Автор Тема: (World of Warships) WarPack  (Прочитано 403582 раз)

Оффлайн uncertain3931

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(World of Warships) WarPack
« : 26.11.2015 23:14:08 »
Note to moderator.

Added support for the Steam version of the game

squadron commander
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current changes
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(click to show/hide)
Interface mod in action :

1. Lead point height
2. Type of auto-shot (in turn\of all guns)
3. Type lead straight\combo
4. Auto-shot on indicator
5. The indicator of the offset point lead horizontally
6. Indicator of the height of the lead point on the captured ship and the angle of incidence of shells into the water

« Последнее редактирование: 27.04.2021 17:50:41 от svolota »

Оффлайн WGcheat

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #435 : 11.03.2016 10:07:24 »
increase the pre-emption point of the destroyer, currently it is scarce and insufficient

Оффлайн QuickyBaby

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #436 : 12.03.2016 18:12:29 »
Thats right.
Aimpoint is set to short,mostly for destroyers & cruisers but also at battleships.
Can i tweak and find out best value by my own in the settings.xml or is that hidden in the exe or dll and only you can fix that?

Оффлайн nell

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #437 : 12.03.2016 22:40:42 »
i have reported the same problem many times and never received an answer!

Оффлайн tribalito

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #438 : 13.03.2016 11:16:44 »
Thats right.
Aimpoint is set to short,mostly for destroyers & cruisers but also at battleships.
Can i tweak and find out best value by my own in the settings.xml or is that hidden in the exe or dll and only you can fix that?


I actually turn off common interface (and thus majority of warpack functions) and I use it only as aimpoint point where I can manually adjust the lead on target.

Оффлайн hironohiro

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #439 : 13.03.2016 17:20:19 »
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys

Hi smokescreen,

After many tests, I think I might have found one problem of the prediction system

When the marked enemy is turning/maneuvering, the linear/combined mode prediction does somehow try to predict the location by its steering/speed, however the aim mod does not consider the fact that when a ship turns, it will lose speed. Thus the prediction is almost always off, or in a better term, with too much pre-emption, and as a result more often than not the salvo would land at the front of the ship, but not in the middle.

Does this observation make sense?

Оффлайн QuickyBaby

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #440 : 13.03.2016 20:41:36 »
first problem just figured out,but only a small:
hitting close targets,like under 2km,the locked aim always climb miles over the ships and you cant hit the targets anymore.
next problem,and this time a real big one:
target lead is on all ships to short,not only on faster ships,example like this : aim for hitting a super slow wyoming does´nt fit anymore.
not a single citadel possible,have to always manually aim and give way more lead to hit center of all targets for citadells.
@Smokescreen & team,warpack for wows need some attention ;)

Оффлайн WGcheat

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #441 : 19.03.2016 01:04:34 »
perhaps by creating a settings file for all ships where you can change the value of preemption, individually for each ship could be the solution

Оффлайн hironohiro

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #442 : 19.03.2016 15:46:49 »
now or soon its must end. we add +1 extra day to all active keys

Hi smokescreen,

After many tests, I think I might have found one problem of the prediction system

When the marked enemy is turning/maneuvering, the linear/combined mode prediction does somehow try to predict the location by its steering/speed, however the aim mod does not consider the fact that when a ship turns, it will lose speed. Thus the prediction is almost always off, or in a better term, with too much pre-emption, and as a result more often than not the salvo would land at the front of the ship, but not in the middle.

Does this observation make sense?

Hi, are you addressing this issue or not? Thanks.

Оффлайн QuickyBaby

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #443 : 19.03.2016 17:43:29 »
guys are verry busy i guess .(

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #444 : 19.03.2016 19:43:43 »
the english support is pretty poor. they can post all day in the russian section with update notes and what not . but cant answer i simple question .
maybe their english isnt good enough or they just dont have the time .

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #445 : 19.03.2016 21:30:27 »
first and second things. my english is not good for a talking and i have not a more time to answer for all messages. i read it

Оффлайн hironohiro

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #446 : 19.03.2016 23:14:23 »
first and second things. my english is not good for a talking and i have not a more time to answer for all messages. i read it

Okay, many thanks smokescreen for replying!

Do you think that my point in that last post is valid? I use battleships and I can say that the linear prediction is pretty damn accurate when the opponent travels a straight line. When they try to turn, I use the "combined prediction" but it does not work very well - it always over-lead the target.

I understand you try to predict the ship's position after turning by using t=s/v, but one of the game's mechanics is that when a ship turns, it loses speed dramatically. Are you sure you are using the correct algorithm to reflect this?

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #447 : 20.03.2016 00:11:36 »
yes - i am use one formula with rotation speed. but if ship not rotated to one side (turn own rotation left and right) - very problem to shot it

Оффлайн Nebuchad

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #448 : 20.03.2016 14:30:41 »

anybody here who can help me.
I purchased it downloaded the file edited path and enteres Code

But when i startt the game there is no warpack or anything else its just the normal game without anything

Оффлайн Nebuchad

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #449 : 20.03.2016 15:13:09 »
Ah i got it it works with DEMO but not with my purchased key - its not the same as it is i can purchase on warpack.net???