days ago...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 11:15:12
soon we release a demo version (2 hours demo time). you can test it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.02.2016 11:27:39
OK, thanks a lot...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 23.02.2016 13:15:59
OK, thanks a lot...

use bitcoin pay

but Verification counts Maintained 0
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 23.02.2016 13:31:00
OK, thanks a lot...

use bitcoin pay

but Verification counts Maintained 0

Okay I received the key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Konari от 23.02.2016 13:59:36
Is this test over now? Or is there a problem with Warpack WoWS?

To participate in the test, you must:
-Download launcher Warpack_WoWs (this link)
-Create a folder warpack_wows
-skopirovat to warpack_wows.exe
-start warpack_wows.exe file
-vstavit key EUY8E-1BE9T-12TLF-7LU7F
-ukazat path to WorldOfWarships.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 14:09:31
test is over. now only buy
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 23.02.2016 14:16:19
OK Great  It's working and I got key for 31 days.

How do I turn on tracers for incoming?   And auto shot?

Everything you need is in the spoilers at the top of every page of this thread. (default rainbow toggle key is left square bracket, autoshot is P but I recommend changing it unless you want to keep disabling your AA when using it - or change that key to something else in game)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Konari от 23.02.2016 14:23:46
test is over. now only buy

So I will buy a key and keep using the same .exe file ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 14:38:10
yes. just change a key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mami от 23.02.2016 15:27:14
yes. just change a key

its mean if you buy 7days and passd 7days the key change. and application cannt use.so we have to pay money constantly.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 23.02.2016 15:42:49
How soon can we change the hotkeys and calibrations like in the WoT version? Or is there a hidden ini file somewhere? I liked having extra long torpedo trails.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 23.02.2016 15:49:07
Also, all chat notifications for changes in status have disappeared.

I press a hotkey and no WarPack notifications comes up telling me what I pressed.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 16:09:02
How soon can we change the hotkeys and calibrations like in the WoT version? Or is there a hidden ini file somewhere? I liked having extra long torpedo trails.
one week
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 16:09:28
Also, all chat notifications for changes in status have disappeared.

I press a hotkey and no WarPack notifications comes up telling me what I pressed.
WARPACK notifications in chat are disabled yet
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 23.02.2016 16:26:13
Also, all chat notifications for changes in status have disappeared.

I press a hotkey and no WarPack notifications comes up telling me what I pressed.
WARPACK notifications in chat are disabled yet

Purchase key can share it?

Or only one person?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 18:52:35
Key bind to first account started rhe game with warpack. You can unbind it. Unbind button near the key on site. After that you can run warpack on next account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Northstar54 от 23.02.2016 20:33:54
Hello !
there are really a lot of lag in this hour .. With all my respect for the work provides, I think before making your paying mod, you could solve the problem .. We had already report that at the "test" ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 23.02.2016 20:56:10

bougt 7days for trial but dont work :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 21:06:30
bougt 7days for trial but dont work :(
check that you are buy. you are buy WOT key (not WOWS). i give to you WOWS key. check it in your keys section on site
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sergio2016 от 23.02.2016 21:09:40
Hello, warpack is not active any more, a solution? Thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 23.02.2016 21:15:49
I've discovered by following the shell trajectories that a lot of them fall into the water directly in front of the target ship. If I'm aiming at a ship that is broadside to me.. at a very far distance... the shots do impact the center of the target, but in the water below the waterline. Can we change this height yet? I watched this happen a LOT with the newer program but it did not happen in the last 2 patches. The last 2 had a much higher chance of hitting.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 23.02.2016 21:17:03
bougt 7days for trial but dont work :(
check that you are buy. you are buy WOT key (not WOWS). i give to you WOWS key. check it in your keys section on site

fck i bought wrong one :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sergio2016 от 23.02.2016 21:35:55
Hello, warpack is not active any more, a solution?
There is a new key? Somebody has an explanation warpack does not work any more?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.02.2016 21:53:44
test period ended
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 00:03:48
new update incoming tomorow .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 00:18:54
I have paid for this but it Still needs work! to start with the height of the target will need to be adjusted it aims to low and not quite far enough in front maybe 1/2 degree to 1 degree. Not sure how to do that part. The target also disappears completely at times and switches player on it own when 2 targets cross close together. Keys have to be remapped which i have changed in the settings file key 257 to 6 and p25 to 7. so i use key 5 and 6 to switch player and auto. I just don't think it worth as much as i paid. Also if the game is patched would we get a refund if it no longer works?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 24.02.2016 00:24:51
I have paid for this but it Still needs work! to start with the height of the target will need to be adjusted it aims to low and not quite far enough in front maybe 1/2 degree to 1 degree. Not sure how to do that part. The target also disappears completely at times and switches player on it own when 2 targets cross close together. Keys have to be remapped which i have changed in the settings file key 257 to 6 and p25 to 7. so i use key 5 and 6 to switch player and auto. I just don't think it worth as much as i paid. Also if the game is patched would we get a refund if it no longer works?

I've found I have the exact same problem about shots falling into the water. The previous versions were more accurate, don't know what happened.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 00:50:33
you can use the UP/DOWN buttons now to adjust the aiming point .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 00:54:32
but they did disable the chat message for the adjustment . you can also change the settings to a higher value . standart it should be at 1 . between 3 and 5 works perfect for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 01:29:34
is this the setting to change shot height? mine shows -1 <param value="-1" name="aim_point_vertical_offset"/>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 01:34:59

<param value="1" name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap"/>   is for AP only

<param value="4" name="aim_point_vertical_offset"/>   is for HE
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 01:36:06
did test it for hours in the training room . since on -1 8 or 12 shells did hit the water and the rest on target .
also in the default setting HE seem to be to short for destroyers
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 01:55:59
Thanks i will give that a try. Why is AP and HE height different? mine were both set to -1 . I will test with both values at 1 and see how that works for me.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 24.02.2016 02:33:21
but they did disable the chat message for the adjustment . you can also change the settings to a higher value . standart it should be at 1 . between 3 and 5 works perfect for me

I use new mexico

aim_point_vertical_offset and aim_point_vertical_offset_ap

How to adjust better to hit the armored zone?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 03:11:25
@q92733twt when you press up or down you should see a little number left to the salvo icon. 1-2 seems to be perfect for AP

@kiwikev77 AP need to be a bit lower for Citadel penetrations around 1 - 2.  HE needs to be higher for a better fire chance and explosion dmg on the Superstrukture.
also if you have HE to low they seem to miss destroyers alot. so HE 3-5 seems best .

just remember up or down to adjust the aiming point , ( small number left side to the salvo icon) or change it in the settings

<param value="1" name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap"/>                                    is for AP only

<param value="4" name="aim_point_vertical_offset"/>                                      is for HE
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 24.02.2016 03:19:39
ok but how u aim longer??..i mean i want the line to be longer cause the shots go too short ..can u pls tell?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 24.02.2016 03:34:01

version updata

Updates what?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: neuro от 24.02.2016 03:42:43
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sherman от 24.02.2016 03:46:46
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!
Refresh page (F5)

Thank you, I forgot to enter a new file in the visible.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 24.02.2016 04:07:42
can hotkey together shot or one by one shot setting?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wishicouldtellyou от 24.02.2016 04:44:33
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it?  It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 24.02.2016 07:56:19
Is it possible you could put a menu like the one in WarPack?  When in the port you can set things up there by just clicking on a menu item?  That would be nice...  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 24.02.2016 08:33:19
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it?  It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 09:30:35
Is it possible you could put a menu like the one in WarPack?  When in the port you can set things up there by just clicking on a menu item?  That would be nice...  :)
soon. about one week
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.02.2016 09:46:51
can hotkey together shot or one by one shot setting?

 settings > salvo_toggle_hotkey"/>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ch1995318 от 24.02.2016 11:11:19
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it?  It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions

Hello I am a Chinese player would you help me buy it ? I will pay taobao
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 11:24:21
may be hi can help you. or find another Chinese dealers (if they exists)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: neuro от 24.02.2016 11:39:02
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!
Refresh page (F5)

Thank you, I forgot to enter a new file in the visible.

Thank you for this fast answer :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ch1995318 от 24.02.2016 11:53:49
may be hi can help you. or find another Chinese dealers (if they exists)

I ordered it on your site display

"Ошибка!  Вы не можете зайти в этот раздел" :-\
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 12:13:28
i miss a link
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ch1995318 от 24.02.2016 12:30:42
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it?  It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions

Yes, I would like to contact him , he did not give me a reply or transaction URL
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 24.02.2016 12:37:33
So I messaged Smokescreen because I am interested in purchasing the Warpack mod for world of warships... where exactly do I go to buy it?  It is an amazing product but I can't find any paypal or buy option on the site, if anyone can help let me know, thanks.
Be careful not to buy the wrong, if you are from China, I can help you buy,
By taobao transactions

Hello I am a Chinese player would you help me buy it ? I will pay taobao

You can add me wangwang  w461254857 or qq 11513325
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 12:39:27
please write to personal messages. not to this posts
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.02.2016 14:40:07
buying more monthly license keys, the key validity starts from the time of purchase or the actual use of a single key in warpack and then for 31 days?
I want to buy 6 keys license to use them for the next six months is that possible?

sorry for my english (google translate)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: checotah от 24.02.2016 14:57:05
Smokescreen I went to log on this morning but there was an update on wows.  I did the update and then tried to launch from my warpack icon on desktop but the Start World of Warships but is NOT highlighted in yellow.  And therefore not launching.   So my question is when WOWS does an update is there anything I need to change in order to make warpack work after an update or could this be something else? 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 15:21:53
Smokescreen I went to log on this morning but there was an update on wows.  I did the update and then tried to launch from my warpack icon on desktop but the Start World of Warships but is NOT highlighted in yellow.  And therefore not launching.   So my question is when WOWS does an update is there anything I need to change in order to make warpack work after an update or could this be something else?
please setup teamviewer and send me teamviewer id and password. i can connect and see - wats wrong. Wtat version of WOWS?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 15:23:43
buying more monthly license keys, the key validity starts from the time of purchase or the actual use of a single key in warpack and then for 31 days?
I want to buy 6 keys license to use them for the next six months is that possible?

sorry for my english (google translate)
possible use of 6 keys next by next. key activated after you log onto it on game. but i am not sure that Wargaming let us to release mods a half year. all may be
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 16:41:35
same for me. update may have patched the use of this program. please keep us updated. it will not launch from warpack.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 17:19:13
I hope we will get refunds or extensions? i know its not your fault but we are paying for it. Good luck on your fix.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 24.02.2016 18:40:20
I tryied DEMO just now...Outstanding work!!! Better then any was released...Maybe you will reduce the price, otherwise it's great!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 19:10:10
Screenshot of warpack not working since
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 24.02.2016 19:13:35
I tryied DEMO just now...Outstanding work!!! Better then any was released...Maybe you will reduce the price, otherwise it's great!

How did you get the DEMO to start? Mine doesn't do anything.

This is what we see of the program. It's completely frozen.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: madjedi от 24.02.2016 19:27:47
Mine even didn't show warpack version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 24.02.2016 19:46:04
I wrote DEMO as key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 19:48:02
be patient
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 24.02.2016 19:53:55
WoWs micro patch..most likely the reason it's not working atm.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 24.02.2016 20:19:15
@ smokescreen
 What if a new patch comes (25.02.- is the key still?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 21:07:04
warpack tested on version. just restart warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 24.02.2016 21:26:09
Still not working for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 24.02.2016 21:27:25
same here not working still.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 22:35:32
sorry. server problems.
now all must working fine
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 24.02.2016 22:55:49
Yes it is working...thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 24.02.2016 23:27:05
you can use the UP/DOWN buttons now to adjust the aiming point .

HOW? I've been unable to and see no status indicating that.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 23:42:19
status - is the red number under "autopilot" if you press up and down - you will see it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 24.02.2016 23:45:44
status - is the red number under "autopilot" if you press up and down - you will see it

Wow I can barely see that number, the color makes it hard to spot.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.02.2016 23:47:26
next update will fix it. text will appeared on the colored rectangle
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bewing77 от 25.02.2016 01:46:55
Noticed there are some problem using other mods with this, any idea why and if it could be fixed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2016 07:05:46
only - disable or remove conflicted mods
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 25.02.2016 10:36:12
I used it a few hours ago and now it won't load. Everything on my system is the same, have not changed anything.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 25.02.2016 10:42:19
should have said this also..not receiving any errors click on wp exe it starts and goes into the game but it's not there.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 25.02.2016 10:44:45
just saw that I am getting an injection error
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 25.02.2016 11:11:15
I had made changes in the settings file.  Changed the right mouse button to a different key.  Everything was working fine. Not it won't load. But when I use a fresh settings file it loads, when I copy my previous settings file it won't work.  Are we not able to make changes to the settings now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2016 11:21:07
Check xml validation of settings.xml. Or change one parameter from original file and run with it. Then change next parameter and restart. GUI settings coming soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 25.02.2016 11:48:09
I did that.  What I am having to do is I have to start fresh every time.  I delete the settings and dll start the exe enter my key and it loads.  I exit the game and start it again and the yellow button is greyed and I can't proceed.  I delete the settings and dll files and run the exe and it loads and runs fine.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 25.02.2016 11:49:54
the GUI will be great..hope it arrives soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 25.02.2016 14:11:53
Im still getting that frozen camera and red lines OFF screen. Not complaining, only reporting errors. Server must be overloaded or something.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2016 14:48:00
Im still getting that frozen camera and red lines OFF screen. Not complaining, only reporting errors. Server must be overloaded or something.
are you can make a screenshot and send it to me?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 25.02.2016 18:40:02
Mod is working with the new micropatch?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FDisk от 25.02.2016 18:51:24
It not works any more. Or I'm using outdated version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2016 19:09:30
Mod is working with the new micropatch?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 25.02.2016 20:43:44
http://warpack.net/en/payment..wows...2 errors respectively 10 USD for 7 days and 31 days
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 25.02.2016 20:45:26
http://warpack.net/en/payment    ...wows...    2 errors respectively 10 USD for 7 days and 31 days
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2016 20:46:26
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 25.02.2016 21:27:50

Warpack for World of Warships 31 day    300 RUR
                                                                  10 USD

Warpack for World of Warships 7 days    100 RUR
                                                                  10 USD

so it appears to me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2016 21:31:43
if you can't pay - setup teamviewer. run it and send me ID and pasword from it. i can connect and try to help.
P.S. use chrome browser for example (not IE)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 25.02.2016 21:44:56
if you can't pay - setup teamviewer. run it and send me ID and pasword from it. i can connect and try to help.
P.S. use chrome browser for example (not IE)

pay to go and it is the right amount deducted but I just wanted to point that the display is not appropriate
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 26.02.2016 01:08:10
I paid $12 for 31 days. With bugs and a gap in service for a day when patch came out. Can i get an extension or free key?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 26.02.2016 01:27:40
Im still getting that frozen camera and red lines OFF screen. Not complaining, only reporting errors. Server must be overloaded or something.
are you can make a screenshot and send it to me?

Even on the minimap my ship was frozen. I tried a new game and I was frozen out of play the entire time, it would not leave the team screen.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 26.02.2016 01:43:16
1st game since last nights crash it and it keeps breaking. Just before I got a CTD all the red lines wavered then disappeared.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: stalexzs от 26.02.2016 03:25:49
thanks,let me try
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 26.02.2016 05:23:33
I am getting massive FPS drop with the mod. Without the mod I have constant 65-70 fps, but I only get 35-40 fps when I play with the mod.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 26.02.2016 15:21:45
The mod is good but it could take a version with only aim assist and with a much lower price ?? please let it would be really nice for people who only likes to use aim assist
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 26.02.2016 15:26:24
Please can you make a 1-2-3 days payment method?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 26.02.2016 15:35:47
Mod is working? I start the demo version but it didn't show the WARPACK icon as usually and ofc it didn't work...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.02.2016 15:44:35
may me your antivirus block it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 26.02.2016 15:54:42
may me your antivirus block it
The mod is good but it could take a version with only aim assist and with a much lower price ?? please let it would be really nice for people who only likes to use aim assist
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 26.02.2016 16:00:29
No, my antivirus didn't block it, yesterday it was working, demo version works with  24 hours delay or what? And please consider payment for 2 days (In my case I need it mostly in weekends)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.02.2016 16:27:10
demo worked 2 hours. if you want a new demo - login to game on new account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 26.02.2016 16:45:43
OK, so it works once/account? And what did you thing about payment for 2-3 days of playing?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 26.02.2016 19:21:17
There is the option to pay using Paysafecard?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.02.2016 20:31:02
there is no this option. only paypal
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 26.02.2016 22:30:58
Have noticed that the rounds fall way to the aft of a ship.  Also what is the difference between  "aim_point_vertical_offset_ap" and "aim_point_vertical_offset"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 26.02.2016 23:08:44
cant play now the game is freezing whats suddenly wrong??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 27.02.2016 01:05:37
Have noticed that the rounds fall way to the aft of a ship.  Also what is the difference between  "aim_point_vertical_offset_ap" and "aim_point_vertical_offset"

The one without ap at the end is for HE shells, you typically want to have this a little higher value (3-5.... I use 3) than for AP as you are trying to hit the deck not the waterline.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 27.02.2016 01:32:43
for mod developers: you can have only one aim assist version at a lower price? it would be much nicer and more within the reach of the people, look your answer or private message.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 27.02.2016 05:06:21
keep getting an error with latest warpack update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 27.02.2016 06:03:47
demo worked 2 hours. if you want a new demo - login to game on new account

What can you say about the update

What has added features or fix what functionality?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 27.02.2016 07:43:22
demo worked 2 hours. if you want a new demo - login to game on new account
Hello, closed the trial? 2 hours
Some of my friends can not seem to try, they can not test if available
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 27.02.2016 08:14:49
re: kiwikev77.....disable any mods you are running.  I run Aslains modpack. When I started the game with WP got the same error msg.  When I removed all mods no problem WP and the game started fine.  Now I have to go and put the mods in one at a time to find out which one(s) are in conflict.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Northstar54 от 27.02.2016 12:57:41
Hi ! Is it running with aslain'mod ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.02.2016 13:32:05
try it. but not check fog mod (if it's present in aslains)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 27.02.2016 14:10:54
The ones I have found that cause problems are "Smoke screen boundaries" and "Alternative Ship HP bar indicator above compass", everything else seems to work out.  I have "Clear Vision" and "Fog Remover" enabled  with no problems.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 27.02.2016 16:30:40
RE.rdb.... i do not have any other mods installed with WP. It gives me issues connecting sometimes. Then i get a lot of in game freezes when i can finally get in then and thats when i get the error pop up. The 1st time was in port. And it has happened 3/5 times. The only thing i have changed is values for keys and default heights of shot.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 27.02.2016 16:46:08
an option to show the speed of enemy ships would be nice to have. otherwise good job so far
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 27.02.2016 21:42:24
Hi smokescreen, can you please check the code t oaddress the FPS drop issue? I am having massive FPS drop during games with warpack on. I have no other mod installed.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.02.2016 21:49:35
an option to show the speed of enemy ships would be nice to have. otherwise good job so far
show place on warpack ship marker or elsewere where i can put this speed marker (draw on screenshot)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.02.2016 21:51:52
Hi smokescreen, can you please check the code t oaddress the FPS drop issue? I am having massive FPS drop during games with warpack on. I have no other mod installed.
try to set settings.xml parameter show_common_interface to False and test. this settings remove all warpack draw operations except drawing all prediction points
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: perositi от 28.02.2016 01:12:36
Hi all, just wondering if anybody else is having a problem starting warpack. It was all running great and I closed out of WOWS, then went to play later on but the start button would not turn yellow to start the game. I closed out of warpack and tried again, same thing. So I deleted the settings file etc and reopened warpack, entered my Key and path to game then it all started fine.

Thought I would try shutting it down and restart it, same thing happened again.

I am not running any other mods etc just warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnaught1906 от 28.02.2016 04:18:53
Hi all, just wondering if anybody else is having a problem starting warpack. It was all running great and I closed out of WOWS, then went to play later on but the start button would not turn yellow to start the game. I closed out of warpack and tried again, same thing. So I deleted the settings file etc and reopened warpack, entered my Key and path to game then it all started fine.

Thought I would try shutting it down and restart it, same thing happened again.

I am not running any other mods etc just warpack.

I'm having trouble.  The demo ran OK, but when I bought a license, A) there is no new entry in the Keys page, B) The launcher auto-loaded a Key, but it is the same as for WoT, and C) Warpack does not work in WoWS.

Any ideas?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 28.02.2016 06:46:23
Hi smokescreen, can you please check the code t oaddress the FPS drop issue? I am having massive FPS drop during games with warpack on. I have no other mod installed.
try to set settings.xml parameter show_common_interface to False and test. this settings remove all warpack draw operations except drawing all prediction points

I tired and it did not work....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnaught1906 от 28.02.2016 09:27:53
Can anyone tell me where you find the WoWS key?  I bought a license and it does not show up in Keys, or in Messages.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 28.02.2016 09:34:55
how can i change aim height?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 10:15:26
height? may be aimpoint vertical offset? by arrows up and down
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 28.02.2016 10:49:48
height? may be aimpoint vertical offset? by arrows up and down
arrow up and down doesn't work, how do i set up in setting
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 10:54:35
change aim_point_up_hotkey and aim_point_down_hotkey to apropriate keys
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 28.02.2016 11:05:29
change aim_point_up_hotkey and aim_point_down_hotkey to apropriate keys
it's not in my settings,should i add it up
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 11:19:24
strange. try to move warpack contents to english path on disk (c:\wows_wp for example)
restart from there and close game after warpack loaded. then - this settings must be appeared
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 28.02.2016 11:28:44
strange. try to move warpack contents to english path on disk (c:\wows_wp for example)
restart from there and close game after warpack loaded. then - this settings must be appeared
I only have aim_point_z_offset,
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 12:14:20
i have this contents
<mod enabled="True" unique_name="prediction_point">
      <param name="shot_with_salvo" value="False"/>
      <param name="show_small_markers" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_torpedo_helpers" value="2"/>
      <param name="salvo_toggle_hotkey" value="27"/>
      <param name="fix_target_hotkey" value="257"/>
      <param name="show_rest_distance_on_marker" value="True"/>
      <param name="artillery_mode_hotkey" value="258"/>
      <param name="show_all_ppoints" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_gun_direction_line_in_arcade_mode" value="True"/>
      <param name="use_weapon_calibration" value="True"/>
      <param name="torpedo_lines_length" value="2000"/>
      <param name="rainbow_toggle_hotkey" value="26"/>
      <param name="auto_shot_toggle_hotkey" value="25"/>
      <param name="aim_point_down_hotkey" value="208"/>
      <param name="show_laser_lines" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_common_interface" value="True"/>
      <param name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap" value="-1"/>
      <param name="aim_point_up_hotkey" value="200"/>
      <param name="invert_target_ready_colors" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_smokescreens_helpers" value="True"/>
      <param name="min_art_mode_height" value="70"/>
      <param name="prediction_toggle_hotkey" value="24"/>
      <param name="lock_only_prediction_point" value="False"/>
      <param name="show_rainbow" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_distance_on_small_markers" value="True"/>
      <param name="max_art_mode_height" value="500"/>
      <param name="aim_point_vertical_offset" value="2"/>
      <param name="use_only_linear_prediction" value="True"/>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 28.02.2016 12:18:58
i have this contents
<mod enabled="True" unique_name="prediction_point">
      <param name="shot_with_salvo" value="False"/>
      <param name="show_small_markers" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_torpedo_helpers" value="2"/>
      <param name="salvo_toggle_hotkey" value="27"/>
      <param name="fix_target_hotkey" value="257"/>
      <param name="show_rest_distance_on_marker" value="True"/>
      <param name="artillery_mode_hotkey" value="258"/>
      <param name="show_all_ppoints" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_gun_direction_line_in_arcade_mode" value="True"/>
      <param name="use_weapon_calibration" value="True"/>
      <param name="torpedo_lines_length" value="2000"/>
      <param name="rainbow_toggle_hotkey" value="26"/>
      <param name="auto_shot_toggle_hotkey" value="25"/>
      <param name="aim_point_down_hotkey" value="208"/>
      <param name="show_laser_lines" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_common_interface" value="True"/>
      <param name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap" value="-1"/>
      <param name="aim_point_up_hotkey" value="200"/>
      <param name="invert_target_ready_colors" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_smokescreens_helpers" value="True"/>
      <param name="min_art_mode_height" value="70"/>
      <param name="prediction_toggle_hotkey" value="24"/>
      <param name="lock_only_prediction_point" value="False"/>
      <param name="show_rainbow" value="True"/>
      <param name="show_distance_on_small_markers" value="True"/>
      <param name="max_art_mode_height" value="500"/>
      <param name="aim_point_vertical_offset" value="2"/>
      <param name="use_only_linear_prediction" value="True"/>
i will paste it and try again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnaught1906 от 28.02.2016 12:22:19
Can anyone tell me where you find the WoWS key?  I bought a license and it does not show up in Keys, or in Messages.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 12:29:36
how you pay for a key? paypal or how? send me a login created by you on warpack.net
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 28.02.2016 16:17:04
there seems to be a new aim assist called anit warpack . looks like some russian people modiefied your mod and now giving it away for free .... i dont post any links
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 17:28:47
we know. but if it's work - not so long
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bewing77 от 28.02.2016 23:31:13
Hey again,
A question, and I might be stupid here: But is there some mapping or translation between the numbers used in settings.xml and the keys on the actual keyboard? Like, I have

<param name="auto_shot_toggle_hotkey" value="23"/>

which maps to the letter "I" on my keyboard, but if I want to change this, I'm only guessing. Sure, I can count which seems to be right for the main part of the keyboard, but when it comes to arrow keys etc I'm clueless.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2016 23:40:23
Key codes (under spoiler) on the top of the page
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 29.02.2016 01:45:08
<param name="auto_shot_toggle_hotkey" value="203"/>

puts it on the left arrow key  . works for me .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 29.02.2016 07:00:29
hello i was wondering if you can put out a mod with only aim to assist and pay fewer dollars per month? do not we all have a lot of dollars, but we like to aim assist, please let see this, if you make a more reasonable price I am happy to subscribe for a year
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.02.2016 09:33:40
download it from
and put in key - DEMO. you have 2 hours to play
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 29.02.2016 09:38:32
tnx for now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 29.02.2016 11:58:47
Maximum till end of december
I have a question,
I have purchased a key, I use my account login area after China can be used, but I signed up for the same account and then log in Asia, this time it did not work.
China and Asia are the same account, such as "xxxx"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.02.2016 12:09:41
go to your keys section on site and unbind key ("unbind" button near the key)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 29.02.2016 17:02:06
you can add in the function setting file to increase or dimunire the preemption point using the default value as a basis and then increase it in% + or - 1% ... for every type of vehicle, and also the pre-emption point mode prediction.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 29.02.2016 17:04:02
you can add in the function setting file to increase or decrease the pre-emption point using the default value as a basis and then increase it in% + or - 1% ... for every type of vehicle, and also the pre-emption point mode prediction.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: luxe от 29.02.2016 22:20:44
download the file   win defender disable  , avira antivirus (disable all whith firewall )  open the  program and put key demo   but is impossible push start button    (game clean no mod use )   what wrong ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.02.2016 22:58:25
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping warpack.net and press enter
what about IP address of warpack.net
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 01.03.2016 02:16:18
Hi smokescreen,

You mentioned that the ship specifics will be added so different ship has different aim parameters, thus the preemption will become more accurate (also the calibration shooting could become unnecessary). Could you please share an estimated time of arrival?

Thank you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 01.03.2016 07:33:15
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping warpack.net and press enter
what about IP address of warpack.net

I found a problem,
In version 5.3.1, torpedo trajectory (yellow line) is not 100% display,
Sometimes I've seen torpedoes, but no yellow lines
World of Warships Asia
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 01.03.2016 18:23:42
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping warpack.net and press enter
what about IP address of warpack.net

What has changed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 01.03.2016 18:30:59
in commandline (Win+R) and write CMD and press enter.
write - ping warpack.net and press enter
what about IP address of warpack.net


What his function is
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.03.2016 18:33:15
it's contains your ships settings (like a prediction point vertical offset.....) for every ship in harbor
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 02.03.2016 01:59:56
can you help me???

what do the three arrows under AUTO and what is the number under the arrows?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 02.03.2016 02:04:39
can you help me???

what do the three arrows under AUTO and what is the number under the arrows?

I think the three arrows under auto are barrage fire (fire all guns at once) when auto fire is turned on.

The number is the aim height - positive means it aims above the water line, negative below
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 02.03.2016 02:07:12
can you help me???

what do the three arrows under AUTO and what is the number under the arrows?

I think the three arrows under auto are barrage fire (fire all guns at once) when auto fire is turned on.

The number is the aim height - positive means it aims above the water line, negative below

OK, Thanks for the explanation
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icebox от 02.03.2016 03:44:19
Hello, I have been running WarPack version 2.1.15 and have had great success with the performance of it.. Unfortunately, after updating to version 3.1.25, it stops giving autoshot randomly. The only way to get it to work is to restart the PC. The "O" key doesn't work, and target-locking fails.. even after pressing "P" key. No custom configuration has been done. The predictive firing reticle is still there and moves normally, but you have to manually place reticle over it to shoot.

Also, there is no "Auto" written in the little circle in-game, and "WARPACK" is not displayed while game is loading, or back in port. There is also no "laser" line from the guns. It appears WarPack is getting stuck somehow. I have included a link to what it looks like in port:


Hope this helps.. thank you for any help you can give us.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 02.03.2016 05:01:24
Okay, it just randomly stops working during game, no drawing ,no aiming, nothing. It's really annoying.
You have to restart the game to make it work again, and after who knows what amount of time, it will stop working again.
I'm using win10, Nvidia if anyone concerns.
Please fix.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icebox от 02.03.2016 08:24:03
I also am running Windows 10 x64 and the latest nVidia 900 series Geforce drivers.

Not sure if this has anything to do with it... but I was running in fullscreen "windowed" mode with version 3.1.15 and all worked well. After version 3.1.25 started causing problems, I went to "Full Screen" (not windowed) and played nearly 15 games with no issues. Hope this helps with troubleshooting or those having trouble with it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 02.03.2016 13:45:29
I confirm what has been reported seems the last version is broken question is why. I did notice the new exe is smaller than previous versions.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 02.03.2016 16:17:04
1) seems not as precise as intended also assisted with self shot in manual aims uquale I can try to adjust the blow but it is not accurate the pre-emption point, I really miss the old mod aim assist, and think that for this work you ask $ 12 per month ..... it is a madness guys play better without aim assist at the time, even better to use a mod viewfinder like tic tac .......
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 02.03.2016 17:37:52
Ok seems like there are more settings getting added to the settings xml "extended settings" Warpack doesn't activate the first time you select and play a ship but works as normal when you play next time around. What seems to be working for me is let the game finish normally even if you die before the end. Then play another game and warpack should be up. Do not exit and return to port.     
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 02.03.2016 18:03:36
Im having issue after issue... i have already done a clean install of game and WP. Now aim assist has gone in battle. it shows warpack at port top right but no lines or targets. This is just a beta version (work in Progress) and its not worth paying for with all the problems it has had so far.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 02.03.2016 20:39:27
Im having issue after issue... i have already done a clean install of game and WP. Now aim assist has gone in battle. it shows warpack at port top right but no lines or targets. This is just a beta version (work in Progress) and its not worth paying for with all the problems it has had so far.
totaly true man its no work best!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 03.03.2016 03:59:56
Need help or a fix. Still getting issues with WP stopping after 1-5 games randomly. I have changed game settings to full screen 1920x1080p with 16.9 screen settings but it still stops when i start a new game. Even if i wait for the old game to end, stay in ship and not go to port. The only way is to leave the game and come back in. But that is no good for team battles. Please figure out a fix and let me and others know. Thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 03.03.2016 05:07:42
Hey the problem is still there!

When you login with Warpack, it shows the warpack logo on top left in port, but you enter a battle, boom, nothing. It simply disappear and all functions don't work. When you get back to port, the Warpack logo returns like it is mocking you. What's the deal man ?

I tried to open a "training room" and the mod works just fine, because it is run on your own machine, not on WG's server. Guess the bug only occurs when you try to start an online game maybe?

Anyway, please fix this ASAP. We paid for this 12D/month after all.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 03.03.2016 05:10:19
it's contains your ships settings (like a prediction point vertical offset.....) for every ship in harbor

new version
Sometimes played the first battle can use, playing the second battle will features disappear

old version
It does not occur suddenly no function

Please fix as soon as possible Thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 03.03.2016 09:36:58
Some word from admin about the current bugs would be encouraging
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 03.03.2016 09:41:10
Now I can't inject mod into the game,there are no words on my left side,so can you help me ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 03.03.2016 10:15:20
Wondering if it could have something to do with the new maps
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.03.2016 10:16:53
just update the drivers for your graphics card
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chuaichuai от 03.03.2016 10:25:08
just update the drivers for your graphics card
Hello, China, to upgrade the 5.3.1 version, but warpack did not work.
I think you need to upgrade.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 03.03.2016 10:27:15
just update the drivers for your graphics card
I have updated my graph card and restart my computer,but there is no red words in game,maybe something changed in CN server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bewing77 от 03.03.2016 14:29:17
Having some issues as well, but not as severe as some of you others seem to have. Two or three times I've had the thing where it just stops working, restarting the game has solved that. My worst issue though is that I get pretty frequent game crashes, it's rare that I can go more than 10 games without a crash, and even though I have a speedy rig with the game on SSD it's not always enough to not return to the game dead which of course sucks.

It's not my product, so I can't tell you guys what to do, but if it were me I'd give all current subscribers a couple of days extension on their subscription at no charge, that would turn a lot of bitter people who won't re-buy into customers who think you get on top of things and make your customers happy. And of course, trying to fix the problems ASAP, I don't think people will put up with paying for something that has this amount of issues forever  ;)

Don't know if specs help: Mine is a i7 4770, 2X GTX 760 SLI with latest drivers, 32 Gb RAM, Win 7 Game Running at 2560*1440 Borderless Window. One thing I have noticed is that warpack seems pretty picky about running together with other mods, had to remove quite a few to get it to run to begin with, so maybe some of the problems are connected to this, going to try to run without any mods and see if it's more stable that way.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 03.03.2016 14:34:34
The new version is very unstable

Often suddenly no function

The previous version did not so exaggerated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 03.03.2016 21:53:27
problems with warpack

not working....

cant lock target, makes artefacts over the screen....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 03.03.2016 23:25:39
cleaned some things with CCleaner and now is working...

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 04.03.2016 00:15:20
What is new with the version? Does it fix the bug?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.03.2016 00:22:06
may be
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 04.03.2016 00:28:08
I need help again........

The significance of the numbers on the ships of the enemy? What do they mean?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 04.03.2016 10:50:43
H, guys, I love the warpack for WoWs, but I would like some tutorials about parameters (well, some are self explanatory) in settings.xml files and some faq about common problems with warpack.

Can somebody tell me what to change as my shells don't hit the center of the ship but stern or they fall behind ship.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 05.03.2016 03:26:02
i have quoted the same problems many times still no answer!..they have to fix this shell fall behind not in the center!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 05.03.2016 05:48:12
i have quoted the same problems many times still no answer!..they have to fix this shell fall behind not in the center!

It is not going to work perfect every time consider Moving target speed course changes shell flight time at extreme range up to 6 seconds flight time. Closer you get shorter flight times more accurate. Warpack can not change shell flight path once fired they are not guided missiles.

So far no problems with new version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 9633498 от 05.03.2016 12:02:11
thank you :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: perositi от 05.03.2016 13:47:45
i have quoted the same problems many times still no answer!..they have to fix this shell fall behind not in the center!

As stated by other users, it is an aim assist, many variables come into play such as targets speed / direction change etc. You are not guaranteed to hit where you aim.

Also have you done the calibration shot at the start of each match. Use scope look out to max range and fire a salvo. Hope this helps.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.03.2016 14:11:14
calibration needed now only one time on each ship (not every battle). after calibration, this parameter stored in mod settings
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: perositi от 05.03.2016 14:47:30
calibration needed now only one time on each ship (not every battle). after calibration, this parameter stored in mod settings

cool good to know, thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.03.2016 14:52:10
later i will add a calibration tool (for HE and AP shells)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 05.03.2016 15:47:21
Calibration tool? Now that is a good news. Job well done, lads.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 05.03.2016 15:52:53
not working AGAIN

lockin target dont work, no green alining gun mark, no mark where will drop enemy shells ....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.03.2016 15:54:41
not working AGAIN

lockin target dont work, no green alining gun mark, no mark where will drop enemy shells ....
is warpack GUI (indicators near the autopilot) are visible at this time?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 05.03.2016 15:56:24
excuse  me, do u have any torpedo "auto-shoot" plan?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.03.2016 16:06:49
no. i can't launch torpedoes automaticaly. cause this operation must rotate ship in some cases. and launching all torpedoes to predicted helper ray not better than manually launching
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 05.03.2016 16:11:10
if camt auto-shoot Torpedo,Predicted helper ray will be good
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.03.2016 16:22:51
torpedoes ray helper appeared now if you can launch torpedoes to locked target (distance and reloaded torpedoes count > 0).
you can rotate own ship and switch to torpedoes (after green and white ray are equal) and launch it. until this time (switch to torpedoes) - let autoshot artillery shot the target
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 05.03.2016 19:43:45
Is there any chance to turn off auto locking on target? I would like to use warpack just as reference where to shoot and shoot wherever I want. Now shell fly only in calculated preemption point.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.03.2016 20:16:23
change "show_common_interface" value to "False" in settings.xml

<param name="show_common_interface" value="True"/>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 06.03.2016 04:11:12
Game keeps shutting down problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 06.03.2016 12:40:08
change "show_common_interface" value to "False" in settings.xml

<param name="show_common_interface" value="True"/>

And that's why we need short tutorial about parameters in xml file. Thank you for the answer.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 08.03.2016 14:50:04
for program developers, you are planning a more affordable price? or a version with only aim assist to a more reasonable price?

для разработчиков программ, вы собираетесь ежевика по доступной цене? или вариант с единственной целью, чтобы помочь им более разумной цене?

Ответьте, пожалуйста, спасибо
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 08.03.2016 18:24:23
New update coming
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 08.03.2016 19:50:31
torpedoes ray helper appeared now if you can launch torpedoes to locked target (distance and reloaded torpedoes count > 0).
you can rotate own ship and switch to torpedoes (after green and white ray are equal) and launch it. until this time (switch to torpedoes) - let autoshot artillery shot the target

How do you get the torpedo helper to work? Mine does not continue shooting target with guns and show the torpedo arc. Is this a setting in warpack i can change? we really need a tutorial in english.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.03.2016 20:15:25
By default it's turned on. Parameter in settings.xml like show_torpedoes_helper. It's worked only if you lock target
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: agoerroo от 08.03.2016 23:01:19
wp is not working for my wows, tho the DEMO was.
I got all drivers updatet and didnt change anything in the settings. Whats wrong?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.03.2016 23:46:22
may be your demo time (2 hours after first start demo version) is over?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 09.03.2016 00:31:35
you can increase the pre-emption point of the destroyer? of at least 10%
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: agoerroo от 09.03.2016 08:44:03
may be your demo time (2 hours after first start demo version) is over?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 09.03.2016 17:14:43
new update will test once done to see if it still works. On a side note shots seem to be falling behind on some of the faster ships. I have to aim way in front of the marker and my shot accuracy is down to 31% :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: agoerroo от 09.03.2016 17:55:56
may be your demo time (2 hours after first start demo version) is over?

The Demo is over definatly, but i have 2 Active and Paid WP Keys, its not working with either both of them
Still newest Drivers installed,
I tried Full Screen and Window Mode, Several restarts etc...
What now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 09.03.2016 18:00:08
Does not work with latest update.
unable to start game through warpack again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.03.2016 18:03:56
Wait warpack update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 09.03.2016 19:04:13
Thanks smokescreen. let us know when its done. or if you need a tester.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 09.03.2016 20:01:04
Warpack is no longer with me ??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bullseye от 09.03.2016 20:38:48

OK, go back.

Warpack is no longer with me ??

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: remmeddy от 09.03.2016 20:58:23
Launcher goes on gray screen and incapable to start the game. Reinstalled whole warpack package, same effect. Start button doesn't work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.03.2016 21:24:41
we know. it's a normal state after updates. wait a warpack update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.03.2016 23:04:14
warpack for ready. try it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 10.03.2016 01:36:18
any changes in your latest update? it seems to be working for me so far.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.03.2016 07:05:15
any changes in next warpack update. soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chaosspace от 10.03.2016 16:24:13
does the warpack work now? when i start battle i can not get in the map. @@
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: chaosspace от 10.03.2016 17:01:54
forget it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 10.03.2016 17:37:46
I had to crash the game 3 times to get into a battle, it normally froze at the team screen. Then when I could play, nothing worked except the target ball. None of the hotkeys did anything and I could not lock onto a target.

Every time WG makes a new patch we need to be patient for these guys to catch up.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 10.03.2016 21:15:13
It didn't work with last update :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 10.03.2016 21:26:55
can i get discount for buying multiple keys?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 10.03.2016 21:27:47
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 10.03.2016 21:51:13
Let's hope for at least 1 days prolong key..:)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 10.03.2016 21:56:46
micro patch...wp is not working..WARPACK is in the upper left corner as always but when launched into a battle it is not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 10.03.2016 22:01:05
Maintenance of warpack server.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 10.03.2016 22:05:45
Same here.
First gamestart i see red wp letters on left corner,but 1 sec. after start of first fight wp is complete offline.
Wp need some updates guys.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.03.2016 22:08:33
hoster maintenance time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 10.03.2016 22:16:23
understand..at least I know what the problem is..just have to wait a bit and everything will be back to normal
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 10.03.2016 22:16:45
OK... :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 10.03.2016 22:18:28
Smokescreen any idea on how long until it's back up..and could you post when it is
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.03.2016 22:58:50
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 10.03.2016 23:02:41
It's working again..thank you for the extra day
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: agoerroo от 10.03.2016 23:06:37
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys

it's still not working for me, Do i Have to completly reinstall WOWS?
What could be the point?
I start Wows via WP, Game starts but there's no red letters in the top left corner.
Then i start WP again and it says the game is already running with WP....
It's really annoying.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 10.03.2016 23:20:31
WP starts to work but many game crashes..In 1 game I was getting out 2 times...Frustrating...It seems that you'll have some work to do..Enough for this day...Have fun!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tpt от 11.03.2016 00:03:13
Its working good for me
Try - Search for file  Warpack_wow  and delete
Reload Warpack.exe and Save to your downloads folder
Find the file and make a Shortcut
Make sure the game is closed and run the shortcut - best of luck
U may need to copy your key into the widow again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tpt от 11.03.2016 00:07:16
IF u run any other mods make sure u have no Camera mods checked or try without any other mods in your ermods folder
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 11.03.2016 00:22:24
tested and working fine without problems on my side.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bewing77 от 11.03.2016 01:00:00
If anyone finds a camera zoom mod that works with this version please post, I can't get it to work with any I've tried. All other mods I use are fine, but with a camera mod the graphics are all garbled in port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 11.03.2016 10:07:24
increase the pre-emption point of the destroyer, currently it is scarce and insufficient
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 12.03.2016 18:12:29
Thats right.
Aimpoint is set to short,mostly for destroyers & cruisers but also at battleships.
Can i tweak and find out best value by my own in the settings.xml or is that hidden in the exe or dll and only you can fix that?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 12.03.2016 22:40:42
i have reported the same problem many times and never received an answer!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 13.03.2016 11:16:44
Thats right.
Aimpoint is set to short,mostly for destroyers & cruisers but also at battleships.
Can i tweak and find out best value by my own in the settings.xml or is that hidden in the exe or dll and only you can fix that?


I actually turn off common interface (and thus majority of warpack functions) and I use it only as aimpoint point where I can manually adjust the lead on target.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 13.03.2016 17:20:19
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys

Hi smokescreen,

After many tests, I think I might have found one problem of the prediction system

When the marked enemy is turning/maneuvering, the linear/combined mode prediction does somehow try to predict the location by its steering/speed, however the aim mod does not consider the fact that when a ship turns, it will lose speed. Thus the prediction is almost always off, or in a better term, with too much pre-emption, and as a result more often than not the salvo would land at the front of the ship, but not in the middle.

Does this observation make sense?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 13.03.2016 20:41:36
first problem just figured out,but only a small:
hitting close targets,like under 2km,the locked aim always climb miles over the ships and you cant hit the targets anymore.
next problem,and this time a real big one:
target lead is on all ships to short,not only on faster ships,example like this : aim for hitting a super slow wyoming does´nt fit anymore.
not a single citadel possible,have to always manually aim and give way more lead to hit center of all targets for citadells.
@Smokescreen & team,warpack for wows need some attention ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 19.03.2016 01:04:34
perhaps by creating a settings file for all ships where you can change the value of preemption, individually for each ship could be the solution
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 19.03.2016 15:46:49
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys

Hi smokescreen,

After many tests, I think I might have found one problem of the prediction system

When the marked enemy is turning/maneuvering, the linear/combined mode prediction does somehow try to predict the location by its steering/speed, however the aim mod does not consider the fact that when a ship turns, it will lose speed. Thus the prediction is almost always off, or in a better term, with too much pre-emption, and as a result more often than not the salvo would land at the front of the ship, but not in the middle.

Does this observation make sense?

Hi, are you addressing this issue or not? Thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 19.03.2016 17:43:29
guys are verry busy i guess .(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 19.03.2016 19:43:43
the english support is pretty poor. they can post all day in the russian section with update notes and what not . but cant answer i simple question .
maybe their english isnt good enough or they just dont have the time .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.03.2016 21:30:27
first and second things. my english is not good for a talking and i have not a more time to answer for all messages. i read it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 19.03.2016 23:14:23
first and second things. my english is not good for a talking and i have not a more time to answer for all messages. i read it

Okay, many thanks smokescreen for replying!

Do you think that my point in that last post is valid? I use battleships and I can say that the linear prediction is pretty damn accurate when the opponent travels a straight line. When they try to turn, I use the "combined prediction" but it does not work very well - it always over-lead the target.

I understand you try to predict the ship's position after turning by using t=s/v, but one of the game's mechanics is that when a ship turns, it loses speed dramatically. Are you sure you are using the correct algorithm to reflect this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.03.2016 00:11:36
yes - i am use one formula with rotation speed. but if ship not rotated to one side (turn own rotation left and right) - very problem to shot it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 20.03.2016 14:30:41

anybody here who can help me.
I purchased it downloaded the file edited path and enteres Code

But when i startt the game there is no warpack or anything else its just the normal game without anything
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 20.03.2016 15:13:09
Ah i got it it works with DEMO but not with my purchased key - its not the same as it is i can purchase on warpack.net???
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 20.03.2016 15:46:14
Chances are you bought a key for world of tanks not warships, you will need to get in touch with their support to swap the key over if this is the case.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 20.03.2016 16:18:32
Where can i buy the WoWs key?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.03.2016 17:53:14
register on warpack.net and login onto it. then - push BUY KEY button on site
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kotsos от 20.03.2016 23:39:01
i bought a key for wowpack to try it out but it wont work, i recieved it and when i introduced it to the exe it didn't bind to my account nor it works. The demo mode worked fine, what should i do? i wrote a message and they did not response
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.03.2016 00:17:23
may be you paste your key not correct (with spaces for example)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kotsos от 21.03.2016 00:34:42
it can not be copied with spaces :/
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.03.2016 01:44:11
well. setup and run teamviewer at 18:00 (GMT+3 timezone) and send me teamviewer ID and password. i can connect and try to help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 21.03.2016 06:17:58
yes - i am use one formula with rotation speed. but if ship not rotated to one side (turn own rotation left and right) - very problem to shot it


Thanks for the reply. I don't think you understand my point - I was trying to say that the "combined mode" aim point (which is when the target ship is in rotation) always over-lead the target, meaning that the aim point is too much front, and the shots always land at the head of the ship (often miss) but not at the center of the ship. Reason is your method does not take into account that the target's speed will decrease when it turns.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 21.03.2016 13:43:26
Every ship that activates any steering actions will loose speed,also when its only 1 sec. of steering,it always loose speeds.
But what about the aim point which is set to short on all ships since wows v. admin,are you planing to fix this in the future?
If yes i will extend the key,but if not i´m not willing to extend the key.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.03.2016 14:05:48
aim point calculations not use ship acceleration. its use only pure ship speed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 21.03.2016 16:10:04
aim point calculations not use ship acceleration. its use only pure ship speed
can you figure out a way to use the acceleration?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 21.03.2016 19:14:04
And again,still not a single word about the to short aimpoint on all ships!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 21.03.2016 19:32:20
Sorry for 2x post but i´m not able to edit my last reply for this.
Admin,what is this and what it does:
inside file settings.xml .
Please fix the to short lead or add a option in the setting.xml for target lead to allow us to set a good value for that. ,)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.03.2016 20:12:59
aim point calculations not use ship acceleration. its use only pure ship speed
can you figure out a way to use the acceleration?
its impossible. ship acceleration is unpredictable
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 22.03.2016 12:08:38
I have to agree with the other guys most shots fall towards the back of the ship you are aiming at so half your salvo falls harmlessly behind your target. As for when a ship is turning well that still needs input from the player that doesnt bother me so much. If I manually aim using the preemption point as a guide I aim forward of the point and slightly higher and I can score a lot more citadels than letting the aim assist do it automatically. From my point of view the preemption point is not leading the target by enough. I find the incoming markers very useful to be able to dodge fire. I think it still needs some work guys.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 22.03.2016 17:01:29
Huray,another one :P
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 22.03.2016 18:00:34
I think it needs about another %25 more lead.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 22.03.2016 20:41:09
25% ?
No thats way to much,had good results when i give 1cm or maybe 1,5cm more lead to a full speed tirpitz at 30,5knots at 16km range when i shoot my tirpitz guns,i dont think 1cm more lead will be something around 25% ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 23.03.2016 01:56:25
Just wondering how much longer for the in game menu?  Please!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 23.03.2016 06:47:37
25% rough estimate maybe %20 but also problem is mainly at range closer you get more accurate it becomes so max range would be + say %20 lead reducing to as it now is at half range.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 23.03.2016 14:19:33
Just wondering how much longer for the in game menu?  Please!
What you mean ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.03.2016 14:39:19
Just wondering how much longer for the in game menu?  Please!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 23.03.2016 16:13:06
Update 0.5.4 is now live. Warpack no longer working again. Awaiting update again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.03.2016 16:33:51
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 23.03.2016 17:34:57
I am  :) Also for those about to update, make sure you remove or uninstall any mod files attached before you update wows. the reinstall or add them once its complete. I have had issues the last 2 times and uninstalling worked great for me. See you on the seas.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 01:47:54
warpack update released
now you can change settings in dock. but don't move warpack settings window (cause mouse clicks passed to original game interface. in other words - if you click on warpack settings window or its element under game "start battle" button - this button pressed too)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 04:59:35
I can't seem to find this settings window how do you activate it ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 09:12:13
warpack button appears in dock near dock type button?
are you restart warpack?
are you see "warpack loading" in game login window and other warpack messages in dock (on the right down corner)?
wait untill first warpack message appears in login window. then - login onto game
what game server you use?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 09:50:27
Second start of the day and Warpack look like it updated again.
I get the waiting to enter game notification after game loads but before connecting to server.
At the port screen I get Administrator messages Warpack loaded etc about three messages.
Warpack button is top left corner near port button it is blue in colour but it is unresponsive nothing happens when I click on it.
I am on Asia Server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 09:54:00
your game version?
are you can to make a screenshots of this three administrator messages?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 24.03.2016 09:55:40
warpack button appears in dock near dock type button?
are you restart warpack?
are you see "warpack loading" in game login window and other warpack messages in dock (on the right down corner)?
wait untill first warpack message appears in login window. then - login onto game
what game server you use?
hello, i get the message that warpack waiting to enter the game,and when i press connect i get the message"failed to connect to server"pls advise
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 09:58:41
Game Version is
I can try to make a screenshot but they dont stay up for long where do I send them
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 09:59:58
are you have two servers in servers list in login window?
if - yes - try to login on another server in list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 10:01:44
Game Version is
I can try to make a screenshot but they dont stay up for long where do I send them
cut screensot part with needed region (in MSPAINT for axample and save it on disk) - then attach this cutted parts
try to remove old mods in game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 24.03.2016 10:16:26
i keep on receiving, the same message when push the connect button:network error failed to conect to server"..and then iam in port but without the warpack on!pls advise!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 10:29:19
Ok I worked out the problem it seems some mods interfere with warpack working once I removed them it all works. Now I need to find out which mods are causing the problem. Warpack works ingame ok its just the menu in port.
Here are the screenshots
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 24.03.2016 11:18:36
Game Version is
I can try to make a screenshot but they dont stay up for long where do I send them
cut screensot part with needed region (in MSPAINT for axample and save it on disk) - then attach this cutted parts
try to remove old mods in game
pls advise i can not start warpack..when push the connect button i reecive this message "network error,server is not available"pls advise
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_007 от 24.03.2016 11:36:19
"Network Error. Cannot connect to WarPack server".

So what now? I was able to update WarPack to .51 version but cannot start mod within game. Key is correct. In previous version everything worked...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roosterjoe от 24.03.2016 11:43:55
Warpack not working after WG update 0.5.4, it was working fine last night with Warpack but now I can not even get past the Warpack Serial number screen, nothing happens after that,
I am on the EU Client and do not use any other client.
Please Advise or tell me your fixing the problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 12:27:45
Are u guys starting the game with warpack launcher not original wow launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 24.03.2016 12:37:57
i start the game with warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 12:44:12
if anybody have problems with new version of warpack - please setup teamviewer and run it. send to me teamviewer ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 13:34:21
everybody - restart warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.03.2016 13:39:50
when the resolution of the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.03.2016 13:43:32
warpack restarted, now ver always the same warning ...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 14:25:16
start warpack after you enter to dock
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 14:36:11
Now I am getting a crash to desktop it was working before the last Warpack update.
Tried starting Warpack after entering dock but nothing is showing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 24.03.2016 14:39:45
hello,does Warpack work on Ver0.5.4?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.03.2016 14:47:56
"start warpack after you enter to dock"   does not work  :-\
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 14:52:39
Now I am getting a crash to desktop it was working before the last Warpack update.
Tried starting Warpack after entering dock but nothing is showing.
setup teamvier and send to me its ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 14:53:00
"start warpack after you enter to dock"   does not work  :-\
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.03.2016 14:58:51
I'm trying to test account to avoid ban
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.03.2016 15:09:20
I dont know what is going on but now it is working again. The only thing that has happened is java did an update and installed amazon helper which I have since removed. Does Warpack use java at all ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.03.2016 15:11:22
if you have permanent problems with loading - send me teamviewer ID and password. i try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.03.2016 15:21:35
105 252 34
tried several times to start the game and only after entering the port to start warpack but nothing happens .... but not on the main account for obvious reasons
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MjrMoneyLover от 24.03.2016 18:29:54
i have the same dialog window when i start the game but adtre this warpack works so i was think it have to be like this now :)- its not?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 24.03.2016 21:05:46
105 252 34
tried several times to start the game and only after entering the port to start warpack but nothing happens .... but not on the main account for obvious reasons

If you mean you are trying to run warpack on a different wows account than your normal one you will have to login at warpack.net and release they key so it attaches to the new account (and again when you want to use it on your normal account)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 24.03.2016 22:49:34
Is there a panic button to turn off all display of the warpack? F12 doesn't work anymore in this new version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MjrMoneyLover от 25.03.2016 00:16:18
hello every one :)
i am new on this forum. i will like to know how to check how much my key is valid? i have buy my key from darkteam forum. not from this site (couse i am stupid?) and the saler promise me i buy the key to 25-04. but i think it is a liar couse he use me and take 22 usd for 1 mnth. now i find this website so please forgive that I am ignorant.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.03.2016 00:39:50
send your key to me. i ckeck it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: spanky от 25.03.2016 01:35:44
I still get the "warpack - waiting to enter..." message at login, and starting warpack after entering the dock does not work, the dll is injected but nothing changes. Any news about this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.03.2016 09:16:49
I still get the "warpack - waiting to enter..." message at login, and starting warpack after entering the dock does not work, the dll is injected but nothing changes. Any news about this?
wait a minute or two in dock. if not worked - setup teamviewer and run it. send me teamviewer ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 25.03.2016 16:48:28
today not work why?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 25.03.2016 16:54:05
already waited more than five minutes but still nothing
rebooted several times but no sign of life ...
soluzine to the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 25.03.2016 16:58:11
ver 2.1.84 not work it thx ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nambam от 25.03.2016 19:33:59
Warpack will not load. I have 2 licenses, 1 works correctly  but the other does not connect. I have unbound the key that is not working.  When i try to load the key it does not bind again or load with WOWs.
This key has not loaded for about a week. It used to work fine. please help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.03.2016 21:04:30
Warpack will not load. I have 2 licenses, 1 works correctly  but the other does not connect. I have unbound the key that is not working.  When i try to load the key it does not bind again or load with WOWs.
This key has not loaded for about a week. It used to work fine. please help.
i unbind all your keys. try it again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wigald от 25.03.2016 21:07:02
Yes mod not working please update or fix it

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ch1995318 от 25.03.2016 21:32:22 Version does not work  :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.03.2016 21:32:26
Yes mod not working please update or fix it
let me connect with TEAMVIEWER and try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wigald от 25.03.2016 21:35:54
Yes mod not working please update or fix it

At the moment it works again......Server Problems @Warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 26.03.2016 00:18:16
At v. i had no problems,warpack was working after i removed this part ( extended_settings ) from the xml,had grafic bugs on my screen.
cant test the to short lead problem on all ships had no time,now i see v. 84 is out i will test it tomorrow and send an info here.
Thanks to warpack team for your great work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: supalight от 26.03.2016 08:06:38
My problem is "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "
But i need use it on Asia sever , please help .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.03.2016 08:26:20
My problem is "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "
But i need use it on Asia sever , please help .
You can't use it on non russian servers
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: supalight от 26.03.2016 09:21:05
My problem is "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "
But i need use it on Asia sever , please help .
You can't use it on non russian servers
OH! I forgot to tell you .
I buy this key is work well on asia sever before 3/25 , before 3/25 is old version .
After main Program update , it always show "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "
And my key period is 1 month . Now just one Week past .
please fix it . thx .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.03.2016 10:00:53
I buy this key is work well on asia sever before 3/25 , before 3/25 is old version .
After main Program update , it always show "This key is for the game only on the RU sever "
And my key period is 1 month . Now just one Week past .
please fix it . thx .
You buy a russian key for RUB (key that you buy has words ONLY FOR RUSSIAN). You are russian? If no - warpack work correctly now. Before 3/25 its not use this condition. Now - use. If you want to play not russian server - buy not russian key. Your key is work on russian server. therefore - play on russian server with russian key. You see that you buy
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Samaritian от 27.03.2016 05:08:29
since the new version, everytime I start a battle, when the mm came out it just doesn't work anymore, and when I tried to close the game, there was a system error notice came out. please fix that ASAP
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ch1995318 от 27.03.2016 08:43:54
since the new version, everytime I start a battle, when the mm came out it just doesn't work anymore, and when I tried to close the game, there was a system error notice came out. please fix that ASAP

I would also like you question
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 27.03.2016 10:06:41
when I click on the Warpack blue box in upper left corner in port menu doesn't open
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.03.2016 10:19:56
try to run without other mods
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 779150281@qq.com от 27.03.2016 11:51:31
Problems Asian Games has lasted for two days unable to use the key. Please solve this problem as soon as possible! :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 27.03.2016 14:42:56
Smokescreen seeing as you seem to be the main man when dealing with the english speaking community is it possible to see patch notes when the program updates. At the moment when you start up Warpack it automatically updates but we have no idea why or what was fixed or changed.

On another note I am finding it hard to find the sweet spot with the aimpoint key the one you adjust up and down anyone figured out a chart for best results.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 27.03.2016 18:09:38
whats this new option ?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 27.03.2016 18:15:25
i think SRV1 and SRV2 stands for Server1 and 2.
and auto will find the server automaticly for you..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.03.2016 18:21:21
auto - autmatic select between srv1 and srv2
srv1 - warpack main server
srv2 - warpack secondary server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rex от 27.03.2016 19:02:54

why is the download link gone?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: heccrbq от 28.03.2016 01:52:39

why is the download link gone?
you can download it at warpack main page => my keys.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 28.03.2016 01:57:01
What happened to Menu?  Not working now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rex от 28.03.2016 10:45:31

why is the download link gone?
you can download it at warpack main page => my keys.

thats the problem, its not there anymore

juts got this 3 left

Warpack for WoT
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nexttps от 28.03.2016 16:11:27
I get the following message
Exceeded the limit connections for key.
Log in under the account that is bound
to your key. or make unbind key in
your account.

but I buy a new key which is still not used yet.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nexttps от 28.03.2016 16:33:23
works now...wtf

only SRV1 work, AUTO not work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 29.03.2016 06:24:31
What happened to the Menu?  It doesn't work..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: m118 от 29.03.2016 11:07:01
Hi, i'm using the pack and find it's very helpful.

Now the pack only displays circle for my own smoke, can you make it also display the circle for friendly and enemy smoke?

There is already a mod out there which does it, but warpack won’t load with it.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.03.2016 11:17:10
we not show other smokescreen helpers because many circles visible at a time/ game may crash
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: yangwuwei520 от 29.03.2016 20:26:10
When can we use for Chinese Version?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.03.2016 22:01:41
after a 1 hour
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 29.03.2016 23:02:07
Sorry to say again,but lead of aimpoint is still a litle to short,to many nades drop on the rear of the ships or drop behind the target,specialy aim on destroyers need much more lead.
On wows version 0.5.3 the aim was absolutely perfect and accurate,then update came out and then aim was always on all ships to short and is still not fixed,and no single word from you about that!
Whats wrong admin?
Please provide an option for us to manually tweak the aim,or fix that.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rex от 30.03.2016 01:09:27
great update thanks !!  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.03.2016 01:20:24
mod updated:
added prediction point manual horizontal offset.
"prediction point forward hotkey" - move prediction point forward from ship center
"prediction point backward hotkey" - move prediction point backward from ship center
these parameters control "prediction point horizontal offset type" parameter value:
   "in percents of enemy ship length" from -200% to +200%
   "in meters" - from -30 meters to +30 meters

added parameter
"show mini-markers on enemy ships" - takes a three choses:
   "not shown"
   "show distance" - show distance to shot range to enemy
   "show speed" - show enemy speed
if you press ALT key in battle - second choise appeared on marker or minimarker.
if you show distance on marker by default - ALT mode shows speed and so on

Now warpack button in Dock Shown/Hided by (F12). but warpack game interface in battle not hided yet :)

New indicators.
1 - show vertical prediction point (PP) offset (for automatic and manual modes - is the point number on ship hull. total 11 points)
2 - shows manual additional PP offset
3 - automatic or manual PP vertical point on ships hull
4 - shell falling angle. if it greater than 20 degrees - you may try to up PP vertical offet to maximum

for ship indicator (3,4) shown - chose automatic or manual mode from:
"prediction point height offset type":
   "old prediction point height offset type" - old vertical PP offset mode.
   "automatic PP height offset type" - automatic regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull. you can change its value by hotkeys (up and down by default) till next target lock
   "manual PP height offset type" - you can regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull by hotkeys (up and down by default).
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 30.03.2016 02:39:35
Thanks for the update.
The height makes more sense now. One question: does the automatic height mode only consider the distance of the target? Or it also consider the bullet travel speed of the specific ship I am using? Because each ship has different bullet speed, thus different incident angle.

Another issue, about the "combined prediction" (not linear), the prediction point is always too long (too much lead), and there is no way to adjust it. The new manual horizontal offset feature can only adjust the "Linear prediction point".

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.03.2016 06:58:18
automatic mode not use bullet speed. why use it? horizontal offset worked only with linear prediction or in combined prediction in linear mode
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 30.03.2016 07:31:06
Why did you charge more for english client? Why don't you keep it the same like WoT?

Not all people who doesn't understand russian come from a wealthy country call US.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 30.03.2016 07:37:09
Also I don't have paypal for the english client, do you offer the payeer multi-payment options for english client?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.03.2016 09:03:54
Also I don't have paypal for the english client, do you offer the payeer multi-payment options for english client?
payeer still not respond for this querstion
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 30.03.2016 13:15:56
I always use payeer to pay for warpacks (both WoT and WoWs before today's changes), it doesn't make sense now that I cannot pay for WoWs while I can still pay for WoT using payeer????

I bought a russian client key (to renew my key) using payeer but it won't work with the EU client.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kirby от 30.03.2016 16:34:11
For your information
Update is now active
WARPACK not working  :-[
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 30.03.2016 16:37:22
mod updated:
added prediction point manual horizontal offset.
"prediction point forward hotkey" - move prediction point forward from ship center
"prediction point backward hotkey" - move prediction point backward from ship center
these parameters control "prediction point horizontal offset type" parameter value:
   "in percents of enemy ship length" from -200% to +200%
   "in meters" - from -30 meters to +30 meters

added parameter
"show mini-markers on enemy ships" - takes a three choses:
   "not shown"
   "show distance" - show distance to shot range to enemy
   "show speed" - show enemy speed
if you press ALT key in battle - second choise appeared on marker or minimarker.
if you show distance on marker by default - ALT mode shows speed and so on

Now warpack button in Dock Shown/Hided by (F12). but warpack game interface in battle not hided yet :)

New indicators.
1 - show vertical prediction point (PP) offset (for automatic and manual modes - is the point number on ship hull. total 11 points)
2 - shows manual additional PP offset
3 - automatic or manual PP vertical point on ships hull
4 - shell falling angle. if it greater than 20 degrees - you may try to up PP vertical offet to maximum

for ship indicator (3,4) shown - chose automatic or manual mode from:
"prediction point height offset type":
   "old prediction point height offset type" - old vertical PP offset mode.
   "automatic PP height offset type" - automatic regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull. you can change its value by hotkeys (up and down by default) till next target lock
   "manual PP height offset type" - you can regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull by hotkeys (up and down by default).

great idea but it would be useful for any kind of ship, it was possible to save the settings for each ship in the type of shell (HE - AP) for example New Orleans HE 7 AP4, so that every time the guns lock of an enemy I have not changed one more time.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 30.03.2016 18:54:05
WARPACK is working or not? Indeed update is online but game shows 0.5.4...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.03.2016 20:22:17
now working again on 5.4.1
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 31.03.2016 00:39:51
Im noticing that I cant "auto fire" as well as before.  Anyone else having this issue?  I right click and get the lock onto the ship, but auto fire will not engage smoothly like before this patch.  Im getting a lot of red/green reticle.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 00:57:47
what ship are you use?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 31.03.2016 01:12:25
Hi smokescreen,

Is there any update for payeer payment for warpack english? I cannot use paypal.

I bought the warpack russian key using payeer but the key won't work. It works fine before this artificial change. Please let me pay using payeer again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 01:25:32
soon. we register new product on payeer. but it may take a few days
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 31.03.2016 01:43:26
automatic mode not use bullet speed. why use it? horizontal offset worked only with linear prediction or in combined prediction in linear mode

okay, the bullet speed will affect the contact angle of the shot. For example, North Carolina has very low bullet speed and thus very "bendy" curve, compared to other battleships.

Also, can we expect the horizontal offset to work on the combined mode in the future, or will you fix the combined mode, because currently it is clearly not right.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 31.03.2016 01:54:36
what ship are you use?

Im using the Yamamoto primarily and occasionally gunship DD's like the russian's. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 31.03.2016 03:00:49
Just confirming, still no luck with "auto fire".  Im still getting a lock on, but not firing.  On a side note, it WILL occasionally auto fire, like 2-3 times per game.  Also, take note prior to this patch it worked like a dream.  Auto fire worked all the time, never no problems.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 31.03.2016 04:50:43
now working again on 5.4.1
WOWs client version
Warpack version
Warpack can not work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 31.03.2016 04:53:33
now working again on 5.4.1
WOWs client version
Warpack version
Warpack can not work
Asisa server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 31.03.2016 05:41:51
I can confirm on Asia server warpack is not working get a short message "warpack mods not available in this version of game client"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 31.03.2016 09:18:29
I can confirm on Asia server warpack is not working get a short message "warpack mods not available in this version of game client"

+1 on EU server, I get the same message.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 09:36:33
warpack update will be available after a few hours
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 31.03.2016 13:29:36
any time soon?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roosterjoe от 31.03.2016 14:00:24
Just play with your DD's until its fixed, I have a feeling this is going the way Johans aimbot was destroyed, but i hope warpack can sort this :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 31.03.2016 14:09:22
WOW,what am impressive update!
Great & easy to understand GUI menu,fast & easy to handle after a setup :D
target lead on destroyers always +50% works verry good.
target lead for verry slow shells like cleveland,also here +25 - +50% more lead is a must.
and +25% or +50% for slow battelship shells to.
13 citadells yesterday,so long so long i had citadells,i´m verry happy  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 31.03.2016 14:28:36
 "warpack mods not available in this version of game client"

In the settings the server ????

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Settings><ExePath value="D:\Games\World_of_Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe"/><LicenseKey value="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"/><Language value="EN"/><DllName value="XXXXXXXX"/><Server value="0"/></Settings>
in the morning stand by server "" nothing. "0" is ok ?

with when we can expect when it goes again. even today ?

X is privat.... ;-)

I hope you make it.

Best regards
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 31.03.2016 15:41:25
warpack update will be available after a few hours
hello smokescreen,any news for the update my friend?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 15:44:19
after a 2-3 hours.
Lesta's companion absent from workplace :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nell от 31.03.2016 15:45:11
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 15:48:57
 "warpack mods not available in this version of game client"    :-\  what wrong? pls fix that ASAP.
thx  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 31.03.2016 15:50:54
Jesus Christ, you ungrateful pricks really cant wait few hours or what?!?! Warpack will be ready when it will be ready, until then play DD or train your skills or hit your head in the wall, whatever you prefer.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 31.03.2016 15:51:37
give her modest here when it comes back ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 15:59:28
Jesus Christ, you ungrateful pricks really cant wait few hours or what?!?! Warpack will be ready when it will be ready, until then play DD or train your skills or hit your head in the wall, whatever you prefer.
Why u are not nice?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roosterjoe от 31.03.2016 16:17:18
Jesus Christ, you ungrateful pricks really cant wait few hours or what?!?! Warpack will be ready when it will be ready, until then play DD or train your skills or hit your head in the wall, whatever you prefer.

Love this .. :)

best reply today :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 16:22:04
warpack allready works for me,Thx guys for great work  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 16:23:57
Btw,menu at the port is not available now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 16:32:42
No. i must be shown in Dock
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 16:33:15
extra day will be added after a few hours
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 16:51:18
No. i must be shown in Dock
I can see the blue WARPACK in dock but nothing happens when i press it.  Not so i complained about this , just want to be sure everything is working well for me  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2016 16:59:36
No. i must be shown in Dock
I can see the blue WARPACK in dock but nothing happens when i press it.  Not so i complained about this , just want to be sure everything is working well for me  :)
are you remove other mods?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 17:05:31
No. i must be shown in Dock
I can see the blue WARPACK in dock but nothing happens when i press it.  Not so i complained about this , just want to be sure everything is working well for me  :)
are you remove other mods?
Och...thx for the ansver. Allready remove all mods and the menu start works again. I will try to find what mods make crash.Maybe u have any idea which one make me this shit? :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.03.2016 17:30:20
I just found this mod who did conflict with the WARPACK menu .It was NATIONAL FLAGS mod. Only want to inform others who may have a similar problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 03.04.2016 14:32:31
Someone who uses Ubuntu Linux knows how to run this mod?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 03.04.2016 21:04:54
Torpedo line is not working properly, or is it just me?
It only shows the torp line when they get really really close, thus not very useful. Sometimes they completely disapear
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.04.2016 21:27:28
is it appear at the same time when torpedo markers shown on water?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 03.04.2016 21:32:32
is it appear at the same time when torpedo markers shown on water?

no, I play battleships so chances are I have no torpedo
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 03.04.2016 21:36:18
And since you are online,

 can you make the horizontal offset to also work on the combined mode, or will you fix the combined mode, because currently it is clearly leading too much and bullets often land at the front of the target, or miss.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.04.2016 21:43:25
And since you are online,
 can you make the horizontal offset to also work on the combined mode, or will you fix the combined mode, because currently it is clearly leading too much and bullets often land at the front of the target, or miss.
in linear prediction mode you are add a manual distance, cause linear prediction calculated by linear speed (meters per second). but circular prediction calculated by tangent speed (degrees per second). therefore it is impossible add a distance to degrees
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 04.04.2016 00:36:39
okay, so you do not want to fix the combined preemption then?

I want to report another bug. Sometimes after I use RMB to lock on a ship, the prediction point "jumps" to a bad position for a second, then goes back to the correct position. This happens a lot in game, when I use combined mode prediction.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 04.04.2016 01:05:18
and everybody, what do you think is the best horizontal offset setting for these ships??
North Carolina
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 04.04.2016 12:56:24
Someone who uses Ubuntu Linux knows how to run this mod?

I understand that there is no solution to the problem
Thanks anyway
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wolina от 04.04.2016 19:24:00
any idea whats going on ??
exe file is removed for WoWs and i have message (files attached)

btw both warpacks no working for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.04.2016 20:07:32
choose "srv1" in warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wolina от 04.04.2016 20:14:02
I've tried all 3 options (auto, srv1, srv2)

Maybe my client is out of date ?? file attached. Warpack version:

Where I can download client ? because as u can see on my prev post client was removed from key section on www.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wolina от 04.04.2016 20:19:27
Ok, I found the problem.

Smoke screen boundaries (by Tarki_Tau) [DLC] [test version] [now compatible with the Zeiss cameras]  from Aslain package.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: remmeddy от 05.04.2016 20:20:20
Warpack doesn't start. On the start screen shows message "For this version of the game client is not available mods"
thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.04.2016 20:53:50
try to switch to "srv1" in warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: remmeddy от 05.04.2016 22:37:36
Switched to server 1 (srv1) - no help. Still doesn't work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.04.2016 23:05:45
what game version you are use and game server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: remmeddy от 05.04.2016 23:15:44
Game version and Game server North America
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sdimeyahl от 06.04.2016 00:37:34
same here tried all steps previously mentioned, was small patch and now doesnt work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icebox от 06.04.2016 00:49:59
Confirmed.. small update to game caused WP failure.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 06.04.2016 01:44:32
NA server minipatch for causing Warpack to stop working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.04.2016 02:00:56
after a 8 hours it will be work again. i am sleep now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Balbus от 06.04.2016 03:11:28
same problem here "For this version of the game client is not available mods"
when I try to logon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 06.04.2016 09:52:11
Same here same problem..  Fix please!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: White Yaksha от 06.04.2016 10:17:25
My 1 month key is already expired, I tried to purchase a new one but it does not direct me to Paypal, instead it brings me to all these banks, I live in guam and there is very limited banks here. I contacted someone via skype and said that Paypal is temporarily disabled. Anyone knows when paypal will be up?, or at least another method to purchase a new key.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.04.2016 10:54:08
are you click on both paypal buttons in payment page?
when i click on paypal button - its opened normally
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: White Yaksha от 06.04.2016 13:29:08
This is what appears when I click the 1 month purchase. Of course I put my email in there.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: White Yaksha от 06.04.2016 13:30:18
Then after that it redirects me to this page, and there is no paypal on it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sdimeyahl от 06.04.2016 15:56:34
still not workin after yesterdays micro patch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 06.04.2016 16:42:11
not working for me niether... :(

i keep getting message "no mods supported for this version of game" or something like that...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Balbus от 06.04.2016 18:42:55
still getting this message: "For this version of the game client is not available mods"
current version of warpack for world of warships is:

coincidently, warpack for tanks is working fine for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 06.04.2016 20:15:51
same here
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.04.2016 20:24:38
check it now. must be work again
1 extra day is added later (1-2 hous later)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sdimeyahl от 06.04.2016 20:37:13
confirmed working again thx
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 06.04.2016 20:54:37
working again smokescreen, thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Balbus от 06.04.2016 23:34:48
works now! thanks!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: White Yaksha от 07.04.2016 01:56:57
Just checked it again, paypal still isnt in there........................i just want a new key. :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.04.2016 02:01:49
show screenshot with unavailable paypal
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: White Yaksha от 07.04.2016 02:04:52
After 2 hours of 100% effort search, i found a website similar to cybet-tank, its warpack.net. I saw paypal and finally got my new key, now Im back in action. Bookmarked that other site just to be sure. ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 07.04.2016 09:11:07
not working for me....
(http://i.imgur.com/dupsTYss.jpg) (http://www.igreklik.com/slike/viewer.php?file=95707447246498591576.png&file_imgur=dupsTYs.jpg)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 07.04.2016 18:53:42
Update game first using game launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 07.04.2016 19:09:15
game is up to date, and working fine....

on my 2nd PC ( same account) warpack is  working fine....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.04.2016 21:05:13
Hello , since the update with Warpack I LOST my I7 32GB computer FPS up to 18fps max 20FPS without Warpack everything's working . Please help . thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.04.2016 21:10:09
are you run warpack without other mods?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.04.2016 21:14:17
No . only warpack. so one can not play. picture freezes. as I said it must be because other games and wows works very well without Warpack on Warpack. ask for solution or update. fault is only since last update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.04.2016 21:23:21
it goes with you on max settings? if yes I check everything again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.04.2016 21:29:49
if you can - let me see it. setup teamviewer and run it. then send me personal message with teamvewer's ID and password. i can connect and try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.04.2016 21:30:58
found a mistake. my mistake. the hdmi connection with the other tv was the problem. I am sorry for the wrong message. sorry
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.04.2016 21:33:46
but warpack can't affect to hdmi fps. very strange
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 08.04.2016 07:09:30
but when I'm on windows mode of game this fps slumps . am now full screen and have unplugged the HDMI connector . since everything goes
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 08.04.2016 13:41:46
WG have stated they are working on breaking commercial aim assist mods such as warpack and the competition one they apparently have broken the free mod permanently. How likely is this to happen and what assurances can you give it will remain undetectable. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: spanky от 09.04.2016 05:17:28
I have a request: can you add a target ship angle indicator?
There's already a mod for this by w03l0bed and it's immensely useful, but it keep causing random CTD.
Even a really crude one will do.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 09.04.2016 17:41:10
Really seriosly spanky?
you cant see when a ship is angled or not with your eyes^^
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Fortesk54 от 09.04.2016 21:34:54
the warpack is not runing for me on eu server, is it normal ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.04.2016 21:49:37
the warpack is not runing for me on eu server, is it normal ?
what you mean? try to remove other mods
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: spanky от 10.04.2016 13:53:01
The angle meter is not for knowing if a ship is angled or not... it's invaluable for knowing HOW and WHEN a ship is turning when you can't see it or when it's off screen, and sometimes even when you do see it can be hard to judge the correct angle. For example, yamato can be citadel from the front, but you have a very narrow angle range to do it successfully.
On top of that, it also display your angling to the enemy ship, and this is also very useful when you're in a very high rate of fire ship and dodging madly while shooting in artillery view.
Try it yourself.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 10.04.2016 15:38:26
good point
but with HE rounds it doesnt matter,there is no angling or something you can do about and btw most spam HE and not AP.)
as far as i have seen & heard angeling against yamato guns is senseless & hopeless,this kind of biggest shells in the game pen  everything everytime on every angle.
i have seen a yamato did 54k dmg from the front to another yamato in close combat,the shells are simple way to powerfull in this game in my opinion,best solution is close combat because 72° of turret rotation is funny to brake but with that kind of op sec. guns its hard.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 10.04.2016 17:32:50
Another patch incoming on asian server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kotsos от 11.04.2016 09:26:56
Hey there some gameplay feedback.

York's shell speed need to be reduced in mod, shots fall behind enemy ships in every shot done.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.04.2016 09:44:04
HE or AP shells?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kotsos от 11.04.2016 11:09:33
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.04.2016 11:17:35
well. it's happened if HE and AP shells have different speed. now prediction calculated based on HE shell speed. it will be fixed soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 11.04.2016 16:04:45
NA server had an update and Warpack is not working anymore.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 11.04.2016 16:16:41
Update Warpack no longer working. Wows claim they have been working on a fix to stop aim assist . Lets see if they can...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.04.2016 17:22:53
it must be work again now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 12.04.2016 06:56:34
This is happen now:  You crash and when you come back and only thing working is aim point.  auto shot broke and tracers broke.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.04.2016 07:33:15
dont' start warpack if you have a chash till the game. restart game only. when you go to harbor - start warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 13.04.2016 01:37:06
So if in Battle you just don't get things you need like tracers and auto shot?  Cause when I crash it's in Game while in Battle and when I log back in I don't go to
Port, I go back to battle.  Start Warpack there?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 14.04.2016 11:43:00
workin fine for me, but cant use aslains mod :(

need last position on minimap + clear view + dmg counter, is there any chance to implement this futures in warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 14.04.2016 15:10:48
hmm.. seems that the smoke line dont show wenn a DD makes his smoke .. my one does show but not frendlies!.. not sure if it was reported!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roosterjoe от 15.04.2016 10:43:42
Will we be able to use Warpack on the public Test Server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.04.2016 10:56:38
Will we be able to use Warpack on the public Test Server?
no. it will be available only on 5.5 release
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roosterjoe от 15.04.2016 14:35:58
OK Thanks SS :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 16.04.2016 17:27:13
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since

On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wolina от 16.04.2016 18:42:51
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since

On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 16.04.2016 21:18:36
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since

On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 16.04.2016 21:18:59
Guys, I think there is something wrong with the aiming, since

On battleships, the AP shells fly to very weird vertical position and almost always cause zero or less than 2000 damage. Changing vertical offset does not help, manual/auto mode does not help.
Either Wargaming implemented some anti-cheat approach to sabotage aimbot, or the current warpack is not working correctly.

+1 by me, same situation
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 17.04.2016 11:01:57
+1 Aimbot is really working strange lately. Even when the ship you are shooting at is broadside, it's hard to score citadel or at least a decent hit with BB. Shells tend to fall in front of a ship and manually adjusting height doesn't sim to do much.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 17.04.2016 13:35:44
I suspect it is a problem with the game itself and the aiming mechanic.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 17.04.2016 15:51:40
also i had bad results with manual offset and verry bad or many times no hits with auto offset,but after testing & keeping the old offset type i had my best results with that.
And also old offset seems to aim to short and shells will fall on the ship sides without touching the enemy ship,a value of +1 to +2 in high helps a litle to score hits.
I keep using the old offset.
Dont know why auto offset is not working for me,not with HE or AP.
To Admin:
I have to report to Admin,the old offset need a lot of target lead adjustments with Cleveland.
Ships at nearly 20 knots can be hit with HE & AP with 0 or +10% target lead.
All other ships over 25knots need +10 to +20% more lead,ships with +30knots need +30 or +40% more lead,also on every destroyer you have to adjust the lead to +40%.
Is this the result of using the old offset mechanic admin?
Makes me sad to adjust the lead on every single enemy ship i want to shoot at,cost me time and a lot hp everytime.
Are you planing to fix the aim on cleveland in the future admin?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 20.04.2016 14:36:40
WoWs just updated software and Warpack is not working now. Please look into it for us. Thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 20.04.2016 15:15:22
Update warpack needs an update once again. And an ext on license. I don't think i got 1 last time. Thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.04.2016 15:34:38
warpack must work now. just ignore message about new version if it's appeared
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 22.04.2016 01:49:38
Lately the cheat missed a lot of shots, I am using default settings with AUTO enabled. My ships are New York BB and Phoenix cruiser. Can you please re-calibrate the cheat software?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Knot от 22.04.2016 11:28:52
Seems that I also miss a lot of shots today, used my Warspite only so far, and it is missing a lot on the BB to my notice, the other targets seems to be correct. Even in close range and the target is going straight it hits the bow area instead of center target, sometimes even in front of the bow.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Knot от 22.04.2016 18:58:19
It seems that it is afterall working as it should  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 23.04.2016 01:33:00
is now the Warpack out for ?

It's frustrating!

We understand that each patch process is annoying when you just to fight! Click and wants to enjoy the game. This is not only a large download but also a time-consuming assembly. We are convinced that these results the game experience for each player will improve - whereby this becomes apparent in some form in an immediate acceleration of the load times and at others a reduction of future client sizes. It will also help us to control access to the contents of our game - a further step on our way to combat unwanted and disturbing game modifications.

To restrict the trouble such causes a long update process, we give every player who logs in the game between the patch release and 10 May 3 days Premium Time. Thus, you can quickly catch any progress that you have missed during the client update may.



Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 23.04.2016 17:35:49
Hello smokescreen , Warpack will work with 5.5 as wargaming here so much changes with the files and how is because the preparatory work with the public test of you . I ask myself now no extension will buy from Warpack because I do not know if you manage to do it . an answer would be very nice of you . regards
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.04.2016 18:01:58
warpack must work on 5.5
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smittyj77 от 24.04.2016 03:46:17
Does warpack work on world of warships?  Every time i try and load it , it says does not work with current version.

What am I doing wrong I have current version of WOWS and Warpack for WOWS
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.04.2016 07:04:15
When will a English version of the manual be available
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.04.2016 07:29:29
Does warpack work on world of warships?  Every time i try and load it , it says does not work with current version.

What am I doing wrong I have current version of WOWS and Warpack for WOWS
Your game version?
Other mods installed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: evil6666 от 24.04.2016 23:51:18
I am receiving the same message that it is incompatible. I am running no mods and this was a fresh install today.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.04.2016 23:59:02
I am receiving the same message that it is incompatible. I am running no mods and this was a fresh install today.
setup teamviewer and send me personal message with it's Id and password tomorrow.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 25.04.2016 09:30:04
If someone wanna play in division PM so we can find eachother into the game...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 25.04.2016 12:48:48
LOL nice trick WG alias gionni  8)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 25.04.2016 16:35:57
No quicky, no trick...:)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 28.04.2016 05:31:39
warpack does not work in 0.5.5
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icebox от 28.04.2016 05:56:02
Working fine for me.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 28.04.2016 14:45:27
There was a small patch after the server went offline and the bot no longer works.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 28.04.2016 15:39:29
update warpack is not working on the latest version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.04.2016 16:03:11
it must work now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 28.04.2016 17:47:24
I want to report a bug.

The combined-mode prediction point is not showing. I used that aimpoint (red or green) to determine whether the enemy is in range, now its gone.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.04.2016 18:19:50
Are you can to show a screenshot part?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 28.04.2016 20:18:02
Like in the screenshot, the combined mode aimpoint is not there
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 28.04.2016 20:19:06
when I say combined mode aimpoint, i mean this, which can change to green or red, depending on the range or behind a mountain.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 29.04.2016 00:48:11
Also, the white arrow, which shows which ship is locked, is gone too
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 29.04.2016 01:00:34
This is not showing:
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 29.04.2016 03:56:27
...Download archive at the end of the post...

Yes, but whee is the archive or the link to the archive ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 29.04.2016 09:01:03
Yes, confirm, no aimpoint showing...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 29.04.2016 15:10:42
I keep getting this problem it looks like the smokescreen timer and it covers the horizontal adjustment mostly in the Fubuki no smokescreen was activated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 29.04.2016 18:59:53
Yes, confirm, no aimpoint showing...

yep not showing please fix.... asap....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 29.04.2016 23:25:34
same here :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 30.04.2016 00:23:17
Are you can to show a screenshot part?

can we have an update on the status of the bug?
can it be fixed, or is there any temporary solution
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 30.04.2016 01:04:35
I hope developer is working on the issues  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 30.04.2016 11:48:21
Today already warpack working properly?I have not tried. If not,  pls gys fix it ASAP  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cosmicbb от 30.04.2016 12:08:02
hello, thank you for your great mod but how I renew my key please? Paypal does not work and QIWI is in Russian.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 30.04.2016 12:20:13
Warpack still does not work well. When we can expect solve the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.04.2016 13:04:31
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 30.04.2016 13:21:34
cool :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roosterjoe от 30.04.2016 17:28:39
how about extra days adding extra days to everyone until you get it working 100% my hit ratio is dropping like a brick. :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 30.04.2016 18:48:35
I'm sure they will prolong our keys...:)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 01.05.2016 14:12:02
There any news on the repair bugs in warpack Smokescreen ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 01.05.2016 20:57:02
It seems that now is working fine, but I cannot see the red reticle as I see it before update patch.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 01.05.2016 23:16:30
its not saving the settings wenn you restart the game .. please fix asap ;) THX
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: arrowhead от 02.05.2016 01:17:09
i'm not sure if this happens to anybody else, My problem is after i play for 5-10mins into the game, a red warpack logo showed up on left top corner and the it stop working. please help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 02.05.2016 02:46:48
anyone used the CV mod? any comment?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 02.05.2016 03:50:32
auto lock is not working...not running any mods
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: m118 от 02.05.2016 06:32:19
Can you make it display ship speed like before in CV mode? It’s important for CV to know the ships’ speed when run torpedo bomber.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.05.2016 07:57:19
Press Alt or setup in settings
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 02.05.2016 09:23:47
Target lock, Auto-shot and Artillery mode switch not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 02.05.2016 09:31:31
Auto shot wont work without target lock I think and yes target lock not working. I assume the new bit Wing Commander is for carriers only if so any way to disable that part as I dont do carriers.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 02.05.2016 09:44:35
I unchecked Wing Commander..made no difference
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: justmex от 02.05.2016 10:19:16
Just checked. For me, everything working fine, just didint checked auto shot, cause im not using it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.05.2016 10:33:43
I unchecked Wing Commander..made no difference
set default warpack settings in all warpack mods. if not worked - setup teamviewer and run it. then - send me personal message with teamviewer's ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 02.05.2016 12:09:36
OK default everything seems to work ok but some warpack hotkeys are mapped to same key as game hotkeys can we not remap keys in warpack ? Like the P key switchs aa fire off or on in game but Warpack uses same key to switch on auto fire
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 02.05.2016 15:21:14
artillery mode does not work, I press middle mouse button and nothing happens.

I am using clean client w/o mod, with everything set at default with warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 02.05.2016 19:14:40
okay I have one observation to share.

In order to make the target lock work, you have to set RMB as the "quick view camera" in WOWS camera control settings. Otherwise, RMB won't work properly as the target lock.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.05.2016 23:18:39
Wing commander mod controls.
attack - left mouse button. like auto attack (but auto attack not worked in this mod). If you put mouse over a target - you will see green-yellow-red line. Green part of line is the additional time (in seconds) that torpedoes go after arming. This parameter adjusted by W and S keys (by default ). But, if you want to change them - you must put mouse over a target and press this buttons. Yellow line - is the torpedo arming time. Red line - is the squadron attack time (to throw). If you want to change horizontal offset of torpedoes launching (forward to target or backward - to achieve enemy hull 2 or 3 torpedoes) you can use keys A and D (by default). But you must put mouse over a target before you press this buttons.
This settings (additional time and horizontal offset) remembered for every squadron
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 03.05.2016 00:15:46
The green line to the target does not show up any more, is it a bug or it has been removed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.05.2016 00:17:06
show screenshot part.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 03.05.2016 03:23:50
show screenshot part.

Thanks for your reply.

As you can see no green or red line when I locked the target (See attached).

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.05.2016 09:36:37
may me you disable it? try to reset mod settings to defaults
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 03.05.2016 20:50:56
At the start of every game there is allways the fog marker in the game ! see screenshot ! :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 04.05.2016 00:37:48
if you are running mods, they seem to cause that...I had the same problem..even had a large could blocking the settings icons on the lower left..re did the mods and they are gone..but I don't remember which ones cause the problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kudlaty6632 от 05.05.2016 15:21:13
I have a problem running Warpack, and the opening page www.warpack.net at all to me it does not open. Does anyone know the solution?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.05.2016 17:36:20
Remove warpack.net from hosts file in windows
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 05.05.2016 23:09:09
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kudlaty6632 от 06.05.2016 01:05:27
how do I do that ?
it is as though my computer is blocking everything that is connected with warpack,
Warpack application shows an error when it comes to updates and browser I can not enter the warpack.net
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: perositi от 06.05.2016 02:52:02
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....

The accuracy is not determined by warpack. its is determined by the RNG in the actual game. So the dispersion of the shells and how many hits you get are all beyond warpacks control.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 06.05.2016 11:29:26
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....

The accuracy is not determined by warpack. its is determined by the RNG in the actual game. So the dispersion of the shells and how many hits you get are all beyond warpacks control.

He's not talking about shell dispersion, he's talking about general warpack inaccuracy. Shells tend to drop in front of ship.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: justmex от 06.05.2016 12:05:24
the aim is way off ... shoud have more accuracy in this mod... since we do pay for it !.....

The accuracy is not determined by warpack. its is determined by the RNG in the actual game. So the dispersion of the shells and how many hits you get are all beyond warpacks control.

He's not talking about shell dispersion, he's talking about general warpack inaccuracy. Shells tend to drop in front of ship.

I dont have that problem, everything landing on midle of ship. Anyway, You can adjust aiming with arrows keys, so its shouldnt be a big problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 08.05.2016 15:40:14
there is missive lag coming from the server all targets are just jumping around the screen.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 09.05.2016 08:27:45
The cheat can be set Auto shoot for artillery. Can I set auto shoot for torpedoes? Please advise
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 09.05.2016 09:58:33
Why would you want to auto fire torps you would end up hitting your own teammates more often than not
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 10.05.2016 12:17:30
I'm trying to use the demo version but after disabling the antivirus and the firewall turned off, the program starts but does not appear in the game ... use Windows 10 with antivirus and firewall series ... what can I do to see the features? Thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 10.05.2016 13:21:10
There are mods that interfere with warpack if you have any mods installed try removing them to start with anything to do with the smoke circle, flags or camera zoom are some
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 10.05.2016 13:33:04
There are mods that interfere with warpack if you have any mods installed try removing them to start with anything to do with the smoke circle, flags or camera zoom are some

Thx but clean program installed without any mod
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.05.2016 17:49:27
if you start game to harbor and then run warpack and no admin messages shown on screen (demo or real key - no matter) - disable antivirus.
But if admin messages shown - send me private message with your key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 10.05.2016 18:01:29
if you start game to harbor and then run warpack and no admin messages shown on screen (demo or real key - no matter) - disable antivirus.
But if admin messages shown - send me private message with your key

Ok thanks for the reply, and pardon my English ... I solved by downloading the demo files from the site, what you send by email ... with the one proposed here are not able to make it work ... thank you now I evaluate the offer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 10.05.2016 19:32:17
It is the ability to add DAMAGE PANEL and COLOR TRACCERS to this WARPACK ? I have this two mods but something conflict and i can see the SMOKE CLOUD on my WP interfejs after i was in battle with destroyer :( Maybe its not that complicate just add this two modifications,i know a lot of ppl using that.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: obarapin от 11.05.2016 05:43:16
 ;D in china how can i update my warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.05.2016 11:02:29
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.05.2016 13:31:33
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 11.05.2016 20:03:34
WoWs new version 5.5.1.... warpack not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.05.2016 20:15:17
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.05.2016 21:39:37
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 11.05.2016 21:50:48
confirmed..working again..thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Erggi от 13.05.2016 14:29:08
Used this few days, last night autoshot  did not work anymore. I'm pressing P and auto icon appear but clicking rmb not enable auto shot anymore only auto aim. Any idea what going wrong, maybe i hit some button  and don't know how restore auto shot. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Erggi от 13.05.2016 20:26:59
Used this few days, last night autoshot  did not work anymore. I'm pressing P and auto icon appear but clicking rmb not enable auto shot anymore only auto aim. Any idea what going wrong, maybe i hit some button  and don't know how restore auto shot.

works again :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Erggi от 13.05.2016 21:10:12
Used this few days, last night autoshot  did not work anymore. I'm pressing P and auto icon appear but clicking rmb not enable auto shot anymore only auto aim. Any idea what going wrong, maybe i hit some button  and don't know how restore auto shot.

works again :)

WTF stop auto shot again rlly weird.  :o
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.05.2016 22:07:01
check distance from enemy ship center to prediction point (in mod art. mode - middle button? but before reassign original middle button or mod button to another)
if it's more than 3-4 ship hulls - autoshot will not work with this prediction
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Erggi от 13.05.2016 22:36:37
check distance from enemy ship center to prediction point (in mod art. mode - middle button? but before reassign original middle button or mod button to another)
if it's more than 3-4 ship hulls - autoshot will not work with this prediction

OK how i can solve this problem? Settings?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.05.2016 23:00:56
if distance is so far - nothing to change. it's happened with some ships on far distance
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Erggi от 13.05.2016 23:02:24
if distance is so far - nothing to change. it's happened with some ships on far distance

OK thx
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 15.05.2016 04:18:12
smokescreen, please please fix the combine mode prediction point, it over-lead too much. When enemy ship is turning I can only hit its head at best, more often, the shells fly into water.

It is very frustrating especially in high tier games where all players are smart enough to avoid moving in straight line.

I know the combine mode calculate the change of the angle rather than speed, but there has to be a method to tweak the prediction point. Right now it is completely off the mark
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 15.05.2016 05:29:48
Apparently WG have some new detection system for undesirable mods will this affect warpack ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.05.2016 08:41:05
We don't know it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 15.05.2016 11:58:34
For your information - anti cheat system on next update.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.05.2016 12:47:29
We saw the same message on our game forum. But we cant make protection from it till this event appeared
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 15.05.2016 12:51:04
We saw the same message on our game forum. But we cant make protection from it till this event appeared

Ok Thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 15.05.2016 14:08:25
Smokescreen when can we expect a english manual for warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.05.2016 16:16:26
Till one week
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 15.05.2016 23:48:10
is it poss to make a better zoom out for the CVs ? in the warpack ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.05.2016 23:55:00
more zoom don't help you minimize shot dispersion
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 16.05.2016 01:01:28
ok thx
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fritz от 16.05.2016 10:06:31
Warpack not working with me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.05.2016 11:49:44
Very meaning message. And  very detailed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 18.05.2016 15:43:34 update warpack not working and needs yet another update. Thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.05.2016 16:22:47
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 18.05.2016 22:00:15
I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced MASSIVE delays in getting into a game this week? For 3 days in a row I've waited 5 minutes after the battle has already started before I get in. I want to know if anyone else using WP has experienced this. I've had no problems until this week.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wigald от 19.05.2016 21:23:23
I have testet Warpack on the PT Server 0.5.6
Now i become a Voting window.....Detected unknow data files.
i Hope you have this seeing

Greeting Wigald
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.05.2016 21:51:17
will be better to see a screenshot part
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wigald от 19.05.2016 22:23:18
Here a Screenshot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.05.2016 22:50:02
warpack not worked on test server 0.5.6. how do you test it?
and try to vote without warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 20.05.2016 09:48:29
The only voting window I've seen is "Was the tier spread fair?"

Also, I've noticed the new Wing Commander interface for the Carriers but I don't know how to read it yet. I have not seen any screencaps on this thread talking about what everything means.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.05.2016 09:54:48
it's not have own GUI.
it's use game gui
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 22.05.2016 15:34:07
Apparently some sort of detection system is in place on the EU server and they have banned (temporarily) a number of players. Second time they are caught is a permanent ban.
Any news on this smokescreen ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.05.2016 15:36:59
now we make some tests to know developers ban algorythm
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 22.05.2016 17:03:33
Wing Commander mode Not loading.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.05.2016 17:49:25
reload warpack. but if you use this mod - you may be banned. wait few days before use wing_commander
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 22.05.2016 19:26:12
What happened ? We must not use Wing Commander ??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.05.2016 19:30:54
yes. cause it's potentialy way to get ban (we think)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 23.05.2016 00:07:14
has anybody been brown-named? did you use prediction mode or CV mode or both?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 23.05.2016 05:23:39
Was temp banned as well, using both mods.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnaught1906 от 23.05.2016 05:55:26
I got a 7 day ban today.  Curious to know if WoT warpack users are getting hit too.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wishicouldtellyou от 23.05.2016 06:19:51

Agreed, are you able to combat this in anyway?  Understand how and why they might be able to detect the mods?  I hope to god you're as good/smart as I hope you are to fix this.

Good Luck!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 23.05.2016 10:11:38
Yup got it too.

Dear Captains!
Wargaming wishes for everyone to have a fun gaming experience in a fair and equal environment. For this reason, mods that include aimbots will not be allowed.
We have performed an investigation of your account and determined it to be using or have used such a mod. A 7 day game suspension has been placed on your account.
Please help us in providing a positive experience to all captains by not using any mods that contain an aimbot feature.
Please also note that continued use of prohibited mods will result in a **permanent game suspension** on your game account.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in regards to this matter."
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 23.05.2016 10:14:46
This must be a very recent scan because I have another account that I rarely use, but the last time I did was a month ago with WP for WoWs and it's still active.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 23.05.2016 10:44:02
Do they notify you via email or ingame ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 23.05.2016 12:17:41
been banned for 7 days!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 23.05.2016 12:31:22
Do they notify you via email or ingame ?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Trompo от 23.05.2016 13:14:25
another one banned here.  :-[
be careful.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 23.05.2016 13:15:53
The problem is warpack wing commander or the whole package?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.05.2016 13:16:22
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 23.05.2016 13:27:43
Ok everything is still waiting for news
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.05.2016 14:47:00
Banned for 7 days too :(

Hello ***,

Thank you for contacting us.

I'm sorry to see that you have been banned. Please be aware that we have received reports that you are using illegal mods, which are giving you an unfair advantage over other players. This is a very serious offence according to our Game Rules, which is why we have imposed a temporary suspension of your account.

I want to assure you that every ban in such cases is not automatically put on your account. It is always done after a thorough investigation of our database and it is never a lightly taken decision. This is why it is final and can't be overturned.

We are also not able to give you back your premium days exactly for this reason - if you had behaved properly while in-game, you could have been using your premium time and it is your responsibility to act fairly while playing.

Have fun on the battlefield!

If you have any other questions feel free to come back to us.

Best regards,

Enrico Barabanti

Wargaming.net Customer Service Representative
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.05.2016 14:50:22
And I'm sure you guys will fix that thing and will prolong our keys...In my case I just bought  a 1 month key a few days ago...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Snobby от 23.05.2016 14:54:48

2 day ago i got a mail from Wargaming that they have a new way to find out if people use not allowed mods.
So far so good.
Today i was suspendet for 7 Days. That means that they have a way to find out if we use Warpack.

That was the last time i used Warpack, because when they get you the next time the Account get closed for EVER.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.05.2016 15:03:30
Did you guys use Aslain mods?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Snobby от 23.05.2016 15:08:12
I use the Aslain Mod the whole time i play wows. I think that not the Aslain Mod is a problen its the Warpack with Aimmod.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.05.2016 15:15:18
Yes, but maybe Aslain+Warpack is the real problem here. You was banned too?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Snobby от 23.05.2016 15:39:20
yes i was banned too.
I have used Warpack. But i think Aslainmod is not the problem. But i hope that Wargaming gives a list of forbidden mods. Before i not know wich mod is allowed and wich not i dont use any mod. But iam so angry about myself. I used the warpack for 2 month. I play Wows since beginning and it was ok for me, then a friend say he uses it and then i tryed it. But the stupid thing was that i became 2 days before a mail that wargaming has a new way to find out whos using aimmods. And now i banned for 7 Days. So shit.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 23.05.2016 15:45:40
Got banned too, even for not using WH in days. Maybe the little last patch was the sniffer...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.05.2016 15:47:14
But you have to admit: Warpack is SOOO FUNNY:)  :D :D :D Especially with auto shoot mode...I have acussed many times in game that I used an aimbot especially when I play with Atlanta the machine gun:) First time I think that those accusations was the reason for been banned but afater I read some forums I think that this time it is something serious...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 23.05.2016 15:47:55
got banned untill next week monday . Reason : illegal modification
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 23.05.2016 15:57:50
Same here :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 23.05.2016 16:19:09
Got banned for 7 days too....used Warpack last Saturday......i want my Money back or an proven undetectable Warpack!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 23.05.2016 16:21:36
yes. cause it's potentialy way to get ban (we think)

I didnt used Wing Commander and was banned......i used only aimbot.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.05.2016 16:22:37
you can make a refund in paypal. we not guarantee that you'll not banned sometime
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 23.05.2016 16:24:58
You guys think you can find a solution to the problem of detecting WARPACK by WG? Ban for 7 days is not a problem but permanet ban is a BIG PROBLEM :'( I really hope that ye are better than those assholes from WG 8) I wish you successes and I will be waiting for any news :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 23.05.2016 16:41:04
Will u find out how the detect Warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.05.2016 16:46:07
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all users
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 23.05.2016 16:47:34
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all users

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 23.05.2016 16:54:29
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all users


my is two days old.. hopeing that you find a why that it will work again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 23.05.2016 18:18:39
Another one bites the dust.... 8)

7 days vacation it is.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lonczyn от 23.05.2016 18:21:17
i have also 7 days vacation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 23.05.2016 18:27:15
not yet. after find a way hot to detect warpack wi will add much extra time for all users
To detect users WarPack we use the mechanism contained just in it. Thats what i have fund on forum. Maybe it will help u guys with a find the problem, but its a unconfirmed information.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lonczyn от 23.05.2016 23:37:47
can i get refund for my keys i just bought it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.05.2016 23:54:12
in paypal you can
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 24.05.2016 00:18:31
Smoke You think you can solve the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.05.2016 00:25:48
i don't know now. cause this bans received by random users. if everybody can receive ban after few battles with warpack - it will be easy to analyze symptoms. but really - it's not
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pfactor от 24.05.2016 00:28:46
I haven't played WoT in months except for a few games a few weeks ago. Has anyone been caught with WP for Tanks yet in this same way?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.05.2016 00:54:52
no - tanks not detects yet
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 24.05.2016 01:42:39
From my perspective, there are several possible ways of detecting Warpack.

1. I assume Warpack injects into the game and somehow reads packets. The injection is detected by WG.

2. WG takes screenshots of players.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 24.05.2016 01:45:22
And to solve this.

1. Come up with some bypass feature for injection. This is doable on most FPS hacks (CoD, Batttlefiled, etc.)

2. Come up with some screen rendering method to avoid screenshots. This is done by a lot of FPS hacks too.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 24.05.2016 06:38:14
For your information
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 24.05.2016 06:55:14
http://imgur.com/a/PAPaN (http://imgur.com/a/PAPaN)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 24.05.2016 08:06:21
I am wondering if maybe they are looking at stats and behavior in game more than be able to detect anything.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikjowd от 24.05.2016 10:53:37
As far as I know WG found some way to detect warpack, maybe autoshot? They look for stats boost as confirmation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 24.05.2016 13:29:03
It is not the car shot because I was locked while never having used
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 24.05.2016 14:35:01
i did play like 10 matches in 2 weeks and got banned... must be something in the log in process when using the warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: paps от 24.05.2016 23:36:25
Well will this be fixed or is this cannot be used anymore?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.05.2016 23:39:45
you use warpack or another forbidden mod for your own risk. no one mod developer can't give you a 100% guarantee that you'll not get a ban
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: paps от 24.05.2016 23:50:47
I ask because i have been using it for awhile but did not get banned yet.  Just curious what they are looking for or what they are looking at.
I have not been using it often so maybe that,s it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.05.2016 00:23:11
i am not play with warpack often too. and my statistics may be not accepted by Lesta conditions (battle count, avg damage and so on). But i see a post of user that use warpack on demo only (2 hours) and he is banned (he told)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 25.05.2016 08:21:31
did this happend on the russian server also or was it only EU ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.05.2016 08:55:03
On russian server more than 100 users banned. Euro server may be 10-20
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 25.05.2016 10:05:24
So is there going to be some kind of fix or a workaround. That your working on ?!?....Coz I think that this mod is the best that is out there.

Is there a refund since I did get banned for 7 days ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.05.2016 10:38:03
if you want refund - make it via paypal (if you buy with paypal).
or we can add extra days to banned users (who don't scare to catch permanent ban). ask me to personal messages
at this time we not found spy mechanism in client
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: user1 от 25.05.2016 11:15:29
I have my idea, I think the control starts after receiving a certain number of bot reporting in game. (Sorry for my bad English)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 25.05.2016 13:23:37
if you want refund - make it via paypal (if you buy with paypal).
or we can add extra days to banned users (who don't scare to catch permanent ban). ask me to personal messages
at this time we not found spy mechanism in client

that means in the client itself there is nothing... so its serverside... any news about using the old penetration piont if thats works? so you aim all yourself. been tested ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.05.2016 13:39:42
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 25.05.2016 13:48:31
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly

ok im testing it right now to see with a test account and using the old penotration point no automatic stuff on... done 2 battles and testing ... ill post here if the test will get banned
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: emors от 25.05.2016 16:03:56
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly

ok im testing it right now to see with a test account and using the old penotration point no automatic stuff on... done 2 battles and testing ... ill post here if the test will get banned
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: emors от 25.05.2016 16:32:43
Sorry for the 2nd post: (cant edit my first on)

I'll test it right now too, i make 10 or more battles and give u a report back after get banned or not
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 25.05.2016 17:23:28
we should let some ppl do some test with just the aiming point and everything else deactivated to see if its save this way ?

any way i could get those 7 days prolonged to my accound ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 25.05.2016 18:18:18
update warpack need updating again. Thanks SS
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 25.05.2016 19:21:06
Are we safe to use Warpack with the latest patch? Are you still testing it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.05.2016 19:42:51
No. We not test it. Nobody (except game developers) can't get you 100% guarantee
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: monster01 от 25.05.2016 22:06:45
Wen will War pack be up and running for the NA server ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.05.2016 22:11:31
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: monster01 от 25.05.2016 22:16:07
Thanks smokescreen you do great job with War pack :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 26.05.2016 00:15:59
serverside analyze is very heavy and it's must catch all people who use warpack. but it's not happened. there is two ways: - all players catched but random users receive ban (why - question to developers?) or they can't catch all users because (for example) its send screenshots from game and real people (staff) analyze this screenshots randomly

Make it so that you can press a key to hide or show the mod interface on the battle screen and have your aiming circle look just like what the game has
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.05.2016 00:19:02
we worked on this functionality.
now you can play with mod on 0.5.6 but you play with your own risk to get banned first time or second time (permanently)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: monster01 от 26.05.2016 01:35:54
Sounds like not worth the risk having WP now with new patch WG has
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 26.05.2016 02:32:10
Hags club advertise theirs as last checked 25th May and undetected. I have been using WP for couple of months now and have not been banned. Only difference I can think of is the last 2/3 weeks I have started the game normally and then started warpack once I am in port. It would be interesting to know how many customers WP has that have been actually caught.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rdb от 26.05.2016 07:43:17
If anyone had been banned using WP this forum would be filled with people shouting.  Injection type mods are very difficult to detect.  Those who were banned were using mods that are applied directly to the game folders.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tribalito от 26.05.2016 07:56:43
If anyone had been banned using WP this forum would be filled with people shouting.  Injection type mods are very difficult to detect.  Those who were banned were using mods that are applied directly to the game folders.

Really? Stop beeing a smartass. I was using only Warpack, files were out of game folder. We are not shouting for one reason, we know we cheated and we know we cheated on our own risk.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 26.05.2016 08:38:54
oh you can start wp once you are in port ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.05.2016 08:47:00
you can run warpack after you go to port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 26.05.2016 09:28:16
Are there any features that I should turn OFF in Warpack to avoid detection?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.05.2016 09:37:56
if detection worked by sending screenshots - we can turn off own GUI. and you can play with autoshot. but if no - we can't predict developers algorithms
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 26.05.2016 13:41:02
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wishicouldtellyou от 26.05.2016 13:59:29
if detection worked by sending screenshots - we can turn off own GUI. and you can play with autoshot. but if no - we can't predict developers algorithms

 1 major question I have is Wing Commander, would using just Wing Commander and Wing Commander only and not the Warpack aspect be detectable?????  I understand that WC works through WP but just curious if they are looking WC too.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 27.05.2016 00:04:16

Is anybody banned on NA server?

Well, I have no idea about the RU community, but I am happy to keep using Warpack if the developers manage to find a way to bypass the detection.
Refund? I don't really care.
Honestly, as long as it is safe to use, I am even willing to pay more.

But first, could you guys please at least set up the forum so that only subscribers can see the contents? Right now the website is a joke (as a hacking site) because anybody can come in and figure out what is going on.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 27.05.2016 00:50:21
played yesterday and today with it.. on old penotration screen off ingame F12... nothing... i think its random or its turn off the anticheat.... and if thay wont thay can turn it on.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 27.05.2016 08:49:50

Well, I have no idea about the RU community, but I am happy to keep using Warpack if the developers manage to find a way to bypass the detection.
Refund? I don't really care.
Honestly, as long as it is safe to use, I am even willing to pay more.

But first, could you guys please at least set up the forum so that only subscribers can see the contents? Right now the website is a joke (as a hacking site) because anybody can come in and figure out what is going on.

100% right
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 27.05.2016 12:46:55
Have noticed a dramatic drop in the number of players online on the SEA server. Don't know if its the detection thing scaring them or the release of some big name games recently.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: derpitz от 27.05.2016 14:13:45
played a few times today with warpack in another account and no ban yet (EU server)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 27.05.2016 15:29:43
Same here
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 27.05.2016 15:45:41
i just found some new files i didnt see before . World_of_warships / profile . 

in this file you can see everything recorded from the game together with a server adress to send it to WG .
first file is "chat_pref_532554179_wowseu.loc"

the other is


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 27.05.2016 15:46:45
i will send them to smokescreen and see if that the cause of the detection.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.05.2016 16:27:54
any mod detected 100% but developers not use this detection mechanics
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 27.05.2016 17:54:20
i also think that they will not ban you right away . i think they will do ban waves . every monday or once every month ?

did someone get banned on another day then monday ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 27.05.2016 18:28:32
i also think that they will not ban you right away . i think they will do ban waves . every monday or once every month ?

did someone get banned on another day then monday ?

nope i played 2 days now with a test acc and nothing
dident use wingcommander and only old penotration point with lock on target. no auto shoot...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 27.05.2016 19:41:22
Is someone who got the ban last Monday will be used the WP again next Monday? I am curious if WG will observe Banned account? Maybe better to use the WP on another account at the beginning? What do you think guys? :-\
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 27.05.2016 21:12:35
is Wing Commander Prediction Up Date?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.05.2016 21:14:30
not yet
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 28.05.2016 14:34:59
blocked since Monday for seven days, and I did not use autoshot and wingcommander and I was stuck.
Now use warpack of the second account to see if and when it will be found ... but I think it is due to the weeping of children fucking using the report function for each sinking that undergo
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 28.05.2016 17:44:05
blocked since Monday for seven days, and I did not use autoshot and wingcommander and I was stuck.
Now use warpack of the second account to see if and when it will be found ... but I think it is due to the weeping of children fucking using the report function for each sinking that undergo

I think to do the same thing use, WP on a second account to see what's happening....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 28.05.2016 17:55:59
blocked since Monday for seven days, and I did not use autoshot and wingcommander and I was stuck.
Now use warpack of the second account to see if and when it will be found ... but I think it is due to the weeping of children fucking using the report function for each sinking that undergo

I think to do the same thing use, WP on a second account to see what's happening....

im on the 3 day using it... with 2end acc and nothing.. not using wing commander thow and no auto shoot... but old penotration pint that it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 28.05.2016 19:56:39
lets wait for monday .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 28.05.2016 23:50:52
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server.  Also you can stream with it .

Any News on the detection Problem yet ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 29.05.2016 00:14:28
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server.  Also you can stream with it .

Any News on the detection Problem yet ?
Nobody got ban you for using HAGS because WG first want to destroy the WARPCK, because it is BEST MODE. Believe me, as they will want to ban HAGS users, they can do it very easily. Let's wait until Monday. 8)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 29.05.2016 01:18:58
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server.  Also you can stream with it .

Any News on the detection Problem yet ?

The fact that you can stream with Hags means that their interface/drawing can also block screenshots, which is a very much standard feature for all of the mainstream FPS game hacks.
Warpack needs to adapt as well.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 29.05.2016 01:53:45
According to a friend . No User of hegs club was banned yet on any Server.  Also you can stream with it .

Any News on the detection Problem yet ?

The fact that you can stream with Hags means that their interface/drawing can also block screenshots, which is a very much standard feature for all of the mainstream FPS game hacks.
Warpack needs to adapt as well.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 29.05.2016 06:23:20
Playing 1 day with WP, autoshoot enable, no Wing Commander...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ich от 30.05.2016 11:42:28
Hi since over 1 week I can not Warpack nutzen.Der Key is still valid bit for 2016-06-09 22: 36.hat Someone an idea how I can do that again.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 30.05.2016 15:33:38
my key will be finished tomorow . couldnt play all week .

will not use warpack untill it is safe .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 30.05.2016 17:44:54
C 01.06.2016, we remove from the sale of fashion "preemption point." Those who have been active keys on 05/21/2016, we will add 2 weeks. We remind you that the events "preemption point" from 05/15/2016 is considered the game administration banned, and his use can lead to the blocking of the game account.

came from the Warpack developer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2016 17:48:20
all buyed keys still work to expired time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 30.05.2016 18:14:45

sent you pns no answers! like to have refound ..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2016 18:37:56
Sherman says - use paypal refund standard method
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 30.05.2016 19:26:16
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 30.05.2016 20:51:57
Any News? I dont like HAGS-Club but as long as Warpack is not going save...........................

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 31.05.2016 07:05:07
What is this HAGS that are you keep taking off?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 31.05.2016 13:32:02
stll waiting for refound did fia paypal...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2016 13:38:17
Yesterday Sherman own, bypassing Warpack team has decided to remove the mod "preemption point" from Warpack for WOWS from 1 june 2016.

Team Warpack majority vote decided to not remove this mods from Warpack.

Buying key, the user decides the fate of your game account.

We make countermeasures to detect ban mechanism, but you should be aware that no one method is not 100% guarantee from the ban, because your account - property of Lesta.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 31.05.2016 18:31:57
Can we help somehow to detect it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2016 18:36:04
after a later update you can choose to play with GUI or without. if you play without GUI and not banned - detect may be in screenshots that Lesta make from your game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.05.2016 19:18:49
I play on sec acc with full use WP from 3 days ago. Use GUI , autoshot etc. Lets see what hapened :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 31.05.2016 19:46:19
Btw its a any option to see RAIBOW with hide GUI on batt?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2016 19:49:16
no. in current version - hide GUI - hide all warpack drawing in game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Numpty от 31.05.2016 22:40:23

So I'm clear, WG now have a method to detect WP, therefore the aim predict has been removed from 1st june or until key renewal?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2016 22:45:39
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 01.06.2016 02:13:33

As far as I know, there is certain method to draw the UI/ESP as an overlay, which requires the user to only use window/borderless mode only, but can block screenshots.

Can this be implemented? This way we players can see the UI and drawings, but WG sees nothing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 01.06.2016 15:54:19
latest update warpack no longer works once again. Please update thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Bugsy от 01.06.2016 17:33:32
Yes new WOWS patch today. Please  advise.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.06.2016 17:41:56
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 01.06.2016 18:52:40
Smoke excuse a question, at this time I go into the game and as soon as it begins the game I press F12 to hide the gui ... you can choose to never display it by default?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.06.2016 18:58:59
later. after f one or two days ready
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 01.06.2016 19:22:17
So Wing Commander Prediction Update ? @smokescreen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.06.2016 20:09:06
1-2  days. now busy with tanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 02.06.2016 00:46:34
my key also wasnt extended by 2 weeks . it expired today
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 02.06.2016 09:50:34
ok thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 02.06.2016 11:33:52
Even my was not prolonged
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 02.06.2016 14:12:11
Same for me, I don't think any non RU key got renewed either.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 02.06.2016 14:43:00
Add another one mine either
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 02.06.2016 16:36:58
My key was not extended either, so lets get this straight, we are basically using johans old aim assist now, but without the little circle because we may be banned, I have GUI Off, Autoshoot off, and this will protect me from ban, is this guarenteed? if not than maybe you should consider reducing the price of this Bot to £1.99 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fatboy_48 от 02.06.2016 16:50:21
Thats pretty much what Hags club is selling ...... oh well was never going to last forever damn warpack was a really good product to
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wishicouldtellyou от 03.06.2016 01:56:01
Smoke screen, I have decided to renew Warpack as of today for 30 days just for the Wing commander for CV game play, further I also did not get and extension for my last 1 month renewal.

Also, these overlays they are talking about, if you just isolate just the Wing commander aspect of WP, I would be all over that.  And lastly a question...I am I wrong to feel safer by ONLY using Wing Commander and not the Aimbot/Warpack aspect of your product????? Your thoughts and gut feeling would be appreciated.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 03.06.2016 07:39:34
kann mir jemand helfen. was es nun mit der meldung auf sich hat. da das english übersetzter grauenhaft ist. was wird da gerade gemacht was soll man einstellen das man nicht gebannt wird.... was hat es auf sich mit hags club. und wie stelle ich ihn richtig ein ?
ist jemand da der deutsch kann ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 03.06.2016 07:57:28
Lieber nicht benutzen da es noch nicht sicher ist   . Es wird daran gearbeitet das overlay extern zu machen .alle die gebannt worden sind haben 14 Tage Bonus bekommen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 03.06.2016 10:39:53
I did not get 14 days extended, and it looks like nobody did.
Admin, people using this mod need to know what they have to do to avoid being detected, your English is very broken, how about some screenshots on how the Port screen and battle screen should look for safety, which box's to tick on the settings.
Do this for us the paying customers, we are very unsatisfied with your lack of help and putting our accounts in jeopardy.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 03.06.2016 12:22:59
I did get my 14 days . But i only knew about it from the russian Forum
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 03.06.2016 14:42:01
Did you play guys with warpack active?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 03.06.2016 16:13:59
i didnt play yet since iam on vacation for 2 more weeks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 03.06.2016 19:29:05
Warpack is now not working anymore at game version and game keeping crashing after loading. (auth-period)
Prolonged my key 3 day´s ago.
Any tweaking inside the settings.xml also leads to gamecrash at start,how can i get warpack to work?
Disable all gui but how or where inside the settings.xml or is warpack completly offline?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 03.06.2016 20:41:40
guten abend. wann erfahren wir das es wieder sicher ist..... gestern ging alles noch. habe auch keine meldung wegen bann bekommen. habe vor kurzem erst 1 monat aufgeladen. bin nicht gesperrt worden... gott sei dank. wäre fatal bei meinem acc da da viel zeit und geld drinn steckt.

wann ist es wieder sicher ??? was sagen die admins von warpack dazu ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 03.06.2016 21:55:13
Du befindest dich im Englischen Subforum,also wird hier nur english gesprochen.
Deutsch versteht garantiert kein russe,soviel standartwissen sollte man eigendlich schon haben,es sei denn du bist noch viel zu jung dafür,dem anschein nach liege ich da auch nicht so fern denke ich ,)
Only english talking here  8)
ps: Soweit mir bekannt ist wird es hier im forum bekannt gegeben wann warpack geupdatet wird und dann "warscheinlich" etwas sicherer geworden ist,aber 100% sicherheit gibt es nirgends und ein Accountban kann es immer mal geben wenn du einfach viel zu offt zu genau triffts im spiel.
Habe bis gestern auch noch paarmal mit warpack gespielt,da es aber heute nicht mehr geht und das spiel crashen lässt spiele ich ab heute ganz einfach ohne und das geht auch ganz gut.
Also abwarten was draus wird,kann aber noch ne ganze weile dauern so wie es ausschaut da die leute von warpack erst mit ihrem mod vom WOT beschäftigt sind und WOWs erst danach an die reihe kommt.
Wot ist und bleibt halt viel beliebter weil dort der überwiegende hauptanteil der gesammten spieler nur noch aus mod-cheater,hacker und botterabfall besteht.
Also abwarten . . .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 03.06.2016 22:00:02
hi, das english versteht auch keiner das was die über den übersetzter laufen lassen. und das meiste engl. hier ist grauenhaft daher deutsch... ps. kann auch auf engl. schreiben nur mit dem was die hier schreiben gibt keinen sinn ins deutsche übersetzt. aber danke dir für deine antwort. ps. bin fast 40 jahre alt.... mfg und danke dir.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hau-ihn-weg от 04.06.2016 00:02:56
pankystu stfu boy
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: john doe от 04.06.2016 02:26:12
hi everybody, i just DL demo version, to see if warpack is ok for me, but when i launch a game there is nothing appear. i launched wows with your injector indeed.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 04.06.2016 11:01:55
you should wait for them to update the client. alot ppl got banned for using it 2 weeks ago
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 04.06.2016 11:23:57
Ahaaa,thanks for that info.
It makes me wondering,how can wg detect this mod?
Did the banned guys upload replays or screenshots and wg has seen them and banned this guys?
As far as i know,wows dont make screenshots,like punkbuster is doing,and sending them to wg without the users knowing and agreement.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 04.06.2016 13:37:49
There must be some Kind of Screenshot System since HAGS club Users didnt get banned .or it might be the autoshot Feature
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 04.06.2016 14:48:14
one thing i did notice was in the python.log i lookt for warpack ... and it showed me some entrys in that file... not sure if that is it!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 04.06.2016 14:52:46
From what I gather, they screen capture random accounts, I presume they have a couple of guys that flicks through the captures and see who is stupid enough to have the GUI showing on Battle and Port screen.
But that is not certain, but seems logical.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 04.06.2016 16:33:51
Thanks for your replys guys ;)
Unbeliveable,enabling a secretly screenshot funktion without the users knowing and agreement dont seems legit or fair to me!
Every screenshot with a size of 1 or 2 mb´s secretly sending to wg with my damn slow internet uploadspeed and i have no clue when a screenshot will be taken!
How will warpack team bypass this?
When disabling all gui stuff from warpack,how can the aimpoint work or with other words how do i know where to aim at long ranges like +12km without a marker?
I really hope warpack team can find a solution for this.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 04.06.2016 20:39:07
the only way to bypass that "screenshot" thing is to make the GUI external as an overlay. so you can screenshot and stream and what not without anything showing on it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 04.06.2016 21:28:20
I play with full use WP from 5 days ago and nothing yet. Its a fake acc so i play just for to  know i will get baned or not :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 04.06.2016 22:32:17
Hi smoke, you have already found a solution . how far from her

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.06.2016 22:37:09
still in progress
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 04.06.2016 22:49:27
ok thx smoke.   ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 05.06.2016 02:11:52

I presume you use your fake account on a different PC or Mac, in the python log it shows all the accounts you use on one PC, so if your using the same system, they will know, and also by IP address, I am sure they can also block your IP address, I do on my websites with annoying or non paying subscribers.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 02:16:13

I presume you use your fake account on a different PC or Mac, in the python log it shows all the accounts you use on one PC, so if your using the same system, they will know, and also by IP address, I am sure they can also block your IP address, I do on my websites with annoying or non paying subscribers.
M8 i am sure they have a lot of the way to find all about users of warpack. But my question its : if the rly want that? I play on the same pc and i dont give a shit about ban this acc :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 05.06.2016 02:19:43
WG will not ban you straight away, they will let you play and they collect all information as much as they can and than they will release a big wave ban.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 02:23:39
Gl fo r WG then :) As I said, they can block this account today :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 05.06.2016 11:11:52
Gl fo r WG then :) As I said, they can block this account today :)

If they bann they will also bann ur other Accounts ;-)

U are so clever using ur fake Account with same PC  ;D ;D :o ;D ;D

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 12:04:31
Yes ofc, they will block both my acc, acc of my brother , sister and all my friends . I am so scarry.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 05.06.2016 12:52:56
Yes ofc, they will block both my acc, acc of my brother , sister and all my friends . I am so scarry.

Well you will get a temp ban, and given the chance not to use warpack again, but it looks like that wont bother you, but will your family and friends be happy with you causing a life ban.

Why dont you wait until Smoke finds the fix and just turn your GUI off for now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 05.06.2016 13:56:31
only 1 accound will get banned . you can make a new one with a different email adress . so if you play with multible accounds on 1 pc only 1 will get perma banned
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 14:21:12
only 1 accound will get banned . you can make a new one with a different email adress . so if you play with multible accounds on 1 pc only 1 will get perma banned
I think the same,but some ppl knows everythings better:) Maybe they are working for WG ?  :P
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 05.06.2016 14:51:31
you can use the Warpack for time not at all or is there a setting as gui Unignore that you can play on? ! 've paid this month but use it not from fear to block his my acc ....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 05.06.2016 16:11:43
i cant play with warpack since the authserver from warpack was stopped,when i start the game with warpack my game keeps crashing after the loading screen,also no matter what i have set in the settings.xml.
every gui is set to false but warpack dont seems to work anymore for me.
And i cant risc my account,have nearly 30000games made in wot and nearly 5000 in wows,so i play without wp and wait for a solution.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 16:16:48
i cant play with warpack since the authserver from warpack was stopped,when i start the game with warpack my game keeps crashing after the loading screen,also no matter what i have set in the settings.xml.
every gui is set to false but warpack dont seems to work anymore for me.
And i cant risc my account,have nearly 30000games made in wot and nearly 5000 in wows,so i play without wp and wait for a solution.
Try to run the game from launcher and WP after u will get in dock
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 05.06.2016 16:34:01
i did just skype with the support from another aim point mod and he told noone of there 400+ users got banned or brown .

i think i will give it a try
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 05.06.2016 19:08:20
wat the name from the other aimmod ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 19:34:46
wat the name from the other aimmod ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 05.06.2016 19:35:49
wat the name from the other aimmod ?
But its not the same like this i prefere this.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jmcguirewireless от 05.06.2016 20:03:20
THe MOD doesnt seem to work with the GUI turned off.

Can someone post how to play with NO GUI and still have the mod work ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 06.06.2016 03:54:48
The Hags aim is way off and they dont have a target lock feature. The only accurate aim assist is warpack.
We just need a more robust protection.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 06.06.2016 10:09:45
The Hags aim is way off and they dont have a target lock feature. The only accurate aim assist is warpack.
We just need a more robust protection.
I have a try Hags aim and I can say it sucks. This its like the first aim assist from Johhans. So better to wait until guys from here find the solution and make WP more safety fou us ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 06.06.2016 15:02:56
That's true, I'm aiming better even without it.
Better wait for warpack  :-X
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 06.06.2016 15:39:12
Try to run the game from launcher and WP after u will get in dock
No idea what you mean.
well nevermind,i will not risc my account and dont try to get wp working.
i wait an d hope wp team can find a working solution,thats why i also dont do a refund from my 1.6.2016 prolonged key.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 06.06.2016 17:13:05
i takes some battles to get used to it . but it works great once you got the right settings. will use hags for now untill warpack development done some work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 06.06.2016 21:42:24
my money is gone I have recently expanded only mod . will now play without . goes. Only a paid mod I wish sometimes more info from developers as it looks . will have to wait a while if nothing comes from your side I'll switch to hags . apparently they have enough taken that they do not want more money ....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 07.06.2016 04:55:24
I have a question.

Is any anti-detection going to be implemented, or has it been already?
What is the plan?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 07.06.2016 09:39:11
This non communication by the admin kinda reminds me of Johans demised site :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.06.2016 16:36:03
hey Smoke waths up....  is working ???? or wat is the problem. greez
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.06.2016 17:31:53
Tanks mods was problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.06.2016 17:35:38
no need world of warship mod.... its not funny i have no warpack.. and pay for this and can not play with them.... is for ever down the warpack for worldof warship ?

it may also be that the people have been locked where wg employees were ? and the only say to spread panic . or what wares because they view it ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.06.2016 17:37:55
it is certain that wargaming can see the Warpack

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 07.06.2016 17:49:52
smoke ?????
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.06.2016 17:54:05
play wows with warpack now can only users who not scare to get ban
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 08.06.2016 02:54:44
play wows with warpack now can only users who not scare to get ban

SO, no anti-detection protection in place.
Any plan to add such anti-detection feature? 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fabiano от 08.06.2016 08:28:36
should make WP for free untill it is safe . or its pay to ban
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.06.2016 09:13:09
if detection mechanism not found in future - we must support warpack infinitely?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 08.06.2016 11:40:42
if detection mechanism not found in future - we must support warpack infinitely?

We do not mind supporting you to find a fix to detection problem, but drop the subscription fee to $5, we can not use Warpack in fear of being caught and banned, once you find a fix then put the price back to normal fee, or you lose your subscriptions from nearly all members and then not be funded, Its logical to do this and keeps subscribers interested.

PS and please answer private messages, lack of communication leads to an unhappy and lost subscriber.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 08.06.2016 14:15:41
All that means for now:
You guys was not able to find a solution for warpack for wows?
Solutions like overlay gui,or a method to show random clean screenshots and when wg makes a screenshot they will see this clean screenshot,or warpack without any gui is that not possible to make? or any other solution ...
Well how can i get a refund?
Prolonged my key at 1.6. and till now i cant use warpack anymore.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 09.06.2016 04:51:48
The Warpack for WoWs used to work on NA Server, now it did not work any more. Do you know why? Please advise.

I re-downloaded and re-installed the Warpack but it did not help.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 09.06.2016 14:09:45
The Warpack for WoWs used to work on NA Server, now it did not work any more. Do you know why? Please advise.

I re-downloaded and re-installed the Warpack but it did not help.

Mine is working just fine. recommend you to reinstall the game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 09.06.2016 14:47:02
Okay, it seems that some users on RU server got banned (2nd wave).

On the English side, did anyone get banned? EU? NA? Asia?

Did you notice any black screen or abnormality?  It seems the banned Russian folkshave reported some balckscreen after game start.

Also, almighty Smokescreen, I really believe that overlay (blocks screenshot) is the correct solution. Please consider it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.06.2016 14:49:24
overlay drawing - i know it. but in game drawing more useful than custom drawing
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 09.06.2016 17:36:02
How many ppl get a ban in RU server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.06.2016 17:47:46
We don't know real count. Game developers says -800. But it is fake cout i think
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 09.06.2016 18:27:53
We don't know real count. Game developers says -800. But it is fake cout i think
Any one on EU , NA or  ASIA _
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.06.2016 19:11:02
now - nothing write on this topic on forum
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 09.06.2016 20:58:28
Today on RU , tomorrow on EU :) Lets hope not :P
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 09.06.2016 21:33:58
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 10.06.2016 06:07:56
I think something that WG can detect or see it. Are we going do anything for anti - detection?
Sounds like WG want wipe out all the Warpack users.

I hope Warpack do something soon.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 10.06.2016 17:30:54
So many players on the lower tiers using aim mods.
Has anyone had a warning or been banned on EU server yet! if so speak up and let us know what happened, how was you detected, is it temp ban, was it warning?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 10.06.2016 18:30:36
No infos about bans on EU yet.
WG dont permban an account after first detection you should know that,the first ban is a 7 day´s temp ban and it´s also the first & last warning from wg,the sec. ban is permban after you was detected by cheating,and i think this is ok & fair.
When warpack team cant find a solution then i belive warpack is gone & dead  :'(
About low tier cheating,yes you are right but if a ban will take on a rookie with low tier account they lough about that and create another account and start again,nothing to cry about,but a ban on an account with a lot games a lot ships a lot good stats a lot credits and exp ect.. this is what wg REALLY wants & care.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 11.06.2016 12:19:54
hi guys
warpack not working in game.
it says warpack waiting to enter game. later warpack waiting to autorization.. and when in game screen no warpack. before was sign of warpack on left side screen. now nothing and no warpack in game.

what i could do? i downloaded again warpack luncher and still same result
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 11.06.2016 14:47:14
My warpack expired. You are going to extend as you promised or not ??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 12.06.2016 18:33:24
hi guys
warpack not working in game.
it says warpack waiting to enter game. later warpack waiting to autorization.. and when in game screen no warpack. before was sign of warpack on left side screen. now nothing and no warpack in game.

what i could do? i downloaded again warpack luncher and still same result
Warpack is dead & killed by wg.
it wont work anymore since wg has implemented some kind of screenshot mechanism to see who is cheating and who not.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 13.06.2016 01:27:46
How do they know your cheating from a screenshot? did you have your GUI on full display in games? I tested it out of curiosity, and i can tell you it still works even though i do not use it anymore.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Numpty от 13.06.2016 01:44:31
Any update on when Wing Commander will be working correctly? (DB incorrect drop prediction)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 13.06.2016 12:53:46
Any update on when Wing Commander will be working correctly? (DB incorrect drop prediction)
OMG ! Let them find a solution for detecting ! Only crying here ! WAIT !!!!!!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 13.06.2016 13:22:25
How do they know your cheating from a screenshot? did you have your GUI on full display in games? I tested it out of curiosity, and i can tell you it still works even though i do not use it anymore.
If you have any GUI enabled in your mod,hack,cheat,whatever,...,you can easy see that in a screenshot which are hidden send to wg,you can not block or bypass this new mechanism which was implemented with game update,and after this update warpack team disabled warpack by disabling the warpack authservers i guess.
So warpack is not working since this game update,dont know whats going on on Ru,or Na,or Asia but on Eu it´s not working at all,game is crashing with WP.
Well if you still play with warpack you highly risk your account now you play with,wg dont immediately ban a cheating player,wg collects a lot screenshots and data to have enough proofs for a ban,this can take some time,maybe 1 week or 2,who knows^^
Wg also only ban accounts in waves,not single accounts alone,keep that in mind!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 14.06.2016 10:22:02

Thanks for your technical knowledge, and you know all this by which source, please send a link on how you came to this conclusion.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 14.06.2016 15:21:57
I play for about 3 weeks on a second account using WP...Nothing happens....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 14.06.2016 22:23:27
I would still use it if I could just turn all GUI off from client-start.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 15.06.2016 06:33:45
Hi Warpack,

Can we hide these icons (Please see below) in game.


If I turn off cheat interface in cheat menu, the cheat is stop working.

What I am trying to say is can we hide the cheat interface but the cheat still working.

Can WG see these icons when they take a screenshot during the game? Please advise.

Thank you. ;)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 15.06.2016 08:58:23
With the F12 key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 15.06.2016 15:33:15
I am running WOWS 5.6.1 and running Warpack version (5.6.1) but the message when loading states the mods can not load on this client version.

Why is this, it was working fine a day ago?

Please reply to this comment so we can know if you are still running Warpack for WOWs or do we go to PayPal fro refunds on time not used.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 15.06.2016 15:34:23
I am running WOWS 5.6.1 and running Warpack version (5.6.1) but the message when loading states the mods can not load on this client version.

Why is this, it was working fine a day ago?

Please reply to this comment so we can know if you are still running Warpack for WOWs or do we go to PayPal fro refunds on time not used.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 15.06.2016 15:49:41


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nexttps от 16.06.2016 02:07:51
Is WarPack safe now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 16.06.2016 03:02:20
Is WarPack safe now?

As far as I know, no.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 16.06.2016 07:43:46
so i buy the key but is not safe.....
i cnt play like this
thx guys
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.06.2016 09:48:38
who see warpack message about exceeded connections on key - try to switch to "serv1" in warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 16.06.2016 18:38:41

Thanks for your technical knowledge, and you know all this by which source, please send a link on how you came to this conclusion.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Tuadeg от 16.06.2016 23:57:49
Use this:
WarPack - much better, but it's free! Please distribute to the maximum on your servers !
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 17.06.2016 06:33:30
wth is this ?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 17.06.2016 06:38:25
 "MrConwayWG Staff

This initial wave of bans was primarily aimed at players using "aimbot" mods, as we have clearly and repeatedly stated that these are forbidden.

Generally, we consider anything a cheat that changes the way you play the game and gives you an unfair advantage over other players. Now that we have this detection capability, you can expect the rules to become more clearly defined."


Smoke .....
when you will do what ???
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fixmewow от 17.06.2016 12:04:11
wth is this ?


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 17.06.2016 17:05:23
Use this:
WarPack - much better, but it's free! Please distribute to the maximum on your servers !

Don't be an idiot and put this in any folder on res.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 17.06.2016 19:34:34
Rofl,an empty zipfile,only 1 initial file for nothing.
funny troll  8)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Tuadeg от 17.06.2016 20:16:35
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 18.06.2016 00:58:50
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.

What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 18.06.2016 02:05:09
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.

What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.

It does nothing, No aim assist, NOTHING, so don't try it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 18.06.2016 02:14:04
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.

What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.

It does nothing, No aim assist, NOTHING, so don't try it.
I did try this , u are? if u are not pls dont talk a shit,let ppl try this. thx
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 18.06.2016 06:56:37
Found inside __init__.pyc file:
Lestas,   Wargaming.net | Lesta Studio
watch out !
the puplisher might be from wg and spying here around,let´s find and hang him  :o
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: fixmewow от 18.06.2016 10:24:51
Has anyone try it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 18.06.2016 12:33:12
Paints a red line as lead marker. Can be seen in screenshots. Better dont touch.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: heatonxc от 21.06.2016 16:39:34
change the file extension "Pyc" to such as in your folder with the replacement file.

What this file can do? I still do not understand at all. Please explain in details.

It does nothing, No aim assist, NOTHING, so don't try it.
I did try this , u are? if u are not pls dont talk a shit,let ppl try this. thx

i try it 5 time in training room

nothing happening
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 21.06.2016 18:35:25
only works on ru-client
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 21.06.2016 21:45:56
Smokescreen - Have you worked out why they can detect WarPack user in WoWs? Do we have any anti-detection features yet?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.06.2016 21:48:54
Smokescreen - Have you worked out why they can detect WarPack user in WoWs? Do we have any anti-detection features yet?
at this moment we can't find detection system. cause distance between ban wawes very long
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: soreloser от 22.06.2016 03:15:27
Will the Wing Commander mod be updated when 5.7 comes? I am willing to renew my subscription just for that awesome mod.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 22.06.2016 11:45:51
Will the Wing Commander mod be updated when 5.7 comes? I am willing to renew my subscription just for that awesome mod.
That means you are still playing with warpack,seriously?
First,tell me how you can still use wp,because wp was disabled at 1.6. this month by the admin (on EU).
Dont you are scared to get your wg account banned because of the screenshot feature wg has implemented since the last gameupdate at wows?
Did you guys check this new 2 files out?
natives_blob.bin = ?
snapshot_blob.bin <-snapshot stands for screenshot or ?
Folder: cef
Hope i could help a litle  ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 22.06.2016 13:15:08
I am just wondering who still playing with WarPack?  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 22.06.2016 14:31:38
0.5.7 is out
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 22.06.2016 14:44:00
I am just wondering who still playing with WarPack?  :)

probably some, including myself. I only use the aim point.
by the way, please update for 0.5.7.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.06.2016 16:03:54
as soon as possible
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 22.06.2016 16:26:23
as soon as possible


Official software detects ??
Please hurry enhanced anti-detection
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 22.06.2016 16:26:49
as soon as possible


Official software detects ??
Please hurry enhanced anti-detection
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.06.2016 16:30:49
may be. we check it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xtfllbl от 22.06.2016 18:16:37
as soon as possible


Official software detects ??
Please hurry enhanced anti-detection
The same to you, now i have the time to play overwatch. :P
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jmcguirewireless от 22.06.2016 21:11:56
Update status please ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.06.2016 22:31:22
ready. but wing commander still not adjusted
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hu499451431 от 23.06.2016 00:45:16
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 23.06.2016 01:09:54
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?

which server? Asia, EU, NA?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 23.06.2016 02:19:29
The download thing is broken. I delete the .dll and settings and it's trying to redownload the hack .exe in .dll format. Please fix it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xtfllbl от 23.06.2016 03:04:21
Hello Admiral,
We regret to inform you that during our regular log check for irregularities, your account has been found using illegal game modifications that we explicitly do not allow the use of. Let this serve as your first and final warning regarding the usage of illegal game modifications. Your account will now be suspended until June 28, 2016 for using such illegal game modifications. If you will not adhere to our rules the next time, your account will receive sanctioned permanently.
WoWS-ASIA Game Master Lead
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 23.06.2016 06:19:32
Hello Admiral,
We regret to inform you that during our regular log check for irregularities, your account has been found using illegal game modifications that we explicitly do not allow the use of. Let this serve as your first and final warning regarding the usage of illegal game modifications. Your account will now be suspended until June 28, 2016 for using such illegal game modifications. If you will not adhere to our rules the next time, your account will receive sanctioned permanently.
WoWS-ASIA Game Master Lead

At the moment, I am not using Warpack and I have not seen any warning yet. Properly I have to stay low for a while.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 23.06.2016 06:20:26
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?

which server? Asia, EU, NA?

Properly ASIA?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: misczu1212 от 23.06.2016 08:35:47
warpack not working in eu
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 23.06.2016 11:27:25
anti-cheatdetection is not working properly. i have received a email from wg saying that im using illegel mods so i have to waste my key for 2 weeks. Anyone can explain it to me plz?
Warpack dont have any anticheat protection,why do you think there were any :D

WG has implemented a new mechanism,since gameupdate,to detect,log  & see the use of illegal mods,cheats & hacks!!!
It can be seen in screenshots the game is randomly doing and sending to wg,wg is also checking logs from the users to find out what mods & files are loaded at gamestart,and 3. wg also checks your hitlogs randomly to see what hitrate you have,and when this is definitive not normal humanlike you get a warning like this funny example here:

Hello Admiral,
We regret to inform you that during our regular log check for irregularities, your account has been found using illegal game modifications that we explicitly do not allow the use of. Let this serve as your first and final warning regarding the usage of illegal game modifications. Your account will now be suspended until June 28, 2016 for using such illegal game modifications. If you will not adhere to our rules the next time, your account will receive sanctioned permanently.
Final Result since Wows gameversion

Warpack is DEFINITIVE ->NOT<- save anymore,please save that in your mind! ! !
If you play with warpack enabled,you get DEFINITIVE catched later or earlier but you will,also only the load from warpack can be seen in logs like i said!
You highly risk your WG account when playing with illegal cheats,illegal mods or hacks.
Dont forget: First & final a Warning,then a PERM BAN!

Only your choice . . .
(ps: and no i´m not from wg but i want to make clearly sure to all the noobs out there to understand the current fact: warpack,illegal cheats or illegal mods are NOT save anymore! )

bye ladys
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 23.06.2016 12:23:28
Thank You Aunty QB, but I have to say that your IQ has to be about 11 if you think we are not aware of the facts that you stated so broadly and obvious to get attention to yourself, we have all read your comments and warnings, each and every one shows your lack of education and intelligence.
Please take a break from commenting and move on to your new anti Warpack life lol..

Uncle J
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 23.06.2016 12:28:20
Is this you QuickyBaby?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 23.06.2016 12:43:36
Working now eu ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 23.06.2016 13:45:59
Working now eu ?

not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.06.2016 14:22:33
Soon. After a 2 hours
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 23.06.2016 15:59:18
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.06.2016 16:36:50
must work on eu
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 23.06.2016 17:20:22
Wing Command still not fixed right?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.06.2016 17:29:55
Yes. Still not fixed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 23.06.2016 22:47:39
EU didnt work?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.06.2016 23:05:59
must work. of not - send me personal message. if you run TEAMVIEWER i can connect and try to resolve the problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: q92733twt от 24.06.2016 02:32:48
must work. of not - send me personal message. if you run TEAMVIEWER i can connect and try to resolve the problem

asia not work

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.06.2016 08:16:22
try to empty res_mods/0.5.7 folder
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 24.06.2016 10:50:23
Hello Admiral,
We regret to inform you that during our regular log check for irregularities, your account has been found using illegal game modifications that we explicitly do not allow the use of. Let this serve as your first and final warning regarding the usage of illegal game modifications. Your account will now be suspended until June 28, 2016 for using such illegal game modifications. If you will not adhere to our rules the next time, your account will receive sanctioned permanently.
WoWS-ASIA Game Master Lead

Total bullcrap seen this allover the place.... ignore this !
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 24.06.2016 19:14:42
Is this you QuickyBaby?

Top Secret,dont tell your mom.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 24.06.2016 21:45:03
got a notice that this mod is  illegal and do  not use or you  will be banned.

this is on the NA server.

any fix for it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tigerheart от 25.06.2016 02:59:09
hi i receive this crash and before it there is message this version of the game is not supported.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tigerheart от 25.06.2016 04:34:43
crashing all day now mod not working eu server reason out of memory only when playing the mod 2 days now didn't play single time please fix or refund thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tigerheart от 25.06.2016 04:42:30
after i login this version of the game is not supported ???!!!

p.s: could you please enable edit to the user in the forum to avoid 3 replays
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.06.2016 09:27:01
if you see this message - "For this version of the game client is not available mods." - clear res_mods\0.5.7 folder
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 25.06.2016 11:22:03
after i login this version of the game is not supported ???!!!

p.s: could you please enable edit to the user in the forum to avoid 3 replays

I had the same problem, some of Aslain's Mods are not compatible with Warpack and cause the the Notice that You are using the wrong client version, You have to empty 0.5.7 res_mods folder Warpack will work fine, Then add 1 Aslain Mod ar a time to find out which mod is causing the problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 25.06.2016 22:56:24
Looks like they banned Aslain and he or  she did  not complete the mod changes and I think maybe he  or  she is  pissed off at WG and so they might have put some
things in mod to cause problems.  I don't know  but seems  like it.  Just uninstall it and forget using till they fix  it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.06.2016 23:18:26
if you are use another mods with full scripts folder (about 25 Mtgabytes) in res_mods folder (like smokescreens helper mod) - you can't remove even a one file from res_mods folder - i think.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dirty Harry от 26.06.2016 02:03:12
Has anyone had any issues, warnings or...has anyone been banned on the NA server for using Warpack with WOWS?  And...I mean...has anyone had any of these issues without streaming or posting any vids to the net - just by simply playing the game with Warpack?  I've used Warpack with WOT for several years and have NEVER had any issues...as long as you don't post any pics, etc.  Just wondering what everyone else's experience has been.  Also, I've known people who have gotten busted using Warpack (because they stupidly sent in a ticket and made a screenshot without turning Warpack off)...all they got was a warning...they didn't get auto banned.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tigerheart от 26.06.2016 02:36:50
i empty res_mods still same problem eu server please help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.06.2016 07:07:20
Lets see it in teamviewer. Send me a personal message with teamviewer id and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wishicouldtellyou от 26.06.2016 09:12:47
is Wing Commander working yet? and FYI I love Wing Commander
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 26.06.2016 22:01:04
Has anyone had any issues, warnings or...has anyone been banned on the NA server for using Warpack with WOWS?  And...I mean...has anyone had any of these issues without streaming or posting any vids to the net - just by simply playing the game with Warpack?  I've used Warpack with WOT for several years and have NEVER had any issues...as long as you don't post any pics, etc.  Just wondering what everyone else's experience has been.  Also, I've known people who have gotten busted using Warpack (because they stupidly sent in a ticket and made a screenshot without turning Warpack off)...all they got was a warning...they didn't get auto banned.

yes I got the message on the NA server and haven't used it since.  It was a simple warning not use warpack as it's an illegal mod.  So I am waiting for a fix if it ever comes
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kot21 от 27.06.2016 15:01:37
I look burns everywhere....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.06.2016 18:56:37
warpack antidetect works from 25 june. till the next patch warpack is safe.
who play with warpack before 25 june - theoretically may receive a ban (for previous achievements)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 28.06.2016 19:02:06 it's right ? It updates the server side, or I have to download an update ??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.06.2016 19:03:02
updates only on server side
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 28.06.2016 19:05:39
OK thanks . Good job !! You can also rest assured with Wing Commander?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.06.2016 19:07:49
after 5.8
but after 5.8 or another micro patch we must search detect system again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 29.06.2016 03:16:19
so that means that its safe at the moment to use ?!?!

and what is it ? anything you can tell .. is it screeenshot thing or something else aswell ... be nice to know how it works.

nice that you have found a workaround * :o ;D ;)*
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.06.2016 04:45:28
It is not screenshot detect. Detect through find unique string in game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 29.06.2016 13:17:25
warpack antidetect works from 25 june. till the next patch warpack is safe.
who play with warpack before 25 june - theoretically may receive a ban (for previous achievements)
What have you changed smoke to can say Warpack is save from now on untill next game update?
Screenshots,LogScans & FileScans are made on the userside and not on the warpack server.
Sry i dont risk my wg account.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 29.06.2016 13:20:55
sry no Edit function in this forum.
Was the wg anticheat this file: snapshot_blob.bin
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 29.06.2016 16:43:39
Well I have 3 days left on my Warpack, Might as well give it a go, Thanls SS
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 29.06.2016 20:37:43
sounds good  :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 02.07.2016 13:49:32
I have a question and I hope to make me understand why I use the translator ...
With the wing commander when I use the torpedo bomber and ruler of the advance or postponement see the references of seconds in the chat ... with the bombers do not see the references, how do I have it set?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CrackHead от 06.07.2016 07:24:58
Is this ok to use again?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 06.07.2016 21:19:28
0.5.8 is here
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.07.2016 21:23:18
Уважаемые пользователи , данная тема закрыта , до "отмашки" после обновления игры .
Убедительная просьба не писать и не создавать другие темы , относительно работы продукта после обновления игры , этим вы не ускорите процесс адаптации .
Отмашка будет дана в данной теме.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.07.2016 21:52:34
warpack for 5.8.0 ready. But now we not found additional detection system in game since 5.7 version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Zeikko от 07.07.2016 11:16:47
so there is no anti - cheat software or detection system correct? :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lello33 от 08.07.2016 00:50:58
hi guys atention i today try play some hour with WP and after 1 1/2 hour i have take first my ban 7 day :(( , later i try use a second acc but this with hugs and i take a ban for 7 day lol , atention atention guys! >:( >:( >:( >:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Zeikko от 08.07.2016 01:00:36
i have played with a friend he use warpack to and no bann
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PipperNavy от 08.07.2016 03:11:03
I downloaded the wows pack and still says wrong version ?? any idea's guys ? or do I need to reverse my paypal payment   
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Scoots от 08.07.2016 15:14:35
Is Warpack Safe for 0.5.8?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.07.2016 16:55:31
May be
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PipperNavy от 08.07.2016 18:45:05
This is the second time it has said wrong version does warpack for wows work ? and helpful idea's please ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.07.2016 20:08:16
restore game initial setup
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 09.07.2016 00:03:40
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PipperNavy от 09.07.2016 02:56:14
restore game initial setup <---- how is this done ? thanks Pip
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.07.2016 08:38:02
You probably replace original scripts.zip file in game. Restore it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 10.07.2016 00:13:43
restore game initial setup <---- how is this done ? thanks Pip
I had this problem with wrong version and found the problem that some of Aslains mods were causing this, just take all aslians mods out and try again then add each one until you find the culprit.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 10.07.2016 22:39:56
is there going to be a fix ... meaning that the shoots are why off and to far behind or fall to short.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 11.07.2016 14:11:24
I think you need to set this 2 things up:

Then you can adjust the aimpoint backwards or forwards a litle.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: setsuna от 11.07.2016 19:17:39
Hello, how does one pay for warpack wows?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 12.07.2016 15:47:08
New version of the game, please fix.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.07.2016 17:05:51
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: samiaminpb от 12.07.2016 18:50:26
restore game initial setup <---- how is this done ? thanks Pip
I had this problem with wrong version and found the problem that some of Aslains mods were causing this, just take all aslians mods out and try again then add each one until you find the culprit.

After uninstalling Aslain's I still get Error Msg. saying that either there is a network problem or WP hasn't caught up to WoWs
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 12.07.2016 21:06:25
wows update  . Warpack normally updates by the end of the day.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 12.07.2016 21:08:10
wows update . Warpack normally updates by the end of the day.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 12.07.2016 21:46:55
fix the aim why to short... grrr ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.07.2016 22:15:16
changes in this version:

In "prediction point" mod:
- show enemy tracers in smokescreens (red heavy bold lines like rainbow)
In "wing commander" mod:
- settings for planes (bombers and torpedo bombers) are saved now to next game start
- some fixes with bombers and torpedo bombers with aiming
- bombers now can be adjusted like torpedo bombers (W A S D keys by default, but better use only A and D keys)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pankystu от 13.07.2016 19:53:09
Hi, its a WP save to use again or not ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.07.2016 20:53:22
we think - safe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 14.07.2016 23:18:30
The accuracy seems like shit now. Drop from 100+k damage a round to ~60. No idea what changed.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 15.07.2016 00:12:42
I just wanted to report that i have had the game freeze on me in game. I looks like i get kicked from game on loading the battle or near the beginning then i get sent to a frozen port screen with the Warpack box on top left of screen turns red and i have to restart my comp as it freezes the whole thing up. It normally happens in my first or second game on loading or right at the start. Then when i get back in during a battle i have no Warpack. So i have to exit game and start over to get in the  port for warpack to load again. Anyone else experience this issue or know a fix? it has ha[ppened a few times now. i have tried a fresh install of game and mod.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Scoots от 15.07.2016 06:37:04
Since the accuracy is extreme decreased
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 15.07.2016 09:05:05
Since the accuracy is extreme decreased

I have not noted any difference  :-X
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Scoots от 15.07.2016 21:18:30
I have many overpens and dont citadels. Damage from 100k+ down to 66k.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 18.07.2016 10:51:11
I do not think the team work on fixes anymore, the Warpack mod deteriorated about 2 months ago since 5.6, since accounts were being banned for using it. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 18.07.2016 11:49:25
That's not true. Now you can see shells from smoke and wing-commander also got better.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 19.07.2016 14:00:42
well after all wp is definitive not save anymore! :'(
earlier or later you GET detected and thats it for your wg account!
WoWs AimAssist or ТУ_0.5.8.1_v0.4 dont work on NA Asia or EU,also many ru people say it doesnt work on ru client with ru language on ru server,maybe it´s only a funny fake for idiots,who knows.
All i know the hughs (or what the correct name is) aimhelp cheat works which has overlay which seems 100% save,for now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: craigfulcher от 21.07.2016 19:32:33
above wants to be the real quickbaby ahahhahhahahahhahahahahahah
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 22.07.2016 15:51:15
Or he wants people the real QuickyBaby uses Warpack... how sad :( as if!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 22.07.2016 17:50:00
Why dont you know i used wp?
Everybody knows that,just look at the vids its damn easy to see.
btw i cant use wp since,because its not save anymore.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 25.07.2016 14:34:32
Why dont you know i used wp?
Everybody knows that,just look at the vids its damn easy to see.
btw i cant use wp since,because its not save anymore.
I think you will find that most WP users have moved on and saved money since that version. Try it, It takes about 30 games to adjust but you will be as good as you are when using WP, and you save money each month.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 28.07.2016 02:24:28
0.5.9 is out. Not sure if WP needs updating? any changes?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.07.2016 08:14:13
it is updated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 28.07.2016 13:36:44
U think its as save as 0.5.8 ? ::)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 28.07.2016 13:41:31
nothing is save
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 28.07.2016 13:55:11

warpack for 5.8.0 ready. But now we not found additional detection system in game since 5.7 version

... 5.8 was safe after all
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 29.07.2016 20:44:18
My WP seems to have stopped working. once in the port and loaded into the game nothing comes up anymore.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Scoots от 31.07.2016 23:23:00
Hallo, ist jemand deutsches hier?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 01.08.2016 02:58:05
Hallo, ist jemand deutsches hier?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 01.08.2016 13:26:34
wp work?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 03.08.2016 15:52:53 just got released...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.08.2016 15:53:59
we know it. warpack update soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.08.2016 23:05:20
warpack for 5.9.1 updated. but it's load a more time than usual (1 minute or more)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 04.08.2016 18:34:42
Confirmed working great again, Mine loaded as soon as i got to port. Did not have to wait on load time. Thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 05.08.2016 13:40:11
Beware just got a 7 Day Ban. Only mod i used was Warpack.

Maybe you should look into this
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 05.08.2016 13:55:28
We hereby inform you, that your account was suspended for 7 days as a result of violating the World of Warships game rules section 4.05 :
4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.

Server EU
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 05.08.2016 13:57:26
I too arrived

We hereby inform you, that your account was permanently suspended as a result of violating the World of Warships game rules section 4.05 for the second time :
4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.
If you want to dispute or discuss this sanction you are free to contact the Wargaming Customer Support.
The World of Warships Team
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Numpty от 05.08.2016 14:40:50
Same here:

We hereby inform you, that your account was suspended for 7 days as a result of violating the World of Warships game rules section 4.05 :

4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 05.08.2016 14:46:11
I also got a ban seven days just today when entering the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: johngrth от 05.08.2016 14:50:32
same here never banned before from march
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xtfllbl от 05.08.2016 15:03:09

Your account has been using illegal means to acquire XP and credits with the use of 3rd party programs or modifications for the 2nd time now. Your account will be sanctioned permanently as an initial warning has already been provided to you. We will no longer reinstate your service.


WoWS Game Maste
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 05.08.2016 15:08:01

We hereby inform you, that your account was suspended for 7 days as a result of violating the World of Warships game rules section 4.05 :

4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.

If you want to dispute or discuss this sanction you are free to contact the Wargaming Customer Support.

Please note that this is the first and only Warning! Another rule violation of this kind will ultimately result in a permanent suspension of your account from World of Warships.


The World of Warships Team

THX  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 05.08.2016 15:13:12

WARPACK IS DIE FOR ME.... NO more Money for yours work. sry.   

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sako от 05.08.2016 15:29:31
Warpac was never safe - is important to know that you guys was banned beacuse of any other player report or its just any new antihack system working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 05.08.2016 15:37:38
edit my post.

4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.

1.04. Wargaming.net may suspend, terminate, modify, or delete accounts at any time for any reason or for no reason, with or without notice to the owner of the account. Accounts terminated by Wargaming.net for any type of abuse, including without limitation a violation of these rules or the EULA, will not be reactivated for any reason. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of these rules, the End-User License Agreement (EULA), or other Wargaming.net policy. Players may cancel any account registered to themselves at any time by following the instructions on the Website. Wargaming.net may stop offering and/or supporting any service at any time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Zeikko от 05.08.2016 16:22:55



We hereby inform you, that your account was suspended for 7 days as a result of violating the World of Warships game rules section 4.05 :



4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.



If you want to dispute or discuss this sanction you are free to contact the Wargaming Customer Support.



Please note that this is the first and only Warning! Another rule violation of this kind will ultimately result in a permanent suspension of your account from World of Warships.




The World of Warships Team
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: neuro от 05.08.2016 17:49:01
Same here, looks like we are a lot in this case, maybe all of us?
At least we have a chance to conserve our account but I think I won't risk a permanent ban by using warpack again. At least WG succeded.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 05.08.2016 18:55:40
Have not used WP in 0.5.9., have not been banned.
Sorry for you, guys.  :-[
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: setsuna от 05.08.2016 22:00:50

We hereby inform you, that your account was suspended for 7 days as a result of violating the World of Warships game rules section 4.05 :
4.05. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.
If you want to dispute or discuss this sanction you are free to contact the Wargaming Customer Support.
Please note that this is the first and only Warning! Another rule violation of this kind will ultimately result in a permanent suspension of your account from World of Warships.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 06.08.2016 04:02:43
Me to :( Just got a 7 day ban, anyone wanting a 31day key i have a spare..Pm me $10 paypal
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 06.08.2016 04:12:25
It make me feel as soon as I use the CV module, I got banned.
These week I use CV auto deploy pretty frequently, any idea to prove me wrong?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Balbus от 06.08.2016 05:00:56
Banned here too for 7 days.  Well it was fun while it lasted, but I am done now.
Thanks for the ride!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ybz378938171 от 06.08.2016 08:03:51
It make me feel as soon as I use the CV module, I got banned.
These week I use CV auto deploy pretty frequently, any idea to prove me wrong?
I disable the cv module, and only use the auto-aim only, and just get banned for 1 week. Maybe WG update the detection system.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: setsuna от 06.08.2016 11:11:05

I just used Automatic shot guns and I am banned for 7 days.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Bugsy от 06.08.2016 12:19:50
Just got banned till the 18th Aug. For illegal use of mods.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 06.08.2016 12:56:05
On which servers are you playing?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 06.08.2016 14:26:12
Not used at all Cv mode only aim point and get ban yesterday they are re-activate the protection likely afther last patch.Definitely not safe to use wp more.
Play on Eu server.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 06.08.2016 17:47:44
vielen Dank dass du den Wargaming Kundendienst kontaktiert hast.

Der Account wurde geperrt da wir hier einen Fall von unerlaubter Vorteilsnahme an Gefechten innerhalb des Spiels World of Warships haben. Hier wurden entweder Mods, Bots, Clickers, Macros etc. benutzt um unfaire Vorteile in unserem Spiel zu erhalten.

Das entspricht einer Regelverletzung nach 4.05 http://forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.php?/forum-120/announcement-17-world-of-warships-game-rules/

Wargaming.net hat bereits vor der Erstellung der Sperre dieses geprüft und es als valid eingestuft, der Account wurde in diesem Fall vom Spiel gesperrt.

Die Dauer der Sperre beträgt 7 Tage und ist als eine Warnung zu verstehen. Einen Einspruch dagegen einzuführen ist nicht möglich da wir diese Entscheidung nicht überdenken werden. Daten die zu dieser Entscheidung geführt haben können nicht ausgegeben werden.

Wenn wir dir noch in einer weiteren Frage behilflich sein können dann wende dich bitte gerne wieder an uns.

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen

Daniel Boone

Wargaming.net Customer Service Representative


Deine Meinung zählt! Fülle die Umfrage aus, so bald deine Anfrage beantwortet wurde. Your feedback matters! Fill in our survey once your issue is resolved.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DoubleAA от 06.08.2016 17:51:13
I also got a 7 day ban.  It is interesting that the mod pack makers (like Aslain & others) on the WoWS forum have not updated their modpacks since the update and are claiming to be away on vacation?????

I think it was a planned sweep and WG asked the ModPack makers to not update their Modpacks so that WG can clearly identify WP users. My friends is using a different cheating mod(less users friendly and not as good as WP) and didn't receive a ban notice.

WP you need to find an answer or you will soon be out of business! on WoWA and WOT!!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: M-P0w3er от 06.08.2016 17:58:43

yes i see this.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 06.08.2016 18:29:32
BANNED For ever :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 06.08.2016 18:30:58
BANNED For ever :(

so is there going to be a refund for the time i had the WP ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 07.08.2016 11:52:28
EU server has been disinfected, cockroaches and unwanted infestation of sad players being hurled into the sea by the 100's, but there will still be the Idiot that thinks he is immortal, take heed of the warnings on this forum, even hardened cheats have stopped using this Aimbot.   
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DoubleAA от 07.08.2016 20:00:25
No response from the warpack staff. They have abandened ship and soon they will be running from tanks. By By money and no extra income for the warpack staff. They got hooked by the WG Technical Staff!!

Нет ответа от сотрудников warpack. Они abandened корабль, и вскоре они будут работать от танков. По деньгами и без дополнительного дохода для сотрудников warpack. Они подсели техническим персоналом РГ !!

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 07.08.2016 23:48:50
I will wait for smokescreen to find and bypass the anticheat again. Still love the product.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 2009DodgeRamTRX4 от 08.08.2016 02:08:24
I purchased key on Wednesday only played around two hours each night Wed-Fri and was banned Friday when playing the game.  7 day ban.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 08.08.2016 17:33:35
Beware just got a 7 Day Ban. Only mod i used was Warpack.

Maybe you should look into this
I already told you guys that long time ago.
Warpack can be easly detected and seen when loadet.
Sometimes it takes some days or weeks for wg to find out,and sometimes a month or longer as result of millions of users to check..
That´s why i said:
Warpack is not save anymore after wg has setup the security mechanism,but most or all wont belive me and here is another fact.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.08.2016 17:36:07
when we change development platform - they can't detect i think. but it's take a few month
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: craigfulcher от 08.08.2016 17:47:04
looking forwards to it smokescreen and thank you for mini update on wp for wot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 08.08.2016 17:54:59
And i was sooo damn close to get a new key for wp,and now after seen so many got banned only when playing some hours ROFL ,o man sry guys but that is so damn funny at all.
Already told it multible times and nobody wanted to belive me.
@Smoke,do you mean your hack will be made in any other programming language,is that what you mean?
may or may not fix the problem of easly & fast detection by wg,a month or more for re-programming... uhh thats a lot of work and testings and there is no guarantee it might work undetected,not for long because wg is updating the game every 1 1/2 weeks and its getting upd. faster and faster and faster.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BigGelataio от 08.08.2016 18:58:12
After the ban of seven days will be tough even decide to use the hack running the risk of a permanent ban ... sorry for my english
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.08.2016 19:45:53
New platform is full native. Without scripts. And remotely call any code. Therefore - it can't detected by game process. Only by antivirus
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ybz378938171 от 08.08.2016 21:16:25
New platform is full native. Without scripts. And remotely call any code. Therefore - it can't detected by game process. Only by antivirus
Maybe WG manually check the guys who are reported by other players. Is there anyone using WP in NA not banned yet?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DoubleAA от 09.08.2016 01:39:07

What is the plan for everyone who purchase WP but can't use it??? What is you timeline to fix this cheat?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.08.2016 09:00:28
We don't know fix time yet. May be a month or two. Anyway - we write on forum after fix
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bradbetx от 09.08.2016 13:48:25
i get ban in asia WOWs
use warpack in WOWs
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DoubleAA от 09.08.2016 18:04:55
WarPack is a very good, user friendly and well crafted cheat/hack but the WarPack staff have an obligation to it's customers to make it safe. War Gaming has proven that it can detect WarPack in WoWS and WOT making it unsafe to use resulting in account terminations with no recourse.

I am sure that Smokescreen & the WarPack sraff will find a way to make it a safe product for it's customers and resume it's flow of cash.

WarPack очень хороший, удобный и хорошо обработанная обманщик / хак, но сотрудники WarPack обязаны это клиентам, чтобы сделать его безопасным. Война Gaming доказала, что она может обнаружить WarPack в ошеломляет и WOT, что делает его небезопасным для использования в результате счета окончаний без обращения за помощью.

Я уверен, что Smokescreen & sraff WarPack найдет способ, чтобы сделать его безопасным продуктом для его клиентов и возобновить это поток денежных средств.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DoubleAA от 11.08.2016 19:00:32
Everyone knows the WarPack is Hack & illegal but no one expects it to be fully detectable by WG at any time.  If your taking money from people for the HACK/Illegal mod then be up front and tell customers that WarPack is fully detectable by WG at any time for both World of Tanks and World of Warships and your account will be banned.

Все знают, что это WarPack Hack & незаконным, но никто не ожидает, что она будет полностью обнаружить РГ в любое время. Если ваш брать деньги с людей за HACK / Нелегальная мод затем быть впереди и сказать клиентам, что WarPack полностью обнаруживается РГ в любое время для обоих Мир танков и Мир Военные корабли и ваш счет будет запрещен.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DJ3vil от 12.08.2016 06:46:13
Also get 7 Day Bann, only use Warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 16.08.2016 20:04:16
Everyone knows the WarPack is Hack & illegal but no one expects it to be fully detectable by WG at any time.  If your taking money from people for the HACK/Illegal mod then be up front and tell customers that WarPack is fully detectable by WG at any time for both World of Tanks and World of Warships and your account will be banned.

Dude,Thats a good point and i fully agree with you!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jmcguirewireless от 17.08.2016 22:35:36
HOw long before 5.10 update to be posted ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.08.2016 22:45:36
released. but without wing commander yet. it will be released after 1-2 days or earler
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 18.08.2016 02:52:30
Since a bunch of us got banned, was there precaution taken with this release? Are they taking screenshots or actually detecting the .exe..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 18.08.2016 04:58:26
released. but without wing commander yet. it will be released after 1-2 days or earler


did you bypass the anti-cheat? is it safe to use?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.08.2016 09:46:08
No. Now not safe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: QuickyBaby от 19.08.2016 15:26:48
Since a bunch of us got banned, was there precaution taken with this release? Are they taking screenshots or actually detecting the .exe..
Simple answer is: BOTH (and a lot more)
wg can see & detect what is loaded into the game and also the random made screenshots easly shows what the user has on his screen,also game-& serverlogs will tell wg what is running.
And dont forget the last:
Statistics of your gameplay:
if your shots hits to often enemy ships,its also not normal humanlike and must be anything illegale,also here from the forum some users got banned for that "not normal hitlog stats) ,no joke at all.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 19.08.2016 16:18:42
I assume it's not released? Because if it was released and you guys know it's detected that would be silly. I don't think they ban on stats. Most likely a flaw with warpack they are easily detecting. Maybe it's time to move away from mods and hack the game like some of the other cheats out there.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jmcguirewireless от 25.08.2016 04:53:59
When will the next update for this weeks patch be out
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 26.08.2016 02:26:32
The point is, it makes no sense to release WP until the staff figure out a way to bypass the anti cheat, otherwise it just results in bans.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 01.09.2016 23:43:11
Warpack on Youtube 

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 02.09.2016 05:01:15
okay, its September now. any update on the anti-cheat? still detected?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 05.09.2016 02:59:10
uhm.... any updates?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 05.09.2016 07:56:56
It seems this forum is dead and buried  :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.09.2016 08:12:01
detect not found yet
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: craigfulcher от 05.09.2016 09:35:12
is it working yet smokescreen without ban
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iorda от 08.09.2016 10:08:38
After the new Update 0.5.11 Warpack is not working, are you going to fix it soon ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.09.2016 10:40:51
yes. we fix it soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 10.09.2016 16:25:13
Is Update Today?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.09.2016 16:57:48
5.11 updated few days ago
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 10.09.2016 18:17:32
FYI, im using current version with no issue.

I'm not sure about what features you guys were using when you got banned.

I only use prediction indicator as a reference. everything else was manually controlled.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: unknown_ph от 10.09.2016 19:48:08
well im not currently subscribed to wp since i got prem & high tier ship
but i notice that no1 complaining about getting banned in WoWs this recent days.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 11.09.2016 16:32:03
we need to be clear about a few things here:

1. WG do delayed bans, which means they can detect any hack tool due to the injecting, but they wait, till they have enough victim then ban them all together. This method has been used by all other multiplayer games for a simple reason, cheaters can't react to the ban wave fast enough.

2. The fact that a lot of WP users got banned a few weeks ago has proved that WP is detected.

3. Conclusion, even though you do not experience bans recently, it doesn't mean you won't be banned eventually.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 11.09.2016 22:46:41
out of curiosity have you been banned? you were a premium user?
I would be interested to understand how many of the players were banned premiu
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 19.09.2016 15:15:29
5.1.2 active
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 20.09.2016 06:02:42

when will the warpack be available for this version of WOWS?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 20.09.2016 14:43:00
There is no ban on stats lol, everybody has a good day sometimes and scores an amazing result, so this makes ban on stats illogical, Warpack can be detected by WG when players use certain parts of their UGI, Autoshoot for instance.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.09.2016 15:00:16
when will the warpack be available for this version of WOWS?
it is available now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: luxe от 21.09.2016 22:06:14
me and my friend we are banned today  rule 4.08
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: luxe от 21.09.2016 22:10:30
ban permanent
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 21.09.2016 23:42:40
you pay for a program UNSECURE TOTALLY AND DETECTABLE by wg is petty, or stop selling it and leave it free, or stop selling it and not release him even free of charge until it is not safe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: unknown_ph от 26.09.2016 07:19:22
whoops... warpack really is not safe just got my 1 week ban to my dummy account   :(


Your account has been using illegal means to acquire XP and credits with the use of 3rd party programs or modifications. Your account will be sanctioned for 1 week as an initial warning, removing such illegal modifications will ensure that your account will no longer be sanctioned by our system. If you fail to remove such modifications and will be caught a second time with such violations, your account will be sanctioned permanently without the chance of reinstatement.

Please observe our game rules to avoid irrevocable sanctions in the future.


WoWS Game Master
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 29.09.2016 02:28:39
still waiting
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 29.09.2016 05:32:55 is active, when will the wp be ready?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.09.2016 07:34:52
it is ready now. but still detected
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Haxor от 02.10.2016 00:11:09
Why update something if it's still detected? Isn't that kind of pointless..??????
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 09.10.2016 14:06:39
got ban last day.:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Wowarlock от 15.10.2016 02:28:24
What is meant? Warpack servers is down? I have a "Network is not available..." when i tryto log in the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 18.10.2016 15:19:37
I really miss your warpack, I hope you'll find a way to make it usable again one day.
Never had such fun in Atlanta then with your autofire.  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sharkleos от 19.10.2016 17:27:52
I really miss your warpack, I hope you'll find a way to make it usable again one day.
Never had such fun in Atlanta then with your autofire.  :)
same here,
warpack was best mod before Ban...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 20.10.2016 20:51:12
What's happening with WarpackP?

When I launch WarPack warships did not launch and said "World of warships does not respond"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.10.2016 21:20:35
download current warpack for wows on site and reinstall it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 23.10.2016 00:31:09
Whats is best settings for predictions? Some one share settings ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.10.2016 00:36:54
default parameters must be better. some players use own horizontal and vertical offsets per ship (with old prediction type in settings)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 26.10.2016 03:03:40
Are people actually using WoWs without being banned? If so, how?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hironohiro от 28.10.2016 03:10:08
Still waiting for the bypass
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 30.10.2016 12:39:49
safe to use ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 30.10.2016 14:41:28
how long need to appear new key?

Bought it cca 30min ago ano nothing yet?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 01.11.2016 18:49:34
Still waiting for the bypass

Is there info about the bypass anywhere?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Griz от 04.11.2016 03:06:35
Ok just wondering why is there a Link to Wargamings Customer Service in the start up and what is detected?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 16.11.2016 21:29:39
I just made an order and i did not get any key!

what do i do ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.11.2016 22:38:21
Write personal message to admin Unknown
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CoolDude от 17.11.2016 00:47:35
With today's patch world of warships cheat is no longer working.  Please fix!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 17.11.2016 06:14:54
Write personal message to admin Unknown

ok will do that thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zlfclzt1 от 18.11.2016 02:37:47
Could we use it safety now? I don't want to lose my account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 18.11.2016 06:00:12
Could we use it safety now? I don't want to lose my account

u a dummy account and play do not play on the one you spent money on
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zlfclzt1 от 18.11.2016 23:41:44
"For this version  of the game is not availiable mods."
Are there some Problem, or just wait for update? how long it usualy takes?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DoubleAA от 29.11.2016 22:48:31
Everyone knows the WarPack is Hack & illegal but no one expects it to be fully detectable by WG at any time.  If your taking money from people for the HACK/Illegal mod then be up front and tell customers that WarPack is fully detectable by WG at any time for both World of Tanks and World of Warships and your account will be banned.

Все знают, что это WarPack Hack & незаконным, но никто не ожидает, что она будет полностью обнаружить РГ в любое время. Если ваш брать деньги с людей за HACK / Нелегальная мод затем быть впереди и сказать клиентам, что WarPack полностью обнаруживается РГ в любое время для обоих Мир танков и Мир Военные корабли и ваш счет будет запрещен.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.12.2016 21:47:52
Compensation will be assessed 1 day, valid keys. Because of the upgrade game of 8 December.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: accia от 16.12.2016 18:57:25
warpack didnt work after 5 min in battle. could u plz help me fix it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 19.12.2016 23:16:36
I downloaded warpack and when I launch, I've this message:

"Warpack For this version of the game client is not available mods"

What happen?

(http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/126339shot1612171843070270.jpg) (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=126339shot1612171843070270.jpg)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.12.2016 23:20:27
may be you are use other mods. remove them and run again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 20.12.2016 14:26:11
Sorry but it's not that.

I uninstalled the game and installed agai, and it's always the same message, and warpack for wows not launch. :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.12.2016 19:57:49
setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then - send me a personal message with teamviewer's ID and password. i try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 23.12.2016 18:47:19
How can I make working DEMO mode?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.12.2016 23:03:49
only or RU server with RU account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Eggman123 от 27.12.2016 18:54:51
Keep getting "Unable to get information about the latest version" we waiting on an update or something?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.12.2016 21:05:18
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 28.12.2016 16:50:22
hello guys. i just buy key hour ago and seems like its not working. on login sreen its says warpack waiting to log in, in game cheat not working. it should by sign on left side corner warpack. but there nothing. and in game no cheat

could you give some advise what i did wrong.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 28.12.2016 16:57:00
for this version of the game client is not awailable mods xx
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.12.2016 17:23:17
available now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sant от 30.12.2016 12:04:39
Again "For this version of the game client is not awailable mods" :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.12.2016 13:41:21
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oldstars1966 от 31.12.2016 15:29:01
Hello everybody
I have the same problem
Game is up to date
But I can not warpack boot always error message

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oldstars1966 от 31.12.2016 15:33:21
Hello everybody
I have the same problem
Game is up to date
But I can not warpack boot always error message


Hello everybody
I have the same problem
Game is up to date
But I can not warpack boot always error message

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hroniker от 01.01.2017 04:03:24
В поле где вводится ключ надо ввести   DEMO  вместо ключа и все заработает.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oldstars1966 от 02.01.2017 00:33:17
В поле где вводится ключ надо ввести   DEMO  вместо ключа и все заработает.

The game does not start at all
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 04.01.2017 23:18:41
Mine is working. Playing about 3 days, 2-3 hours...nothing happened by now...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tr4657 от 05.01.2017 05:27:37
from my experience, u need to delete settings and dll file, then rerun it again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oldstars1966 от 14.01.2017 23:24:45
Have the game reinstalled on another pattion and also here does not start the game
You can no longer support via the site
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 22.01.2017 15:42:44
Dear smokescreen,

I see that you guys updated your warpack for WOWS.

Is warpack safe from detection now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.01.2017 16:29:58
we not found detect in game yet
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Menuh от 28.01.2017 00:39:41
Sounds interesting, is it running external now?  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: luadnd от 29.01.2017 10:55:50
Could somebody explain wingcommander to me in some more detail?

I just "right click" enemies atm with my planes, but there are some more buttons like "Autoattack" or "Immediate attack" which just don't seem to have any reaction on clicking them.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: perositi от 09.02.2017 09:23:34
so is warpack non detechtable now or is there still the risk
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.02.2017 10:00:16
risk still everytime till developers want to ban warpack users first time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: perositi от 09.02.2017 10:57:00
has it been updated for 0.6.1 because I bought a key but when I click start world of warships from warpack launcher nothing happens
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.02.2017 11:11:01
try to login to game and check warpack button in harbor
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 13.02.2017 14:54:14
how to set up "immediate attack"?
throw close distance!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.02.2017 15:55:25
Please clarify your question.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 13.02.2017 16:28:14
Flight throw Torpedos, very close to ships. Thus, no results found. how to set up "immediate attack"?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.02.2017 16:34:28
immediate attack used to more accurate aiming. if you want to change additional delays - move cursor above target ship (with selected squad) and use W A S D keys to change this values
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 13.02.2017 17:02:32
Thanks! It works! :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: quicktrigger от 16.02.2017 06:22:56
I bought a 7 day key for WorldofWarships.  Every time I open it using the warpack icon it starts to load the game and then crashes to desktop.  I do not run any mods.  It is vanilla.  I have tried starting the game and then running warpack when I am in the port.  It still crashes.  I am an American and google translate doesn't always translate correctly so if I don't understand your response I'm not trying to be an ass.

Thank you for any help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.02.2017 09:21:20
try to disable antivirus software before run warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: quicktrigger от 16.02.2017 20:17:37
I turned Windows Defender off and the turned the firewall off still to no avail.  I use malware bytes for a virus protection so I don't have Norton or anything like that.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: misczu1212 от 17.02.2017 12:24:33
any chance to detected after last upadate warpack????
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.02.2017 13:01:42
chance will be allways
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 06.03.2017 18:03:22
Update for 0.6.2?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.03.2017 18:25:07
after 3-4 hours
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 07.03.2017 08:50:10
Hi smokescreen,

Wings Commander stopped working.

It can not override the game's autodrop.

Only AA circles are working right now.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: maintcon от 09.03.2017 13:54:16
Hey Smokescreen

Quite often, there are errors in the calculation of the prediction point (the shot is very shifted)

When will update warpack for warships? (Currently

Thank you in advance for your answer

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jmcguirewireless от 12.03.2017 02:06:10
Is it just me, however warpack doesnt seem to be loading into WOWS today
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 15.03.2017 19:39:55
New version coming soon?  Not working today due to small update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.03.2017 20:40:47
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 16.03.2017 00:30:20
Even the launcher says WP for is okay, im pretty sure current version of WP is not working. It is unable to load into the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.03.2017 01:34:54
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: craigfulcher от 20.03.2017 12:44:08
are they still banning people using aimbot....because i got a 7 day ban over 6 months ago...dont really want to lose my account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.03.2017 13:13:17
old detects (in december, january and february) found and disabled now. but game developers can make a new (more complex) detect that we was not find it in future
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 21.03.2017 23:32:22
Update soon for new patch?  Not working most of the day.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 22.03.2017 03:02:00
When will you update for this patch?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.03.2017 08:02:05
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 22.03.2017 10:43:57
Hours? Days?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.03.2017 11:45:00
today or tomorrow
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 22.03.2017 17:31:02
This is a great package of mods :)
There is only one thing missing, effective shooting for targets hidden in smoke.
How do you think this is possible?

Btw. We are waiting to running after the update :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.03.2017 18:01:15
shot position of hidden enemy in smokes must work about half year
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jr05 от 23.03.2017 01:17:14
updated yet?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.03.2017 01:26:56
updated. but we not found a new detect in this patch. may be it is absent
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 23.03.2017 02:24:01
Thx smokescreen

and tbh, i believe the 6.2.2 is merely for Alabama
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: soreloser от 27.03.2017 10:45:11
Does this still have the Wings Commander mod?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.03.2017 11:03:00
Yes .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wigald от 28.03.2017 16:08:29
I have a New Problem Today

Application error
The procedure VariantInit could not be located in the DLL oleaut32.dll

Property since yesterday nothing changed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 28.03.2017 16:11:43
Same problem. Deleted and re downloaded and still doesn't work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wigald от 29.03.2017 12:05:33
Hello Guys,

With the new version the problem is done!

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 29.03.2017 15:50:30
As of now it is not working says unable to get the latest version of warpack. Any ETA on a fix?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.03.2017 15:55:29
Is on update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 30.03.2017 12:47:19
Is it down AGAIN? Worked a couple hours ago, now I log in and it doesn't load up. Launch is fine but no WP in game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.03.2017 13:20:42
Reseat the warpack.
Everything is working .
Or did you use the DEMO key?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 30.03.2017 13:22:51
Nope. My key. Just wouldn't load in game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.03.2017 13:51:26
Perhaps the antivirus is blocking, add the warpack folder to the exclusions or remove the third-party modifications, maybe the reason is in them.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tr4657 от 31.03.2017 05:38:51
Nope. My key. Just wouldn't load in game.

Are you playing the latest update? If you are, we have to wait until this server patch its software. it may take a day or two.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2017 07:40:26
update to 0.6.3 released
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 31.03.2017 10:20:14
another patch after, warpack do not work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.03.2017 10:51:45
try now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 31.03.2017 15:24:21
Wing Commander is not displaying offset messages in chat box.
should I say, right now any message from WP is unable to be displayed in chat box?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: UKlicious от 02.04.2017 20:09:34
I am getting a crash the moment I load in - any ideas? never used to be a problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Papajoeuk от 05.04.2017 14:19:37
Has sale of warpack for wows keys been suspended?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: maintcon от 08.04.2017 11:32:40
hii Smokescreen,

when warpack will be updated for warships ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.04.2017 14:28:19
what server?
all servers updated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 12.04.2017 17:12:51
So, no problems with WP? It's safe somehow?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.04.2017 19:15:56
it's never safe because game developers want to make a new detects to ban warpack users
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 13.04.2017 19:42:08
OMG, it probably is not a WarPack fault
Only player complaints for offensive and racist
Please erase my posts to avoid confusion
so sorry
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.04.2017 19:45:12
OMG, it probably is not a WarPack fault
Only player complaints for offensive and racist
Please erase my posts to avoid confusion
so sorry
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 14.04.2017 01:22:32
Perm Banned.
NA server.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 14.04.2017 01:30:18
Dear Player,
 An investigation was performed on your account and you were found to be in violation of the EULA.
“3.2 (b) interfere with or circumvent any feature of the Software or the Service, including without limitation any security, or access control mechanism, or use any automated scripts, tools, “bots” or otherwise exploit the system for the purpose of altering the game play …. “
Earlier this year, you received a seven-day ban and a warning for this. As this is the second offense, your account has been permanently banned.
We wish you the best of luck in your future gaming endeavors.
~Wargaming Customer Support

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: whitesmith от 14.04.2017 17:25:49
NA server also, but warpack in EU server also can work

I am so worried about if someday WG ban my account on NA server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: whitesmith от 15.04.2017 05:14:03
i creat a new account in NA server, but warpack still can work.
Perhaps they have a watch list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: georgemlis от 15.04.2017 05:43:56
I suspect they have some kind of statistic/behavior based system just like fairfight.

If that was on client side, i should be banned much earlier.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.04.2017 09:45:34
i creat a new account in NA server, but warpack still can work.
Perhaps they have a watch list
Read this topic
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 16.04.2017 11:54:25
I don't really understand how you guys such good programmers don't manage to make this "cheat" safe to use :)...Anyway, Happy Easter and best of luck!!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.04.2017 11:56:47
Thank you.
Happy Easter  :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 21.04.2017 18:47:49
It is working with latest update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 21.04.2017 18:54:20
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 22.04.2017 12:47:42
Mine not working :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 22.04.2017 12:50:18
Sorry, inserted wrong key :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nick3213638 от 23.04.2017 08:12:25
not sure if an answer out there but wot works fine but wows wont load ingame. launches game but got nothing ingame loading.. is there a fix to this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.04.2017 14:44:59
warpack for WOWS will not load after a battle started
it must be started before battle. if game with warpack crushed - run only game and after battle ends - run warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nick3213638 от 23.04.2017 16:23:54
warpack for WOWS will not load after a battle started
it must be started before battle. if game with warpack crushed - run only game and after battle ends - run warpack
well I kinda figured that. I try to load warpack before anything. tried loading it when already in game and starting game thru launcher and nothing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nick3213638 от 23.04.2017 16:57:53
well got it to work guess I have to run it from the website each time to get it to load ingame. not sure if I have a old version somewhere that it keeps loading from or what.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 23.04.2017 23:19:27
When I launch Warpack before WoW, nothing happens.
When I want to launch Warpack after a battle I have the same error message, with or without Warpack launch before launching the game.

(http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/7079112017042322h1644.jpg) (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=7079112017042322h1644.jpg)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 23.04.2017 23:38:23
Or I have this message:

(http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/2049902017042322h3707.jpg) (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=2049902017042322h3707.jpg)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.04.2017 08:04:02
what game server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 24.04.2017 15:54:45
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 24.04.2017 16:27:17
I have a valid key.
Installed the user interface.
It starts the game but it does not work.
What do I do wrong?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.04.2017 17:07:19
wait. i'll check this server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 24.04.2017 17:49:38
OK thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 24.04.2017 18:04:02
I tried everything. It does not work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 24.04.2017 18:09:16
Can anyone help why not work?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.04.2017 18:49:35
i check this server. warpack on EU server works fine
probably you are setup another mods to this game patch.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 24.04.2017 19:48:55
No mods

(http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/2402632400.jpg) (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=2402632400.jpg)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.04.2017 20:50:10
well. you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then - send me a personal message with teamviewer's ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to resolve this problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 24.04.2017 22:10:28
Ok tommorow
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 08:42:21
Yesterday I bought an extension.
Warpack is not loaded.
I want someone to look at why it does not work.
No other mod or patch is installed.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.04.2017 11:35:39
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 11:50:04
Where do I send data?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 12:01:56
It still does not work!
When will this work for me?
It has been slowly passed one day.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 12:31:24
This is good?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 12:32:44
This is the salary.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 12:34:33
But why does not work?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.04.2017 16:21:59
cause you do not want to wait for answers.
you can setup TEAMVIEWER and then  i try to help you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 25.04.2017 17:25:07
Okay, but when?
Today for example, I sent but nothing happened.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.04.2017 17:43:26
i'm answer to personal message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.04.2017 18:26:46
not forget change server in warpack launcher to "euro"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 25.04.2017 20:39:43
Thank you Smokescree for your help. :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.04.2017 20:42:12
keep in mind - that warpack for WoT and WoWS must be installed in different folders
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 26.04.2017 16:31:05
Again, does not start
This is a server error
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 26.04.2017 16:32:44
Not stable, it starts once in 10 cases
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.04.2017 17:50:44
In the Warpack launcher select the euro server. >:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 27.04.2017 09:04:59
The euro is selected. But it's not working!
20 start attempts, one success!
This did not ever!
It works very badly!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.04.2017 09:07:31
This is not a warpak problem.
This is the problem of your internet connection.
Remove programs that affect Internet traffic.
At all all works.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 27.04.2017 16:20:48
The game is reinstalled.
All web apps are working.
Warpack is only sometimes.
This is a server error !!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 27.04.2017 16:48:46
This launcher used to be very good.
But now it's really bad. When it works then it is good but unfortunately it is seldom.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 27.04.2017 19:30:45
the problem will be fixed?
I can not use it.
Is there a solution?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 28.04.2017 13:43:17
There is still no change!
When will it improve it?
It joins early in the morning, but later, it is only very difficult.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: GreyAbsolute от 30.04.2017 14:17:33
The same problem,warpack does not start up with the game since this thursday.Everything seemed to be fine yesterday,but now it's difficult again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.04.2017 18:05:17
let me see it in TEAMVIEWER
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: whitesmith от 01.05.2017 04:39:03
Warpack can be the same as the mechanism of hag, not directly from the launcher to execute the game. But to mount the way to avoid the WG check.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 02.05.2017 18:13:18
I will launch from another machine.
It works there.
What is wrong with a big machine?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: leungchito1234 от 16.05.2017 13:27:05
Warpack does not work, does not match the game version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.05.2017 13:42:20
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: leungchito1234 от 16.05.2017 14:14:07
Understand, thank you for answering
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 18.05.2017 13:26:51
Maybe you can work a little bit to that new version of Warpack...I have 2 crashes he game today...Untill now no carsh at any version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 45karlos@gmail.com от 26.05.2017 13:15:02
Warpack does not work vers. ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.05.2017 13:47:05
Working .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ttcom@hotmail.com от 04.06.2017 17:10:24
How can I open the Warpack options in World of Warships ? Earlier I clicked the WARPACK icon on upper left but now its not clickable ? Any help please .. Thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.06.2017 18:10:28
strange. settings must be opened after click if warpack button is blue color.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 08.06.2017 04:51:59
Update tomorrow?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 22.06.2017 15:33:55
Not loading after micro update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.06.2017 17:06:03
try now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Bravos24 от 02.07.2017 14:05:06
sorry just paid installed and?? does not work at ALL.... nothing no mods are loading absolutely nothing...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.07.2017 14:09:49
You can install third-party modifications, delete them.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Bravos24 от 02.07.2017 19:36:08
the game is runing nice just no warkpack working...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.07.2017 19:50:26
in warpack folder. just setup warpack to another folder and run it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.07.2017 21:43:19
or you can setup and run TEAMVIEWER and send me it's ID and password. i will connect and try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Xilsoscient от 04.07.2017 18:11:18
I'm having the same problem as some of the previous people.  It just doesn't load.  I have yet to buy a license because I don't want to pay for something that I can't use.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2017 18:17:11
Remove third-party mods, create a separate folder, put the file warpack.exe there, add this folder to the antivirus exceptions and run.
Choose the euro server in the Warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Xilsoscient от 04.07.2017 18:29:12
Thank you for your fast reply.  I have done all of those things, and still nothing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2017 18:35:48
Do you use the key from your personal cabinet or from a letter of payment ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Xilsoscient от 04.07.2017 18:52:24
Demo key.  I haven't bought it yet because I haven't been able to get it to work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2017 18:58:38
I will update it to the account of the demo key, maybe the limit is exhausted.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Xilsoscient от 04.07.2017 19:17:21
I went ahead and bought a 7 day key.  Put the code I got from the e-mail in, and still nothing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2017 19:18:12
The key must be entered from the personal cabinet.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tommy7213 от 07.07.2017 20:20:16
long time no play wows.
is warpack safe now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.07.2017 20:25:20
Use at your own risk In ships.
No 100% guarantee .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 18.07.2017 07:36:08
Is there a way to remove the extra info above the enemy ships icon? I can't see if manual secondaries are set with those icons from warpack on.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.07.2017 10:18:49
in the next game patch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: unknown_ph от 18.07.2017 19:53:13
is the wing commander safe to use now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.07.2017 21:02:59
i think - yes. but game developers can detect warpack every time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 19.07.2017 15:08:06
When will new update for 0.6.8 be?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.07.2017 16:04:53
after a 3-4 hours
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Verif от 19.07.2017 22:04:29
Hello just wanted to understand when update does happen it would be WoWs Warpack version

Thanks, Keep up amazing work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.07.2017 00:33:33
no. at this time version stay 149. this versions not changed every game update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ttcom@hotmail.com от 20.07.2017 14:59:27
Is there any ETA for new update for WoWS ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 45karlos@gmail.com от 22.07.2017 13:34:43
new update wows
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.07.2017 14:25:23
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: laservic от 16.08.2017 10:17:08
Does not work today after the patch, please check! :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.08.2017 10:26:05
Restart please .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.08.2017 10:26:32
works again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: noha от 18.08.2017 20:01:37
downloaded wp. bought a new key..... launcher start the game...... wp didnt start..... the new key didnt start
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: noha от 19.08.2017 08:13:50
start wp with a valdi key.....they key didtn activate and the game start without wp
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.08.2017 08:53:21
you are use other mods may be.
login onto game and run warpack after that. see system messages in game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 30.08.2017 15:16:33
6.10 Update ETA?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.08.2017 15:17:35
Tomorrow is Moscow time, in the morning.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 30.08.2017 15:23:39
Is that when you will update warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.08.2017 15:25:04
Yes .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 02.09.2017 11:40:19
so hack is not working ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.09.2017 11:44:33
worked. what game server not working with warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 02.09.2017 13:35:25
am on EU server and i do not see war pack showing up
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 02.09.2017 13:42:05
am on EU server and i do not see war pack showing up

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Penor от 03.09.2017 01:38:33
Does this not work on NA anymore? only see CHINA and EU in selection...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Gox от 03.09.2017 09:54:03
С варпаком жутко лагает,сторонних модов нет,лагает как и на топовом,так и на средних настройках,без варпака всё отлично,что за проблемы?
Описывал проблему сволоте,пишет мне в ответ,приобретите ключ,причем тут говорю ключ,я в демо режиме пробую.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.09.2017 09:59:36
тогда отключите моды в порту и проверьте без них. будет лагать (и что именно вы имели ввиду под - лагает?) или нет
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.09.2017 15:12:57
С варпаком жутко лагает,сторонних модов нет,лагает как и на топовом,так и на средних настройках,без варпака всё отлично,что за проблемы?
Описывал проблему сволоте,пишет мне в ответ,приобретите ключ,причем тут говорю ключ,я в демо режиме пробую.
В личных сообщениях вы у меня спрашивали , как приобрести варпак , по поводу ваших лагов , я вам давал рекомендации в личных сообщениях , все копии сообщений у меня остались .
В демо режиме вы могли использовать 2 часа варпак .
Ни у кого не лагает , у вас лагает , какие выводы можно сделать из данной ситуации .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 04.09.2017 21:54:29
i cannot get the key to work since

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.09.2017 22:13:02
may be you mean - WoWs key? this key you want to use (bind)?
you have one not binded WoWs key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 04.09.2017 22:36:01
am trying to bind the new key i ordered but every time i start the game nothing happens,


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.09.2017 22:48:18
read personal message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sigmaphi от 04.09.2017 23:25:04
thank :) you for the fix
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wixxie от 08.09.2017 19:04:19
I have the same problem as sigmaphi. licence key is not Binded so warpack won't start (eu server)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.09.2017 21:03:05
but he is buy Wows key for RU zone, but you are buy for EU zone. it must works fine. start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 14.09.2017 17:04:56
How do I buy keys for EU Server? I don't see it indicate anywhere if the key I'm ordering is for EU or RU?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 14.09.2017 17:15:35
For euro server keys are sold for dollars, use paypal .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 14.09.2017 19:33:58
Im having a similar issue.  Cant get the key to bind.  Game starts fine from warpack mod, but then no warpack in game. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 14.09.2017 19:41:29
start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.09.2017 19:46:28
or you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then - send me personal message with it's ID and password. i can connect ant try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 14.09.2017 19:49:34
Got it thanks, cleared out the DLL/Settings and it fixed itself.  Thanks for the help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jr05 от 15.09.2017 00:20:00
Is wing commander safe to use?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.09.2017 08:40:10
it's never be safe 100%, like another mods
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jr05 от 16.09.2017 06:06:31
Thats good enough for me , wargaming always does 1 week ban first before perm  ;D

btw do you have settings for Tier 9 USN Essex or T10 Midway?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 16.09.2017 16:42:24
am trying to bind the new key i ordered but every time i start the game nothing happens
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.09.2017 16:45:24
start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 16.09.2017 16:49:33
didnt work !
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.09.2017 16:50:48
The key through paypal paid?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 16.09.2017 16:51:39
yes...i try it for 7 days to see how it is!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.09.2017 16:57:08
Try to do so
Got it thanks, cleared out the DLL/Settings and it fixed itself.  Thanks for the help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 16.09.2017 17:37:06
i wait smokescreen!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 19.09.2017 12:49:35
Warpack work now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.09.2017 12:51:07
No, on update .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.09.2017 12:52:04
disabled till new detect is disabled
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 19.09.2017 13:00:14
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xlxa2015 от 19.09.2017 16:33:54
disabled till new detect is disabled
still working on it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.09.2017 17:18:24
yes. today it will be enabled again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cuculcan от 19.09.2017 20:38:06
when is it again?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: redas от 19.09.2017 22:33:22
lol i have paid for warpack ,and today his no working at all,8 days left for the active keys?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cuculcan от 19.09.2017 22:36:21
yes me2, that sucks:(((((((((((((((
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.09.2017 22:45:58
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Eggman123 от 19.09.2017 23:06:07
Still not working, not getting any error messages.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 19.09.2017 23:14:18
still not working!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cuculcan от 19.09.2017 23:16:36
same here, start but not message/working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 19.09.2017 23:39:36
Warpack not showing up in port, still not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 45karlos@gmail.com от 19.09.2017 23:46:54
not working!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.09.2017 23:56:58
Restart now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 20.09.2017 01:05:52
Its back up and running now :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 20.09.2017 15:47:48
Not working with cannot connect to server error.
Not having a good few weeks. 1st hurricane Irma with no power and net. Then warpack did not work yesterday. Now another update and its broken again  :(
Any chance of a 7 day credit please.?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.09.2017 16:02:43
specially fo you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 21.09.2017 20:08:01
Warpack not showing up in port, still not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 21.09.2017 20:14:52
start the game and login onto it. then - start warpack and see messages in harbor
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 21.09.2017 20:53:59
Done like u said...not working on NA server...and key not binding on warpack key manager too !! seems there is no connection on servers validating. Of course i ve done all needed like antivirus, administrator..etc..
System is windows 10.
And funny- fact too the Warpack manager does not save key or path anymore, need to load it everytimes.

Can Dev check plz time is rrunning

Thx smokescreen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.09.2017 22:34:11
may be you are try to use WoT and WoWs warpack in same place (download it from site and run)
try to setup WoT and WoWs warpack to different folders
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bamboo111 от 24.09.2017 17:24:18
Dont work ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.09.2017 17:42:17
Working .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 29.09.2017 19:20:30
Update coming soon??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.09.2017 21:28:07
game server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 03.10.2017 12:15:13
turn 7 days ban many on reddit they wrote that they were ban for Rashade + SweetFx but being injectors like cheats then cheat is also detected
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 03.10.2017 18:49:58
Not working with  loads to port but no warpack. Maybe an update is needed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.10.2017 18:59:47
Read this message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.10.2017 19:11:09
Not working with  loads to port but no warpack. Maybe an update is needed?
enabled back
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 17.10.2017 20:24:26
Well Yesterday it works fine for me - now Logon load to port but no WP?

Any ideas?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.10.2017 21:30:46
first run the game to port and then - run warpack and see that says system messages
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dellapenna от 21.10.2017 18:12:33
and the second time I buy warpack for the ships and it does not work despite I've done all the procedures, I give up ... I'm sorry that I only threw $ 4
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.10.2017 01:18:22
send me personal message with your key. and details that you do to run warpack.
try to move warpack wows launcher (not warpack wot launcher) to empty folder and run it with administrative rights
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 25.10.2017 23:25:32
Multiple crashes after patch today. Any fix?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 26.10.2017 17:10:28
looks like warpack is not working right now. I was in game and it froze up. warpack turned red insteed of blue. and no longer shows in port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 26.10.2017 18:09:19
me same, after update for 2 games it works fine, then game crashed... and now .. nothing happens, no icon ingame, no function
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.10.2017 18:09:54
first run the game to port and then - run warpack and see that says system messages
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 26.10.2017 18:23:36
it was hanging on waiting for warpack authorization but has loaded now, maybe my connection then?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.10.2017 18:24:35
No, there was a server reboot on our side .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 26.10.2017 18:58:08
Thanks, now it works fine, (for me)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 29.10.2017 23:56:27
Hey since 2-3 Hours Warpack doesnt work anymore.

I start game with WP exe. it starts proper but ingame there is nothing.
When i then try to start WP again it tells WOWs with WP is already running...

What can i do pls help me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.10.2017 00:00:19
Close the game through Task Manager and first run the game to port and then - run warpack and see that says system messages.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 30.10.2017 00:04:59
OMG Key was expired ... Sry for that - now i read the message :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 09.11.2017 19:16:16
Warpack Save after Update from Today?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.11.2017 21:11:53
you mean - Safe?
yes. no found any new detects on game server
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Cybercat от 26.11.2017 15:49:39
Sorry if this has already been noted, but I'm having massive fps issues with the demo, without it I'm running at 75fps, but with it I drop down to 23fps, even when I start toggling functions off, only to the aim prediction, and I still get 20fps. Could I get some help? I would love to buy a month, but not of course if it runs at 20 fps because that would be a tad unplayable
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Cybercat от 26.11.2017 16:23:17
Sorry to Double post, but if it has anything to do with it, I'm from the EU and play on the USA servers, as that's were my account is on. I'm using the High Quality version of the client, with the extra graphics options that come with it. Lowering Graphics, does not improve the FPS when warpack is loaded, port runs at 75fps and often everything runs at 75fps until a enemy comes into view, which then the fps instantly drop.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.11.2017 16:33:20
are you can provide me a TEAMVIEWER access to uor computer?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Cybercat от 26.11.2017 16:37:14
I'd rather not, but if you could pm me questions or instructions, I'll follow and answer them honestly. I just really don't like teamviewer. Sorry  :-[
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.11.2017 18:21:54
read personal messages soon. but this tests spend more time than through TW
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Cybercat от 26.11.2017 20:22:15
Is there any reason why it could be causing FPS lag though? It can't just be performance can it? Because my computer is fine I reckon.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.11.2017 20:47:37
read PM
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Cybercat от 29.11.2017 15:22:50
Game just had it's 0.6.14 introducing the Pan-Asia destroyer line. I'd imagine the update probably made it unsafe to use Warpack for now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 29.11.2017 16:23:35
Is there a warpack update. And are there any new detects with the latest update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.11.2017 20:26:30
warpack updated today. no any detects found on last one-two months
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alleycat от 07.12.2017 19:30:47

Over the last two days, wp loads into the port without problem, but very often disappears when the battle starts or a few seconds after the battle starts, normally the first time I right click to target a ship.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.12.2017 19:48:10
it's a mysterious bug. very hard to emulate it on my game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 08.12.2017 20:17:41
What does the "prediction point calculate accuaracy" do in the settings? it can be adjusted upto 60.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.12.2017 21:14:15
if your fps with warpack is slowdown - set this parameter value to 1. otherwise - you can set it to 60.
it's mean - how much times per second prediction point on locked enemy is adjusted to new value. even if you use value - 1 you don't lose accuracy
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: roudoudou от 11.12.2017 00:31:43

Over the last two days, wp loads into the port without problem, but very often disappears when the battle starts or a few seconds after the battle starts, normally the first time I right click to target a ship.
Me too since 15 days.
WP disappear after 1 or 2 battles.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alleycat от 11.12.2017 12:37:04

Over the last two days, wp loads into the port without problem, but very often disappears when the battle starts or a few seconds after the battle starts, normally the first time I right click to target a ship.
Me too since 15 days.
WP disappear after 1 or 2 battles.

I think I found out what the problem is. Pressing F12 during the game to say "Thank you" switches off the Warp UI. Pressing F12 again brings it back. Well I think that is the problem :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 12.12.2017 01:59:07
it is ready now. but still detected

How will or can I know if it is Detected? do I get a message or any other info??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.12.2017 11:30:41
we are everyday check detects and if we can't disable it - we just will disable warpack loading till detect disabler released
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: shalashaska от 14.12.2017 18:56:54
Is it possible to safely enable the warpack or do I have to do something?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: victorssd от 15.12.2017 19:02:04
Is it possible to safely enable the warpack or do I have to do something?

hello can you help me mi mod is not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.12.2017 19:05:04
only if you setup and run TEAMVIEWER and send me it's ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: victorssd от 15.12.2017 22:06:14
i seend you a private already
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: canhdat от 19.12.2017 14:47:10
sir, i have massive FPS drop when enemy come to my sight. Search the whole forum but can't find solution. Can you pm me instruction to resolve this problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.12.2017 14:54:48
read this message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: canhdat от 19.12.2017 16:21:33
it doesn't work sir, fps still very slow only 10~15 expecially while aiming at enemy or smokescreen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 20.12.2017 18:51:22
Is Warpack down again for the update?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Eggman123 от 21.12.2017 01:37:27
what is the update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 21.12.2017 03:51:37
Warpack is currently down for me. Was working fine a few minutes ago. What is the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Eggman123 от 23.12.2017 17:14:40
can an admin reply to the topic with update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.12.2017 17:19:20
What kind of update is it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Eggman123 от 23.12.2017 17:55:58
I have managed to resolve the issue thank you for your prompt reply
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 03.01.2018 17:03:17

just a quick question about Wing Commander Module.

Can you provide me with some Infos how this works? Manual is in Russian XD.

Thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.01.2018 18:58:56
Read this message
And this

It starts working with level 6 .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 04.01.2018 16:39:34
Thank you!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 05.01.2018 02:08:30
Another ban wave comes. Is WP still safe now?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 05.01.2018 07:11:08
Another ban wave comes. Is WP still safe now?

How do you know thee is a Ban wave going?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 05.01.2018 09:02:17
Some proship user got banned and complained on reddit.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: viper77 от 07.01.2018 16:46:37
so eny news that that w Wp user got banned ? it this timne !
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: johnybravo22 от 08.01.2018 17:31:56
anyone got email warning for using warpack? Other site customers ( aim assist ) got email warning for using illegal mods
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gloryhon89 от 12.01.2018 20:29:14
I don't get a satisfactory hit rate. If I make a horizontal and vertical prediction automatically, do I have to use an autoshot without modification? Or should the horizontal and vertical predictions be adjusted to the optimum value?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Birg88 от 17.01.2018 19:26:22
what does it mean?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.01.2018 19:48:29
This is a message from the Warpack administrator .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 19.01.2018 19:07:06
what does it mean?
Sure? In case Wargaming detects a software to cheat, your account maybe banned for life time. It is mentioned in this forum. It only will happen while publishing videos or photos, with the warpack logo displayed....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.01.2018 19:14:50
developers can upload a detect to game server at any time. and this detect may be targeting to warpack only or a couple of cheats
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WGcheat от 21.01.2018 17:01:14
the detection is not exclusive to the warpack, the other cheats were also detected. Until the cheats will work on the basis of an injection of data then all will be detectable .... perhaps the best solution would be to stand between the software and the graphics card by filtering the data to be changed to the graphics card ... a little as you can do with fiddler4 in some games
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 23.01.2018 15:57:41
is it working for steam users ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.01.2018 16:00:43
Yes .
Steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 23.01.2018 18:02:53
When start the game , WARPACK icon doesnt open with Steam
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.01.2018 18:06:38
Start the warpack after starting the game in the steam .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 27.01.2018 15:12:03
Other Hags get detected atm because they are using Sweetfx/reshade to inject their little helper....

I left Warpack since i received a 7 days-bann 1,5 years ago for using illegal tool (only warpack was running - no mods or something else)

My Question now: Is it save to jump back into warpack or is warpack also injecting via Sweetfx/reshade?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.01.2018 16:40:01
no. warpack not use same injection system like in reshade but developers can make new warpack detect at any time. now they made hags detect, but we not guarantee that they not make warpack detect again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 27.01.2018 18:30:29
so when was warpack last time detected? i think u got some msg from users who got a warning or a bann....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.01.2018 19:16:10
last detect was released at august. but we not guarantee that it is will not released again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: That1guy от 28.01.2018 08:31:20
I keep getting access violation at address 0069FCE8 in module warpack.exe read of address 00000000 error. the game doesnt even launch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 01.02.2018 23:20:54
The Wargaming Troubleshooter may help, it will download and clean corrupt files
http://dl-support.wargaming.net/wot/ru/wgcheck/WGCheck_EN.zip (http://dl-support.wargaming.net/wot/ru/wgcheck/WGCheck_EN.zip)

Next option is to reinstall the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 07.02.2018 17:16:46
With the latest update 0.7.1 repair, heal and other consumables do not work.
It works fine without warpack running.
Is it a new detect? or just a bug with warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.02.2018 17:26:45
This is a bug. Tonight will fix it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 07.02.2018 23:46:59
ok, please let us know when its fixed thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.02.2018 00:40:55
fixed. restart warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Meta23 от 09.02.2018 04:15:07
Hey guys whats the best settings for the mod ? tank you in advance :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Warlock от 09.02.2018 07:00:50
i have massiv problems with wing commander, using WSDA with W and S i controll the speed, with D and A also the ship, but anyway you can set other keys, but it doesnt work with the torpedos additional time, its allways to close, i click on the ship, space bar, and then try to get the right time, but its not working, is it a bug or i am just to stupid? cause in the trial version it worked, then i was buying it and now it doesnt :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 09.02.2018 20:12:50
Just go mouseover to adjust the time no need to click or anything, when u are mousover u can adjust the time the ship commands are disabled.

Also you can change the key's
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Warlock от 10.02.2018 23:41:28
Just go mouseover to adjust the time no need to click or anything, when u are mousover u can adjust the time the ship commands are disabled.

Also you can change the key's

so i have just to go with mouse over and then do it, not with space and then the setting?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 13.02.2018 13:33:22
No just mousover your target, then the prediction line and so on appears, there before giving the order to attack by clicking you can adjust those settings.

Is not working while the torpedo bombers are on their way back to the CV also not when they are landed or on the way up to start

the best would be just start them one time hold them in the back wait till the first ship is spottet go there mousover adjust your settings.
Then u can start playing, just remember once set its saved for the ship only, so if u advance in lvling process and switch to a new ship you have to adjust this again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 24.02.2018 07:16:46
Getting message in WoWs when I load WP "Network error, Server not Available". What gives?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 25.02.2018 11:21:04
WP works fine now? No problems with WG detection?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.02.2018 11:53:56
now not, but later can be
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: RushBee от 25.02.2018 15:22:05
Works perfectly fine, no warnings/emails from WG for now. Let's hope for the best :) I'm not really sure WG even checks for WP.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dinghaolun4273280@gmail.c от 28.02.2018 07:01:27
server is down?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.02.2018 09:51:26
Update .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jr05 от 28.02.2018 13:39:33
when can we expect Mod to get updated ( with recent patch ?)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.02.2018 13:45:26
Should already work, check.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 03.03.2018 16:10:43
Is prediction calculated based on HE shell or AP shell? Or on both HE and AP shell? Thanks
For DD?
For Cruisers?
For BB?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.03.2018 16:29:48
prediction pos based on currently selected weapon (HE or AP)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 13.03.2018 15:57:47
I recently prolonged a key for WP and I observe a very big lag and fps dropping when use WP. Playing without WP game works fine. Any solution?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.03.2018 16:02:15
when fps is slowdown? after a target locked?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 13.03.2018 16:14:01
All time, since the game is loading
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.03.2018 16:37:14
if you want - i can connect to your computer via teamviewer and try to help. but you must setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then - send me a personal message with it's ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jr05 от 14.03.2018 11:32:56
Smokescreen, why does  wing commander sometimes keep readjusting aim?
For example, my torpedo bombers keep circle and readjusting aim around target and wont drop sometimes, how to fix ? It only happens sometimes
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 15.03.2018 18:48:47
BEWARE!!! After using Wp for 2 days I think my account was banned...I  was in a game, the game was freezing, i was logout automatically and now I cannot enter into game. I input email and password but when I press CONNECT nothing happened. No email received from WG for now....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikjowd от 15.03.2018 21:04:00
There were some problems with EU server. Check now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 19.03.2018 19:13:23
Update needed for . warpack is down for now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.03.2018 20:10:30
sorry, but it will be updated after 7.2.2 released on RU server (after a 12 hours)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ccs46 от 20.03.2018 03:17:20
sorry, but it will be updated after 7.2.2 released on RU server (after a 12 hours)
12 hours after release on NA?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ccs46 от 20.03.2018 03:21:15
12 hours after NA Update? Any chance on it being sooner? My damage output sucks without your mod. It's so useful!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hollowflea от 20.03.2018 04:37:56
Help me server:EU

(http://i.hizliresim.com/nOD6RN.jpg) (http://hizliresim.com/nOD6RN)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.03.2018 07:40:14
check it now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sheeha от 23.03.2018 03:44:47
I just wondering if the cheat software has been calibrated for the new ships?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 23.03.2018 10:52:36
Also wondered about, the hits with french battleships are amazing atm... With no other ships i hit so much as with the french BBs what happened there?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 27.03.2018 20:04:02
Is it possible to release 0.7.3 ahead for EU and NA due to the delay of RU server update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.03.2018 21:27:45
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Keronsov1980 от 28.03.2018 15:52:42

 Is it possible to release update for NA/EU version now?
 (RU version will be delayed 1 day due to the tragic events ), so we have to wait 2 days?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ccs46 от 28.03.2018 19:54:59

 Is it possible to release update for NA/EU version now?
 (RU version will be delayed 1 day due to the tragic events ), so we have to wait 2 days?
What tragic events are these?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 28.03.2018 22:10:11

 Is it possible to release update for NA/EU version now?
 (RU version will be delayed 1 day due to the tragic events ), so we have to wait 2 days?
What tragic events are these?
Kemerovo fire
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 28.03.2018 22:19:58
please let us know when warpack is updated for 7.3 thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Xilsoscient от 28.03.2018 22:46:49
So I can't use Warpack, but I notice my subscription timer is still ticking down...  Second time this month I've ended up paying for nothing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 29.03.2018 00:29:27
So I can't use Warpack, but I notice my subscription timer is still ticking down...  Second time this month I've ended up paying for nothing.

This time it is delayed to March 30 on RU server, this is really going to be a long wait if we don't get an early release.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 29.03.2018 00:33:16
So what about the na server? we gotta wait to i guess. I just bought an extension as well, so maybe just ask for a few extra days on our keys.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ccs46 от 29.03.2018 04:08:13
So what about the na server? we gotta wait to i guess. I just bought an extension as well, so maybe just ask for a few extra days on our keys.
Yeah agreed.

That or if they can release it early for NA.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 29.03.2018 10:22:43
Read some posts before - he already said he will update it before cause of the delay...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tuvinator от 29.03.2018 12:03:38
So what about the na server? we gotta wait to i guess. I just bought an extension as well, so maybe just ask for a few extra days on our keys.

Logic of NA players: "My key doesnt work for 1 day. I want compensation for at least 2 days!"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.03.2018 12:52:12
We compensate 1 day .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.03.2018 15:18:14
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: raxxy от 13.04.2018 14:01:42
If you need any testers I volunteer.
Its not working on ships atm.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: 4No1AfR8 от 16.04.2018 18:26:05
The Mod is not working, not even starting the WOWs game at all.
I DL latest version.
Pls help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.04.2018 18:43:24
start the game and log onto it. then - start warpack and see administrator messages - what last message says
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 05.05.2018 03:53:27
I have been having an issue where warpack disappears during game. Its happening everyday several times. And when i am back in port and try to relaunch WP it does not come back up. no errors or messages. I have to quit out of game and restart WP. Does anyone else get this or know a fix?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: X_EroSkulled от 07.05.2018 06:04:11
"Network error, Server is not available"

That's the msg I got after logging into my account. Any ideas? It was all good like 6 hours ago. Still within subscription time.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.05.2018 09:15:08
try to change server in warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 10.05.2018 17:33:45
I have been having an issue where warpack disappears during game. Its happening everyday several times. And when i am back in port and try to relaunch WP it does not come back up. no errors or messages. I have to quit out of game and restart WP. Does anyone else get this or know a fix?

Still having an issue with Warpack stopping during games. i have tried reinstall and checked games files.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.05.2018 18:10:21
it's a mysterious bug. to fix it - i must make some tests with test key on your computer. tomorrow - i send you this key
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 15.05.2018 21:25:02
it's a mysterious bug. to fix it - i must make some tests with test key on your computer. tomorrow - i send you this key

Please do. I need help. Its been 8 days and i am still having warpack crash in battle.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 17.05.2018 14:05:49
Hi there
can you please help me - when I try to start WOWS over warpack - the warpack function itself is not loaded in game. means i don't have the icon when logged in. happend for me today. yesterday everything all was fine.
Many thanks in advance
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jackmind от 17.05.2018 14:39:41
me too..same probleme
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kabarle от 17.05.2018 14:44:35
It says this version of client is not supported. They must have micro patched WOWS?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hollowflea от 17.05.2018 15:04:53
Hello warpack not working eu ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rataplan от 17.05.2018 15:26:47
Hi WP isnt working right now...  "this version of client is not supported"...
Any solution?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.05.2018 15:39:04
now works
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rataplan от 17.05.2018 16:20:38
What happened?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 17.05.2018 20:24:18
thanks a lot for fixing it.
One thing - when I activate the wing commander then I was flooded with the Admin messages and they don't stop :-).
Only when I deactivate the wing commander it stops - funny.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 17.05.2018 23:17:02
Maybe clearing Game Cache could help, in Settings / Apps
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ljh235689 от 22.05.2018 07:10:08
WP does not work in version There is no blue WP mark in the upper left corner after starting the game with WP. >:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.05.2018 07:19:25
start warpack after login to game and see "administrator" messages. last message. and you can change warpack server in warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ljh235689 от 22.05.2018 08:34:59
<<"administrator" messages>> Refers to the message tip in the lower right corner of the game? The last message says: "For this version of the game client is not available mods.>> and the options on the Warpack Launcher I tried it all, but none of them worked
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.05.2018 11:56:57
if it is on asia server - restart warpack. now it must work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ljh235689 от 22.05.2018 19:47:41
Thanks, it can work now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kulturfeind от 31.05.2018 19:51:57
I use WP for 0.7.5 and it's really laggy / stuttering. Stock WOWS is fine. Is there a solution? I set already everything to low, nothing helps.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kulturfeind от 31.05.2018 22:34:00
… it's especially (in my impression) on low tier matches as soon as enemies appear.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2018 22:52:56
I use WP for 0.7.5 and it's really laggy / stuttering. Stock WOWS is fine. Is there a solution? I set already everything to low, nothing helps.
Please tell me a detailed info about this lags:
- is this lags happends on every ships? (on ships 1-st level works normally?)
- what kind lags happends? shells drop before or behind enemy or far to enemy course
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kulturfeind от 31.05.2018 23:08:15
Tier I is fine, all ships from Tier II to V starting to lag (Frame rate Drops) when enemies appear.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2018 23:55:51
even if you minimize "prediction point calculate accuracy" parameter in mod settings?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kulturfeind от 01.06.2018 00:01:22
Unfortunately yes. Is there any work around I can do?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.06.2018 08:52:04
yuo can only setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then - send me personal message with it's ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to find solution of the problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: aretazz1 от 12.06.2018 19:21:07
Can you make it work with steam version?????
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.06.2018 19:23:36
Yes , read this topic
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 17.06.2018 11:24:29
I use WP for 0.7.5 and it's really laggy / stuttering. Stock WOWS is fine. Is there a solution? I set already everything to low, nothing helps.

same here, esp. when you switch between normal and binocular view. i've tried several tweaks in <engine_config.xml> like higher cache and framerate set to zero. but that doesn't really help.
I've also played with some setting within warpack without any success.

I'm not quite sure, but i think we have that problem since version 7.4. on US and Europe clients (I play both - so i thought first the ping delay would cause the issue)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 25.06.2018 20:41:42
any news about this issue. it's really hard to play with 15 frames.
if it doesn't get fixed, warpack isn't really a help. doesn't matter which region I play.
I have it on the EU and US Server, with any ship in any nation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zuyuf от 02.07.2018 12:49:58
the manual target selection for airplanes or enemy ships resets when locking on to a new target, which is quite annoying. is there a way to fix this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.07.2018 13:09:49
if you are mean TAB key to reset warpack-auto-attack to game-attack - all right. to reset warpack auto-attack you must press TAB before every attack target
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zuyuf от 02.07.2018 14:42:58
i want the target selection for the secondary guns to stay on the target i put it on. but this selection is reset when i lock on to a new target with the right mouse button.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 02.07.2018 17:35:58
Hello im Turkish sorry for my bad english.My question why he shells hit belt armor need hit superstructure ap is normal.HE Shells superstructure hit pls :) thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.07.2018 23:15:36
just use UP and DOWN keys to correct aiming point (you will see it on warpack ship indicator in game)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 11.07.2018 01:50:40
just got an email from wargaming and my account has been suspended.
Dear player!

We have detected that prohibited World of Warships client modifications have been used on this account. Please refrain from using any forbidden modifications in the future. Repeat violations will first lead to a temporary suspension of a violating player's account, and, subsequently, to a permanent ban should a violation be detected again.

To make sure that your game client is "clean", uninstall the game and delete the folder it was installed in (by default, C:\Games\World_of_Warships) to prevent any of the forbidden modification files from corrupting the new installation. After that, reinstall the game. We encourage players to use only the pre-approved modifications available on the World of Warships official forum.

The effective World of Warships modifications policy is available at https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/19434/.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knfc001 от 12.07.2018 05:10:08
What we should set for the Graphics API? D11 or D9?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.07.2018 10:08:31
not matter
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: The_Beast от 12.07.2018 17:44:41
Got this message yesterday about they found i use warpack  that mean he detected for momment i guess you guys will work on i for not make it detected  on world of warship

We have detected that prohibited World of Warships client modifications have been used on this account. Please refrain from using any forbidden modifications in the future. Repeat violations will first lead to a temporary suspension of a violating player's account, and, subsequently, to a permanent ban should a violation be detected again.

To make sure that your game client is "clean", uninstall the game and delete the folder it was installed in (by default, C:\Games\World_of_Warships) to prevent any of the forbidden modification files from corrupting the new installation. After that, reinstall the game. We encourage players to use only the pre-approved modifications available on the World of Warships official forum.

The effective World of Warships modifications policy is available at https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/19434/.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 13.07.2018 02:09:01
Just received the same tonight, looks like they are watching so be careful as it must be warpack they are on about as I am only using mods from the official wargaming mod installer.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultimo от 14.07.2018 17:44:07
since we can not use warpak can you block it? Did I pay you unnecessarily? >:( >:( >:( >:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.07.2018 17:46:11
since we can not use warpak can you block it? Did I pay you unnecessarily? >:( >:( >:( >:(
i can see days left on your key (if you send me a personal message with your key) and  i will add this days after you need to resume
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BarbaDos от 15.07.2018 03:31:13
I also got detected and also just bought 30 days key. Is this mode safe to use any more since we are getting banned left and right?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 15.07.2018 08:37:35
I also got detected and also just bought 30 days key. Is this mode safe to use any more since we are getting banned left and right?

Lots of people using modifications like "Warpack" got warned and or banned in the last days. When you look at the forum and or reddit then you will see that is not safe at the moment to use it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Blackwiddow от 15.07.2018 12:59:43

Hi for the first time

I got 2 question:

1. Is it possible to set the acc in the .xml fike higher or lower than 50%?
If yes what would happend if you set it to 90% i.e.

2. After a lot of people got warnings from WG
I used checktool of wg to spy out my engine.
Is it maybe usefull for you If I send both reports to you? (1 report whit wp and aslain and 1 report only with wp in my engine)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BarbaDos от 15.07.2018 15:28:55
Did WG actually made it did they succeeded in killing WP because I dought people will reinvest since they get warning from WG?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultimo от 15.07.2018 21:53:28
if you were a serious person you should repay everyone you said it was impossible to find out, I gave you the key and you have not blocked my WP account, always good like that
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 15.07.2018 22:40:55
Year 2017 4k match account first warning after unlimited ban now acc 2k match first warning ban is coming :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Blackwiddow от 16.07.2018 03:34:25
Guys which servers do you play?

All US or do we also have EU and RU?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Xilsoscient от 16.07.2018 04:45:12
if you were a serious person you should repay everyone you said it was impossible to find out,

There never said it couldn't be detected.  In fact they always said quite the opposite.  We all chose to use the mod in spite of the risk.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 17.07.2018 09:25:40
Guys which servers do you play?

All US or do we also have EU and RU?

I play US and EU Servers - got blocked on US and also on EU Server (that hurts) - anyway we all know that it can happen.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Blackwiddow от 18.07.2018 13:44:18
Guys which servers do you play?

All US or do we also have EU and RU?

I play US and EU Servers - got blocked on US and also on EU Server (that hurts) - anyway we all know that it can happen.

Looks like most all players  are on US server. 
Is it possible to trace the WP client pack to their server?

US and Russia arent that good friends atm, right?

I play only on EU no problems till now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Arrow от 18.07.2018 13:50:51
There have been plenty people caught on the EU server (myself included) by continuing to use it ATM you are definitely taking a bigger risk than usual but there's plenty people still doing just that, as a user you can spot them a mile off :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Blackwiddow от 18.07.2018 14:05:15
Sure if you know where to look at.
But there are things to prevent getting caught in action.
If you use the tracers Turn around your ass the wohle time not only if they shot at you.
If you use the Aim assist, use Autofire only on close combat. For normal battle the aimassist(green line) alone should be enough.
Dont lock the autaim the whole time on an enemy ship.
Always do a few shots into a water during the fight if possible.

If you use wp for your cv
Same here Dont auto lock on enemy and forget it.
Use your normal moving till you are in perfect attack situation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kiwikev77 от 19.07.2018 14:51:29
I would also recommend the developer remove warpack settings tab from the port and have it in a separate window if needed.  And when in game the aim adjustment should be hidden so there is less to be detected. Somehow wall hax have not been detected yet and they use something like that.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 19.07.2018 20:49:04

i got the same message 10 Days ago, didnt play WoWs since then.
Today i played again and got told by my teammates that i am spamming tons of numbers in the chat. So its not difficult to detect if something is happening!

After deactivating WP there wasnt any problem any more!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Blackwiddow от 19.07.2018 23:53:38

i got the same message 10 Days ago, didnt play WoWs since then.
Today i played again and got told by my teammates that i am spamming tons of numbers in the chat. So its not difficult to detect if something is happening!

After deactivating WP there wasnt any problem any more!

Why happens this?

I had this too but this was a few weeks ago.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: broer от 20.07.2018 19:56:52

In the beginning everything worked fine.
Now i can not shoot much damage with yamato or montana , between 1500 and 3500 sometimes a citadel. overall damage 1 game t10 below 100 k dmg.
tried 2 change automatic to manuell and the height in game.
shooting at dd's or cruisers prediction is way off.
Anyone knows what i doing  wrong?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: broer от 23.07.2018 18:42:38
never mind, thanks for no help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.07.2018 18:45:25
Make manual adjustment of the sight, if in automatic mode does not fall.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: broer от 23.07.2018 20:30:58
thank u
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nick3213638 от 24.07.2018 01:37:09
anyone else crashing on launch?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nick3213638 от 24.07.2018 02:58:30
this is what I get. played yesterday and didn't do it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zzy1212 от 25.07.2018 19:00:15
Hello, do we have an ETA on the 0.7.7 version of wows. I viewed the website is still "updated"for 0.7.6.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.07.2018 19:07:20
Today or tomorrow we will update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.07.2018 20:08:33
Updated the pack for ships.
All ship keys will be added 1 day of compensation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: subzeroh от 25.07.2018 20:59:51
Updated the pack for ships.
All ship keys will be added 1 day of compensation.

nice bro, many thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oh byung jin от 26.07.2018 09:51:04
I have not been able to use the warpack since July 12th. After receiving an email about using wows' ban mode ... "[World of Warships] Warning Notification - Forbidden Mode".
As a result, I can not use it, so I would like to extend it automatically.
In my case, I could not use it for about 10 days.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Updated the pack for ships.
All ship keys will be added 1 day of compensation.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.07.2018 20:42:00
write me a personal message with your key and i will add you additional days at 31 july
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mrqaidi от 21.08.2018 16:17:24
Hello  is this mod still detectable  if its not detectable can i get  one week free license   bcoz  last time its was detected and i got email from wargaming so i stop use it :)  Best Regards
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.08.2018 16:19:54
we don't know about current detection status. because we not find last detect in game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zzy1212 от 22.08.2018 21:07:03
when can we have the 0.78 update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.08.2018 22:19:17
if it's equal to RU server update - immediately
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 23.08.2018 15:32:22
if it's equal to RU server update - immediately

can we move now the interface ? :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.08.2018 17:01:50
not yet. i'm still working on it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 24.08.2018 00:04:16
not yet. i'm still working on it

okay. maybe when you have a beta for this iam interessted ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: raxxy от 06.09.2018 04:13:33
WoWs not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.09.2018 09:09:51
What server are we talking about ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: canhdat от 26.09.2018 07:27:01
I got the message "Unable to get latest version warpack". Is warpack update or something i miss ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.09.2018 07:59:29
Is on update .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.09.2018 08:14:50
Update warpack will be at 7-8 PM, Moscow time . We apologize for the delay .
Will be credited with 1 day of payment .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.09.2018 18:18:39
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.09.2018 20:21:16
I haven't been able to use the mod all day - is this because of the update?  I submitted a help request via the website but haven't had a reply so far.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 27.09.2018 03:53:56
Still not working.  Without Warpack, game loads fine.  With Warpack game locks on LOADING screen. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.09.2018 07:39:36
are you try to run warpack after login to game?
write last "Administrator messages"
what game client you are using? (region)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 29.09.2018 01:51:11
Game Client version
Warpack Version
Warpack WoWs Launcher #
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 29.09.2018 02:31:48
Game Client version
Warpack Version
Warpack WoWs Launcher #

Oh yes, Region NA
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.09.2018 07:51:39
if you want - i can connect via TEAMVIEWER and try to solve this problem.
it must be work on this parameters
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 29.09.2018 17:13:44
That would be fine.  Just let me know when(for teamviewer).  Im in US, Eastern Standard Time.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 16:33:46

hello, I can not buy a key, I have an account I chose the game mode the number of days and after it does not work anymore, what to do? Thank you for your answers
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 16:36:00
Through what payment system are you trying to pay ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 19:01:16
by credit card
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 19:03:12
What kind of payment system , paypal ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 19:32:30

in fact, I click on wow, then on the number of days, but after, I can not select the means of payment, the cell is inactive; thanks for your help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 19:36:21
Choose the icon that says EU . Delete your browser's cache and cookies, which may be the reason.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 20:31:17
I followed your instructions, but it does not work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 20:34:31
Please show a screenshot of the error .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 20:45:25
here is
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 20:49:10
Take a normal screenshot .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 20:53:19
excuse my ignorance, but how do we do it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 21:07:18
Key combination Win+print screen .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 21:20:54
What happens when you click on this icon ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 21:40:45
nothing, I do not have access to the icon from above (number of days)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 21:42:32
rien ,je n'ai pas acces à l'icone de dessus
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 21:49:47

it's good like that, I can not put in the message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2018 21:59:29
Click the EU icon .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 22:14:10
nothing happens
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.10.2018 22:18:48
let me connect via TEAMVIWER. i try to help you
you can send me a personal message with ID and password from TEAMVIEWER's left side.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: hunter410 от 13.10.2018 23:09:06

can we see this Monday, thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Frost от 17.10.2018 03:13:52
I am sorry. It is ok now. Re-login 6 times and now it works :))
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Frost от 17.10.2018 06:40:33
Got a new update of game client and warpack is not working anymore. Getting stuck in "not able to the get the information about the latest version Warpack. The Reason may the be a network problem or Warpack is not the ready for the current version of the client". "Start world of warships" is not clickable anymore.

WoWs client version:
Warpack version

Please help. Thank you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.10.2018 09:24:32
now worked
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 31.10.2018 18:40:47
Warpack working?  Getting version and start button  not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.10.2018 19:42:00
just add warpack folder to antivirus/windows_defender exclusions list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lukkas от 06.11.2018 18:15:06
warpack launcher showing ver unable to start please help
ps all above is done
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.11.2018 20:18:35
see previews post
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lukkas от 07.11.2018 14:08:50
its done but not working. not sure if that is important but im using wg game center.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.11.2018 15:01:43
Create a new folder, put the warpack file there.exe , before running, add to antivirus exceptions.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lukkas от 07.11.2018 18:27:44
done and still same problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.11.2018 18:31:29
Put the Euro server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lukkas от 07.11.2018 18:43:08
i had tu run warpack as admin. thnx for help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: RushBee от 09.11.2018 14:56:37
Hello, I was using Warpack for a long time, but unfortunately I received a warning letter few months ago. I'd love to support Warpack creators, and use the mod but I can't afford to get my account banned.

I guess the problem is with the detection of the mod. So I was thinking and I have a proposition for @svolota - to create a lite version of Warpack. Remove as many UI elements as possible, the warnings, option menus, other shot indicators and so on. IMO best would be just to leave the lead marker to show you where to target your guns and that's it. Maybe this way Warpack would be way much harder to detect, since it's graphical elements would be minimal.

What do you think?

tl;dr Warpack Lite version with *only* lead marker and nothing else, to make it harder to detect.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.11.2018 21:10:23
we have only prediction point variant. but it's can be detected by developers too. graphical interface in game not matter. detection based on warpack code (not by GUI) and this code can't be changed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 10.11.2018 10:53:26
my warpack will not bind with my wows!!
where is the problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.11.2018 10:55:35
Read this topic please
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 10.11.2018 11:05:29
its not a solution but the key is new !!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.11.2018 11:07:54
Start the game, enter the port, then run the warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 10.11.2018 11:10:27
yeah now its working THX
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 11.11.2018 22:56:36
not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.11.2018 11:01:51
now updated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 20.11.2018 17:04:24
How is work the wing commander?

I am trying but I do not know how to use it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 20.11.2018 19:13:32
Read this message
And this

It starts working with level 6 .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 22.11.2018 10:41:24
Working new patch ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.11.2018 10:44:41
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: celt от 30.11.2018 23:19:32
When I run warpack I get a "critical error" message. I've tried using the warpack program to open WOWs and also opened WOWS first and then run warpack but same issue.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.12.2018 06:58:42
Delete the dll and setting files in the warpack folder and run it again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: celt от 02.12.2018 06:16:22
Only download is warpack app and in own folder. I deleted both dll and settings and restarted. Still get the critical error. Is app for US server?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.12.2018 11:03:20
let me see it via TEAMVIEWER (give me ID and password from teamviewer to personal messages) and i try to help you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wormat22 от 07.12.2018 21:23:59
When I run warpack I get a "critical error" message. I've tried using the warpack program to open WOWs and also opened WOWS first and then run warpack but same issue.

I also get this issue

Warpack alkso not working today for some reason
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 07.12.2018 21:39:04
Having similar issue..remove DLL and settings and tried.  Still no luck.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 07.12.2018 21:55:37
ALL ok, with mod?

Soon after start mod i get ingame message " no availible mods for this game type" and soon after game crashes....

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.12.2018 23:57:25
it's will return soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 09.12.2018 12:31:32
all fine :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xfelonisx от 25.12.2018 16:23:41
Hello i bought  a month subscription today for WOWs , but i havent go the key to my email , i checked spam folders etc is not there ,  i only got the receipt from paypal. Can an admin help me ?
Thanks in advance.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zuyuf от 25.12.2018 17:21:41
what about the current detection status?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 25.12.2018 18:44:52


what is going on guys?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.12.2018 20:03:02
it's just common antivirus reaction on warpack injection system to game.
just add DLL file to antivirus exclusions list
what antivirus has found this trojan?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 25.12.2018 20:13:58

what antivirus has found this trojan?

System Defender of Windows 10
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 25.12.2018 20:45:55
It seems WP keeps Matchmaking Monitor from working in WoWs?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 27.12.2018 08:42:24
Can you tell me the last detection for WoWS EU?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 27.12.2018 08:47:35
it's just common antivirus reaction on warpack injection system to game.
just add DLL file to antivirus exclusions list

You can not add to exceptions because the file is infected. The only option is turn off protect your computer. But this is not a good solution. And in windows 10 you can do it only for a moment. Generally, it does not look good.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.12.2018 10:46:53
file is not infected
some antiviruses in this list detect virus in warpack DLL file not valid
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 27.12.2018 13:40:59
file is not infected
some antiviruses in this list detect virus in warpack DLL file not valid

Dear Friend, it's not an external anti-virus!
For several days, the Windows 10 virus protection system treats the file as infected. You can not add it to exceptions and you can not disable constant protection.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.12.2018 14:39:22
windows defender is not a better antivirus. therefore - its algorithms can see viruses in simple programs that use some techniques used in viruses.
windows defender in WOT warpack dll after repack and update - not see any viruses. but after a few time later (some weeks) - its foun a virus in warpack and we must repack DLL file again.
in WOWS - repacking not help now. And in WOWS (and WOT) you can add warpack full folder to defender exclusions list.
nobody not run real trojan when used warpack. its just a windows defender detects
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 31.12.2018 10:55:35
windows defender is not a better antivirus. therefore - its algorithms can see viruses in simple programs that use some techniques used in viruses.
windows defender in WOT warpack dll after repack and update - not see any viruses. but after a few time later (some weeks) - its foun a virus in warpack and we must repack DLL file again.
in WOWS - repacking not help now. And in WOWS (and WOT) you can add warpack full folder to defender exclusions list.
nobody not run real trojan when used warpack. its just a windows defender detects

The problem still exists.
Excuses will not fix it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 04.01.2019 02:10:10
Seems like WP for WOWS is not loading when in game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.01.2019 11:11:25
you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then - send me a personal message with teamviewer's ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 04.01.2019 12:02:26
Clean Install.
WOWS running.
Windows Reboot.
Downloaded and started warpack_wows.exe. Launched WorldOfWarships.exe.
App Crash, Event ID 1000

Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: WorldOfWarships.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5c127a7a
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ntdll.dll, Version: 10.0.17763.194, Zeitstempel: 0xf3450dbf
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000374
Fehleroffset: 0x000e0e23
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x2fec
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d4a40b84b80e75
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Eu\WorldOfWarships.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Berichtskennung: 6312a77a-d77b-473e-bbe4-b58ed0ddd7a3
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: GiggityGoober от 06.01.2019 23:14:07
If you guys are still having problems getting WP to load. Delete the .dll and settings file. Launch the .exe, enter your key and path to the game, then try to launch.  You may have to restart WP after entering your key and game path, but it should work after that. Oh and just turn of Windows defender. It's garbage.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 12.01.2019 08:58:21
First problem with WP today. I don't play for a long time and on last 2 weeks I started to play again and I received a warning into the game because my account is under suspicion that it use forbidden mods or something like that...Should I worry about that?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.01.2019 09:55:05
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FLANKER_Luk от 12.01.2019 15:22:26
Get Warning.
Did you fired someone or what? XD
Last weeks a lot a #%^%.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 12.01.2019 18:16:18
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.01.2019 18:30:25
All /
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 12.01.2019 22:54:00
If i get for me be perma ban.End game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.01.2019 22:57:02
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.01.2019 09:38:47
yes. but warpack must download automaticaly after start.
you can delete DLL file from warpack folder or use this:
but before - add warpack folder to windows defender exclusions list and remember old DLL filename to rename from my link
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: balkanmaniac от 15.01.2019 20:11:06
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 15.01.2019 20:17:36
New email from Wargaming

"Dear player!

We have detected that prohibited World of Warships client modifications have been used on this account. Please refrain from using any forbidden modifications in the future. Repeat violations will first lead to a temporary suspension of a violating player's account, and, subsequently, to a permanent ban should a violation be detected again.

To make sure that your game client is "clean", uninstall the game and delete the folder it was installed in (by default, C:\Games\World_of_Warships) to prevent any of the forbidden modification files from corrupting the new installation. After that, reinstall the game. We encourage players to use only the pre-approved modifications available on the World of Warships official forum.

The effective World of Warships modifications policy is available at (https://forum.worldofwarships.eu/topic/91894-modification-rules/)." etc, etc...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Geronimo от 15.01.2019 23:36:04
End game for me.

Dear player!

We have detected that one or more prohibited World of Warships client modifications have been used on this account for the third time. The account will be subject to a permanent ban.

The effective World of Warships modifications policy is available at ( https://forum.worldofwarships.eu/topic/91894-modification-rules/ ).

Play Fair!

World of Warships Team.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultimo от 17.01.2019 15:41:39
banned, ok play War tunder
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 17.01.2019 20:18:46
any hacks for wt?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.01.2019 02:03:52
no hacks. because game not use scripts that control game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 19.01.2019 15:30:34
I want to buy it, is it working for now?DEMO version didn't load to me last time so im confused
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.01.2019 15:57:21
working. but your demo time may be ended. try to use demo on new account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 20.01.2019 16:23:30
I buy it, everything works fine, I have question about torpedoes, is there auto torpedoes key or prediction point to show where should I aim with torpedoes?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.01.2019 16:53:25
use game prediction for torpedoes. it is works fine
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 27.01.2019 13:02:30
Should I change any settings to correct accuracy, something is wrong and this miss alot now :/
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.01.2019 13:58:49
Read this message
And this

It starts working with level 6 .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 27.01.2019 14:48:08
I mean main guns accuracy not air carriers, should I change it from default to make it better?
5. The offset indicator TU horizontally
6. Height indicator TU on the captured ship and the angle of the shells in water
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.01.2019 14:59:01
5. The offset indicator TU horizontally  - leave the value 0 or +5%
6. Height indicator TU on the captured ship and the angle of the shells in water - this indicator shows the height of the lead point on the captured ship . Set the automatic mode in the settings , then the height of the lead point will be selected automatically .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Soaren от 31.01.2019 19:35:23
This Aim is terrible missing almost every shot with accuracy 20% and even lower sometimes for example only 108/723 hits in my last game from medium distance~~10km.Using default settings and shooting to flowing straight enemies.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.01.2019 19:51:23
Click, at the bottom of the "lead points" settings window, the "default" button, you may have configured something wrong .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 01.02.2019 11:58:31
Today WG updated everything to 0.8.0 which has new CV play mode. Does Warpack support this CV rework 0.8.0 (like torpedo drop assistance) ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.02.2019 13:52:27
not yet but soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 03.02.2019 00:17:08
Is WP down? I can't get it to launch anymore.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.02.2019 00:46:22
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 03.02.2019 01:00:34
Worked. TY!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PUNISHER от 04.02.2019 00:21:54
The mod does not work, always the same warning when launching it

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.02.2019 00:26:30
Create a separate folder and from there run the warpack.exe file .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PUNISHER от 04.02.2019 02:02:34
ty, worked
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: combatsoul от 04.02.2019 11:16:50
maybe anyone have problem like my, when load cheat and press start game and everything freazing..and game not responding. have to restart pc. everytime when i lunch game with cheat  luncher game not responding. can anyone give some advise whet to do,how i could sort out this.?
many thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.02.2019 14:17:19
Start the game, enter the port, then run the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Nebuchad от 05.02.2019 14:17:12
Is it save to use again or still the problems from few weeks ago?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.02.2019 17:07:45
warpack never safe. currently detect is not executed on game server, but when it is happened we don't know
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jemie от 06.02.2019 01:43:06
Sorry, I do not know if it's the right place, but the function mod commander is still working?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.02.2019 02:57:31
not yet
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sabo95 от 06.02.2019 16:14:17
Bonjour impossible de lancer wp  pourtant je donne le bon chemin du fichier D:\Games\World_of_Warships_Eu\WorldOfWarships.exe met ilne ce lance pas pouver m aider
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.02.2019 16:16:30
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sabo95 от 06.02.2019 16:34:56
ok merci cela fonctionne mantenant
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 10.02.2019 18:23:28
Any progress update on new wing commander smokescreen? I'm cheering for you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 14.02.2019 19:08:22
Mods for ships temporarily disabled, technical work .
If it will be delayed until tomorrow , compensate for 1 day .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 14.02.2019 21:05:07
Since few hours unable to run warpack, Client crash.
Clean installed WoWS and Warpack. After Login, Client crashes.
Without  Warpack no problem.
Removed the errormonitor, no luck.
What has happened?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 14.02.2019 22:05:37
Same problem. Crash everytime i try to log in with warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 14.02.2019 22:06:54
NVM, seen the post about being disabled.

Can you let us know when it is back up?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 14.02.2019 22:21:11
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DenisL от 14.02.2019 23:51:35
Is this anything to do with the Detect??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.02.2019 01:07:38
WarPack for ships works again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: slik666 от 15.02.2019 01:52:48
warpack still giving error. just before entering battle. warpack is installing per warpack sign in upper left corner.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 15.02.2019 02:10:03
Delete all old files (dll and xml), start warpack.exe again, will work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.02.2019 12:30:15
Create a separate folder and run the warpack.exe file from there.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.02.2019 12:45:44
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PUNISHER от 15.02.2019 17:30:57
Hello, i change folder and mods not work, please help me.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.02.2019 17:40:25
Create a folder on the C drive .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PUNISHER от 15.02.2019 19:08:11
OK, kork now, ty
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: DenisL от 16.02.2019 01:14:43
warpack on WOWarships stopped working about 20min ago and I can't get to Warpack website.. is it down??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.02.2019 10:06:11
now works.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.02.2019 00:10:28
Mod "squadron commander" - updated .
Detailed description at the top of the topic .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: laubre93 от 17.02.2019 23:24:20
Hi, ever since 8.02 the game crashes every 2nd match that i start.
So the first game after injecting the mod works fine, then i return to the dock, start the next match, and the moment it's about to enter, the game crashes.
Any clue on what causes this ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.02.2019 00:11:07
is warpack version .216?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: laubre93 от 19.02.2019 17:29:19
Yeah it is, just checked the rest of the forum tho. seems as it's quite unsafe lately. so i'll just wait till it gets "fixed" i guess :P
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 14:27:23
Game is starting but no Warpack is loading....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.03.2019 14:29:31
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 14:31:55
Done....not working.....no Firewall, Antivirus and warpack.exe running as Admin
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 14:42:58
Warpack is not even checking if my key is active.....i can start the warpack.exe with any key and warships is starting but no injection....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.03.2019 14:44:54
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 14:55:57
Warpack is not even checking if my key is active.....i can start the warpack.exe with any key and warships is starting but no injection....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 14:57:20
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher and restart it.

Done....not working.....no Firewall, Antivirus and warpack.exe running as Admin
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.03.2019 15:02:39
Create a separate folder and from there run the warpack.exe file .

Start the game, enter the port, then run the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 15:13:13
It say my account is not binded on this computer.....used they key from 1 year ago of my old PC -> now new PC -> clicked on unbind and cant bind now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Doofy от 08.03.2019 15:17:12
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.03.2019 15:33:35
Ok .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Soaren от 12.03.2019 13:01:04
Any tutorial how to use air commander? When i press planes calibration hotkey my planes just fly randomly and going away from target.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.03.2019 13:04:34
See the information at the top of the page, spoiler "squadron commander".
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.03.2019 18:07:38
Any tutorial how to use air commander? When i press planes calibration hotkey my planes just fly randomly and going away from target.
read messages in game chat about calibration process after start calibration. planes must calibrated once far from target
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ShockDuty от 19.03.2019 02:52:47
I new to trying mod and find it works great. However it is taking some figuring out and would like to go back and watch myself replays to see what I do right and wrong, but the warpack does not appear in replay?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.03.2019 12:09:53
Warpack seen in the replays .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: lucianw от 28.03.2019 19:11:19
Please help:
"Unable to get information about the latest version warpack. The reason may be a network problem or warpack is not yet ready for the current version of the client.
It pop up every time when I start warpack launcher since today. My network is working well.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.03.2019 19:14:42

We have a problem with the ship's server now , wait .
Today will be all work .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 28.03.2019 19:22:00
are we going to get a notification abouut it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.03.2019 19:29:19
Yes .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Donnie Brasco от 28.03.2019 22:35:06
Last night, there were some connection problems with the EU server. Random players had drastic lag spikes and other simply couldn't connect, while others were fine. Maybe this information can be of use to you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.03.2019 22:42:30
warpack worked now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CHAlNS от 01.04.2019 19:36:36
Does the modpack work for new update on Ships?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.04.2019 20:01:54
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ogamiito от 08.04.2019 01:08:59
When I start WP, the Start World of War ships button is greyed out why?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ogamiito от 08.04.2019 01:23:27
Nevermind figured it out my windows security was blocking it.  Thx anyways
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dixslacker от 08.04.2019 03:12:10
Warpack icon not show or maybe not work in steam version ( asia server ). I try CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+W dont show icon..

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dixslacker от 08.04.2019 03:56:34
Warpack icon not show or maybe not work in steam version ( asia server ). I try CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+W dont show icon..

Work Now,, For steam user , run game via steam > warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 09.04.2019 12:59:20
Warpack not working on EU WoWs server.  I have a one month subscription and have reinstalled the launcher but not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 09.04.2019 13:02:16
sorry - meant to ask if any help/advice available?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 09.04.2019 14:39:35
check warpack version in launcher. if it is not zeros - warpack must work. else - add warpack folder to antivirus/windows defender exclusions list. you can also change server in warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 20.04.2019 12:22:15

target lock not working anymore for me :

i have the name of the ship locked on the panel, but guns don't aim at him

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 20.04.2019 12:36:58
Disable this option in the lead point settings .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 20.04.2019 13:33:54
Thank you sir
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LordAnubis от 23.04.2019 19:36:12
in next update we will have a 64bit Client. Will WP support it or Keep going with 32 bit?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.04.2019 20:38:30
keep 32 bit. but soon possible 64 bit too
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.04.2019 14:07:51
Warpack updated.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: slik666 от 25.04.2019 22:30:03
My warpack not updating to 8.3 has the warpack been updated to cureent version?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 00:20:59
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: slik666 от 26.04.2019 00:33:46
Thank you for your hard work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 07:26:29
now it is must be updated
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.04.2019 11:39:09
Warpack not working yet on latest WoWs update? 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.04.2019 11:41:07
Works , run the game through the launcher warpack . Steam version of the game is not supported yet.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 26.04.2019 13:02:06
it doesnt work for me , I start the game with wp launcher but nothing appears after enter the port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.04.2019 13:11:33
 Use the Game center WG , install the game through it .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.04.2019 13:16:37
Still not working - game fully updated and being started through the launcher multiple times now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 13:24:40
please - setup teamviewer and run it. then - send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect and try to help run warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.04.2019 13:30:58
I don't trust teamviewer sorry.  I downloaded the launcher again and started over.  Now receiving a message as follows:

Unable to get information about the lastest version of Warpack.  The reason by a network problem or Warpack is not yet ready for the current version of the client.

Any help?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 13:38:37
may be you are use STEAM game client?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 26.04.2019 13:40:51
No im using war gaming to launch , or wp launcher but both doesnt work, im not steam user.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.04.2019 13:51:57
hi - I just downloaded the different launcher but it is password protected.  Any help please and thank you for your hard work on this.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 13:53:31
No im using war gaming to launch , or wp launcher but both doesnt work, im not steam user.
download warpack launcher from site again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 13:54:29
hi - I just downloaded the different launcher but it is password protected.  Any help please and thank you for your hard work on this.
https://dropmefiles.com/kVJV7  -try it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.04.2019 13:57:36
still password protected.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 14:00:58
password is - 123
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Panda от 26.04.2019 14:02:02
WARPACK redirects to old x34 WOWS!

The new OFFICIAL from launcher uses x64 WOWS!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 26.04.2019 14:04:53
duh!  of course! 

Working now - thank you for your hard work!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 14:10:00
WARPACK redirects to old x34 WOWS!
 OFFICIAL from launcher uses x64 WOWS!
yes - now it is redirected. soon will be available for x64
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 26.04.2019 19:26:07
hello my game start crash when i open it by warpack it work fine with out it any solution
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 19:35:44
hello my game start crash when i open it by warpack it work fine with out it any solution
is warpack launcher version (in windows title) - and warpack version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 26.04.2019 20:42:01
yes its same
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 20:45:39
when crash happends? are you can make a screensot of this moment?
this crash happends every time at one time after game started?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 26.04.2019 21:02:32
once ia just logged in the game start lagging for 3 second and closed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 26.04.2019 21:03:51
this occuur after the update today it works so fine yesterday
also i have team viewr if you want to check
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 21:50:49
send me ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 26.04.2019 22:06:32
i think i send a message but not surre if its reach you XD
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: piero от 26.04.2019 22:33:01
sorry i don no speak english .the key does not work.
canyou tell me when it will work.
hello bb.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 26.04.2019 22:37:37
hi i fixed it i just reinstall the game again and everything is work now sorry for taking your time
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.04.2019 22:46:35
sorry i don no speak english .the key does not work.
canyou tell me when it will work.
hello bb.
are you use latest warpack launcher from site and warpack version in launcher ends with .218?
and check your key. that it is correct pasted
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 26.04.2019 23:42:47
Warpac has stopped working for me re downloaded rthe Launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 27.04.2019 00:03:28
Sorted it out had to delete the settings and dll files for it to update
i will add the gun aim line is very jerky now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.04.2019 05:11:03
i will add the gun aim line is very jerky now
What do you mean ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 07:16:34
Hi man, I had the warpack launcher sending me the error message "unable to get the lastest version Warpack" as the guy said previewly. I delected the warpack folder and downloaded from the link you have up there but still the same problem. warpack launcher version is and it is not downloading the dll file as it should be. I also tried re-install the game but still the same problem. Any hint you can provide? Thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.04.2019 07:20:54
try to change server in warpack settings to euro and show screenshot of launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.04.2019 07:20:58
Add warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 07:31:56
try to change server in warpack settings to euro and show screenshot of launcher
screenshot added. I have turned off the antivirus software
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 07:32:19
try to change server in warpack settings to euro and show screenshot of launcher
screenshot added. I have turned off the antivirus software
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.04.2019 07:44:24
Put the server China in the launcher warpack and restart it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 07:49:05
Put the server China in the launcher warpack and restart it.
I still get the same warning messages"unable to get information about the lastest version"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.04.2019 08:05:14
Add warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.04.2019 08:40:55
add warpack launcher folder to windows defender (or antivirus) exclusions list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 09:32:04
add warpack launcher folder to windows defender (or antivirus) exclusions list
I have the folder added to the exclusion list already, but still it return this error
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.04.2019 09:35:40
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 09:36:18
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problem
sure let me set it up. do you want me also change the system language to russian or english?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 09:50:21
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problem
ive send you the password and id. thanks a lot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: qycl от 27.04.2019 11:41:30
can you make it work with steam version of the game like before, I couldn't figure out a way to launch it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.04.2019 11:43:57
Now they are working on this issue . Follow this topic.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 12:10:18
well. in this case you can setup TEAMVIEWER and run it. then send me a personal message with its ID and password. i can connect to your computer and try to solve that problem
I had a try connecting to the hotspot on my phone. it worked. Looks like the admin of my network provider might have blocked the version server. Will warpack work if I switch between two network after the version check?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.04.2019 12:42:49
you can ignore version check message if warpack really loaded into game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pricycle от 27.04.2019 12:57:24
you can ignore version check message if warpack really loaded into game.
it does load if I use my own network to trick the version alert. Thanks for your help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.04.2019 13:03:44
you can use any internet provider if warpack loaded (ignoring all error messages). you can start warpack. when you see error version check message - just ignore it and try to run warpack. if it is loaded to game - all fine. if - not - try to switch to another internet provider next time to update warpack only
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NakanoMiku от 27.04.2019 13:14:29
Hi,I cant choose and load warpack with steam version x64,so what should I do ti load it successfully,thx.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.04.2019 13:39:12
wait till we update warpack launcher to fix steam problem. currently warpack only executes only 32 bit version of game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Panda от 28.04.2019 21:08:53
Payments are disabled??? Why and how long?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.04.2019 21:19:29
Sales work . What exactly is your problem ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Panda от 28.04.2019 21:28:23
Sales work . What exactly is your problem ?


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.04.2019 21:36:09
Official website for shopping http://warpack.net
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dannithedon от 30.04.2019 12:22:31

i want to ask what is the slider prediction point accuracy used for? ive played around with it but does not really seem to find a use for it
(click to show/hide)
the top slider.
i also tend to notice on most of the lower tier battleships the accuracy is not good.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.04.2019 12:59:26
this parameter just setup delay (1/this_parameter_value per second) to next shell fly calculation to prediction point (needed for autoshot). in most cases it is needed to smooth green/red targeting line
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jzyfangdong@hotmail.com от 30.04.2019 13:43:53
WOW.EXE could not be opened. How to deal with it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.05.2019 07:21:28
wait till we update warpack launcher to fix steam problem. currently warpack only executes only 32 bit version of game
Start the game through the launcher of warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 03.05.2019 13:07:52
unable to start the launcher - receiving messages to say it isn't up to date with latest version and also receiving messages about their being a trojan in the launcher.  Any help please?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 03.05.2019 13:35:39
just add warpack launcher folder to windows defender/antivirus exclusions list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: qycl от 05.05.2019 16:52:48
Any information about when will warpack be usable on steam version of the game?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.05.2019 19:11:35
after 1-2 days
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 07.05.2019 01:58:37
Not working 64bit ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultrakiller от 08.05.2019 03:38:43
Hey there admin, big fan of your work.

I've been having since Saturday the issue with "unable to get the latest version Warpack", I saw that sometimes you had server issues, tried already a few recommendations, but it still isn't working. A month before, last time I played, it worked fine.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultrakiller от 08.05.2019 06:33:46
How to make it work tho? Know any reason for this?

(sorry for making a new post, just realised that there is no option to edit)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.05.2019 09:37:19
try to reload warpack from warpack.net site.
and if you use steam game version - wait till we update launcher to steam version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultrakiller от 08.05.2019 16:07:28
try to reload warpack from warpack.net site.
and if you use steam game version - wait till we update launcher to steam version

I've done that, still getting the same issue, I use the normal game, not the steam version.

I've tried the following things:
Add the warpack to exceptions for both Windows Firewall and Comodo (didn't work)
Tried running the warpack with firewall off (didn't work)
Reinstalled the game (didn't work)
Ran warpack and the game via VPN (didn't work)
Tried modifying the names of both the 32 and 64 bit executables and used them for the warpack (didn't work)

The version stated at the top of both the warpack from cyber-tank and warpack.net is
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultrakiller от 08.05.2019 16:47:20
btw this is without any mods of any kind, though before the warpack worked fine with them.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.05.2019 19:53:47
let me try to help you via TEAMVIEWER. you can setup it and send me a personal message with its ID and password after run
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Ultrakiller от 08.05.2019 20:35:50
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOTplayer54 от 09.05.2019 23:37:25
Can you move the in game display so it does not over lap ..

(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.05.2019 08:26:41
yes. i forget make this
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOTplayer54 от 11.05.2019 20:01:15
Can you find out what the command is saying you know but forget is less then helpful lol
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 12.05.2019 11:13:03
the launcher start error again ,it shows crital dmg when I try to open with the launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.05.2019 11:25:42
For the steam version of the game client warpack is not ready .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 12.05.2019 11:34:53
im not steam user.i download launcher from the wbestie or tue email of that key. But both dont work for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.05.2019 11:36:05
Start the game through the launcher of warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 12.05.2019 11:39:00
Thats what i did tho. It shows game had crital error. Could you send me the right vision of the newest warpack please?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.05.2019 11:45:48
Please show a screenshot .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 12.05.2019 12:32:55
 ;D its working for now and i dk why.Still thx so much for your reply!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tommystiva от 12.05.2019 14:29:37
so does warpack not currently work with the steam version cant get it to work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.05.2019 14:50:24
Yes .
For the steam version of the game client warpack is not ready .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tommystiva от 12.05.2019 17:14:32
any eta on a fix for the steam version just I bought a code for it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NakanoMiku от 15.05.2019 04:46:01
still wait for the steam version with x64 bro
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: altairhastag от 15.05.2019 15:14:31
currently the launcher does not work and does not load the warpack, the game starts but not warpack, is there a problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.05.2019 15:16:59
They're working on a fix now .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 15.05.2019 15:30:16
try restart it now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: stone1990 от 15.05.2019 17:54:52
WarPack not work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.05.2019 18:16:54
Delete the dll and setting files in the warpack folder and run it .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Condy от 16.05.2019 20:44:18
WarPack not work. Delete the dll and setting files in the warpack folder and run it .
Erasing did not help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.05.2019 20:44:46
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 17.05.2019 12:24:24
just bought a one month subscription.  Downloaded the program. Inputted the code and launched.  Nothing.  Why not working?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.05.2019 14:34:03
temporary server problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.05.2019 15:20:26
just bought a one month subscription.  Downloaded the program. Inputted the code and launched.  Nothing.  Why not working?
can you show screenshot with warpack launcher?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Condy от 17.05.2019 15:21:17
Would Warpack have to run now, or do you still have problems? Unfortunately he is not running yet.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.05.2019 15:23:26
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.05.2019 15:35:03
you can try to attach it or upload to http://dropmefiles.com for example
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Condy от 17.05.2019 15:50:34
https://dropmefiles.com/FcCTZ (https://dropmefiles.com/FcCTZ)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.05.2019 17:05:45
Try to put the Chinese server in the launcher warpack , close it and run again , if this does not help , put the auto selection , close and run again , if this does not help , try to use vpn .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Condy от 17.05.2019 18:00:48
I can not get it to work. Another game less.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.05.2019 19:27:00
we rollback to old launcher. restart launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Condy от 17.05.2019 19:33:38
Its working again.  ;) :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NakanoMiku от 18.05.2019 14:58:25
it worked yesterday after you updated the steam version,but today you rollback to old version, gg...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.05.2019 17:11:18
you can download this launcher
and use it, if this launcher work on your computer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NakanoMiku от 18.05.2019 17:34:53
sry sir,it didn't work, the version you  gave me is 99,and updated to version 138 automatically when I use it,maybe only version 137 worked with steam.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.05.2019 20:16:31
version 139 equal a version 137 (only number is differ). it must work with steam
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 26.05.2019 22:39:35
Annoyne can explain me the Squadrom Commander to German or make a complete viedeo about it ?
becouse iam to stupid to get it work.try it now 2 Hours only the Attak Bombers work But no Torpedo and no dive bomber.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.05.2019 22:42:13
See the description in the theme header .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 00:38:58
So I just bought a sub, thinking it worked with Steam version, and I cant download the wargaming version of the game..... Will steam version be fixed? or is there a way I can fix it using a diff version loader or something? Pls help :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 00:57:12

That post confused me a bit, so is steam support back or not? And we have to download the game thru the wargaming client?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 14:25:47
you can download this launcher
and use it, if this launcher work on your computer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 15:37:46
Hey @svolota That link didnt work I tried that earlier it says the files were deleted, could I get a new link possibly? Thank you!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 16:48:57
A little later .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 17:55:50
I still need help, I went to the warpak.net site and logged in, and it said I did not have a key even tho I got one emailed to me when I bought it... And have been trying to use it in the launcher, could I get someone to please hep? I have teamviewr we can use.... Would just like to get this working..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 18:04:09
Please read this topic
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:06:52
Svolota I recived a key through my email..... and the link to download the launcher.... I told you this IT STILL DOES NOT WORK.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 18:12:23
If you use the steam version of the game , the warpack is not ready for it yet . Today or tomorrow there will be an update . Follow this topic .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:17:47
Yes I do use the steam version, and thank you finally an answer! Are we going to get compensation for wasted days?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 18:19:51
Look , is the time counting down on your key or not ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:21:07
I don't know how to check, I have my key thru the email and the download instructions but when I go to warpack.net it says I dont have a key for some reason?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 18:22:25
On what website did you buy ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:23:24
It was the Cybertank website i guess?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 18:25:50
Our official website http://warpack.net/
When you purchase there you will have the lowest price and will be able to keep track of all your keys .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:28:29
Omg I bought from this website
Is that website not legit? Do I need to refund on paypal lol?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:30:01
Wow wtf its 4$ on your website  but I paid 5.90 for the 7 day.......... Does this website even work?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.05.2019 18:34:04
This is the site of the intermediary , you do not need to return the funds .
Expect updates for steam version of the game .
All the days on your key are saved if you were unable to run the warpack with it .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 27.05.2019 18:36:29
Oh okay awesome, well I'll just wait and watch for updates sorry for being annoying, and I'm glad I didnt get scammed using wrong site lol thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 28.05.2019 00:39:28
Still no word on the Steam fix for the launcher? Was it supposed to be today or tomorrow?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 28.05.2019 06:47:11
So anytime I try to launch the Warpak it says client is already running, yes I have world of warships open, but even if I don't I get a blank window that pops up, and if I press ok it launches the game like nothing happend, no warpak nothing... could really use some help I have Team Viewer installed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 28.05.2019 07:26:06
So when I launch the warpak these are the errors I have been talking about and then nothing happens.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 29.05.2019 22:40:35
Really? still no response from people? I was told 3 days ago the launcher would be updated for steam players either that day or the next day, now it's been 3 days almost 4.... Can we get an update please? I rather not get refund and just get the product I paid for.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreves от 30.05.2019 06:35:10
Okay so now I saw that world of warships was updated to 8.0.4 and now when I launch the warpak I've launched world of warships first and then warpak and it says the client is already running but then it closes.... Which it didnt before unless I pressed ok, and if I launch warpak first and World of warships thru the warpak it actually loads without having that error pop up, but I wait for ever and never see warpak in the top left of my screen. would be nice if I could get some answers :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LordAnubis от 30.05.2019 11:24:47
WP cant connect. Autorisation Server dowsn. Warpack.neet down.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2019 11:42:58
server maintanance. now must work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 30.05.2019 12:38:49
When i start WoWs with warpack the game closes to desktop and nothing happens.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2019 12:48:41
try to delete DLL file from warpack folder and restart warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 30.05.2019 12:49:57
i did. Still crashes 1 second of loading to desktop.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2019 12:51:25
let me try to see it via TEAMVIEWER. setup it and send me a personal message with its ID and password
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 30.05.2019 12:52:14
i found a fix. Server was on Auto. I put ist to Euro. Now it starts.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pierg от 30.05.2019 20:20:17
I start warpack as instructions say. Warpack opens window with "server" and i chose EURO, then the key, which is correct, and world of warships.exe file correctly located.
I press of, game starts, but no warpack icon on top left of window.
Can you help, please?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.05.2019 20:23:18
try to delete DLL file from warpack folder and restart warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2019 20:29:34
and check that warpack version displayed in launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pierg от 30.05.2019 21:31:10
I tried all suggestions named in these pages, before logging in and write my question...
No one worked.. sorry..:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.05.2019 21:39:47
well. you can setup TEAMVIEWER and tell me its ID and password (write me a personal message). i will connect and try to help
by the way, add your warpack folder to antivirus/windows defender exclusions list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: busch227 от 31.05.2019 00:47:33
What would be causing this error and how to fix?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.05.2019 00:49:23
Create a separate folder on drive C and run the warpack.exe file from there.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2019 01:00:00
or change server setting in warpack launcher (from auto to any suitable)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 31.05.2019 04:44:47
since the new update I can not get it to work, it starts to load then just suspends any ida
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2019 10:37:54
setup warpack to another folder. shoose euro server in warpack launcher and try again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pierg от 31.05.2019 16:19:30
Again, no luck.
WoWs version is
Warpack version is

Warpack files are in a separate folder of C:
Server is set to EURO, but if set to AUTO the window closes immediately
On Euro, game starts, logs in automatically, and the wows harbor is there. Warpack icon is not.....

What else to try?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pierg от 31.05.2019 18:27:44
Which application one has to put in the warpack launch window?
in Path to file, it has to be worldofwarships.exe, or wcg.exe (the game centre exe file)?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 31.05.2019 21:24:59
if you use steam version - path must be to WorldOfWarships32.exe (edited manualy in settings.xml), else - WorldOfWarships.exe
if you want - let me help via TEAMVIEWER
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Pierg от 02.06.2019 10:09:23
Problem solved, my fault. I inserted the old key and not the new one.
I repeat, MY FAULT, but maybe Warpack builders should find a way to send a message like "WRONG KEY" to the stupid user like me.
Thanks for the offered help anyway!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Up_The_Donald от 04.06.2019 11:59:53
I'm having the same problem yesterday and today.  I've cleared the settings files and reinstalled the loader but it terminates when the WOWS loading screen appears.  Any help please?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crossie от 04.06.2019 13:49:18
Select Euro in the launcher. See my attachment. had the same problem. now works
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knb от 05.06.2019 09:36:40
same here.
Deleted all warpack files and i redownloaded.
installed path c:\xxxx\
run steam
run warpack as admin
path to game steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\1491147\bin32\WorldOfWarships32.exe
checked serial
click on start wows
it close... and pop up a window with no text and to do click on ok
star wows... but no icon... no mesagge from warpack.
If i run warpack with wows runing... it says already running
tried with no steam account too... i have 2 acounts.
same results... what can i do?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.06.2019 09:39:01
Steam version of the game is not currently supported .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: knb от 05.06.2019 09:42:00
thx... i will try again with no steam account...
i did too euro/china/auto ....
i will try last time with nosteam version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 15.06.2019 02:56:39
Hi my game autumaticly close after I start the game from the warpack lancher. Im not steam version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.06.2019 09:26:06
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: proguest от 15.06.2019 16:59:15
hello sometimes when I aim in the game when the green guess icon is very bad how can I turn it off
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.06.2019 20:50:18
Please clarify your question.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 19.06.2019 22:15:36
the warpack is not working i log in to the game but it doesnt appear
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LordAnubis от 19.06.2019 22:17:18
Auth Server down
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 19.06.2019 22:18:35
Auth Server down

what does that mean ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LordAnubis от 19.06.2019 22:22:29
u cant use wp until the authorisation Server is up again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BestPractice от 19.06.2019 22:28:21
yep.... server is down.....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.06.2019 22:28:36
Guys , do not flood , soon all will work .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.06.2019 23:03:29
Now everything works .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.06.2019 23:33:29
If you still do not have a warpack running , delete the dll file in the warpack folder so that a new file is loaded at startup .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOTplayer54 от 22.06.2019 02:09:11
Replays not working with Warpack?  replays record fine without warpack,  but will not record when it it running. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.06.2019 09:35:01
Enable this option .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOTplayer54 от 25.06.2019 01:52:08
Thank box is checked hmm
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mero от 25.06.2019 22:03:06
does the server goes down its not working again ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.06.2019 22:06:53
Change the server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Goodmen от 27.06.2019 16:33:20
Good afternoon!
Yesterday they banned my account permanently on world of warships  but I have still 20 and something days for the key to expire .
So can I use it in another account?
I apologize if i asked my question in a wrong conversation.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2019 16:37:46
Yes , you can use the warpack on another account of the game .
Check out the topic How to use your key on a different account (https://forum.warpack.net/index.php?topic=2196.0)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Goodmen от 27.06.2019 17:13:42
Thank you for you immediate response ,I have one problem yet .
The instructions you gave to me open one page at   https://en.warpack.net     so i can make the change.
But I have bought the pack from this page    /   .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2019 17:20:09
You need to write in support of the site where you bought and make a request for unbinding the key to the account .
Official site https://warpack.net/ if you buy there , you will be able to control your keys .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Goodmen от 27.06.2019 18:06:03
Thank you ! It is just that I did not take any feedback from where i bought it and they ignored me completely. Today i found this forum and i thought it would be more helpful because you are the forum of the official site
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rickystanzi от 05.07.2019 20:02:28
Showing network error and server unavailable.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.07.2019 22:08:28
Change the server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LordAnubis от 07.07.2019 19:32:04
warpack is not getting loaded in game even when i start wows with it... it worked some houers ago...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.07.2019 19:34:39
Change the server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LordAnubis от 08.07.2019 21:23:03
Server down?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.07.2019 21:32:47

Put the Chinese server in the warpack launcher , close it and start again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 08.07.2019 22:28:46
Hi guys,
having the same issues for some reason. I changed the servers and it wont show up at all. Does not give me any message  :-\. What can we do ?

Best regards,
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.07.2019 22:32:59
Chinese server tried?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 08.07.2019 22:37:59
Chinese server tried?

Hi there, yeah I tried Chinese, Auto and Europe, sadly not working. :(
It does not even show any message on the right inside ship Harbour! ("The Admin message")
Thanks for fast reply btw.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.07.2019 22:44:49
If you have a VPN program connect through it , select the Holland server. Now engaged in the elimination of the problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 08.07.2019 22:46:42
If you have a VPN program connect through it , select the Holland server. Now engaged in the elimination of the problem.
I dont have VPN, do you know any good free vpn i can use ?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.07.2019 22:51:25
Perhaps this will not help and you need to wait for the completion of the work , but try it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.07.2019 22:53:11
Check your private messages.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 08.07.2019 22:53:31
Perhaps this will not help and you need to wait for the completion of the work , but try it.
Ill try it out and if it does not work then I will have to wait. Anyway thanks for your help, keep up the great work guys and thanks for everything. (Also fast reply)

Have a good one

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 09.07.2019 11:03:06
Hi Admins and mods,

just a question, have you guys found a way for the wp to work ? I tried the VPN way but it did not work.


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 09.07.2019 11:05:45
Now it should work , delete the dll file from the folder warpack and start the launcher again warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 09.07.2019 11:15:40
Should I leave the game open ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 09.07.2019 11:18:42
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 09.07.2019 11:32:58
I try to do that but it keeps showing me a window saying ([wgc]Client already running...)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 09.07.2019 11:34:04
I try to do that but it keeps showing me a window saying ([wgc]Client already running...)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 09.07.2019 11:45:36
The game must be run through the launcher warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 09.07.2019 11:48:26
I closed all. These are my steps.
1.- Delete .ddl File from warpack.
2.-Open warpack File again and Double click on the warpack.exe file. (The game loads)
3.-The game asks me for my Password I type it in and then Waprack should work ?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kidd от 09.07.2019 11:50:11
I closed all. These are my steps.
1.- Delete .ddl File from warpack.
2.-Open warpack File again and Double click on the warpack.exe file. (The game loads)
3.-The game asks me for my Password I type it in and then Waprack should work ?

Everyone follow these steps who are having the same problem as me! It is working now !!!!
Thank you Admins and Mods.
Once more great job

Greetings kidd
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sometimenaive от 22.07.2019 13:57:22
how to save replay with wp?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.07.2019 14:01:44
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 10.08.2019 17:58:16
64bit working ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2019 18:03:06
Not at the moment . You can use the 32-bit version of the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: LUCK sign от 22.08.2019 06:45:35
I just want to say before the update 0.8.7,everything working very prefect ,but now warpack  launcher  didn't rate with game.Do we have any solution for this problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.08.2019 07:58:22
Do not press the start button in the launcher warpack ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tatsuyaking от 19.10.2019 01:46:39
update to , cannot use the warpack

"A critical error has been occurred"

btw use WoWSLauncher login is ok
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.10.2019 02:24:37
Change the server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tatsuyaking от 19.10.2019 02:28:53
already try EU/CH
still hv problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.10.2019 02:31:01
Is the game installed through WG Game Center ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tatsuyaking от 19.10.2019 02:37:04
NO,installed by the official website
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.10.2019 02:40:41
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.10.2019 02:41:57
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tatsuyaking от 19.10.2019 02:50:26
ok,I try to installed again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 19.10.2019 21:41:09
Hello guys,,after 6 months i try to play the game with warpack and ...the game is going to slow,,i can't play a battle,sometimes
the computer got stuck,and i must do a restart my PC,,,when i login normally is going normal,everything is fine,any solution??any idea?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.10.2019 23:54:16
try to play on ship with 3-4 guns and check FPS.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: louis19781978 от 21.10.2019 16:41:26
warpack is failing to inject into wows my code has a month nearly and game is wrking normally however warpack is not present in matches and no menu in the ship port page seems to be an issue since italian-haloween update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.10.2019 17:36:31
let me help you via Teamviewer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 21.10.2019 21:02:44
Is there any way to make Matchmaking Monitor work with warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.10.2019 22:19:07
i don't see this program. may be download it and test
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 21.10.2019 23:08:35

This program requires to show location for WoWs, when i open it after normal launch from WG center it is working but when i launch wows with warpack and then run matchmaking monitor it didn't work for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.10.2019 00:20:19
it's not possible now because warpack and this program use same game functionality that cannot be divided between two programs
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dannithedon от 22.10.2019 11:41:24
i can not get it to work properly either, one time it works then it dont, when you restart 10 times suddenly it works. not sure whats going on
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 26.10.2019 00:58:01
I am having the issue where warpack will not inject as well. Any fix for this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.10.2019 01:06:07
add warpack folder to windows defender/antivirus exclusions list
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 26.10.2019 01:23:15
add warpack folder to windows defender/antivirus exclusions list
Turned off app & browser control in windows defender and still will not load into game. Game just starts normally, no warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.10.2019 10:14:30
well. let me check it via Teamviewer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 26.10.2019 12:42:46
Hello, will indicator of the height always choose higher number for examle 7-10 to shoot BB's with low caliber guns like smolensk to have more chance to penetrate superstructures ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 26.10.2019 16:09:22
well. let me check it via Teamviewer

Let me know what I need to do so you can check.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 26.10.2019 16:09:59
check personal messages
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 26.10.2019 16:15:20
check personal messages

Sent you the info
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 26.10.2019 18:25:57
check personal messages

I am back, just sent you updated login info.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 31.10.2019 22:37:13
i hanging in the login screen, please help me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2019 22:52:26
Change the server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 31.10.2019 23:02:55
i change the server but its not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2019 23:34:37
The Chinese server put ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 31.10.2019 23:50:17
i take now china and nothing hapend, everytime loading screen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2019 23:55:50
Start the warpack after entering the port .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 01.11.2019 00:05:23
"client already running"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.11.2019 00:07:47
Restart the computer and start the warpack after entering the port .
You via game center or play through steam ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 01.11.2019 00:48:18
im testing with steam and without,
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.11.2019 00:50:36
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 01.11.2019 01:02:16
i want to play without steam, what i must to do?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.11.2019 01:10:22
Try using a VPN .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 02.11.2019 00:30:41
the game is starting from wp launcher on steam but the wp not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.11.2019 00:43:46
try to run game and login into it. then - see administrator messages in port
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: mariobros от 02.11.2019 01:17:36
its not working, i have no administrator messages. i testing on steam and direct launcher.
warpack dont work on last update !! before i have no problem with warpack
whats the problem now???
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.11.2019 08:43:46
try to add this part in settings.xml file in warpack folder (in any text editor) and save it.
<LoadType value="2"/>

for example after your key
<LicenseKey value=".........."/><LoadType value="2"/>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Angry-Gamer от 05.11.2019 20:50:37
B4 anyone says it. It is not an error in my game files. I run the game w/o Warpack and i have 0 problems. I run Warpack and after i click battle and move to the battle loading screen i receive a critical error and crash. I have searched the forums didnt see the problem mentioned. So idk what else to do but make a new topic. Any ideas are welcome. Ive already rechecked game files uninstalled both game and warpack and reinstalled and enabled Admin on both. Done all i know to do, ty.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.11.2019 21:19:11
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Angry-Gamer от 05.11.2019 21:29:28
try to add this part in settings.xml file in warpack folder (in any text editor) and save it.
<LoadType value = "2" />

for example after your key
<LicenseKey value = ".........." /> <LoadType value = "2" />

if not worked again - let me see it via Teamviewer (send me personal message with Teamviewer's ID and password)

???? It says in the warpack folder and use any text editor? But i cant find any xml file with the warpack download. Just the exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Angry-Gamer от 05.11.2019 21:31:48
Disregard previous i found it :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Angry-Gamer от 05.11.2019 22:14:06
Ok problem seems resolved with adding the above script. Ty for the help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Tenkre от 05.11.2019 22:20:33
Any info how to resolve critical error upon login? Normal login, without Warpack is ok, with, game crashes each time.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.11.2019 22:27:33
are you try this solution?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 05.11.2019 23:01:33
Same here, i have to reset WoWs after every game cause it crashes(im playing without any mods), trying to repair game through client
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Angry-Gamer от 05.11.2019 23:29:00
Ok well i spoke too soon. I played another 8 battles or so and the crash occurred again :( Like i mentioned in the first post I Uninstalled reinstalled game files as well as the Warpack mod. Enabled admin on both game and Warpack. Added the script to the xml file as mentioned earlier. Someone please help :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: meke от 06.11.2019 02:31:42
Can't play the game with the above error message Please tell me the solution!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: meke от 06.11.2019 19:19:57
It became clear that the cause of the critical error was related to memory.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Angry-Gamer от 07.11.2019 02:18:02
Still having critical error crashes while using warpack in wows. Its more random now. Happening at ends of matches etc.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.11.2019 07:34:12
check your warpack version. it must
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 25.11.2019 17:53:26
I tried Everything , But I cant load warpack on steam account.

My settings xml : " <Settings><ExePath value="D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\2030144\bin64\WorldOfWarships.exe"/><LicenseKey value="****"/><LoadType value="2"/><Language value="EN"/><DllName value="DD352ACB"/><Server value="0"/></Settings> "

I take Client already runing error. But Cant load.

Warpack version :
Game Version :
64 bit so I am using WorldofWarships64.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.11.2019 17:57:20
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vovkavi от 25.11.2019 19:12:06
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port

Thank you , its working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: inqu от 24.12.2019 02:52:52
Can you explain it step be step how to run wp in steam because i cant do it seems hard for me :S
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.12.2019 03:53:59
1 - run game
2 - open "task manager" and find WorldOfWarships.exe in processes tab
3 - click right mouse button on WorldOfWarships.exe and choose "open contained folder"
4 - after you open WorldOfWarships.exe folder - go 1 level back (up) in directory tree
5 - you can see some folders including "bin32" and "bin64" names
6 - rename "bin64" folder to "bin641" for example

7 - run game in steam (in this case WorldOfWarships 32 bit version is executed. you can check it in "task manager" by name WorldOfWarships.exe*32)
8 - after you login to game (port) - run warpack

repeat 7-8 steps to play game with warpack till next game patch. after game updated - repeat 1-6 steps once
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: geramz от 06.01.2020 20:32:32
I have a problem when I target ship with secondaries manually (with Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament) and then when i press RMB for warpacks aim it cancels my secondaries so it wont shoot anymore. Is there way to fix it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.01.2020 21:38:27
At this point, you first need to capture the target with the main guns, then give priority to the small guns .
This is known , it will be corrected.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 12.01.2020 10:57:16
I experience some strange lags those days at fisrt 2-3 fights and after a while game works flawless...Maybe a warpack problem something. I reinstalled Windows again and game and the problem occurs...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.01.2020 19:36:41
may be lags occured on some ships? try to play on ship with 3-4 guns
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: raxxy от 16.01.2020 14:46:17
Its not working, just added game to laptop so its the latest, try to use this with it, doesnt even load up.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.01.2020 15:01:43
Run the warpack.exe file as an administrator and change the server in the warpak launcher, put the Euro .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: raxxy от 16.01.2020 15:40:19
Done that, still does not load up at all just the game does.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.01.2020 15:52:17
What version is written in the warpack launcher ?
Do you have Visual C++ installed for Visual Studio 2012 ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: raxxy от 17.01.2020 02:59:10
So when will it be fixed, Ive paid money for something that is ment to work, yet again and yes it isn't the first time this has not worked at all.
Getting pretty sick of stuff that isn't up to date or working that Ive paided for.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.01.2020 08:58:28
Now warpack worked on your PC?
we added 1 day for all ships keys yesterday
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Frost от 21.02.2020 09:29:26
Hi Smokescreen, I just renew my code and warpack cannot find my game .exe location. I use Steam version and I have already tried changing the name of bin 64 folder and only runs with 32 version. Yet, warpack cannot find the exe file. Any help please? Thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2020 09:34:28
better if you can provide me a TEAMVIEWER access
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Frost от 21.02.2020 09:47:51
Just install team viewer, will you give me personal message for further troubleshooting?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.02.2020 10:24:27
read personal messages
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 23.02.2020 05:18:30
So I have a weird issue with WP and Discord...If using WP for WoWs, push to talk will not work in Discord. If I log into the game WITHOUT WP, push to talk works fine. Was not able to find anything else on the forum about this.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.02.2020 07:48:28
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 28.02.2020 02:00:17
That is for WoT. I cannot run WoWs THEN run WP after I am already in, will get the 'Client already running' message.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.02.2020 08:52:17
Run the 32-bit version of the game , this can be selected in the game launcher, then the warpack will load .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: AndyBln от 29.02.2020 05:47:34
WarPack dont run under x86 and win 10Pro...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.02.2020 09:09:05
It's impossible.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: AndyBln от 29.02.2020 10:23:18
It does not work for me !
I start it WITHOUT Game Center the fonts are not shown but IDS_something however without the menu of WP.
When I start the game with the Game Center everything is there except for the WP.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.02.2020 10:27:04
The game center should be started , change the server in the warpack launcher, put the Euro .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: AndyBln от 29.02.2020 10:41:21
Sorry...but NO WP Menü in game!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.02.2020 10:45:33
Install according to the instructions .
WARPACK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS  (https://forum.warpack.net/index.php?topic=4929.0)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: AndyBln от 29.02.2020 11:09:19
I really don't want to be kidding you, but it doesn't work!
I had already tried everything I found in the forum.
Delete DLL, x86, etc.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.02.2020 11:26:27
Sorry...but NO WP Menü in game!
start game and login into port
start warpack, return to game and read "administrator messages" in right bottom corner. what last message contains?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: AndyBln от 29.02.2020 11:32:56
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.02.2020 11:37:18
Select the Chinese server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: AndyBln от 29.02.2020 11:38:57
Big sorry, my fault ... ::) ::) ::)
I probably used an expired key in the profile inside ....
my english is just too bad. :-\ :-\ :-\
Now it is available in the game.
Sorry again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.02.2020 12:26:45
Ok .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Frost от 01.03.2020 01:56:56
Does warpack work with x64 now? I keep crashing with 32 bit steam client. Any help is appreciated. Thanks much :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.03.2020 02:01:25
no. currently its not work with x64
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 05.03.2020 19:58:39
I want to prolong key. Server is down?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.03.2020 20:02:35
What kind of server is it ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: nelbin от 15.03.2020 02:40:06
hey i want to buy 1 month subscription. i cant find anywhere in the website.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.03.2020 07:17:37
FAQ on Payment (https://forum.warpack.net/index.php?topic=1879.0)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thorgz от 17.03.2020 15:22:57
How do we make this work with steam? Is there any way we can force steam to use 32 bit client of world of warships?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.03.2020 15:25:39
for steam, there is still such a launch option. can be find folder with game and in it folder bin64 and rename its in anything. and the path to the WorldOfWarships32 file.exe can be registered in the warpak settings file settings.xml and the field <ExePath value=.... after that, you can run the current launcher, but after entering the port
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thorgz от 17.03.2020 17:42:43
Honestly did not understand a word you said lol. So we use the 64 bit version of steam world of warships? Or do we use the 32 bit?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thorgz от 17.03.2020 17:52:45
Nevermind, I understood. So we rename bin32 to bin64 and wows exde to worldofwarships64.exe. Can confirm it works with steam.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.03.2020 18:09:59
You yourself lol .
1 - run game
2 - open "task manager" and find WorldOfWarships.exe in processes tab
3 - click right mouse button on WorldOfWarships.exe and choose "open contained folder"
4 - after you open WorldOfWarships.exe folder - go 1 level back (up) in directory tree
5 - you can see some folders including "bin32" and "bin64" names
6 - rename "bin64" folder to "bin641" for example

7 - run game in steam (in this case WorldOfWarships 32 bit version is executed. you can check it in "task manager" by name WorldOfWarships.exe*32)
8 - after you login to game (port) - run warpack

repeat 7-8 steps to play game with warpack till next game patch. after game updated - repeat 1-6 steps once
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 21.03.2020 13:57:44
It is not related by warpack functions, it is about ingame issues..For 3 days I have 33% wins si I asked if anyone wants to play in division just PM...Maybe 2-3 players can win in this f***ing game!
Thanks for cooperation!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rmurph17 от 30.03.2020 15:57:24
Warpack for WoWS isn't working for me. When I use Warpack to start WoWS, the game opens and goes to port but Warpack stops running.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.03.2020 16:57:26
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: rmurph17 от 31.03.2020 20:14:36
Hi thank you for replying but this doesn’t work either, it is same issue as when using auto.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.03.2020 20:19:07
Hello , perhaps you are using an incorrect key with the last 2 letters EU at the end of the key ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PlaxIce от 05.04.2020 21:09:54
Hello, can I get a description of these mods I bought Warpack somewhere here in the forum but I don't know how to set it up
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.04.2020 21:19:35
add warpack launcher folder to antivirus exclusions list
just paste key to warpack launcher. choose warpack server in launcher settings and choose game folder path. then - run warpack and login to the game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PlaxIce от 06.04.2020 18:23:39
Hello,I would like to ask how Prediction point calculate works if it works in meters or percentages because I do not know how to set it someone will help,the second point is that all the time I have ricochet or puncture through and through I mainly play battleships and I would like my autshots to work a stick maybe some advice for a novice? :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.04.2020 10:47:16
Check out the topic header . As for rebounds, we should expect to update the lead point .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PlaxIce от 08.04.2020 19:16:34
Yeah, but I just mean how to set up this lead point
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.04.2020 19:19:06
In the lead point settings , in the port, select "new mode" and use the up / down cursor keys in combat .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 22.04.2020 22:32:49
How come the targeting reticle is bouncing all over the place when I lock on and even before.  I use auto fire, the shot shoots 100 meters in front or behind.  Reticle is all over the place.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.04.2020 22:42:59
Use only linear preemption .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 23.04.2020 16:30:35
"Use only linear prediction" should be checked or unchecked?  I had it "checked"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 23.04.2020 17:07:01
I tried with  "use linear prediction" both off and on.  Still same issue.  Any other suggestions?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.04.2020 17:48:38
In the "lead point accuracy" parameter, set the maximum value .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kurano от 05.05.2020 01:09:59
Submarine release soon in 0.9.4. Do you have any plan for submarine aim assist?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.05.2020 09:55:39
we will see after patch released
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.05.2020 13:04:08
For all active keys, we added 1 day of compensation, due to the unavailability of the warpak server some time ago .
We apologize for any inconvenience .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 13.05.2020 18:08:11
Update coming soon??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.05.2020 20:26:46
The admin does not yet give information when it is finished .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 13.05.2020 21:25:23
warpack updated. we will add +1 extra day for all WOWS keys
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 13.05.2020 21:41:35
Its buggy..Auto Lock works, then shows lock on many ships at once and you cant unlock, but still auto fires at previous locked ship.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.05.2020 23:50:14
Do you use third-party mods ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 14.05.2020 00:09:55
No, no third party mods. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 14.05.2020 01:05:56
Here is a photo of what is happening. 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Oxxximiron от 14.05.2020 01:51:23
Here is a photo of what is happening.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.05.2020 11:39:38
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 15.05.2020 21:28:21
î cant disable the mini marker over the enemy ships. iam Using no Mods. also i the artillery client isnt working anymore. maybe you can fix it? :)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.05.2020 20:26:49
Take note .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: yunho1013 от 23.05.2020 14:43:05
what is this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.05.2020 15:56:52
Change the server in the warpack launcher, put the server "China".
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PlaxIce от 24.05.2020 21:29:24
Hi, I have a question if Warpack helps you play with destroyers, I mean torpedoing. If so, please tell me how to set it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.05.2020 20:25:31
Hello ,
You will need to look after they appear in the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: PlaxIce от 02.06.2020 14:26:35
Hello? I have a question or even a request someone has maybe some cool setting on Mikojana ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: justme от 11.06.2020 17:03:46
Hey. I just bought a key, loged into a game and I don't see an icon to access options. Any idea why?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: justme от 11.06.2020 17:05:35
Nvm, its working now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 12.06.2020 00:28:54
Hey i m a long time user...but this time my key is paid and i can sse it on dashboard. But when loading i ve a message about my key is invalid or blocked...First time this hapeened, and i tryed all servers (chian, euro, auto)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.06.2020 05:36:06
Hello, is it working now ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 13.06.2020 20:30:20
working now ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.06.2020 20:31:25
Yes .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 15.06.2020 10:08:02
64bit working ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.06.2020 10:16:43
Hello, at the moment there is no, but work in this direction is underway .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 25.06.2020 14:43:32
I'm the only one with problems using WP?
Since today everytime i start a battle (equal random oder any else) WP is complete disabled.
In the port i can change settings, all fine. After starting battle WP is "away". Going back to port even WP settings is not loaded.
Guess there has something changed since last update.
Any hints?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.06.2020 15:02:33
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 25.06.2020 15:09:01
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.06.2020 15:17:08
There were no changes ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 25.06.2020 15:23:06
I had this config about weeks...
Deleted xml and dll. Moved .exe to other HDD.
Started Launcher, EUR, key, go.
Opened settings in Port, changed nothing, saved.
Start random Battle. WP away.
Back in Port, yep, away.
Close Game, Check process etc., find.
Relaunch with same sh.t
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 25.06.2020 15:26:23
No, had no changes.
Changed after Trouble started
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.06.2020 15:52:29
Select the Chinese server in the warpack launcher, this may solve the problem .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 25.06.2020 16:48:23
Switched to Chinese, worked. Switched back to EU, works.
IDK what this has been. Sometimes got 2 predictions points but i guess it is due to less power of PC.
THX for quick response.

Well, biggest problem: I'm too lazy to learn aiming
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 26.06.2020 00:33:01
Nope, no Chance. Again and again WP won't work after maximum of 2 battles.
It's shown in Port but away in Battle. After Battle WP still is not loaded nor shown in Port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.06.2020 09:28:14
Try using a VPN or change the DNS of your provider to another one, for example from Google . if this does not work , return the previous DNS addresses .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.06.2020 09:32:34
Dear users, WarPack for ships will be updated on Saturday (27th), in the morning (approximately) Moscow time .
Appropriate compensation will be awarded.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 26.06.2020 16:06:07
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ababac от 26.06.2020 21:07:04

In the new warpack updates the artillery mode is not working, can you inform me? What happened to the artillery mode?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.06.2020 21:11:05
Hello, this is in the fix queue.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2020 08:50:38
WarPack updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 27.06.2020 10:58:51
Look at Screenshot. Deleted old config file, downloaded updated client. Set EU Server and key, started. First start, well, see Screensht
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2020 11:02:14
I saw your screenshot.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 27.06.2020 11:38:12
any solution?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2020 12:15:36
-need to open a file settings.xml , in the warpack folder, using any text editor ( you can use Notepad)
-in the line <param name="show_common_interface" value= , write False
-launch the game via the warpack launcher, log in to the port , wait for messages about loading the warpack , and then log out of the game
- change the value again in the line <param name= "show_common_interface" value=, write True
-launch the game via the warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 27.06.2020 13:33:38
Guess I'm done with this. One year ago never had problems.
Started to use WP again about 3 weeks ago. Fresh install of all, include OS.
Sometimes it is starting like in Screenshot. Close game, restart, fine. Works even without changing config file. Every day, start, close, start again.

After 2nd battle WP is done. It's away. Changed all i can chage on my own, even Google DNS, open dns, check pathping, move WP to other hdd and folder.
First battle all is fine. Second battle the Interface, in battle, is away. No predicition point, just nothing but (funny) lock target still works, but you can't see it cause IF is away.

At third battle complete WP is done. Just gone. I don't get it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2020 14:00:15
Perhaps you press the F12 key in combat , it hides the entire interface of the warpack , but the capture of the target continues to work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 27.06.2020 15:49:13
No I don't use F Keys or any other keys. Only AWSD and Space, Space is to Lock Target, saved in config.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.06.2020 16:00:32
Try using a VPN .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wudihang1121 от 03.07.2020 10:25:37
Why is my ship World open and WP all messed up
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.07.2020 11:29:31
Hello, please clarify your question .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sanci1 от 04.07.2020 14:14:19
warpack starting but not loading while in port
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2020 14:21:48
Change the server in the warpack launcher .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sanci1 от 04.07.2020 14:39:39
this start happening yesterday ,tried to change server still nothing ,only one message this morning that server is not available.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2020 14:44:46
Which server did you choose ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sanci1 от 04.07.2020 14:46:12
euro and china both of them dont want to load mods in port.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.07.2020 14:48:31
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port, then launch the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sanci1 от 04.07.2020 14:56:02
working now,thanks!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ask4984 от 07.07.2020 07:18:39
It was okay when I first used it, but after a few days, there is an error that I can't set the aimlock target every 2~3 games. Predicted aㅑmps are overlaid, but the aㅑmming function is not functioning properly. If you restart the game, it's okay, but it's too cumbersome. Please tell me the solution.  :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.07.2020 07:30:37
Change the server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tomduke от 08.07.2020 20:46:12
when will warpack be available again after the NA Patch,
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 09.07.2020 05:19:23
Warpack updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.07.2020 06:31:56
Compensated for 1 day .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.07.2020 22:15:28
Added support for the Steam version of the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 14.07.2020 22:51:48
Something changed?
Deleted all WP Files, download WP client, start, insert Key.
settings.xml is created but no .dll
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 14.07.2020 23:12:53
Got it. Start WoWS in GC. After loading, launch WP and start again. Game is loaded with WP
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.07.2020 22:08:56
Dear users, the WarPack launcher has been updated to version , if you have other numbers listed there (see the screenshot),
(click to show/hide)
you need to download a new exe file from your personal account and install it according to the instructions WARPACK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (https://forum.warpack.net/index.php?topic=4929.0)
If the launcher version is correct , but the warpack still does not load into the port , delete the dll file from the warpack folder and run it again .
If deleting the dll file didn't work , reinstall the game client .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 15.07.2020 23:43:24
playing on Euro,

Mod loading in port but message from administrator, no mods for this version. Any patch needed ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.07.2020 23:44:39
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher, close it, and start it again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.07.2020 23:55:00
Does it work ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:03:35
Done but same problem...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:04:45
will try to put off dll and try again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 00:07:40
Follow the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:07:59
Not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 00:08:31
Follow the instructions
Reinstall the game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:10:52
i have done alllll that
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:11:41
Evzn with 32Bit, and extreminjector shows me same message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 00:16:35
You couldn't reinstall the game so quickly .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:17:14
......Done it before took me 35 minutes to load 32G patch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 00:26:05
Server China tried to choose in warpaсk ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:42:57
With china it s not loading at all, on AUTO yes but no mod, on EU yes but no mods for this version of the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 00:48:41
Strange, replace the game's exe file, in the game folder, with my file . Maybe this will help .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 00:54:52
Well i see u try everything, never had problems before...if i m the only one in this case that s my computer then i will check my registries thx for ur help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 01:02:23
Try running the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port , log out of WGC, and then launch the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jobwow от 16.07.2020 01:15:24
Same message..again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Goodmen от 16.07.2020 01:49:37
you are not alone.
 I also face the same problem and I do all the steps you write.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 16.07.2020 02:31:55

I do not see a serious answer to our  problem
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wlr324 от 16.07.2020 05:07:41
Game is forcing my WGC open and Warpack is not loading
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 09:16:08
Very strange , everything works for me .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 12:07:06
Run the Warpack and game. Do not turn off the game. Run again Warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 16.07.2020 20:46:58
although all the required settings have been made in the WarPack

 it does not work

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.07.2020 23:18:07
Try this way
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 09:19:09
Updated the launcher to version 178 (ships), check the performance of those who did not load the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bismarck1815 от 17.07.2020 12:00:45
still not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 12:02:55
Select the China server in the warpack launcher, close it , and start it again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bismarck1815 от 17.07.2020 13:57:08
I tried, but not working. I used warpack over 5monthes, and is not working after WGC patch.(2days ago?)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 14:28:19
What version of WGC do you have ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 17.07.2020 15:47:29
and 178 is still not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 15:48:42
Reinstall the WGC .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 17.07.2020 16:39:04
The game center was reinstalled while the game stops loading and asks me for a password again the WarPack is still not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 16:42:45
Did you enter the port ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 17.07.2020 16:49:04
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 17:06:14
Maybe you reinstalled it incorrectly ? See screenshots .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sv4fvw@gmail.com от 17.07.2020 17:38:07
re-installed according to you WarPack does not work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2020 18:03:24
Enable this option in the WGC settings , then launch the game via the warpack launcher.
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NoShipToday от 18.07.2020 23:53:37
Same Problem, had GC Update. WP only open GC, not the Game. No Chance, even new installation won't help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: TheJuice от 19.07.2020 02:42:21
Same issue, WP is not working. After clicking start button it opens WGC then Game but without mod. WP is still visible(can alt-tab to it), looks like its not injecting.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: evgen231 от 19.07.2020 03:14:09
запускаешь 32 битную версию игры заходишь в порт и запускаешь варпак и все работает
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: TheJuice от 19.07.2020 03:16:47
Did it already and eveything above , not working...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: evgen231 от 19.07.2020 03:25:18
сыграл 1 бой в кооперативе и заработало а второй раз полазил по порту тоже появился

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.07.2020 08:46:52
Did it already and eveything above , not working...
Everything. first time I re-install wows, is not working (Idk why is not working)
but I re-install wows, WGC, warpack, and paste new dll which uploaded here,
now working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.07.2020 18:14:51
Dear users, 7 days ' compensation was accrued .
Compensation was awarded for keys that were active between July 8 and 15 .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: TheJuice от 22.07.2020 16:34:29
Why WP is no longer working with other mods?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.07.2020 16:43:26
Hello, because warpack does not currently support the 64-bit version of the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 31.07.2020 16:23:55
Where you have to install war pack on the disk where the game is?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.07.2020 16:25:42
Read the topic
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 31.07.2020 16:32:59
I can't understand for He I crash after two or three games I tried everything but nothing helps me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.07.2020 16:42:17
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher, close it, and start it again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 31.07.2020 16:43:29
Va bene provo
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Reinhard от 02.08.2020 13:51:37
I play wows of steam version. When I run wp  it says "Module inject error #33".How
 to fix it? :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 13:58:46
In the warpack launcher this is the path specified to the exe file of the game ?
  Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\World of Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Reinhard от 02.08.2020 14:04:08
In the warpack launcher this is the path specified to the exe file of the game ?
  Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\World of Warships\WorldOfWarships.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 14:20:53
Install the warpack according to the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Reinhard от 02.08.2020 14:32:31
Install the warpack according to the instructions
I followed it step by step ,is still doesn't work.I also have alread renamed the 64folder,run wows32bit now.
HELP ME ! It drivers me crazy  :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 14:35:20
Now you don't need to rename the folder . Return it as it was . Try running it again . What server are you playing on ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Reinhard от 02.08.2020 14:39:39
Now you don't need to rename the folder . Return it as it was . Try running it again . What server are you playing on ?
Asia.ok,I rename it back.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 14:43:34
If the problem persists, write a private message to the smokescreen administrator , who can remotely view it via TeamViewer .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 14:44:35
In the warpack launcher, select server China, close it, and start it again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Reinhard от 02.08.2020 15:06:07
In the warpack launcher, select server China, close it, and start it again .
Thanks.I have already sent a mail to smokescreen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 02.08.2020 17:03:50
Hello vavata I can not play I always crash I tried everything please help me 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 02.08.2020 17:07:58
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 17:33:33
Have you changed the video card's power supply mode ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 02.08.2020 17:39:47
I tried everything but it doesn't make me play If you can I give you team viewer And you give me a check
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.08.2020 17:45:14
 Write a private message to the smokescreen administrator , who can remotely view it via TeamViewer .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 02.08.2020 17:52:49
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cpt.seahawk от 02.08.2020 22:17:43
Hello vavata I can not play I always crash I tried everything please help me 
Same here...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 02.08.2020 22:36:34
Have you solved it? I nothing
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cpt.seahawk от 02.08.2020 23:46:44
Have you solved it? I nothing
yep, i removed all the previous mods, and volla...!! its work again without crash...!!!
played 2 match after this, still on it, will update you...soon..!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 02.08.2020 23:50:30
which mods?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 06.08.2020 17:20:52
World of warships Is the Warpack up to date?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.08.2020 18:33:38
Yes .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cpt.seahawk от 08.08.2020 19:23:57
Yes .
my game also crashed after sometime,
there is no problem with Co-op, Operation of the Week, training battle, but when i try to play Random or Ranked battle, game will crashed while battle starts.. any solutions...?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.08.2020 19:31:34
What server do you play on ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 10:55:39
Module inject error #33

using WGC
Warpack version:

after I click "start the game" in Warpack, the game will start and "Module inject error #33" will pop up ;w;

(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 11:05:18
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port, then launch the warpack.
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 11:12:16
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port, then launch the warpack.
(click to show/hide)

#33 error still pop up;
do I need to change the "Path to file" to bin32/WorldOfWarships32.exe ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 11:41:24
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sherman от 10.08.2020 16:29:50
Module inject error #33

using WGC
Warpack version:

after I click "start the game" in Warpack, the game will start and "Module inject error #33" will pop up ;w;

(click to show/hide)

Fixed in .186 release.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 19:21:21
Module inject error #33

using WGC
Warpack version:

after I click "start the game" in Warpack, the game will start and "Module inject error #33" will pop up ;w;

(click to show/hide)

Fixed in .186 release.

I'm sorry  :'( :'( but I still have the same problem, no matter I change the "Patch to file" to bin32 or start the game first and then open the warpack, the #33 still pop up.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 19:26:55
You do not need to change the path to the 32-bit game file , specify the path as written in the warpack launcher and add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 20:12:36
You do not need to change the path to the 32-bit game file , specify the path as written in the warpack launcher and add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions.

I added warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions, but still... error #33
could u send me an instruction about the path? Thank you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 20:18:38
My path is like this
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 20:22:18
My path is like this
Mine is same

No matter I start the game first or start the warpack first, aways pop up #33  :'(

Just in case:
My Windows version - 1904
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 20:33:37
Do you have a version of the warpack launcher like this ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 20:58:57
Do you have a version of the warpack launcher like this ?
Yes, the version is
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 21:03:58
Try installing it according to the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 22:32:39
Try installing it according to the instructions
I'm so sorry to bother you again and again..
still #33 error :'(

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 22:35:33
Did you run warpack as an administrator ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 22:53:57
Did you run warpack as an administrator ?
Yes I am. ;w;
All antiverus disabled(also added to whitelist), run as administrator
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 22:57:17
Did you run warpack as an administrator ?
I was able to use warpack when I was playing the WOWS on steam(same pc). However, since I unlinked my WG account with my Steam, I can only use the WGC or Windows Store to start the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 23:01:07
Run the 32-bit version of the game, in WGC you can choose , earlier today I showed a screenshot, log in to the port, then run the warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 23:11:13
Run the 32-bit version of the game, in WGC you can choose , earlier today I showed a screenshot, log in to the port, then run the warpack.
Run the 32-bit version, login the port, start the Warpark, click the "Start WOWS"
then the WGC pop up, a sec later, #33 error pop up

(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 23:19:41
Previously, when running the standard client of the game, not Steam, such a problem was ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 10.08.2020 23:33:54
Previously, when running the standard client of the game, not Steam, such a problem was ?

Sorry for making u confuse -

I just starting to use WGC
Right now I'm running the game through WGC, #33 problem. (I downloaded WGC and game yesterday)

I was using Steam, there is no problem (but need to change the name of bin64 folder)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.08.2020 23:47:50
Use an alternative launch method.
Download here

Try to do so :
- run the 32-bit version of the game via WGC, log in to the port, temporarily collapse the game
(click to show/hide)
- run Extreme Injector, specify the path to the dll file from the warpack folder, select the game process worldofwarships.exe
- then click " inject"
(click to show/hide)
- after you have clicked "inject" , launch the warpack launcher and there click "start game"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 11.08.2020 01:27:34
Previously, when running the standard client of the game, not Steam, such a problem was ?

After I inject, when I try to start warpack it shows me some new errors:
(click to show/hide)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.08.2020 08:32:07
Add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions or restore the file warpack_wows.exe from quarantine .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 11.08.2020 08:39:17
Add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions or restore the file warpack_wows.exe from quarantine .
I uninstalled all antivirus software. ;w;
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.08.2020 08:41:56
You have on the screenshot, there is a notification from warpack, where it is written that you need to add this file to the antivirus exceptions, so you have not completely deleted the antivirus . Turn it back on and add the warpack folder to the exceptions .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 11.08.2020 09:13:04
You have on the screenshot, there is a notification from warpack, where it is written that you need to add this file to the antivirus exceptions, so you have not completely deleted the antivirus . Turn it back on and add the warpack folder to the exceptions .

;w; I added wp folder to exlution, turned off all antivurs from Windows, and uninstalled all antivurs software. Still showing #33; and if I use Extreme Injector, it will pop up "Only one top Level element is allowed in an XML document"
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.08.2020 09:15:10
Try enabling all the antivirus protection settings that you have disabled , then check the launch of warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 11.08.2020 09:27:50
Try enabling all the antivirus protection settings that you have disabled , then check the launch of warpack .

Still pop up ;w; I'm sorry...
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.08.2020 09:31:40
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 11.08.2020 09:44:35
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .
thank u ;w;
and thank u for keep replying my question :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: KaikouOwO от 12.08.2020 01:56:15
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .
I reinstalled steam version, and still have the same problem (error #33)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Sherman от 12.08.2020 07:50:30
The developers are already aware of this problem and will try to solve it as soon as possible .
I reinstalled steam version, and still have the same problem (error #33)

Write me on skype. I wrote it to you in private messages.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: abruxa от 05.09.2020 19:42:02
Can you use wows monitor and warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.09.2020 19:50:20
Hello, can you clarify your question ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: abruxa от 05.09.2020 19:58:20
Can you use the World of warship Matchmaking monitor and still use warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.09.2020 20:02:50
If there are no bugs when using it at the same time , use it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 15.09.2020 22:29:17
Can you use the World of warship Matchmaking monitor and still use warpack?

I have never been able to get it to work while WP is running. Been a while, so may try it out again, but last I checked it was a no.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ogamiito от 01.10.2020 09:44:17
Warpack for WOWS no longer functions after update get the message "A critical error has occurred"  gives me an option to report or terminate.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.10.2020 10:21:29
The warpack hasn't been updated yet .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.10.2020 12:06:35
now - updated. but air commander mod disabled till fix it. i think - few days
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cuelebre от 01.10.2020 14:17:50
Warpack don´t work. "Module inject error #33"
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.10.2020 14:40:07
Select "run the 32-bit version of the game" in the game launcher , and then launch the warpack after logging in to the port .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cuelebre от 01.10.2020 16:32:43
Solved.Thank you!!!! ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Genb от 04.10.2020 17:30:29
I'm not able to load the new version because of a virus alert. The last version didn't had that issue. Whats the matter?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.10.2020 17:48:02
When antivirus databases are updated , they can be falsely triggered on the warpack . Add the warpack folder to the antivirus exceptions.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Genb от 04.10.2020 17:57:13
Well it didn't happen with the old warpack version, and after starting the warpack update it did happen. So it is related to the warpack update.
Also is Chrome blocking the warpack download from the website.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.10.2020 18:07:32
I also have a chrome browser , today warpack downloaded normally . Perhaps due to the fact that I have a warpack folder in the Windows defender exceptions.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pakison от 07.10.2020 19:30:18
Hi from few days I have info after loading games that "For this version of game client is not avaliable mods." When will be good rewision of warpack for WOWs?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.10.2020 19:36:30
Hello , the warpack has already been updated. Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher , close it , and start it again. Make sure that you are using the correct key.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 07.10.2020 21:17:15
Due to the delay in updating the "squadron commander" mod , compensation was awarded for 3 days for keys that were active to date .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: minhtri от 12.10.2020 11:05:14

Can anyone let me know if warpack can be use safely with Mod Station in World of Warships ASIA ? I had 7 days ban more than a year ago and look forward to try warpack again

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.10.2020 12:31:07
Hello, I think the mod station does not affect the detection of warpack , but it is better to play without third-party mods .
If you have already been blocked for 7 days , it is better not to use the warpack on this game account .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kyakinu от 12.10.2020 21:05:42
Hi, Wows client sometimes crashed when warpack is in active.

The crash occurs both in Port and Battle.
And client suddenly crashes without error dialogue.

Can I avoid this trouble?

The followings is part of crash log:
Unhandled exception

System info:
   OS Name: Windows 10 or later
   OS Version: 10.10
   OS Architecture: x86_64

Memory info:
   Virtual memory: 3968012Kb/4194176Kb (95%)
   Working set (process physical memory): 3204092Kb/4194176Kb (76%)
   Commit charge (working set + process page file usage): 3362408Kb/4194176Kb (80%)
   Global physical memory: 6639348Kb/16712512Kb (39%)
   Global commitable memory (physical + pagefile): 11518356Kb/19202880Kb (60%)

Note: previous version of warpack worked well, no trouble.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.10.2020 21:15:02
Launch the 32-bit version of the game , you can select this option in the game launcher , log in to the port , then launch the warpack. In the warpack launcher, change the server.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kyakinu от 12.10.2020 23:17:55
Thank you quick reply. But I am launching 32-bit client from gaming center.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.10.2020 07:02:54
Select the China server in the warpack launcher , close it , and start it again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: minhtri от 17.10.2020 16:02:07
Just wonder if squadron commander mod work again ?
If so, how do I use it ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.10.2020 16:07:02
The squadron commander mod isn't working yet .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dngrsdave от 29.10.2020 04:18:37
After WG update today, my game crashes when loading Warpack. Uninstalled and reinstalled game, same issue. Any other users having this problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: tomduke от 29.10.2020 05:39:28
yes i do too.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.10.2020 07:56:31
The warpack has not yet been updated for the new version of the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: alperkaya.m от 29.10.2020 13:24:07
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.10.2020 13:56:16
Yes. Check whether everything will work for you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: alperkaya.m от 29.10.2020 14:03:46
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.10.2020 14:09:13
No, we updated the warpack for the current version of the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 29.10.2020 17:11:14
Autofire not working.  Its locking on target, but then you have to fire yourself.  Any news?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.10.2020 17:19:57
They are looking for the cause of this bug .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: alperkaya.m от 29.10.2020 20:17:53
and some monster aim is broken ...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: alperkaya.m от 30.10.2020 19:59:40
rainbow not work?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.10.2020 20:15:22
Temporarily not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 30.10.2020 23:27:49
rainbow not works at all ships
auto-fire works onl< on cruiser and destroyer
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 31.10.2020 00:14:29
middle mouse button - not working correctly - can not zoom in/out and not rotate - switch off in warpak everything ok
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 08:10:07
auto-fire works onl< on cruiser and destroyer
Reset the default settings , in the settings window of the lead point, there is a button at the very bottom, click "save", with this configuration, auto-shooting will work again .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cpt.seahawk от 31.10.2020 11:08:14
hello admin, is WP is updated for update 9.10, i see WP still at
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 11:25:09
Updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 31.10.2020 17:23:21
"Reset the default settings , in the settings window of the lead point, there is a button at the very bottom, click "save", with this configuration, auto-shooting will work again "

sorry i see no window "lead point"
have i installed a wrong warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 18:36:27
In the port, in the upper-left corner there is a blue warpack button ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 31.10.2020 18:43:13
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 18:45:07
Click on it .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 31.10.2020 19:22:53
jep, i know, then prediction point setting, ok
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 19:45:33
Did it work ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 31.10.2020 19:49:30
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Krotzky от 31.10.2020 20:08:51
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 20:11:34
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: NeoRico от 31.10.2020 22:19:39
Rainbow Still not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.10.2020 22:27:17
Temporarily not working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: prinxe435 от 03.11.2020 15:32:51
Hi the warpack doesn't work ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.11.2020 15:53:58
Hello, it's working .
Do you have a problem starting it ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: prinxe435 от 03.11.2020 16:00:45
Yes i don't know for what, but he stop worked yesterday now when i launch the menu doesn't appear i think he not inject or i don't know .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.11.2020 16:03:23
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher , close it , and start it again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: prinxe435 от 03.11.2020 16:12:00
Dame issue, the warpack app stay open and he say *waiting to launch wow* but the game open up .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: prinxe435 от 03.11.2020 16:12:44
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.11.2020 16:17:50
Launch the 32-bit version of the game , you can select this option in the game launcher , log in to the port , then launch the warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: prinxe435 от 03.11.2020 16:24:52
i have trying but same thing, i try to reinstall the game maybe ?.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.11.2020 16:31:25
Install the warpack according to the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: prinxe435 от 03.11.2020 21:08:25
It's working thank you very much .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: RogueOne от 05.11.2020 05:03:07
Are the tracer lines for incoming shells not working? Have not seen them since update. Thanks!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.11.2020 08:16:00
They don't work yet , they are being updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: yz401 от 08.11.2020 13:42:47
Can rainbow function be added ASAP? Without it we lost half meaning of using  WarPack, but we are paying the same price for it, this is really a problem .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 08.11.2020 16:35:37
The WarPack launcher for ships has been updated to version .
The update fixes the problem of starting the game .
The game can now be launched via the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: superyamato800 от 10.11.2020 11:26:03
No auto shot under the Salvo mode
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.11.2020 11:29:13
At the moment, use this shooting mode .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SteveM2233 от 11.11.2020 15:59:31

When rainbow will work again?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.11.2020 17:08:02
Hello, unfortunately not .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: altairhastag от 11.11.2020 18:21:14
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.11.2020 18:33:30
I think not .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: alperkaya.m от 11.11.2020 18:54:33
wing commander will be update in this year or not? so i think world can't see 2021 apocalypse is coming for us :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.11.2020 19:08:30
Unfortunately, I don't have any information on this.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Findus от 15.11.2020 23:07:44
Any info about rainbow mod?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.11.2020 15:31:04
The rainbow mod is available again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bapexxx от 18.11.2020 03:42:03
How do you use the squadron commander hack? I tried setting a training match but the hack doesn't even show up after I went into the training match and I pressed P but nothing happened.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.11.2020 07:54:29
The squadron commander is temporarily unavailable .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: raxxy от 22.11.2020 10:23:34
If i now goto download its now telling me theres a bad virus detected, I pay for a service free from this crap, fix it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.11.2020 10:38:15
Hello, sometimes antivirus programs falsely work on warpack, add the warpack folder to the exceptions .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: alperkaya.m от 23.11.2020 23:48:09
wing commander will back soon or not :/ ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.11.2020 00:02:07
Not today ((
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: yukiluma от 01.12.2020 14:05:49
When running warpack I get an error saying add the directory with Warpack to the exceptions of your antivirus and
Even though Windows Defender is not in use and all vaccines have been removed
I got such an error. I want a quick answer.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.12.2020 14:13:34
Add the warpack folder to the Windows defender exceptions .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 01.12.2020 15:13:22
Warpack is not working today?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.12.2020 15:41:39
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port , then launch the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 01.12.2020 15:57:50
Didnt work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.12.2020 16:31:40
The warpack may not be ready for the new version of the game yet . What version do you have now ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 01.12.2020 17:34:29
It is something interesant if you look at the picture
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.12.2020 17:37:48
View the version of the game , after it starts, during the welcome screen, in the upper-left corner .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 01.12.2020 17:39:18
This is it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOTplayer54 от 01.12.2020 22:47:33
Worked great usung the 32 bit version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 02.12.2020 10:37:35
 I try every method described and all I can do is like this:
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.12.2020 14:52:12
Warpack updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 02.12.2020 17:47:42
The error persist :( PLease advice
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.12.2020 18:01:28
Have you tried doing this?
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port , then launch the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 02.12.2020 18:02:31
Yes, but anything I do I'm stuck on this screen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.12.2020 18:06:34
Restore the game .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 02.12.2020 18:10:19
I alreday reinstall it, alunch on 32 bits and ingame it say version 0.9.10..When I launch it woth warpack it say 0.9.11..See pictures
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.12.2020 18:29:40
Without a warpack, the game starts ?
What version of the game is written in the upper-left corner, during the loading screen, when you run it without a warpack ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 02.12.2020 18:56:07
Without warpack game start OK. Version is 9.10
With warpack game stuck on authorisation. Version is 9.11.
Funny, isn't it? This is the first time when I see such thing and warpack didn't work fo me. And I was using it for a long time...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: boss3133 от 02.12.2020 20:22:45
{log in to the port} where can i log in port
use gamecenter open 32bit wows then launch warpack?
if i do this warpack doesn't worked
or should i set the path of file to 32bit worldofwarships but it only has (worldofwarship32.exe) which can't add to path
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.12.2020 20:39:16
See the screenshot
Launch the 32-bit version of the game, log in to the port , then launch the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: boss3133 от 02.12.2020 20:56:36
so i start x32 game first then launch warpack?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: boss3133 от 02.12.2020 21:00:28
it's work !!! thank you
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 02.12.2020 21:18:35
OMG!!! I understand now...WIth WOWS turned ON start warpack...:) :) :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Erotica3 от 17.12.2020 00:52:34
I want to try it before buying but demo is not working.
when log in with warpack demo, I got a "administrator message: key has been expired or blocked"
even with different/fresh account.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.12.2020 09:45:50
Hello, the demo version has long been disabled .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 18.12.2020 16:01:07
Working for 9.12 ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.12.2020 18:11:53
is game server for 9.12 working?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 18.12.2020 18:46:06
Not working for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Hamadorf от 19.12.2020 17:27:59
Still not working...any update when please?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.12.2020 19:46:13
What game server are you use in WoWS? And what game version on game menu after login
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Roon от 19.12.2020 23:09:06
Not working, WoWs updated the client to 9.12 on the EU server and nothing works !!!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.12.2020 01:57:41
check it now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: teerwik08 от 20.12.2020 02:22:07
check it now

not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: joker1142 от 20.12.2020 02:37:54

can you still manage that?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Roon от 20.12.2020 02:57:18
Still not working, it should be taken care of right after the first report, we pay for it !!!!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.12.2020 09:30:11
show screenshot with game version (9.12) after login to game. RU and EU server still works with 9.11 version.
if warpack launcher runs 9.12 version of game - run game x86 client first with Wargaming.net launcher and after login to game - run warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Roon от 20.12.2020 13:26:16
It didn't change anything, Game Center launcher runs to 9.12, but the game starts with Game Center launcher version 9.11. WarPack launcher, on the other hand, runs the game in version 9.12, and says that the program is incorrect.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: joker1142 от 20.12.2020 13:43:02
thx its working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Roon от 20.12.2020 13:56:00
Not working. WarPack launcher still starts the game in version 9.12 !!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 20.12.2020 16:05:04
Getting the same issue of the wrong game version 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.12.2020 16:17:16
run game x86 client first with Wargaming.net launcher and after login to game - run warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 20.12.2020 16:21:22
i tried that but Warpack done not do anything if game is already running
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 20.12.2020 16:23:05
i attached a couple of screen shots
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.12.2020 16:24:09
it must write messages in harbor about loading progress. or you run 64 bit game client (in task manager 64 bit process looks like WorldOfWarships.exe instead WorldOfWarships.exe*32)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 20.12.2020 16:57:19
thanks working now had to release my game key
Also is there any way or reaixing the in game ui for playing in 4k

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 20.12.2020 16:58:50
thanks working now had to release my game key
Also is there any way or reaixing the in game ui for playing in 4k
i meant resize sorry
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Francesco от 29.12.2020 16:24:51

same problem, i start 32bit version, login game, start warpack launcher, Admin message : no mod for this version of game....

Someone help me ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.12.2020 07:08:37
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Notworking от 03.01.2021 00:13:55
Hello, warpack is not working at Wows I tried running x86 and running warpack when i am in game.
After authorization it says: For this version of the game client is not available mods.
I also choose euro server in warpack, come on i paid for it.. Could you help me?
Screen in attachments.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.01.2021 10:30:03
Put the Chinese server in the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Notworking от 03.01.2021 13:17:11
I tried chinese serwer, europe server. I tried starting game by warpack and i also tried running x86 and opening Warpack when in port.
Everytime i get message: For this version of the game client is no available mods. ( I have fresh wows instalation with no additional mods)
Warpack is not working, can you update it for 0.9.12??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.01.2021 13:40:38
What are the letters on the end of your key RU or EU ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Notworking от 03.01.2021 13:49:55
Hello. The end letter are EU. I tried everything, even reinstalled Wows but its not working :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.01.2021 13:52:47
Install the warpack according to the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Notworking от 03.01.2021 14:05:52
Now its working! Super, thank you very much!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.01.2021 14:09:00
You're welcome.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 20.01.2021 19:10:56
Warpack Not working is it not up to date yet? Wows,
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 20.01.2021 19:19:46
 Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Jany от 20.01.2021 19:32:54
Ok so it works but when it will be restored correctly Ok so it works but when will it be restored correctly?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 20.01.2021 19:39:32
When the game on the server is updated in your region .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 19:08:44
Hello. Does it still work?
I followed all instruction about downloading, launching the mod, but nothing worked in my case.
I run 32bit game client via WG launcher, then i launch the warpack (while i'm in the game) and only 3 message pop-up:

1. Waiting enter the game...
2. Waiting Warpack autorization
3. For this version of the game client is not available mods.

What to do?

Thanks in advance
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2021 19:23:28
Hello, select the euro server in the warpack launcher, close it , and run it again.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 19:29:37
Hello, select the euro server in the warpack launcher, close it , and run it again.

Thank you for answering.
I just did it and still the same pop-up messages in port....  :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2021 19:31:45
Do you have the last two letters of the key RU or EU ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 19:33:10
Do you have the last two letters of the key RU or EU ?

I already read on this section all possible problems, than i decided to ask. I have EU at the end of my code, should i change it to RU? (playing on EU server)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2021 19:43:38
No, you don't need to change the letters. Install according to the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 19:50:39
No, you don't need to change the letters. Install according to the instructions
Yes, i already did it. Still doesn't work for me.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2021 20:06:28
Try selecting a Chinese server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 20:11:48
Try selecting a Chinese server in the warpack launcher.

I've also tried it, still same notifications in game. :(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2021 20:13:44
Perhaps you copied the key incorrectly ? Put the euro server in the warpack launcher and run the game through it .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 21:14:37
Perhaps you copied the key incorrectly ? Put the euro server in the warpack launcher and run the game through it .
I checked everything once again and i think im doing everything by instructions and still doesn't work :/ I deleted than installed again warpack, also deleted dll file than started over again and still same problem.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2021 21:32:52
Show me a screenshot of the warpack launcher window, send it in a personal message .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ikor от 24.01.2021 21:47:06
Show me a screenshot of the warpack launcher window, send it in a personal message .

i just sent you personal message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MadRangers от 28.01.2021 13:25:00
Dear administrator
I used warpack for a whole year in 2018. I really like the carrier assistant.
But now it has expired.
Will you update aircraft carrier function in the future?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.01.2021 18:34:07
yes. soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MadRangers от 28.01.2021 19:39:30
Waiting for good news
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MadRangers от 31.01.2021 06:29:57

There's sth wrong like bugs in warpack of ship.

When I switch from AP from HE. The aim height will not change with settings.

It can set an AP height and an HE height before. And when I change the ammo,it will switch automatically.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MadRangers от 31.01.2021 19:32:27
anyone here?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.01.2021 19:33:51
I passed your message to the administrator .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: MadRangers от 05.02.2021 10:45:02
I passed your message to the administrator .

No reply?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.02.2021 11:10:02
it is fixed yesterday
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 12.02.2021 04:48:52
Hey whats about the x64 version ? any News about this ? and the Air Commander ;) ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.02.2021 06:49:02
Hello, no new news .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 16.02.2021 16:11:30
64bit support and cv update pls :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.02.2021 16:15:14
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vampire16935 от 17.02.2021 00:05:16
I dont know how to make the game play in 32 bit please advise of how to do that thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.02.2021 00:09:09
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: vampire16935 от 17.02.2021 00:20:33
thanks it worked u rock
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: B1982 от 17.02.2021 04:08:02
world of warships was updated to 0.10.1 on eu server and warpack stopped working. please update wp to the new version.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Etoxo от 13.03.2021 02:04:37
How to get access to the "squadron commander". The "squadron commander" does not activate for me. I play through the Wargaming launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.03.2021 02:50:39
Hello, the mod "squadron commander" is being updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Etoxo от 13.03.2021 11:36:47
Will the mod be activated automatically as soon as it has been updated? How long does it take until the mod is available again?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 13.03.2021 11:56:53
At the moment, there is no exact information when the mod will return . It will appear automatically.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 16.03.2021 18:21:47
when i start the game with Warpack my game says its outdated. no cloue why. when i start it wothout it works fine
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.03.2021 18:22:55
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 16.03.2021 18:26:16
thx <3
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 18.03.2021 15:13:21
Optimized for big hunt event pls thanks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.03.2021 15:48:08
Hello, what is the problem there?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 20.03.2021 21:12:44
i guess he mean the Prediction point.
the prediction point isnt right in place on Npc its way above it normally should be. easy self fix is use your Arrow down key to fix it. i make later a screenshot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 27.03.2021 09:28:27
What is Artillery mode? What does it do? It draws some line on the enemy warship, but I don't know what it does.

"Artillery mode switch hotkey".
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.03.2021 09:42:41
In this mode, you can aim at the enemy ship using the top view or use this mode as a "free camera" to better assess the situation during the battle .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 28.03.2021 05:36:44
But it already seem to work when I don't activate hotkey. If I lock target and then press shift to go into artillery camera, the aim assist still works without me hitting artillery mode hotkey.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.03.2021 07:29:24
Sorry, I didn't understand your question .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.04.2021 17:08:07
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 08.04.2021 17:12:14
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually

Work perfect, good update.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 09.04.2021 08:30:07
The ship Indomitable bombers do not work well. Same with E. Loewenhardt.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 10.04.2021 03:50:34
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually

Bomb attack often lands at end or just behind the ship. The options in the menu Left Arrow and Right Arrow both say "Increase additional torpoedoes/bombs prediction hotkey". It does not seem like anything happens when I click left or right button. Also, no chat message is sent when enable or disable air defence radius and prediction point camera snap. There is also no indicator or chat message for increase prediction or add and subtract additional time.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 10.04.2021 04:27:18
air commander mode returned to warpack. now Fighters and Torpedo bombers can make auto attack like dive bombers. you just press RMB before aimpoint crosses prediction point but better - start attack on fighters manually

Bomb attack often lands at end or just behind the ship. The options in the menu Left Arrow and Right Arrow both say "Increase additional torpoedoes/bombs prediction hotkey". It does not seem like anything happens when I click left or right button. Also, no chat message is sent when enable or disable air defence radius and prediction point camera snap. There is also no indicator or chat message for increase prediction or add and subtract additional time.

Here is a video where I do calibration and then try a bomber. You can see in the video that the bomber misses and the bombs land at the tail or stern of the ship. Pressing the hotkeys Left Arrow and Right arrow do not seem to do anything. Torpedo planes works really good, and missile/attack planes work very good too. Bomber I cannot get to work.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 10.04.2021 04:51:20
If you look in the video you can see it aims towards center/middle of ship instead of prediction point.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.04.2021 04:54:06
I passed your video to the admin . It is not recommended to post videos on the forum .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 10.04.2021 06:42:03
Thank you. It seems issue is against Cruiser, Battleship and Carrier the bomber will fly to prediction point, but aim at center of ship instead. When the bomber fights Destroyer, it aims at the prediction point and the bombs land.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 10.04.2021 07:02:08
I passed your video to the admin . It is not recommended to post videos on the forum .

I figured out more. If you manually start the attack with the bomber and then press right mouse it will aim at prediction point properly. If you hold Right mouse and let the bot/commander start the attack it will aim towards center of ship instead of prediction point.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.04.2021 08:31:12
i see your video and fixed this bug. but you need to make a calibration again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 11.04.2021 06:14:47
Works well, thanks.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 14.04.2021 16:18:17
i see your video and fixed this bug. but you need to make a calibration again

Japanese line bombers do not work well.

Japanese bombers are different, I am using the ship the Shokaku. The bombers dive in an arc and then come really low to the ground before dropping. No matter the calibration it doesn't work well.

It would also be nice if auto-shoot for Indomitable bombers would perform "Indomitable Slingshot" automatically. Basically 10KM away activate attack on bomber, fly in attack phase, shoot ground, cancel shoot animation and then start attack phase again and drop bombs on target.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 14.04.2021 17:29:42
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 14.04.2021 18:58:58
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)

How to force run 32-bit on steam?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 14.04.2021 19:01:09
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)

How to force run 32-bit on steam?

I figured out. Go to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin32 and start WorldOfWarships32.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 14.04.2021 19:02:53
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)

When launching warpack with steam client, it closes existing 32 bit game and tries to relaunch and then is stuck in loop.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 14.04.2021 19:18:53
Do you have the steam launcher running at this moment, do you have an icon on the taskbar ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.04.2021 23:00:58
WarPack is updated , at the moment, you need to run it this way
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)

How to force run 32-bit on steam?

I figured out. Go to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin32 and start WorldOfWarships32.exe
just rename C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin64 to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\3747819\bin64_1 for example end run game normally in steam. it will run 32 bit game version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 15.04.2021 02:42:20
Do you have the steam launcher running at this moment, do you have an icon on the taskbar ?

Yes I did have steam launcher running when the loop bug happened. Basically game would launch (32-bit version) and then warpack would close it, and launch another, close it, launch another, etc.

I also tried injecting when the game was already open, and it caused it to close the game and start the loop again.

I have switched to non-steam version so I cannot test to see if the issue is fixed now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.04.2021 10:08:04
Warpack updated, you can start the game as usual .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 15.04.2021 18:23:20
Warpack updated, you can start the game as usual .

How can I relaunch warpack when I disconnect from game? I was playing ranked and game crash, but when trying to re-inject it only starts when in port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.04.2021 18:34:55
Unfortunately, in such situations, the warpack is loaded only in the port . Which server do you have selected in the warpack launcher ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 18.04.2021 21:57:35
When using the Japanese CV "Shokaku" and the tier X one, it is hard to calibrate BOMBER correctly.


Look at the image I drew, one calibration does not seem like enough for this bomber as dropping the dombs when diving and dropping the bombs when the plane is level/steady work differently.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cxmplex от 19.04.2021 00:02:49
I changed the calibration to after the plane has finished diving and it works a lot better now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ask4984 от 30.04.2021 20:06:09
It works normally, but crash errors occur frequently. What is the reason?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.04.2021 20:34:20
At what point does the game crash ? During the launch of the game ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ask4984 от 04.05.2021 04:26:09
SAP bullet penetration is not that high. How do I set it up?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 04.05.2021 07:03:34
Try manually selecting the desired height of the lead point .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ask4984 от 04.05.2021 15:45:17
Set it up manually, launch it, then initialize it at launch. Can't you fix the angle?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ababac от 18.05.2021 13:26:59
Hello I am constantly taking "add the directory with warpack to the exceptions of your antivirus and restart."

I havent taking this untill the new update, I have given all exception in both virus protection management and win deffender, but they all are already inactive. I cannot understand there is no virus protection already but I am taking this error when I launch the warpack. I have newly bought a key for 31 days....
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.05.2021 13:52:08
Hello, this error should disappear if you run it this way .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ababac от 18.05.2021 14:00:14
Thanx a lot, besides in this way I think game will crush much less in the starting...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Scirax от 18.05.2021 17:15:57
Hello, do you know when the warpack will be ready for 0.10.4 update?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.05.2021 17:18:49
Hello, this error should disappear if you run it this way .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.05.2021 10:14:53
warpack ready
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Frost от 22.05.2021 01:09:41
I use steam client,  can I play with 64bit version now? I'll prolong the key if yes (crash a lot with 32 version you setup for me). Thank you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ask4984 от 25.05.2021 16:52:13
how to risky this program?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.05.2021 21:04:59
Hello, after a 7-day ban - it is not recommended to use the warpack on this game account.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.06.2021 20:13:37
I use steam client,  can I play with 64bit version now? I'll prolong the key if yes (crash a lot with 32 version you setup for me). Thank you.
Hello, unfortunately, only the 32-bit version of the game is supported.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kimythello от 12.06.2021 11:42:07
wow update

warpack~! not working~!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.06.2021 13:14:11
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kimythello от 12.06.2021 13:26:01
i do't know~~!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 12.06.2021 13:29:19
Hello, this error should disappear if you run it this way .
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kimythello от 12.06.2021 13:32:56
same  warpack

this message

Server connection error

The currently installed game version is an older version

please update the client
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.06.2021 13:57:27
just run x86 game version from WGC launcher (arrow on the start game button and select x86 version) and after game loaded - run warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: RogueOne от 20.06.2021 03:16:11
No more paypal for payments???
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 20.06.2021 07:39:36
At the moment, paypal is not available .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: RogueOne от 20.06.2021 19:15:09
At the moment, paypal is not available .

It seems payments cannot be made from the US on the Oplata site?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 01.07.2021 03:27:45
Pls update for 64bit and alghoritma :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ababac от 06.07.2021 21:44:08
Why artillery mode doesnot work anymore and why you didnot fix it already? Can you work on this issue pls?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.07.2021 21:59:28
I check it. It is worked last game patch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ababac от 08.07.2021 19:25:48
It doesnot work!,  yeah it shows the artillery view but you cannot move in the view, I want to freely shoot in these modes, but the mode works only you locked a target and press artillery mode hotkey.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ask4984 от 11.07.2021 19:50:02
Even if DD's lead point height is set to the highest, non-penetration occurs too much.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: strain_shower от 14.07.2021 06:10:29
Is server down for world of warships? I keep getting network error when loading warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: strain_shower от 14.07.2021 06:16:10
Is server down for world of warships? I keep getting network error when loading warpack

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.07.2021 19:09:39
Now working.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 17.07.2021 18:59:33
every time I want to log in to WOWS with warpack, the screen freezes just before I wanted to be in port. If I log in without warpack, everything works normally.
Does anyone have the same problem, what can I do?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.07.2021 19:27:35
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kaiultra@hotmail.de от 19.07.2021 01:52:49
Hello, I would like to try the Warpack for Wows but the trial version does not work, there is a message that the key is blocked or has expired ... And the Warpack cannot be bought at the moment ... is that normal?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kaiultra@hotmail.de от 19.07.2021 01:54:09
And is it possible to buy Warpack again later?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.07.2021 08:16:41
Hello, I would like to try the Warpack for Wows but the trial version does not work, there is a message that the key is blocked or has expired ... And the Warpack cannot be bought at the moment ... is that normal?
Hello, if you have previously used the trial version on this account, it will not work .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: andy1.andrzej1@gmail.com от 16.08.2021 14:30:23
Good morning
on Saturday, August 14, 2021
    the computer automatically downloaded the game update
and I can't get into the game.
I get a message - server connection error, the installed version of the game is out of date, please update the client
what to do ??
I have an active Warpack key valid for 3 more days
I; m using Google Translate
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.08.2021 14:55:19
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kaftan321 от 06.09.2021 16:47:49
Warpack for WOWS dont work second day :( HELP
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.09.2021 16:48:56
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 06.09.2021 21:06:11
Warpack for WOWS dont work second day :( HELP

same for me 2 days now, running in 32bit doesn't help??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 06.09.2021 21:12:04
running in auto and EURO nothing?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.09.2021 21:21:37
Hello, please describe the problem in more detail?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 06.09.2021 21:27:18
I do everything as I did before, I load the game in 32bit, i go to settings and into window mode and minimize, i then launch warpack and then wows just closes, no matter what i chose Auto our EURO
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.09.2021 21:29:15
Try to select the China server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 06.09.2021 21:31:53
ok also I paid for the 7 days on and it also says No   1d 0: 17: 0 left
Game: 1 key of type "WoWs"

Created: 2021-08-31 , payment number: 5009356

Price 0 USD

Operator: Manual

Paid: 2021-08-31
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 06.09.2021 21:34:30
Try to select the China server in the warpack launcher.

still does same thing?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: jcinq123 от 06.09.2021 22:00:22
Fig it out, my dame Bitdefender was excluding it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.09.2021 22:04:47
Install the warpack according to the instructions
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: dragoon231 от 17.09.2021 18:21:31
Run the 32-bit version of the game first, enter the port, minimize the game to the tray, then run the warpack .
(click to show/hide)

Hey Svolota,

Recent patch has made this fix unable to be used anymore. Can you please help?


This is the new error I am getting now.

I've tried running in 32-bit.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.09.2021 18:38:33
Hello, today there was a small update of the game , you need to wait for the warpack to be updated.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 22.09.2021 13:33:43
Russian CV Update pls :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.09.2021 13:36:12
Everything is updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thunder kitten от 24.09.2021 03:46:17
Do I increase the "Perdiction Point Calculate Accuracy" or decrease to become more accurate?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.09.2021 06:04:16
If you increase the value in this parameter , the fps may decrease .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: gionni от 24.09.2021 08:11:52
Do I increase the "Perdiction Point Calculate Accuracy" or decrease to become more accurate?

YES..Good question...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.09.2021 08:34:47
If you increase the value in this setting, the accuracy at short distances may increase, but the fps may decrease .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thunder kitten от 24.09.2021 23:00:11
That explains the massive FPS drop when I put it to 60 lmao
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thunder kitten от 25.09.2021 05:23:04
Is there a way to show only the prediction point and icons on a ship you target?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.09.2021 06:35:15
See the screenshot with the settings , you can assign your own hotkeys .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thunder kitten от 26.09.2021 21:25:44
What is the best settings to hit the most shots whether a ship is turning as well?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thunder kitten от 26.09.2021 21:28:58
(Can't find out to edit last post)

But also, my Auto Shoot stopped working for some reason, anyone know why or how to fix it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.09.2021 05:28:52
The inscription "auto" is written in battle, in the warpack interface ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.09.2021 05:30:05
What is the best settings to hit the most shots whether a ship is turning as well?
See the screenshot with the settings , you can assign your own hotkeys .
(click to show/hide)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: RogueOne от 24.10.2021 01:02:14
Hmmmm....purchased 30 days through Paypal, but key page still saying I have no time left for license. What gives?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.10.2021 07:53:46
See the topic at the link

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: makanake от 28.11.2021 12:56:40
Just buy a key for warships but on site appears on "wot" keys..is that normal or i did somthing wrong ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.11.2021 13:32:00
Please clarify your question.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: makanake от 28.11.2021 13:44:39
i bought today 1 key for warships witch is not working (diferent game version) and on site at my keys appears on tanks key.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.11.2021 14:27:43
I passed it to the admin.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: makanake от 28.11.2021 14:40:30
problem solved . my bad i just checked my paypal and was indeed for wot .
I just bought another key for wows.
Thx and sorry
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 02.12.2021 13:25:30
When update for 64bit version ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 02.12.2021 20:25:27
after end testing on WoT 64 bit warpack. i think - about 2 weeks
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: thunder kitten от 11.12.2021 18:48:59
Where will we be notified upon the mod being updated?  Excited for skip bomber cv predictions and whatever new features are planned!

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 12.12.2021 11:31:20
after end testing on WoT 64 bit warpack. i think - about 2 weeks

We need 64bit wows warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.12.2021 11:59:16
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Crazier64 от 18.12.2021 14:48:22
Thinking of coming back and resubing is Warpacks windows 11 comparable?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.12.2021 15:52:33
after end testing on WoT 64 bit warpack. i think - about 2 weeks

We need 64bit wows warpack
https://warpack.net/files/warpacklauncher64.exe try this launcher. put it to current warpack folder and run (without administrative rights). but google chrome can block downloading. to download - use microsoft edge for example
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: baskentlee от 22.12.2021 17:47:42
Thanks for 64bit wows happy christmas
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.12.2021 18:17:53
it will be updated today. now it may not working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: moneymike13 от 22.12.2021 23:14:20
Hey, I just got the warpack for WoWS working but its in Russian even though on the launcher it says english. How do I change that ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 23.12.2021 21:19:55
Hey, I just got the warpack for WoWS working but its in Russian even though on the launcher it says english. How do I change that ?
same for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.12.2021 21:25:52
what game type are you using? 32 or 64 bit WGC launcher or 32 or 64 bit steam launcher?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 23.12.2021 21:38:53
what game type are you using? 32 or 64 bit WGC launcher or 32 or 64 bit steam launcher?
64 bit Wargaming launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 23.12.2021 21:45:45
fixed. restart warpack
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: BlackMike от 23.12.2021 22:05:02
fixed. restart warpack
Working thx alot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sorugyo от 24.12.2021 13:08:37
I found that warpack couldn't work on my computer.
When the game was going to enter the port, it stuck and jumped a window saying something like "critical error."
How can I fix this problem? Thanks!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.12.2021 13:13:28
what launcher are you used (new from site or old)? 32 or 64 bit?
are you tried run warpack after logged to game?
what last message appeared in launcher after game crashed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sorugyo от 24.12.2021 13:23:58
I'm using the new version x64 downloading from "https://en.warpack.net/."
By the way, this situation did't happen while using the old one before.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.12.2021 13:24:44
what last message appeared in launcher after game crashed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sorugyo от 24.12.2021 13:29:40
Loading mods to game.
And then it jumped off.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sorugyo от 24.12.2021 13:36:00
(Disappear, I mean.) HAHA!
Sorry for my poor English.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.12.2021 13:42:24
try 32 bit launcher for test
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sorugyo от 24.12.2021 14:26:04
I deleted all my mods in game, and it worked!
Thank you! :)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.12.2021 16:14:35
Well. We need to make game consistency check in this case
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: EasyMoneySniper от 04.01.2022 00:36:54
Works like charm , anyone got banned recently , should i be scared ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 05.01.2022 22:05:18
In order to avoid ban, you need to kill the process running on your computer called WargamingErrorMonitor. I wrote a small Windows service to do this on my machine, and I've not been banned once despite several waves of bans. You also need to set up a program to prohibit screen captures. I have caught WeeGee going that route too.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 06.01.2022 13:35:49
this sounds very interesting, can you tell us more?
how can i stop the WargamingErrorMonitor? and how exactly do i prevent the screen captures?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 06.01.2022 20:55:50
What more do you need to know?! FFS, I'm only going to cover this one time: You aren't paying me for this shit, and I don't do a god damned thing unless you pay me.

The process' name is WargamingErrorMonitor. It is kicked off by both the Wargaming Game Center and the game itself. It sends log files and data back to a Wargaming server. Now, when I say "data", I mean shit that WG has no business knowing. Screen capture bitmaps are sent (so Yuri from Nizhny Novgorod knows all about your Brony fetish), data from your browsing history is sent, obviously log files are sent too. This is how they catch you, you god damned troglodyte.

So write a service (now referred to as 'Larry') that starts on your machine at startup. Have it set on a timer of 100 ms. Tell Larry to look for the process named above and whisper in it's ear: 'Kill that fucker when you find him'. Rinse, and repeat.

It (the target process that Larry is murdering over and over again) will get called a LOT which is why you put such a low timer. Also, you should have Larry inspect your running processes for the WorldOfWarships or WorldOfTanks processes, these processes, while snitches, are required (fucking duh): when Larry finds them, it can assume you are playing the game. Flip a static bit to signify that the process was found. Every 100ms Larry checks and goes, 'Yup, this asshole's playing Warships/Tanks".

Eventually, you have to go to your McJob (or you'll get fired and your won't be able to pay child support on your 14 crotch goblins), so you log out for the day. Well Larry doesn't find the WorldOfWarships/WorldOfTanks process anymore; it smiles to itself and knows it was wrong about you, that you are a contributing member to society. Also, he goes scorched earth and deletes all the files that were created this session in the assorted logs, reports, etc folders that the stupid mongoloid WargamingErrorMonitor wanted to send so fucking bad.

Oh no Mr WeeGee didn't get his way. Well fuck him. Now get out there and make the most retarded playerbase in all of free-to-play games rage quit with your amazing 'skill'.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: EasyMoneySniper от 10.01.2022 16:32:55
Is this the best cheese i could find for world of warships or is there better one ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 10.01.2022 16:43:06
unfortunately, i don't know if this is the best choice either.

has anyone had experience with a program that prevents the WargamingErrorMonitor?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Luigiebox от 15.01.2022 20:19:49
There is no better one atm all else is really dogshit
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Luigiebox от 16.01.2022 00:29:30
Just delete the wargamingerrormonnitor file and kill the process works for me
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 16.01.2022 22:37:49
if I delete the file, the game will not start, unfortunately, this does not work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: EasyMoneySniper от 18.01.2022 01:07:12
is the mod down , it says wrong game version ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.01.2022 09:02:55
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Luigiebox от 21.01.2022 10:33:25
if I delete the file, the game will not start, unfortunately, this does not work
Works fine for me when i do it make sure the launcher is already up before you delete it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 21.01.2022 18:49:19
that seems to work and I'll keep an eye on that. Anyway, you have helped me very, very much. Many, many thanks  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: ChrisCzas от 22.01.2022 12:25:18
I have a question about using wows warpack with Aslain's mod. My wows game crashes everytime I enable the regen assist and some other minor mods from Aslain's modpack. The error message shows "A critical error has been occurred". Any chance to fix this issue ?

If I disable the regen assist and the minor mods, the game opens fine.

Aslain's enabled options:
Regen Assist
Class Panel with HP bars
shot timer
info panel
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 22.01.2022 15:46:56
Hello, we recommend using a warpack on a "clean " game client.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cimpss от 23.01.2022 20:49:38
"A critical error has been occurred",i have the same problem on my game client without any mod. Please help:(
-ru server
-selected both eu and cn server in the warpack launcher, but not worked
-tried to delete wargamingerrormonitor.exe, and the game crashed
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.01.2022 21:03:09
Try using the 64-bit warpack launcher, you can download it in your personal account, the downloads tab.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cimpss от 23.01.2022 21:13:00
I tried "World of Warships 64 bit""World of Warships 32 bit" and "World Of Warships 32 bit - Alternative launcher" these 3 versions.The first and the second one will lead to the “critical error", the "alternative" one won't, but it doesn't work. Nothing happened after using this version. Clean ocean,normal ships:(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.01.2022 21:25:02
Try to launch the 64-bit warpack launcher after logging into the port.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cimpss от 23.01.2022 21:26:28
These are the screenshots of the error.
And when i deleted wargamingerrormonitor.exe, it will become like this.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cimpss от 23.01.2022 21:41:48
It started the launcher again,showed "Game started automaticaly",and nothing happened
I'm trying to download the wgc version and do it again
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.01.2022 21:45:06
Perhaps the reason is that you are deleting the wargaming file, do not delete it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: cimpss от 23.01.2022 23:03:34
wgc+alternative launcher+port first, finally i succcessed!!!!!!
The new version of warpack deleted the manual button of "start game", i'm not sure how the autodetect program works, but it can't detect the game which has already started. It will try to open the client again and again, but the old version hasn't that problem, click and start,very simple and smart design. I want this feature add in the new version,it's very useful.
THANK YOU Moderator! 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 24.01.2022 16:40:54
for this reason I still use the old version with 32bit. I start Warpak only when WOWS is already running and for that you need the field "Start Wolrd of Warships".
so please make it available again for the 64 bit version too
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.01.2022 17:00:52
The 64-bit version of the warpack launcher automatically loads mods after it is launched, so there is no "start the game" button.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 26.01.2022 21:48:35
I have noticed that game crashes are getting more common when using Warpack. Since I have the ErrorMonitor hard-killed on my machine, I am not worried about these crash reports getting back to WG, but other players who have not done so will not be able to intercept such reports and thus likely incur a ban. Is someone looking into what might be causing this? It seems to happen far more frequently when playing a Supership, but it has also happened when playing a regular ship of any class.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.01.2022 06:05:43
Which version of the warpack launcher are you using , old or new ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 27.01.2022 17:15:54
I am using the Alternate Launcher for WoWs. Is there another I should be using?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.01.2022 17:30:15
Try using the 64-bit warpack launcher for ships, you can download it in the personal account of the warpack. Run from a separate folder.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 28.01.2022 00:55:47
The 64-bit launcher seems to have fixed the problem, but I have to start WoWs first, and then run the launcher for it to work (Not a complaint, I don't mind doing it this way at all). Hasn't crashed since.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Kallaz от 01.02.2022 09:30:30
How to stop wargamingerrormonnitor application?
If I delete it the game will not start.
I stop it while running and it starts again.
Is there any software to stop it all the time?
Thank you for your help.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.02.2022 10:58:48
Select  in WGC the settings - log out of WGC after starting the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 15.03.2022 17:27:35
How to stop wargamingerrormonnitor application?
If I delete it the game will not start.
I stop it while running and it starts again.
Is there any software to stop it all the time?
Thank you for your help.

I personally wrote a program that changes the name of the WargamingErrorMonitor.exe file after it starts the wgc. This way it stops the executable from being started again. However, since WeeGee hodes that exe fucking EVERYWHERE, I also wrote a Windows service that checks every 100 milliseconds for the WargamingErrorMonitor process and kills it if it finds an instance running.

ErrorMonitor my ass. I will not be taddled on by my own god damned machine.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 15.03.2022 17:33:08
One other thing that's kind of annoying me: Is there any way you guys can share with me how the lead time on the 'combined' option is calculated? I am thinking I might be able to come up with a more accurate calculation; when a ship is turning the calculated lead point is considerably off. Also, in linear mode the calculation isn't correctly factoring in the adjustment amounts.

Can we perhaps try to work together to find a fix for this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.03.2022 06:55:20
Maybe it will be fixed .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iron_baby от 22.03.2022 01:31:03
Select  in WGC the settings - log out of WGC after starting the game.

This move dont stop this application. It will start again in World of Warships as a Sub-Process. Screen in attachment.

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iron_baby от 22.03.2022 01:36:34
I personally wrote a program that changes the name of the WargamingErrorMonitor.exe file after it starts the wgc. This way it stops the executable from being started again. However, since WeeGee hodes that exe fucking EVERYWHERE, I also wrote a Windows service that checks every 100 milliseconds for the WargamingErrorMonitor process and kills it if it finds an instance running.

This Windows service that You are talking about with its timmer (100ms) inst killing (laggy) your maschine also?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iron_baby от 26.03.2022 15:55:52
Select  in WGC the settings - log out of WGC after starting the game.

Any other sugestions?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.03.2022 16:45:17
No .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iron_baby от 26.03.2022 18:54:52
How to remove those things:

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.03.2022 19:15:35
The F12 key hides the entire warpack interface , while the automatic shot and target capture continue to work .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iron_baby от 26.03.2022 20:49:04
The F12 key hides the entire warpack interface , while the automatic shot and target capture continue to work .

Its hiding only circles on ships and aim prediction but still screenshot_4 exists
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.03.2022 09:05:28
We will check it and if this interface is not hidden, we will fix it.
At the moment , you can move this interface to the place you need on the screen , to do this , hover the mouse cursor over it , wait a couple of seconds and move it to the place you need .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: iron_baby от 27.03.2022 14:21:24
We will check it and if this interface is not hidden, we will fix it.
At the moment , you can move this interface to the place you need on the screen , to do this , hover the mouse cursor over it , wait a couple of seconds and move it to the place you need .

Thanks for support
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 28.03.2022 15:36:19
I personally wrote a program that changes the name of the WargamingErrorMonitor.exe file after it starts the wgc. This way it stops the executable from being started again. However, since WeeGee hodes that exe fucking EVERYWHERE, I also wrote a Windows service that checks every 100 milliseconds for the WargamingErrorMonitor process and kills it if it finds an instance running.

This Windows service that You are talking about with its timmer (100ms) inst killing (laggy) your maschine also?

No. I have experienced no lag on my machine as a result of this service. Bear in mind, I spent a fair amount of time optimizing it's code. I kept the process checking code on a separate thread than the thread that runs the code that deletes logs, screenshots (because WeeGee love doing that shit too), and report files.

I've considered and even written a copy of my solution that simply corrupts the files before allowing the game to send them back, but I've saved that for when/if WeeGee really piss me off.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 29.03.2022 22:58:34

What does the accuracy slider in the Warships prediction point options control? Is it how frequent the prediction point is updated? Or is it something else? I am just trying to make warpack work best for me.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.03.2022 06:45:31
If you have a large value in this parameter , then there may be friezes in the game , reduce the value to a minimum . The effect of this parameter , an increase in the accuracy of the lead point , can be noticeable at close distances .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: joshmint101 от 31.03.2022 17:03:16
World of warships updated, needs a update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 30.04.2022 21:47:33
got a question

i want to move the UI in battle / warpack button in dock

there is a shortcut or ?


Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.04.2022 22:15:39
 You can move this interface to the place you need on the screen , to do this , hover the mouse cursor over it , wait a couple of seconds and move it to the place you need.
Unfortunately, the button in the port cannot be moved, but it can be hidden by pressing F12.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 30.04.2022 22:16:51
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 30.04.2022 22:17:17
You can also hide the entire warpack interface in combat , while the target capture and automatic shot functions will continue to work .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Muken от 31.05.2022 14:22:31
There is no response when you click the mode button in the upper left corner of the screen. The window where you can change the shortcut and settings does not open. Are you aware of this problem?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.05.2022 14:24:49
Does the warpack menu not open in the port ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Muken от 31.05.2022 14:35:36
yes Clicking the button does not open the menu.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 31.05.2022 14:38:48
Perhaps the reason is third-party mods, do you have other mods installed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Muken от 31.05.2022 14:47:55
Ah, I'm using a different mode. I'll try to turn off the other mode.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: guanberdolfo от 10.06.2022 21:56:18
I made a mistake and prolongate World of Tanks instead of World of Warships, would there be any way to reverse it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.06.2022 22:27:42
Write a personal message to the administrator of smokescreen  .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 10.06.2022 23:26:41
Does this mod show up if you stream via Discord? Just curious.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.06.2022 07:23:42
Yes. It is not recommended to conduct any broadcasts when using mods .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 17.06.2022 17:49:51
On a slightly different note:

I have noticed lately that this site has been going down more and more frequently, and when it does it stays down for a few hours at a time. Simultaneously, the mods cease to work. Obviously, I assume the site and the mods are hosted on the same server. Thing is, this is happening during my gaming and it is getting a little frustrating. I am guessing that something was being updated, but that guess is just that: a guess.

Can we get a notification of some sort when/if this sort of outage is anticipated? If the outages aren't anticipated, does there need to be an additional server to host the mods? If someone reaches out to me, I'd be happy to arrange for an additional server to host them at no cost.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 17.06.2022 18:04:47
When the site is unavailable and the warpack is not working, select the China server in the warpack launcher. Unfortunately, we can't know exactly when this will happen next, so we can't create notifications for such cases.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FaNeXx от 07.07.2022 19:27:50
what does "show Rainbow" mean ?  Is there a list with all hotkeys for warpack ? :D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.07.2022 20:23:58
All hotkeys and settings in mod settings. Click on warpack button in port
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 10.07.2022 23:25:01

what is the key to activate/desactivate reconrd option
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 11.07.2022 08:32:44
Please clarify your question ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 14.07.2022 23:20:32
there is a key who launch RECORD ON in battle.

i can't find it and switch to RECORD OFF
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 15.07.2022 07:51:34
There is no such hotkey in the warpack .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 18.07.2022 00:10:16
Svolota, he is referring to a debug option for recording something (looks like it's logging some sort of calculation) but it's showing up whenever you type a capital E. Is there any way this keybind can be moved to Alt+E instead? I can verify, this IS an actual issue as of the latest iteration of warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.07.2022 08:20:45
At the moment, this can be disabled by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E , in combat. We will fix it .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: zorred от 23.07.2022 14:31:37
Svolota, he is referring to a debug option for recording something (looks like it's logging some sort of calculation) but it's showing up whenever you type a capital E. Is there any way this keybind can be moved to Alt+E instead? I can verify, this IS an actual issue as of the latest iteration of warpack.

Yes, it is
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.07.2022 17:58:44
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pedroluisat2007 от 24.07.2022 02:21:53
Hello guys, is there any map hack? why not ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.07.2022 07:17:51
Hello , this parameter is calculated on the game server . It cannot be hacked .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 05.08.2022 07:19:25
Hey guys, I'm using Warpack a lot and loving it so far, and I'd like to leave some suggestions:

1. Add new points above the current ones, for those looking to hit the ship's superstructure to start some fires or farm some damage, mainly at closer ranges, where the current elevation is not enough;

2. Implement some close quarters correction for the aiming system, that seems to fall way behind the target when at closer ranges;

3. Add suport for skip bombers, there are a lot of those right now, it would be awesome to have support for them.

 Thank you for your time guys, you're the best  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.08.2022 09:50:30
The first 2 points , you can manually adjust the lead point with hot keys in battle , about 3 points , we plan to do this .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 05.08.2022 13:08:33
Thank you for your answer! Just to clarify what I mean (sorry, English is not my main language  :-\ ):

About the first 2 items, I'm aware of the manual offset with the hotkeys, however, for the first item, most times even if I set the aiming point to the highest possible I can't consistently hit the ship's superstructure, specially at closer ranges, as most of the shells hit the upper belt, so my suggestion was add 1 or 2 points above the 10 (I believe) that already exists.

For the second item, if I'm targeting someone, specially a destroyer,  at closer range (less than 2 or 1km, for example) all my shells fall way behind the target, to compensate I have to add some 100%+ to actually hit the little bastard and if he slow down the shells fall way ahead of him, not to mention if i have to change targets, which makes easier to actually shoot by hand than press the key 10+ times every time. This way, my suggestion would be to add a logic to compensate this deviation as the target gets closer and/or faster.

About the third item, I'm very glad to hear that  ;D

Again, I'm just trying to clarify what I meant earlier, sorry about the inconvenience, I don't know how hard it might be to implement these alterations, but, at least for me, it would really increase the experience a lot.

Thank you again for your time man, really appreciate your work  ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 05.08.2022 14:20:18
OK, I'll pass your suggestion to the admin.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 05.08.2022 23:17:55
Just wanted to confirm that this will work on the NA server.

Under 2. Select payment system, there is an "EU - For any server option"

This would indicate that it would work for the NA server but I wanted to confirm before purchasing.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.08.2022 08:21:37
This type of key works on all servers of the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: FaNeXx от 18.08.2022 12:04:23
Hey, i accidentally bought game time for WOT, can i change it to WOWS Gametime ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.08.2022 12:27:08
Write a personal message to the administrator of the smokescreen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: bigdon от 18.08.2022 22:08:04
whats the difference between linear prediction mode and combined prediction mode?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 18.08.2022 22:23:56
Combined preemption additionally takes into account the speed of the ship when it turns . If the preemption point does not work correctly, when using the combined type of preemption, use linear preemption.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sokoles от 25.08.2022 06:46:03
Hello, it seems like that the Aircraft for Torpedos can be adjusted of time and where to hity with the torpedos. But it doesnt work on Bombers, if iam pressing arrow up or down or left and right, nothing happends.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.08.2022 08:03:56
When attacking bombers , everything happens automatically , so these keys do not work .
You can only adjust the flight speed of the aircraft, during the attack, using the w/s keys.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 27.08.2022 06:50:25
Hey guys! Is it possible to add this kind of automation features in WOWS?

a) Auto Repair Party: automatically trigger the Repair Party (heal) when it gets to a certain amount of efficiency (you would be able to set it to heal when it reaches, for example, 100% or 90% of the maximum heal amount);
b) Auto Damage Control Party: automatically trigger the DCP when you reach a certain amount of fires/floodings (you would be able to configure the number of fires/floodings to trigger it, like 1 flooding and 2 fires);
c) Auto Anti-Aircraft Sector Reinforcement: automatically trigger the AA Reinforcement when an aircraft approaches from one side, to maximize the efficiency (you may be able to set the maximum angle, like 80 degrees, and distance, like 90% of the maximum distance of your AA, to not waste your reinforcement in vain).

I had some other ideas, these are the ones that seem more doable (i actually have no idea if it really is, just saw some mods that use this kind of information, so it's at least possible to have access to these triggers, I believe).

Anyways, it would be awesome to have this kind of automation in-game. I saw the amount of WOTS features and WOWS could really use some of those cool options. If necessary, I'm available for testing and/or help in any way I can. Thank you guys for your work, really appreciate it.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Alster от 27.08.2022 12:14:07
These are some interesting suggestions that I don't need, but might help some.
Much, much more important, however, would be if finally the prediction point for bombs and jump bombs of the CV would be implemented.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sokoles от 27.08.2022 14:32:40
Good Morning,

in Wows the Torpedos for Destroyers or other Ships, i know the Prediction is alrdy imlented by wows itself. But is anything way to make this Prediction much more better? Bzw What is the Torpedo helper? it is Set on 2, but i dont see any different.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sokoles от 27.08.2022 18:07:20
Aircraft Carrier Eagle need always calibration everygame. everytime if u beginn a new round it need a new calibration, can be this fixed?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.08.2022 18:22:25
How did you understand that? Every fight there is a message in the chat that needs to be calibrated ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sokoles от 27.08.2022 18:53:10
Yes. On other carriers Tier 10 and under. I just need to calibrate one time. At Tier 11 Ship Eagly i need to calibrate every game. Ingame it show me a Massage that i musst to calibrate + if i not calibrate it wont work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 27.08.2022 19:21:10
I'll tell the admin.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 27.08.2022 22:39:13
These are some interesting suggestions that I don't need, but might help some.
Much, much more important, however, would be if finally the prediction point for bombs and jump bombs of the CV would be implemented.

I totally agree, I even post about it:

(click to show/hide)

I just thought that this would be a good addition too. I saw how the WOTS receive so much attention, with lots of add-ons and features (even targeting tanks' vulnerable spots! That's insane! Imagine automatic switching your aim accordingly with your penetration capability over distance and angle, it would be a dream), so I know that those guys are capable of doing it and would love some of these features for WOWS in the future  ;D
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.08.2022 08:53:17
Good Morning,

in Wows the Torpedos for Destroyers or other Ships, i know the Prediction is alrdy imlented by wows itself. But is anything way to make this Prediction much more better? Bzw What is the Torpedo helper? it is Set on 2, but i dont see any different.
Do you mean the sight for torpedoes , when playing on destroyers ? In this case , capture the target in gun firing mode , then switch to torpedoes , that is , the target must be captured , then an additional exercise for torpedoes should appear .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sokoles от 28.08.2022 14:52:58
Yes is iam playinf Destroyer, but what you mean with capture? Capture flag Point? Well i going into guns, Tracking him with right mouse buttom, then iam switching to Torpedos, but a second helper for torpedos i dont see. you have any short clip to show what u mean?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 28.08.2022 15:12:53
I clarified that this option, at the moment, does not work.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 29.08.2022 00:42:07
Combined preemption additionally takes into account the speed of the ship when it turns . If the preemption point does not work correctly, when using the combined type of preemption, use linear preemption.
Which prediction type do you and others use around here? Is one better than the other?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 29.08.2022 08:58:13
In my opinion , the linear type of lead is more stable .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 29.08.2022 22:20:58
I found that to be the case as well. Since I just use the guide line as a reference.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 07.09.2022 21:47:47
Is there a way to have the cheat load and inject if you are loading back in midgame, for example when your game crashes.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.09.2022 22:39:57
currently - no way.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oceansoul от 16.09.2022 09:31:17
on the prediction aim there are two colored reticle, red and green, what are the difference between them?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.09.2022 10:21:52
Do you mean ships or aircraft carriers ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 16.09.2022 13:07:14

guys, nice mod, I enjoy it, I dream about it

 but it would like more features like wallhack and esp mod, there are many in wot and few in wows

some ideas ??
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.09.2022 13:42:56
Hello, unfortunately, these options cannot be added to our mod.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: oceansoul от 16.09.2022 18:01:42
Do you mean ships or aircraft carriers ?

for ships
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 16.09.2022 18:31:32
As far as I remember, the red line means that it is possible to hit the enemy ship, the green line means that it is impossible to hit.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: giangbanlac от 19.09.2022 10:11:03
i got an error today
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.09.2022 10:30:12
At what point does this error occur ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Luigiebox от 20.09.2022 19:35:26
Anyone any idea how to stop the wargaming error monitor from scanning my pc? Deleting it wont work anymore bc the game will crash indefinitely
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.09.2022 10:11:24
try to replace it by renamed notepad.exe from windows folder
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 21.09.2022 22:31:02
Is there anything that can be added for airstrike aiming assistance for Dutch cruisers?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.09.2022 23:19:52
without ship for test - no
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 22.09.2022 02:42:37
without ship for test - no

Do you just need an account to test it on?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.09.2022 08:59:29
read personal message
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Luigiebox от 22.09.2022 10:02:30
try to replace it by renamed notepad.exe from windows folder
How do i do that?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 22.09.2022 10:09:41
copy notepad.exe or calc.exe to wargamingerrormonitor.exe folder and rename it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Luigiebox от 25.09.2022 09:30:20
So I delete the error monitor and rename the notpad.exe I'm reading that correct?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 25.09.2022 09:55:49
Renaming to wargamingerrormonitor.exe
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pazuzu22 от 26.09.2022 15:02:39
When was the last time it was detected?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 26.09.2022 15:20:09
Check out the topic at the link
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 26.09.2022 16:44:44
As far as I remember, the red line means that it is possible to hit the enemy ship, the green line means that it is impossible to hit.

A red icon means that at least one turret can hit the ship that you are locked onto. Bear in mind, that at minimum one shell can hit, and it is not a guarantee (there is still RNG to account for). A green icon means that a shot is impossible. If you look at the angle indicator at the bottom of the screen (unless you've moved it somewhere else) you'll see an angle of 0 degrees. This is a secondary indicator that your shot is not possible.

If you are locking an firing without zooming in, please be cautious of sharing any replay files you have as this is a clear indicator that you may be cheating. Also, if you are firing without zooming, you'll want to likely set your lead to extend to 15 to 24 if using linear prediction. Combined prediction is best used if you are playing a ship that has very floating shells and a fast reload, OR if you are still zooming and firing manually and only using the green icon as an indicator for how a ship is turning (this is the best way to use the mod in everything other than a gunboat destroyer). Bear in mind, the green icon is showing where to aim if the target is turning in a maximum sustained turn. Most players wont hold this type of turn, so you need to adjust accordingly.

Finally, one last point on the prediction point: If the ship starts backing up, and you have your linear prediction offset you need to set it back to 0 because the offset isn't a true calculation based on speed in a direction, it is purely based on speed. Therefore your prediction point will be shallow on a reversing ship.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 30.09.2022 17:17:08

it wants new things in WOWS for tanks there are a hundred things, is it possible to wows ugrade?

of course i mean warpack   :'(

 :'(  :'(
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 30.09.2022 17:32:02
what you mean about upgrade? what things (except current fixes)?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 30.09.2022 19:33:24
I mean new things like in WOT more functions do you understand?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.10.2022 14:48:09
functions like what? you can explain this functions (laser line may be or rest HP?)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 01.10.2022 18:43:00


, in WOT you have a lot of things like achilles right? i mean adding new things some idea like wallhack or something more

i will continue to support warpack monetarily

I'm writing through google translator, so excuse me for mistakes
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 01.10.2022 21:52:52
wherefore - suggest an idea. but not wallhack. because it is useless idea. because all ideas already realized
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 06.10.2022 17:19:07
Hey just a heads up, the newest version of Warships has added a new Error Monitor. In addition to WargamingErrorMonitor they now use ErrorMonitor. So, for all you kids who are running system services that kill the WargamingErrorMonitor process when it initializes, you will want to add ErrorMonitor as well. The exe file, ErrorMonitor.exe is found in your bin directory. WeeGee likes to run a ban around this time of year (no  clue why, and especially with their player count falling, you'd think they'd hold off). Stay vigilant.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 08.10.2022 07:59:30
Hello there!

Im sending some images about a idea i had some time ago, i even post about it:

(click to show/hide)

Its based on the WOT auto-repair system. Given that i didnt have a answer about it in my last post, im sending this to help. Please, evaluate this idea and see if it is possible or not. Thanks!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.10.2022 17:33:23
we try to make something of it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 10.10.2022 03:12:31
we try to make something of it

Awesome! Looking forward to it! If I can help in any way, please let me know!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kinet93 от 01.11.2022 19:10:41
Is it Update 0.11.10 ready?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 01.11.2022 20:02:00
Today or tomorrow.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOWSFAN от 02.11.2022 14:52:58
When starting warpack today i had the issue that the mod was loading but not showing in game. Meaning that warpack despite beeing active didnt show the mods in coop or random battles. I didnt have warpack hidden or something. Any advice?

i have been using the mod for a long time and never had the issue in two months.

Ty for your help
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.11.2022 15:01:33
The warpack is currently being updated, so it's not working yet.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 02.11.2022 16:49:12
When starting warpack today i had the issue that the mod was loading but not showing in game. Meaning that warpack despite beeing active didnt show the mods in coop or random battles. I didnt have warpack hidden or something. Any advice?

i have been using the mod for a long time and never had the issue in two months.

Ty for your help

same problem me  :o
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: julienslink от 02.11.2022 19:06:33
so 11.10 is not avilable now?
hope it will be updated soon
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 02.11.2022 22:05:54
The warpack has been updated .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: after от 02.11.2022 23:37:57
The warpack has been updated .

Still version, no new updated version?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.11.2022 09:30:08
Have you tried running it ? The warpack version doesn 't have to change .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 03.11.2022 17:42:05
The warpack has been updated .

 ;) ;) ;)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: after от 04.11.2022 00:02:15
Have you tried running it ? The warpack version doesn 't have to change .

Thank you, it is ok.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Dreadnought.777 от 05.11.2022 23:25:21
Hello again! Is it possible to separate the height of the SAP shell from de AP shell? Otherwise every time you change the shell you have to manually change the height. Thanks!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.11.2022 01:22:05
ok. wi will make a save offset (height) for this shell type
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 06.11.2022 10:13:46
Every so often my WIFI drops and I have to relog back into the game. After I log back in the cheat is still loaded but the icon is red. Is there a way to have the cheat reconnect without having to close out of the game and restarting it?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 06.11.2022 10:26:34
Unfortunately, no. In this case , you need to restart the game .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: after от 07.11.2022 18:50:21
Can you support Torpedoes auto-attack for Destroyers and Submarines?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.11.2022 19:05:20
no. because it is already have prediction sectors and only user can decide when launch it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 22.11.2022 22:30:51

and how should we know? maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see any anywhere
 instructions on how to properly use warpack in aircraft carriers

where are the instructions on how to use warpack correctly? I think I'm not the only one who doesn't understand it

make a guide!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 23.11.2022 11:17:27
See the spoiler "squadron commander" in the topic header.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 24.11.2022 18:05:33
Hey guys, we're getting a game disconnect after using the Warpack loader while sitting in port (before even attempting to go into battle). Can someone have a look at this and advise how to move forward? Thanks a bunch.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 24.11.2022 19:00:53
Select the Euro server in the warpack launcher.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 25.11.2022 10:16:40
Why does the aim here guide line go vertical and way above the ship sometimes? And how would I fix this?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 25.11.2022 10:27:12
The height of the lead point can be changed in combat, using the up/down keys by default, but you can assign your own keys in the settings .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 25.11.2022 19:19:29
The height of the lead point can be changed in combat, using the up/down keys by default, but you can assign your own keys in the settings .

Oh okay that is nice to know but it only happens sometimes for one of the ships in the game. The aim here guide generates fine for all the other ships.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 28.11.2022 08:59:52
but he means a bug, the line is not straight but at an angle of 45 degrees

most often it is on the ship ST VINCENT and submarines

fix this please
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.11.2022 11:47:04
can you show this bug on screenshot (in personal message). because we don't have this ship on our game account
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 28.11.2022 18:13:52
yes, when I play and see, I will send a screen to the ship
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SaltFarmer от 28.11.2022 19:56:16
but he means a bug, the line is not straight but at an angle of 45 degrees

most often it is on the ship ST VINCENT and submarines

fix this please

Yeah, that is what I meant. Thanks for clarifying for me.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 03.12.2022 02:03:41
i started playing aircraft carriers and i don't understand how to use warpack to my advantage

I always press plane calibration and I don't know anymore...

when I'm above the enemy should I press the left button or press the right button? I do not understand it at all

is there any instructions here on the page?
if so give me a direct link
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 03.12.2022 07:42:23
See the spoiler "squadron commander", in the header of this topic.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kolo23 от 04.12.2022 22:03:13
on an aircraft carrier
Russian skip bombers can't be calibrated, can you fix it?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 05.12.2022 01:24:43
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: irbm от 07.12.2022 16:32:55
There are more and more submarines recently. I would like to ask whether the anti submarine and submarine modules will be added in the future
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: WOWSFAN от 10.12.2022 00:34:59
Warpack has been bugged for me meaning that the lead point calculator appears in the middle of my screen
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 10.12.2022 09:16:32
What do you mean? Show a screenshot .
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: krabunio от 19.01.2023 15:32:07
I have a question about the air commander working well for you?
because it works for me and it doesn't

locks onto the ship once and fires automatically
and the second time it locks but doesn't fire automatically
and it happens very often, it targets and doesn't shoot.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: svolota от 19.01.2023 18:11:01
The question is about the mod "squadron commander" or about the preemption point?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: krabunio от 19.01.2023 22:46:53
good question I think about the preemption point I didn't know what to call it

I mean the game of aircraft carriers and planes because when it comes to the game on ships, everything works fine.

This only occurs with Stormtroopers attack aircraft

the preemption point It's too high in my opinion

when aiming automatically, it moves to the ship and fires automatically, it should work normally, but this point is too high and does not activate this automatic shot because when I measure manually it myself  this point is lower and then it moves to the ship and automatically fires

but this manual activation it myself  its downsides because I react too late or too early and it just doesn't activate automatic fire and in the game it's naturally annoying because almost nothing is done

It would be nice if it was completely automatic

 can fix it or can't do anything about it ?

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 20.01.2023 16:02:28
on next week after mod update - you can check it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: civitas от 18.06.2023 20:41:34
I think Attack aircraft partly not work since last update
it never predict enemy's move
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: king753op7890 от 21.07.2023 20:43:47
when i oad ewarpack into game iit wont let me open the interface of it while in port i click on button nothing happens after update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 21.07.2023 22:24:57
we still fixing it
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: king753op7890 от 24.07.2023 09:37:31
hey buddy are you still fixing the problem with the interface for warpack in world of warships the 64 bit one doesn't open the interface.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 24.07.2023 14:51:45
fixed now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: soul_1992 от 24.07.2023 17:08:24
is wows warpack work to use in asia server ? because i only see EU and CN server ...
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: king753op7890 от 24.07.2023 20:08:38
so now just thein battle interface isnt working
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Meta от 14.09.2023 01:40:52
Can Warpack support Kearsarge's carrier-based fighter attacks? I haven't seen any response in the game.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 14.09.2023 10:12:22
we have not this ship. that is why - we can't make it support now
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Meta от 14.09.2023 19:22:46
we have not this ship. that is why - we can't make it support now

understood, thank you for your response.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Baldrick от 17.09.2023 19:49:05
war pack won't load.. I have a key which I pasted into window of exe.  and it say's to load from game launcher.. I never received a confirmation email that the product was paid for.. not sure about this product
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 17.09.2023 23:22:03
what do you want? warpack launcher says that you need to run game
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rektbar от 16.12.2023 02:58:44
I have noticed that warpack isn't allowing me to 'calibrate' when I am in a CV. Any idea what could be causing that?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: illusin003 от 11.01.2024 01:37:59
issue with warpack loading in the top corner after the latest patch. Not down at the bottom like it normally is. Is there a way to move and drag it where it needs to go ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: xijinping200 от 11.01.2024 03:13:55
issue with warpack loading in the top corner after the latest patch. Not down at the bottom like it normally is. Is there a way to move and drag it where it needs to go ?

Same issue here; at the beginning of match you cannot see the in-game settings at all; after a while it will partially show up at top-left corner

Please fix asap

Thanks a lot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.01.2024 13:52:05
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pakhoforyou от 28.02.2024 23:54:58
WARPACK Version , Server:CN

Warpack not ready for current game version
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 29.02.2024 00:12:42
strange. i checked asia region on steam client and it is worked. try to check game consistency
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pakhoforyou от 29.02.2024 01:33:46
strange. i checked asia region on steam client and it is worked. try to check game consistency

thank you , it works now.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: adepratama от 06.03.2024 04:06:33
strange. i checked asia region on steam client and it is worked. try to check game consistency
Hi, I'm new on this forum. Is there any instruction on how to use it? And also, I'm registered on warpack.net it looks only available for EU and RU region only how can I play for Asia region?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.03.2024 09:17:50
EU keys works on all game regions. ru - just on ru region. O and P hotkeys used for autoshot. just lock enemy by RMB
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: CryMexis от 15.03.2024 21:30:58
kinda new to wows just picked this up, is the hit rate based on the ship cos i follow the pred line and rarely hit, also for the pred aimpoint does it depend on what ship you are facing ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: qq13709691709@gmail.com от 06.04.2024 14:56:36
i need some help.when i play in leste sever,warpack said Mods for current game patch not ready,and it said -19819d.-20h.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.04.2024 18:20:05
change warpack server in warpack launcher
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: qq13709691709@gmail.com от 07.04.2024 05:09:25
it doesnot work
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.04.2024 19:30:59
https://dropmefiles.com/Fe9MM try to replace scripts.zip file in World_of_Warships\bin\8176146\res folder with this file (from this link)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: sambee99 от 08.04.2024 18:55:33
detected 08/04/24
i received a temporary ban
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icek от 16.06.2024 17:41:00
hey is this mod dead or some new features or else will be added?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icek от 16.06.2024 18:13:14
and got someone good settings? for HE and AP ? and what is that auto % for?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 16.06.2024 19:38:05
auto in WP interface means - autoshot
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icek от 16.06.2024 20:10:16
ye ik autoshoot but you can click left or right and then comes % what is that for?

also 10% 20% etc
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wytfcj от 18.06.2024 08:07:06
 8)Lesta customer service is updated today. Will warpack be updated today?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 18.06.2024 09:22:10
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wytfcj от 10.07.2024 12:31:33
Will there be an update today?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.07.2024 13:18:09
what game region?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: wytfcj от 10.07.2024 13:40:38
ohhhhh,Lester's has been used, thank you.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pakhoforyou от 12.07.2024 05:58:45
Warpack not ready for current game version. WOWS ASIA (Steam)

Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: pakhoforyou от 12.07.2024 20:12:24
Warpack not ready for current game version. WOWS ASIA (Steam)

it's good now, thank you!
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: orderlyparrot от 09.08.2024 22:20:14
NA server says it has version problems. Very strange since it was working yesterday.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.08.2024 11:04:50
try to switch server to EU in warpack launcher.
when this message appeared? after logged to game or after started warpack launcher?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: orderlyparrot от 10.08.2024 11:12:17
I just do what I usually do. Launch the game, then the launcher before it hits main menu. It's strange because it was working yesterday, and I don't think they patched the game or anything.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: orderlyparrot от 10.08.2024 11:44:35
NA server says it has version problems. Very strange since it was working yesterday.

~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE PROBLEM RESOLVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I ran a tracert warpack.net command and noticed there were a few packets lost. Restarted the router then the computer, and now it seems to be working fine.
Thank you @smokescreen 
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: OzzyDevil69 от 07.09.2024 06:56:38
Hi Guys i have a question..

How do BB's work with warpack i know the guns work with it but what about tops ? i see no lead time with them unless i'm missing something... But works great with BB..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 07.09.2024 09:08:20
explain what is BB's
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: OzzyDevil69 от 08.09.2024 02:45:54
BB's i mean Destroyers.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: OzzyDevil69 от 08.09.2024 02:48:42
DD's sorry i don't know why i put BB..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 08.09.2024 07:34:49
is this happened on all destroyers or on something?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: OzzyDevil69 от 08.09.2024 09:43:05
i never saw those lines at all on tops or missiles or bomers how do they show up ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: OzzyDevil69 от 09.09.2024 08:42:55
WOW i love how this works on CV i'm having a blast it's all automatic just about WOW..
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rider от 21.09.2024 15:32:54
hello i bought the packet from you, works fine so far, but i still have a few questions, wanted to ask if there is someone here who speaks german, would like to talk about discord and who can also explain to me about screen transfer

sorry for the bad english
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Rider от 22.09.2024 17:36:30
does the Aimbot and the automatic shitting work at all for me as if it does not work with the current version of wows ?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kwwpuser от 19.10.2024 17:06:57
When I want to calibrate, the planes don't rotate automatically. Is this expected? (I launch airplanes and the press P)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 19.10.2024 20:51:27
yes. planes now not need rotation in calibration procedure. just launch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: kwwpuser от 19.10.2024 23:54:20
I just realised that since today there is way too much lead. Could be my setup broken or sth?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SirFDrake от 04.11.2024 04:20:47
Warpack not ready for current game version.

WOWS EU Server Update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.11.2024 08:04:08
when this status appeared? after wp launcher started or after status "waiting game to load"?
if - after wp started - close all windows in system or restart computer. if - after status "waiting game to load" - check game consistency in game launcher settings
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SirFDrake от 04.11.2024 09:36:49
This is first time i see that, if i start the Launcher the status shows up after restart etc , same Status shows up. is there a link where i can find the last version from the launcher ? mybe i just need a new one
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SirFDrake от 04.11.2024 10:06:12
I found the download link for it and tested it but still same status shows up so i have no clue what else i have to do
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 04.11.2024 13:51:12
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: godshy от 10.11.2024 10:10:27
Hi, I renewed the key, but I accidently unbind on the website, now it says Key expired or banned. How to solve that?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 10.11.2024 10:21:03
you are just buy a new key. this key present in your cabinet on site
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: D0odo от 22.11.2024 17:54:45
hello, I'm making adjustments, but my hit rate is very, very low when I throw it, I want to play rage, what are the settings and does it have a file?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: h1071888098@gmail.com от 27.11.2024 08:03:27
Is the warpack auto-aim still available in Russian servers? I turned on auto-aim and right-clicked to lock onto an enemy ship, but the auto-lock didn't work and the auto-fire didn't happen.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 27.11.2024 10:45:34
are you turned ON autofire?
check autofire key in warpack settings
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Adram от 28.11.2024 08:21:18

Warpack is not working with the current version of WoWs. Can we expect an update? The issue is that the game throws an error during loading, making it impossible to play with Warpack.
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.11.2024 08:50:49
we need screenshots or video with process and game version and game region (game server) you are played
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: SirFDrake от 11.12.2024 22:04:11
Warpack not ready for current game version.

 WOWS EU Server Update
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 12.12.2024 09:35:35
it is works. restart warpack launcher (64 bit prefer).
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: garry123 от 06.02.2025 04:15:21
Is it work with current 14.1 NA?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 06.02.2025 09:27:46
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: Bhhaalerion от 11.02.2025 02:34:35
Is there a possibility to buy Warpack for WoWs without a Creditcard. Can't find any and i dont have a CC
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 11.02.2025 13:20:48
you can use PayPal (via credit card in PayPal). steam skins and Etherium for axample (via oplata info payment method)
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: icek от 28.02.2025 18:56:20
will warpack ready for new patch?
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: smokescreen от 28.02.2025 23:56:03
yes. to game servers switched to new patch
Название: Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
Отправлено: garry123 от 09.03.2025 00:13:58
Just want to know these:

1. Why does raindow disappears fast even though shell did not landed yet? do you guys have any edit on that time?

2. Same as above Torpedo lines disappears quickly.

3. Do you guys support submarine ping?