Автор Тема: (World of Warships) WarPack  (Прочитано 403640 раз)

Оффлайн uncertain3931

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(World of Warships) WarPack
« : 26.11.2015 23:14:08 »
Note to moderator.

Added support for the Steam version of the game

squadron commander
(click to show/hide)
current changes
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Interface mod in action :

1. Lead point height
2. Type of auto-shot (in turn\of all guns)
3. Type lead straight\combo
4. Auto-shot on indicator
5. The indicator of the offset point lead horizontally
6. Indicator of the height of the lead point on the captured ship and the angle of incidence of shells into the water

« Последнее редактирование: 27.04.2021 17:50:41 от svolota »

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1665 : 02.07.2018 23:15:36 »
just use UP and DOWN keys to correct aiming point (you will see it on warpack ship indicator in game)

Оффлайн kiwikev77

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1666 : 11.07.2018 01:50:40 »
just got an email from wargaming and my account has been suspended.
Dear player!

We have detected that prohibited World of Warships client modifications have been used on this account. Please refrain from using any forbidden modifications in the future. Repeat violations will first lead to a temporary suspension of a violating player's account, and, subsequently, to a permanent ban should a violation be detected again.

To make sure that your game client is "clean", uninstall the game and delete the folder it was installed in (by default, C:\Games\World_of_Warships) to prevent any of the forbidden modification files from corrupting the new installation. After that, reinstall the game. We encourage players to use only the pre-approved modifications available on the World of Warships official forum.

The effective World of Warships modifications policy is available at https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/19434/.

Оффлайн knfc001

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1667 : 12.07.2018 05:10:08 »
What we should set for the Graphics API? D11 or D9?

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1668 : 12.07.2018 10:08:31 »
not matter

Оффлайн The_Beast

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1669 : 12.07.2018 17:44:41 »
Got this message yesterday about they found i use warpack  that mean he detected for momment i guess you guys will work on i for not make it detected  on world of warship

We have detected that prohibited World of Warships client modifications have been used on this account. Please refrain from using any forbidden modifications in the future. Repeat violations will first lead to a temporary suspension of a violating player's account, and, subsequently, to a permanent ban should a violation be detected again.

To make sure that your game client is "clean", uninstall the game and delete the folder it was installed in (by default, C:\Games\World_of_Warships) to prevent any of the forbidden modification files from corrupting the new installation. After that, reinstall the game. We encourage players to use only the pre-approved modifications available on the World of Warships official forum.

The effective World of Warships modifications policy is available at https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/19434/.

Оффлайн Arrow

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1670 : 13.07.2018 02:09:01 »
Just received the same tonight, looks like they are watching so be careful as it must be warpack they are on about as I am only using mods from the official wargaming mod installer.

Оффлайн Ultimo

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1671 : 14.07.2018 17:44:07 »
since we can not use warpak can you block it? Did I pay you unnecessarily? >:( >:( >:( >:(

Оффлайн smokescreen

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1672 : 14.07.2018 17:46:11 »
since we can not use warpak can you block it? Did I pay you unnecessarily? >:( >:( >:( >:(
i can see days left on your key (if you send me a personal message with your key) and  i will add this days after you need to resume

Оффлайн BarbaDos

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1673 : 15.07.2018 03:31:13 »
I also got detected and also just bought 30 days key. Is this mode safe to use any more since we are getting banned left and right?

Оффлайн subzeroh

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1674 : 15.07.2018 08:37:35 »
I also got detected and also just bought 30 days key. Is this mode safe to use any more since we are getting banned left and right?

Lots of people using modifications like "Warpack" got warned and or banned in the last days. When you look at the forum and or reddit then you will see that is not safe at the moment to use it.

Оффлайн Blackwiddow

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1675 : 15.07.2018 12:59:43 »

Hi for the first time

I got 2 question:

1. Is it possible to set the acc in the .xml fike higher or lower than 50%?
If yes what would happend if you set it to 90% i.e.

2. After a lot of people got warnings from WG
I used checktool of wg to spy out my engine.
Is it maybe usefull for you If I send both reports to you? (1 report whit wp and aslain and 1 report only with wp in my engine)

Оффлайн BarbaDos

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1676 : 15.07.2018 15:28:55 »
Did WG actually made it did they succeeded in killing WP because I dought people will reinvest since they get warning from WG?

Оффлайн Ultimo

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1677 : 15.07.2018 21:53:28 »
if you were a serious person you should repay everyone you said it was impossible to find out, I gave you the key and you have not blocked my WP account, always good like that

Оффлайн baskentlee

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1678 : 15.07.2018 22:40:55 »
Year 2017 4k match account first warning after unlimited ban now acc 2k match first warning ban is coming :)

Оффлайн Blackwiddow

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Re: (World of Warships) WarPack
« Ответ #1679 : 16.07.2018 03:34:25 »
Guys which servers do you play?

All US or do we also have EU and RU?