- Enemy "Laser lines" are deleted? because it's not effective in battle.
- Warpack loading status in the top left corner in harbor.

- Aiming and prediction type panel.
This panel shows current state of mod. It's shows a prediction type, locked target ship and autoshot feature.
Linear prediction icon shows like this.

Linear prediction is more usable to shot on ships that moving without rotation.
Combined prediction icon shows like this.

Combined prediction is more usable to shot on ships that moving with rotation. But combined prediction switched to linear prediction if enemy ship moved without rotation and combined prediction point(in this version) may "jump" in some cases.
To switch prediction type in battle you must press "O" key on keaboard (by default, but it's can be changed in settings.xml in warpack folder. to change this key code - change
value attribute of
prediction_toggle_hotkey parameter)
Autoshot feature shown on this icon.

To toggle autoshot in battle - use "P" key on keyboard (by default, but it's can be changed in settings.xml in warpack folder. to change this key code - change
value attribute of
auto_shot_toggle_hotkey parameter)
If this panel not shown after countdown ends - mod are disabled and you must play battle manualy.
Locked target you can see on same panel.

To lock target and unlock it - use right mouse button (by default, but it's can be changed in settings.xml in warpack folder. to change this key code - change
value attribute of
fix_target_hotkey parameter).
Now target selection process work on this algorithm: Selected nearest target to center of screen (or to mouse cursor - if you hold Ctrl key on keyboard).
Targets on your ship shot distance are marked as blue circle. Targets far this distance marked as red circle. On image below - this marker defined as
2You can lock this two types of targets (near and far targets).

Prediction point marker shown as
1 and can be two types:
- Red - if you can shoot the target.
- Green - if you can't. (then target is far away or behind a island).

Green or red line started on your ship gun and ended on target - duplicate prediction marker state. It's more visible than prediction marker in arcade game mode. To hide this line in arcade and sniper game mode - change settings.xml parameter
show_gun_direction_line_in_arcade_mode in
value attribute to
For more visible enemy torpedoes - it's added yellow torpedoes direction lines.
To change torpedoes line length you can change
torpedo_lines_length parameter in settings.xml file (
value attribute). Gray line started from your ship shows your ship direction and can signal about nearest torpedoes

If you play on fast ships you can use a "rainbow" feature. "rainbow" - it's a enemy tracers ends. It's colored by green->blue->yellow->red. Green colour indicate far tracer position from your ship. red colour - nearest tracer (shell) position. This "rainbow" lines may help you to move ship from it.

If you want to disable this feature - change
show_rainbow parameter value in settings.xml to
"Artillery mode" (free camera) not changed from previews version. It's activated by middle mouse button (by default, but it's can be changed in settings.xml in warpack folder. to change this key code - change
value attribute of
artillery_mode_hotkey parameter). To use this feature - reassign this hotkey (middle mouse button) in game settings.

Image definitions:
1 - your ship direction marker
2 - your ship gun direction marker
3 - your ship gun direction aim point marker
4 - locked target
5 - prediction point
6 - enemy ship last trajectory
7 - enemy ship direction
8 - torpedoes trajectory
To change zoom range in "Artillery mode" you must change following parameters in settings.xml (
min_art_mode_height and