Автор Тема: (World of Warships) WarPack  (Прочитано 403573 раз)

Оффлайн uncertain3931

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(World of Warships) WarPack
« : 26.11.2015 23:14:08 »
Note to moderator.

Added support for the Steam version of the game

squadron commander
(click to show/hide)
current changes
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Interface mod in action :

1. Lead point height
2. Type of auto-shot (in turn\of all guns)
3. Type lead straight\combo
4. Auto-shot on indicator
5. The indicator of the offset point lead horizontally
6. Indicator of the height of the lead point on the captured ship and the angle of incidence of shells into the water

« Последнее редактирование: 27.04.2021 17:50:41 от svolota »

Оффлайн nexttps

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #540 : 28.03.2016 16:33:23 »
works now...wtf

only SRV1 work, AUTO not work

Оффлайн CrackHead

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #541 : 29.03.2016 06:24:31 »
What happened to the Menu?  It doesn't work..

Оффлайн m118

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #542 : 29.03.2016 11:07:01 »
Hi, i'm using the pack and find it's very helpful.

Now the pack only displays circle for my own smoke, can you make it also display the circle for friendly and enemy smoke?

There is already a mod out there which does it, but warpack won’t load with it.


Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #543 : 29.03.2016 11:17:10 »
we not show other smokescreen helpers because many circles visible at a time/ game may crash

Оффлайн yangwuwei520

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #544 : 29.03.2016 20:26:10 »
When can we use for Chinese Version?

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #545 : 29.03.2016 22:01:41 »
after a 1 hour

Оффлайн QuickyBaby

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #546 : 29.03.2016 23:02:07 »
Sorry to say again,but lead of aimpoint is still a litle to short,to many nades drop on the rear of the ships or drop behind the target,specialy aim on destroyers need much more lead.
On wows version 0.5.3 the aim was absolutely perfect and accurate,then update came out and then aim was always on all ships to short and is still not fixed,and no single word from you about that!
Whats wrong admin?
Please provide an option for us to manually tweak the aim,or fix that.

Оффлайн Rex

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #547 : 30.03.2016 01:09:27 »
great update thanks !!  ;D

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #548 : 30.03.2016 01:20:24 »
mod updated:
added prediction point manual horizontal offset.
"prediction point forward hotkey" - move prediction point forward from ship center
"prediction point backward hotkey" - move prediction point backward from ship center
these parameters control "prediction point horizontal offset type" parameter value:
   "in percents of enemy ship length" from -200% to +200%
   "in meters" - from -30 meters to +30 meters

added parameter
"show mini-markers on enemy ships" - takes a three choses:
   "not shown"
   "show distance" - show distance to shot range to enemy
   "show speed" - show enemy speed
if you press ALT key in battle - second choise appeared on marker or minimarker.
if you show distance on marker by default - ALT mode shows speed and so on

Now warpack button in Dock Shown/Hided by (F12). but warpack game interface in battle not hided yet :)

New indicators.

1 - show vertical prediction point (PP) offset (for automatic and manual modes - is the point number on ship hull. total 11 points)
2 - shows manual additional PP offset
3 - automatic or manual PP vertical point on ships hull
4 - shell falling angle. if it greater than 20 degrees - you may try to up PP vertical offet to maximum

for ship indicator (3,4) shown - chose automatic or manual mode from:
"prediction point height offset type":
   "old prediction point height offset type" - old vertical PP offset mode.
   "automatic PP height offset type" - automatic regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull. you can change its value by hotkeys (up and down by default) till next target lock
   "manual PP height offset type" - you can regulate vertical PP offset on enemy hull by hotkeys (up and down by default).

Оффлайн hironohiro

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #549 : 30.03.2016 02:39:35 »
Thanks for the update.
The height makes more sense now. One question: does the automatic height mode only consider the distance of the target? Or it also consider the bullet travel speed of the specific ship I am using? Because each ship has different bullet speed, thus different incident angle.

Another issue, about the "combined prediction" (not linear), the prediction point is always too long (too much lead), and there is no way to adjust it. The new manual horizontal offset feature can only adjust the "Linear prediction point".


Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #550 : 30.03.2016 06:58:18 »
automatic mode not use bullet speed. why use it? horizontal offset worked only with linear prediction or in combined prediction in linear mode

Оффлайн kurano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #551 : 30.03.2016 07:31:06 »
Why did you charge more for english client? Why don't you keep it the same like WoT?

Not all people who doesn't understand russian come from a wealthy country call US.

Оффлайн kurano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #552 : 30.03.2016 07:37:09 »
Also I don't have paypal for the english client, do you offer the payeer multi-payment options for english client?

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #553 : 30.03.2016 09:03:54 »
Also I don't have paypal for the english client, do you offer the payeer multi-payment options for english client?
payeer still not respond for this querstion

Оффлайн kurano

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #554 : 30.03.2016 13:15:56 »
I always use payeer to pay for warpacks (both WoT and WoWs before today's changes), it doesn't make sense now that I cannot pay for WoWs while I can still pay for WoT using payeer????

I bought a russian client key (to renew my key) using payeer but it won't work with the EU client.