Автор Тема: (World of Warships) WarPack  (Прочитано 403604 раз)

Оффлайн uncertain3931

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(World of Warships) WarPack
« : 26.11.2015 23:14:08 »
Note to moderator.

Added support for the Steam version of the game

squadron commander
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current changes
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(click to show/hide)
Interface mod in action :

1. Lead point height
2. Type of auto-shot (in turn\of all guns)
3. Type lead straight\combo
4. Auto-shot on indicator
5. The indicator of the offset point lead horizontally
6. Indicator of the height of the lead point on the captured ship and the angle of incidence of shells into the water

« Последнее редактирование: 27.04.2021 17:50:41 от svolota »

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #210 : 24.02.2016 00:03:48 »
new update incoming tomorow .

Оффлайн kiwikev77

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #211 : 24.02.2016 00:18:54 »
I have paid for this but it Still needs work! to start with the height of the target will need to be adjusted it aims to low and not quite far enough in front maybe 1/2 degree to 1 degree. Not sure how to do that part. The target also disappears completely at times and switches player on it own when 2 targets cross close together. Keys have to be remapped which i have changed in the settings file key 257 to 6 and p25 to 7. so i use key 5 and 6 to switch player and auto. I just don't think it worth as much as i paid. Also if the game is patched would we get a refund if it no longer works?

Оффлайн Pfactor

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #212 : 24.02.2016 00:24:51 »
I have paid for this but it Still needs work! to start with the height of the target will need to be adjusted it aims to low and not quite far enough in front maybe 1/2 degree to 1 degree. Not sure how to do that part. The target also disappears completely at times and switches player on it own when 2 targets cross close together. Keys have to be remapped which i have changed in the settings file key 257 to 6 and p25 to 7. so i use key 5 and 6 to switch player and auto. I just don't think it worth as much as i paid. Also if the game is patched would we get a refund if it no longer works?

I've found I have the exact same problem about shots falling into the water. The previous versions were more accurate, don't know what happened.

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #213 : 24.02.2016 00:50:33 »
you can use the UP/DOWN buttons now to adjust the aiming point .

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #214 : 24.02.2016 00:54:32 »
but they did disable the chat message for the adjustment . you can also change the settings to a higher value . standart it should be at 1 . between 3 and 5 works perfect for me

Оффлайн kiwikev77

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #215 : 24.02.2016 01:29:34 »
is this the setting to change shot height? mine shows -1 <param value="-1" name="aim_point_vertical_offset"/>

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #216 : 24.02.2016 01:34:59 »

<param value="1" name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap"/>   is for AP only

<param value="4" name="aim_point_vertical_offset"/>   is for HE

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #217 : 24.02.2016 01:36:06 »
did test it for hours in the training room . since on -1 8 or 12 shells did hit the water and the rest on target .
also in the default setting HE seem to be to short for destroyers

Оффлайн kiwikev77

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #218 : 24.02.2016 01:55:59 »
Thanks i will give that a try. Why is AP and HE height different? mine were both set to -1 . I will test with both values at 1 and see how that works for me.

Оффлайн q92733twt

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #219 : 24.02.2016 02:33:21 »
but they did disable the chat message for the adjustment . you can also change the settings to a higher value . standart it should be at 1 . between 3 and 5 works perfect for me

I use new mexico

aim_point_vertical_offset and aim_point_vertical_offset_ap

How to adjust better to hit the armored zone?

Оффлайн fabiano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #220 : 24.02.2016 03:11:25 »
@q92733twt when you press up or down you should see a little number left to the salvo icon. 1-2 seems to be perfect for AP

@kiwikev77 AP need to be a bit lower for Citadel penetrations around 1 - 2.  HE needs to be higher for a better fire chance and explosion dmg on the Superstrukture.
also if you have HE to low they seem to miss destroyers alot. so HE 3-5 seems best .

just remember up or down to adjust the aiming point , ( small number left side to the salvo icon) or change it in the settings

<param value="1" name="aim_point_vertical_offset_ap"/>                                    is for AP only

<param value="4" name="aim_point_vertical_offset"/>                                      is for HE

Оффлайн nell

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #221 : 24.02.2016 03:19:39 »
ok but how u aim longer??..i mean i want the line to be longer cause the shots go too short ..can u pls tell?

Оффлайн q92733twt

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #222 : 24.02.2016 03:34:01 »

version updata

Updates what?

Оффлайн neuro

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #223 : 24.02.2016 03:42:43 »
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!

Оффлайн Sherman

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #224 : 24.02.2016 03:46:46 »
I bought a key for WoWs but it seems I can only download World of Tanks files instead of World of Warships as you can see on the screenshot. Where could I get the WoWs executable please?
Thanks a lot!
Refresh page (F5)

Thank you, I forgot to enter a new file in the visible.